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Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP I DATE TO: iC ROOM NO, BUILDING REMARKS: DIA review completed. FROM: ROOM NO. B SGli (47) FORM NO. 241 wUICHCMAYOBE USED. Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 SECRET DCI/ICS 83-8015 16 September 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FROM: Planning and Policy Staff/ICS SUBJECT: Notes from the Technology Steering Panel MeAtilm with RADM John Butts, DNI/USN, on 1 Sept 8 2 0 SEP 1983 LOGGED 1. The Technology Steering Planel (TSP) met with Rear Admiral John Butts on 1 September 1983. The purpose of the meeting was to solicit his views on future issues that the Intelligence Community will face (1985-1 im and the Navy's plans for dealing with these issues. 2. Admiral Butts opened the meeting with a brief review o an investment strategy recently completed by the office of the DNI. Copies of the study have been requested and will be available for any panel member who desires to review. The Admiral stated that a formal review process has been established to au a the progress of implementation and provide any necessary redirection. 3. Rear Admiral Butts then presented three areas that he believed will pose serious and continuing problems for the Intelligence Community. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON. O.C. 20301 ATTACHMENT 1 General Defense Intelligence Program S-056/83 22 April 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: Joint National Intelligence Dissemination System (JNIDS) (U) (5)"The Joint National Intelligence Dissemination System (JNIDS) is the GDIP initiative to develo new analytical and collection management tec piques and technologies to handle the intelligence data flood ex ected in the mid-1980's I am providing this report because of the mportance I attach to its success. (5) These are the major elements of the JNIDS analytical R&D effort: -- Build an intelligence information management system based on approved ADP programs, such as SAFE, IAIPS, and SOLARS/IDHS-80. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 -- Determine the analytical and collection management potential of emerging technologies, such as very large-scale integration, very high- speed integrated circuits, optical readers, and artificial intelligence. -- Develop a joint test bed to evaluate technology applicable to processing, tasking initiation, cuing, cross-cuing, and interaction between the processing system and data bases. -- Focus initially on SLBM and SS-20 adaptive targeting. Use real-world events to determine data level and flow and apply the lessons learned to JNIDS development. For example, CINCLANT's planned I&W demonstration against Soviet navy activity in June will be extremely valuable if the Soviets include a strategic SSBN exercise. -- When the groundwork has been done, probably in FY 86-87, determine the features of the system and begin acquisition. (U) DIA, the Military Services, SAC, and NAVINTCOM are collaborating on JNIDS under the Director of Naval Intelligence, who is my executive agent for the program. SA-is-an o server. Nine corporations, including Westinghouse, and Lockheed, are participating with focused internal company R&D that will lead to specific intelligence processing applications. Academe is represented by Stanford, the Carnegie Mellon Institute, and Yale. CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DG DECLASSIFY ON: OADR SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 (U) Here is our current status: office out of We have established a cadre program development program memorandum of agreement is being expanded and Thep 9 refined. ram and We have started concept development and across-prog technical survey. developed. The initial project management plan is being (S) For the near-term, we will concentrate on: Establishing the formal program development office in FY 84. -- Feasibility studies, starting in FY 84. Applications for the Soviet 1983 Spring SSBN strategic exercise. plan. A base-line concept of operation and development A SSBN data base and data base management system to s. pPort the focused analysis effort. comfortable with the direction and progress that we have made. (U) I am com yield positive and significant results. I am convinced that ,Nlbeeniclosely associated with it from the start, i lved in the o h hide. who as and is fully nv part c pates wikhftorwa detoiyour group continued support. l oo program. I cc: D/ICS AS ACSI, DNI, USN ACSI, USAF JAMES A. WILLIAMS Lieutenant General, USA Program Manager SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 12 April 1983 NOTE FOR: Distribution FROM: , D/PPS The attached is distributed for your information per D/ICS. Attachment 1-C/CIPC 1-C/COMIREX 1-C/SIGINT 1-C/HUMINT 1-C/FIPC 1-D/PBS 1-C/IHC 1-C/SECOM 1-C/CCIS 1-C/SS 1-C/FLTC 1-C/LL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 JIDSTIJWL I C3~ SRN \ ~i r .vv P IDI S COR _ _ o IOC / , r-A -j i .1 i i? i ?ri it t~' n=`id '~' }Iti ~f~'i~rzta~S^?~'~a~ll r `i r~+~^-r. r ? ~ A r ~~ r r r . deft o " N= - r (TEST r VJ y~~~~y~ RED (ITERATIVE ~ L1 D CE,y)-- :ACTIVITY) r \ ~ r r "BIRDS" (3 YEAR _..... _ PROCESSING LEAD TIME REQD) SAC-I'JIC ADAPTIVE TARGETING "IOC" ARMY ADAPTIVE TARGETING (PERSHIFNG) 4~0 - *A~ - 4:1 "' "LOAD" REQMTS OBJECTIVES Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 JNIDS %Amw)-W 11 APRIL 1983 STATUS REPORT/DECISION BRIEF Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 FY'83 ACTIVITIES PRELIMINARY CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY JNIDS STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT TECHNOLOGY SURVEY (ONR - BETAC) PRELIMINARY PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN RENEGOTIATING MOA 6 + 3 N I CRADS BASE-LINE SYSTEM CONCEPT - SSBN DATA BASE (NOSC - PRC/CTEC) -- DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NOSC) - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (DAPRA - AI&DS) (ONR - COGNITIVE) \ 1' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 J IL 9 IVID! 1983 NICRADS BETAC - JNIDS REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS - JNIDS PROCESSING SYSTEM ANALYSIS PRC - NIC - SAC COMMS INTERCONNECTIVITY IAIPS DATA BASE INTERFACE IDHS 80/ WESTINGHOUSE - VHSIC AND Al TECHNOLOGIES` APPLICATION VHS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 1983 NICRADS (CONT'D) LOCKHEED! MSD - JNIDS ARCHITECTURE - SSBN/SS-20 ANALYSIS - SSBN DISPERSAL SCENARIO TRIM CTEC RECOMMENDED TECHNOLOGY STATE-OF-THE-ART COLLECTION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES SS-20/SSBN DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM ? ? - -- ~'~' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 JNIDS ADDITIONAL NICRADS (FY83 ? 84) LOGICON - INFORMATION PROCESSING ARCHITECTURE - DATA BASE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS GTE-SYLVANIA - DATA BASE ARCHITECTURE - DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - LANGUAGE. - DATA BASE ARCHITECTURE - PROCESSING APPLICATIONS COGNITIVE - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - DISCOVERY SYSTEMS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 0 v O 0 O Z Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 914lILngfS FY '83 SPENDING PLAN (CONT'D) SSBN* 1&W DEMONSTRATION - MAY -JUNE 1983 CINCLANTFLT NFOIO CINCPACFLT DIA USAF CONTRACT - SCOPE DATA VOLUMES -MAP DATA FLOW - DEVELOP "LESSONS - LEARNED" IN PROCESSING do CONTRACTOR DECISION mmm4ww' LOCKHEED MSD No-moo - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 s...~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 FY '83 SPENDING PLAN (CONT'D) BASE-LIRJE SYSYEM DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SSBN DATA .BASE r- INTERFACE *APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE *DARPA CONTRACT INTERCONNECT DATA BASE MANAGEMENT. SYSTEM INTERFACE SSBN DATA BASE APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE GO DECISION -~-- NO-GO Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 wvvwvvvvv~ i-~ V aI IIULCU vvNY ^NNI JV .1 I WI i~cicaac wv'Ji i~i~~ \J1F'. iwi v.nvivv I.Jul S LINKAGE OF NICRADS FEASIBILITY STUDIES LOGICON LOCKHEED GTE-SYLVANIA WESTINGHOUSE CTEC GTE-SYLVANIA LOCKHEED WESTINGHOUSE GTE-SYLVANIA COGNITIVE SYSTEMS DATA BASE MANAGEMENT DATA BASE ARCHITECTURE INTERFACE-I NTERCO N N ECTIV ITY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 J Z Wc W J _a -o z 0 N 2-u W~ u loom J ~H N~ a Z I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85MOO158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 tnI-C i(n =W" IN'"'V'P Icn .o ",-> u. > U. > u. m10u`O01oulo C41 .1 C41 MV 1N Z va u. LL. Ou IIV N to tr! Z ceZ ~> 00 100 V) N CO) 11 ~z11fvn WQI~q 71W I7 U.> I i> ?_? OV Or-; Ou 4.1VC41NN1 NN V U. 0 N W u 0 N N Cl N No >. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 I I I Q W Ci 'Q OZ 0. a FE W I I I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 ' BRIEFINGS (POST m DEC Y83) ACSI ARMY DASN C31 NSA REP DEP D/DIR NSA SENATE SCI S HOUSE SCI S NSA, CHIEF R NSA, SPEC AS PRC TITAN LOGICON RCA E SYSTEMS (MGEN ODOM) (MR KITSON) (MR-RICH) (MR HALL). (MS SMILEY) NSA, CHIEF AIR STAFF REPS ARMY ACSI STAFF REPS ONR (MR DENIKOFF) ,RADC (COMMANDER & STAFF) SAC (IN) STAFF 544TH STRAT INTEL WING NOSC REPS GTE-SYLVANIA WESTINGHOUSE TRW LOCKHEED NORTHROP STAT STAT STAT t' ^ . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: ICS Registry ROOM NO. I BUILDING 1 FFES ORM 5S. 241 REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) WHICH MAY BE USED. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 DATE 20 September 1983 ICS/PPS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Iq Next 19 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 SECRET 25X1 25X1 DCI/ICS 834014 20 September 1983 SUBJECT: Notes from the Technology Steering Panel Meeting with LTG James A. Williams, Director, DIA, on 4 August 1983 The Technology Steering Panel (TSP) met with LTG James A. Williams, on 4 August 1983. The purpose of the meeting was to solicit LTG Williams's views on future issues that the Intelligence Community will face (1985-1995 time period), and the DIA's plans for dealing with these issues. The attachment presents key points presented by LTG Williams d Attachment: a/s uring the meeting. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 OLL4i,t 1 12 Sep 83 PRESENTATION TO THE TECHNOLOGY STEERING PANEL (TSP) 4 August 1983 LTG WILLIAMS HAS SEEN 13 SEP 1983 1. _(S) Dr. Waespy, Chairman TSP,'led off the introduction, stati he purpose of the meeting, the composition of the Panel and specifics y referring to the technological needs of HUMINT in the future, the problem of bulk data processing and the uncertainty of what is required for waging nuclear war in the future. 2. (U) LTG James A. Williams, Director DIA, discussed the following issues with the Technology Steering Panel (TSP): a. (S) The Director said that his primary concern is intelligence support to Unified and Specified Commanders,corps, wings and fleet commanders. b. (S) He pointed out that communications systems for support of intelli- gence operations are extremely poor to the point that we cannot move current data now, with current technologies, with any assurance of desired timeliness. c. (S) Imagery support to commanders is difficult. While TACIES is needed by both the Army and Marines, there is no available technology to substitute for photo interpreters actually doing the read out. Magazine quality imagery, ELINT from ITEP and tactical COMINT are needed out to 300 km from FLOT on what can affect the commander within 96 hours. d. (U) in addition, he made the following points: (1) (S) Data bases are not sustainable in terms of people available. (2) (C) While prioritization is necessary, this very action will dampen third world collection and affect CENTCOM adversely. (3) (S) The DIA INCA effort demonstrated that DCA is not being taken into account with regard to communications support for intelligence; communi- cations authorities are not being asked by intelligence authorities to provide the necessary support. The Director cited the fact that there are 19 Signal Battalion in Europe now and that we must move information without further involving masses of people. (4) (S) In the area of treaty verification, he said he is uncertain as to the Soviet intent in their arms strategy; are they planning for ABMs that can-be installed quickly; why are their phased arrays pointed towards Africa? He also referred to CREEK FLUSH operations, stating that the NFIP needs 2/3 of these for contingencies in support of commanders. (5) (S) He mentioned the lack of support for the TR-1 sayjng that 35 is the stated need, the AF says 19 is the obtainable number, whil_ the real requirement isnot known. (6) (S) He questioned the value of PARAPSYCHOLOGY, asking whether or not the Soviets could read the contents of safes, yet noting that while the Soviets devote a large amount of assets, the NFIP treats it like a. stepchild. He said that AF is expected to exert some help in this area. Classified by hP ' 1 HANDLE vrx COI T CONTROL *YSTEM ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9 'SEC};ET (7) (S) Drones should be investigated as worthwhile platforms in support of collection operations. (8) (S) ADP needs to lean forward and keep an edge on technology rather than reacting to circumstances and events. (9) (S) Counter intelligence support needs to be brought JDbear on technology transfer of high tech data to the Soviet Union. Any substantial curtailment would cut 5 years off their program while 50% curtailment would seriously hurt them. The area needs political attention. (10) (S) All weather, day night imagery is required. (11) (S) The Army needs systems to assist in obtaining targets more than 72 km from the FLOT, the present limit. (12) (C) HUMINT, because it can answer questions that technology cannot, requires rebuilding. (13) (S) Support to the NCA in a nuclear war should be couched in terms of "did we win or lose", status of resources and condition of the rest of the world at the time. (14) (S/CCO) He stated that NSA is having difficulty collecting data because of new communications technologies and because the base of interceptable traffic is being reduced. The Director said that more division and lower level COMINT collection and analysis is required as the detail in the analyses at these levels is very valuable in terms of determing warfighting doctrine of our potential enemies. (15) (S) On the question as to how technology should be handled between the Services and CIA, the Director said it is extremely difficult, but can be done. He then referred to FIST, TACIES, LOCE and other such projects as areas of technological coordination between the Services that are working. He said the influence of the DCI is low in this area. He mentioned his high regard for the D-WIP. He said that R&D must support HUMINT and that search of overt data, use of libraries and close touch with industries is useful in improving R&D for HUMINT. 2. (U) The following members of the TSP and DIA were in attendance: NAME LTG J.A. Williams William Schmitt Fred Cirillo Bruce T. Murland S.A. Newton, Jr. Jim Lynch ORGANIZATION DIA/DR DIA/DT ICS DIA/DT WSSIC DIA/DI TTIC CIA/TTAC STIC C/JAEIC C/FIC DIA/DP-1 DIA/DP-1 2 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/29: CIA-RDP85M00158R000900060091-9