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Publication Date:
December 30, 1982
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Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85BOl 152R000901230014-0 fa -,30 73
C, 0 i,
`1 'X%- ,D N' FOR: Director of Ceiltral Intelligence
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Executive Director
Harry E. FitzT,rater
Deputy Director for Administration
SUBJECT: Directorate of Administration Focus in 1983).
In response to your directions, this paper identifies those probl e:rt
areas (liabilities) in which- the Directorate of Administration is vulnerable
iii meting its responsibilities or has a shortfall of resources to be
responsive to requirements from the other Directorates.. It also sets forth
those iTL tiatives we plan[ to take to be more resporszti-e and to increase
our productilrity and effectiveness.
A. Vulnerabilities and/or shortfalls:
1. The ADP. "explosion" z'rill continue to cause sizable e--,mansion and
reliance on the Agency's information handling syste.Tts. Coupled with this is
the Reed. to enhance and/or modernize our administrative syste__ s and achieve
interonerability wherever practical. 11.e foresee a shortfall of resources,
bn h personnel anc-_ dollars, to meet these deP nd,. Further, as inEco-n atiorn
syst e s e_ paan , the associated security problems increase with the potential
for the opposition to access or technically pe i?tra to o r Sy S teii s _
III-E, foresee difficulty in adequately nrovriding facilities, training,
r' logistical and administrative support to a rapidly expand ng and more
are zee Agency over the Welt three to five years. We a e a t ris in be to
;7 ble to suitably house and train our people without additional facilities.
L,=ol went in our responsiveness is dependent upon:
(a) our ability to -recruit necessar-~and qualified. per. so nel,
(t7) !-.proving our ad:Tii is trat? ve ? nfo - ation s} s t:;:'.'s , and.
(c) investment and capital in.-es, en-r- in our coy:::: `nicatiors and
logistical system. .
i.. Oncoinc and proposed initiatives to m ? `1ST shortfalls an.. 1tt}:'oar
elrecti" tress:
1. Establish an Early Capability for SAFE and ensure than full systc,-,i
G.'elo and operation is obtained by ',S-85 or 1.956.
Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230014-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230014-0
2. Develop a new Logistics Integrated `.1anagement System (LL`?MS) a,,?d an
automated Payroll System (ASIS).
3. Enhance existing ADP systea and increase their i nteroperabilit;-
with each other and new
i ac in_i st native svs tens .
our information handling systems.
4. Establish a comprehensive and reliable co:mouter and information handling security program. This Will include an enhanced personnel security
awareness progrn-ni, better physical security, del-elopr!ent. of appropriate
h _rd:rare and technical -means to eliminate Laaiauthorized access, and development
of suitable software and audit techniques to identify attempted penetration of.
5. Pursue a program to design and construct a new building at Headquarters
and acquire, as necessary, leased space until the nee: building is coy., ieted._
6. Continue initiatives to improve the working e_n_viron.^er?t and personnel
morale by
(a) the Agency ta'.ing responsibility from GSA fog: operation and
raintenance of buildings,
(b) placing the operation of the cafeteria up for bid,
(c) colocating branches of conconents that are currently scattered
throughout the Heacquar ters building, and
(d) working with managers to obtain better utilization of space
through office lax?: scaping and .better office organization..
7. Acco_nrlish the necessary planning and program ng for resources to
upgrade Agency facilities and. ut? ? lty s j s ei; to ensure suitable Space fC?r
opera Lion and training and an appropriate environment for sensitive equi p m ent
such as cmputers and co- nunications.
8. Continue with the ongoing initiative for recapitalization of our
communications and logistical material handling systems.
9. Augment our training capabilities in the areas of cn al;: tical,
operational, paramilitary, mmanagement, arid. language training
10.' Pursue a program of awareness 1-ii th all our Directorate of Adi in s t ra
managers on the desirability and need to be respo sive, Cost-effectil'e, and
efficient in our support to other elements of th Agency..
11. Pursue a program for better security awareness by Agen perso Lnel_
T .'his program trust be directed toward imp- o."ed discipline which in turn iz roves
12. Develop, coordinated disaster and emergency planning to sua 00rt the
' ency's operations during Cr1S1S S1tL'_ tiC^S.
_;Da; ?_i'" X10 !a1d: cn (29 Dec 82
O.LsLr i '_ ?OrI
L T,iI
017'L- i:1 , -- Addressee Fitzwater
1 - DDCI
1 - ER
1 - DDA Subj ect
1 Approved For Release 2008/06/13: CIA-RDP85B01152R000901230014-0