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Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0 ~ U~1~~=1~E~TIAL ~ ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Polygraph School - Acquisition of Additional Space EXTENSION or o ecurity 4E-60 Headquarters TO: (OfFicer designation, room number, and building) DDA 7D-24 Headquarters 2 0 J~1N 1983 OFFICER'S INITIALS D/Security 4E-60 Headquarters FORM 61 O USE PREVIOUS I-79 EDITIONS NO. --~-su~ ~~a~ ~.~ 1s"GS"?p3 17 JUN 1983 25X1 COMMENTS (Number each comment fo show from whom to whom. Drow a line across column after each comment.) Here is the authority to acquire the additional space for the Office of Security Polygraph School. RECD is proceeding with the acquisition and will need a Form 1716 from OS/B$F authorizing the expenditure of funds for FY-83 and FY-84. Regraded Unclassified When Separated From Classified Attachment Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/05 :CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET erector o Security 4E-60, Headquarters TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) FORM I-79 OFFICER'S INITIALS ~DD/A Registry 17 JC1N 1983 COMMEN75 (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Regraded Unclassified When Separated From Classified Attachment ~~~~~~fL~~ ~ ~~ Approved For Release 2008/06/05 :CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0 '~ ~u~u r i u~~u i ix~ MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics VIA: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: erector o ecurity SUBJECT: Polygraph School - Acquisition of Additional Space 1. The Office of Security Polygraph School currently occupies 850 (net) s uare feet of s ace in a ommercial office building located at Arlington, Virginia. The conf on o e Curren space is as follows: one classroom, one small practice interview room, two small faculty offices, a storage room and a reception area. We have fond that this space is ideally suited for no more than four students. 2. We are now anticipating a requirement to accommodate eight students in the near future. According to building owner, 1,150 (net) square feet o space, contiguous to our space, is currently vacant and available. He Ilas indicated a willingness to subdivide this in a manner which would give us approximately 600 additional square feet. This would allow for a larger classroom, two additional practice interview rooms, a needed hallway between the practice rooms and a slightly larger reception area. Of course the ultimate configuration of the space would be left to the Architectural Design Staff, Office of Logistics. Costs for any reconfiguration of this space must be borne by the Agency. 3. is actively seeking to lease the vacant space. Thus, your approval to proceed promptly with the acquisition of additional space will be greatly appreciated. ALL PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL ''~~NTIAL 25X1' 25X1 ~~x~i Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0 Approved For Release 2008/06/05 :CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0 CU1~EC~E~l~'IAL~ SUBJECT: Polygraph School - Acquisition of Additional Space * CONCUR: 2 0 JUN 15;3 eputy hector irec or o ogistics Distribution: Orin - Return to D/Security - DDA - D/Logistics ~ ~ ~~ . ,r~ G ~-r1/ ~Glll-rr~ v -GJ e -~- C~ ~ 3 , ~,'~.~,., 2e...~~-~-c. ** The DDA's limitations set forth above (*) have been superseded by the attached memorandum from Senators Goldwater and Moynihan dated 8 August 1983 (ER 83-4032). 'i'L. ~ .. .......... ....~L..~_ _ _ _ ~i ..r . _ _ additional 610 square feet immediately in order to train v in the use of the polygraph. The D/L authorizes and the DD concurs in t e continued lease of this 610 square feet after FY 1983 for the purpose of expansion of the OS Polygraph School. RECD is authorized to combine the existing lease at this location (850 square feet) with the additional 610 square feet leased in August 1983, resulting in a ~`~~nbined new lease terminating 30 September 1985. Approved For Release 2008/06/05 :CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870017-0