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r Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700870010-7
SUBJECT: (Optional)
Impact of Space on Automation in the DO
2D11 HQS
13 July 1983
TO: (Officer designation, room number, and
COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom
to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.)
7E22 HQS
~' 5 .!
I. 1982
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Approved For Release 2008/06/05: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700870010-7
IM/RTF 83/14
13 July 1983
MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Support Assistant/DDA
ie , MS Researc Task Force
SUBJECT: Impact of Space on Automation in the DO
REFERENCE: Discussion of space availability at DDO staff
meeting of 6 July 1983
SUMMARY: Without radical efforts and the investment of
money and energy into solving the space problem, the DO will
not be able to accomplish its current job.
Worse still, the advantages and benefits
expected through automation during the next five to ten years
in the Headquarters building will be lost. The IMS Task Force,
directed as we are to examine the impact of automation on the
operations and personnel of the DO during these next years,
views this prospect with great concern.
Before 1987 at the earliest (maybe longer if
there is slippage in plans for the new building) there will be
no relief for the DO in the Headquarters building., In fact,
the already scheduled increases in needed personnel to meet new
operationa' requirements will make the currently available
space even tighter.
In order to make additional space of any size
available in the greater Headquarters area available for any
component (DO or other), more space will have to be rented.
The readiness to rent space indicates the scope of the problem
and a willingness to pay for it at some price.
Space can be identified in the Headquarters
building, and bought for a certain price, to relieve the
pressure on the DO and all components. Some of the money might
be spent more usefully for more permanent payoffs if directed
at better utilization of this existing space.
Multiple efforts should be begun immediately to
use better the space in the Headquarters building. These
efforts should be directed simultaneously toward:
Eliminating inner corridors
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CO F1DE g j
Vaulting large amounts of space
Eliminating wasted space
Applying advanced concepts of office space
landscaping to the problem.
Using advanced techniques of desk and work area
design to save space while making the area more functional.
1. The situation:
a. For very sound reasons, the decision has been made
to retain all the current DO-offices in the Headquarters
b. Before 1987, at the earliest, there will be no
prospect of relief of any magnitude in the space requirements.
Moves of suitable smaller offices from other components have
already been scheduled. The date of 1987 is a target date for
occupancy, which may of course slip due to a number of factors
beyond the control of the Agency.
d. Certain projects connected with the automation
(ALLSTAR) upgrade project of the DO will require by 1987
expansion of 3000 square feet beyond the space devoted to
existing facilities, such as the Special Center. There are
currently over 600 word processing terminals and approximately
300 data processing terminals plus related printers in place or
on order. The space required for the intended continuing
installation of word processing and data processing terminals
and related hardware support in the DO Divisions/Staffs during
the same period is beyond the central system requirements.
e. To make additional space available for components
which must remain in Headquarters, current thinking calls for
moving other components into rental space outside Headquarters
building. This line of planning indicates both the scope of.
the problem and a willingness to pay a certain price to solve
i t'.
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2. Exploitation of space in Headquarters building -
Before considering the prospect of moving further components
outside of the Headquarters building, there seem to be a number
of possible solutions (or partial solutions) for this building.
The suggestions here are necessarily Agency-wide (because of
the basic principle decision to keep the Db in this building),
but most of them are with specific reference to the DO.
a. The basement floor - Large areas of the basement
floor are still unused. Certain portions of the space there
may well be adaptable for human occupancy. Larger portions are
suitable for storage which does not require frequent
accessing. Some portions of the area may in fact be better
suited for some usages than the currently used areas. For
example, computer centers can often be better protected against
emanations in a basement area; this would apply to existing
facilities such as the 4-C center in the 1A corridor and the
ground-floor installations of the DO Special Center, the
Ruffing Center, and the SAFE center. Future installations,
which have caused some difficulty to locate, may also be
suitably placed in such areas which can be more easily
shielded; for example, the space for the wide-band bus
interface units which have significant emanations problems
connected with the encryption equipment, may be well placed in
such locations. This list is not exhaustive. (Note that
existing specific-use facilities such as the executive garage,
the gym, and so on, which are the targets of wags, are not
b. Inner corridors - Only limited use is being made
of the existing inner corridors in DO areas. This space is not
large, in terms of total space. But it is a hindrance to
broader-range layouts discussed below. Basically, all such
inner corridors should be absorbed. The argument that it
takes time to do the surveys, which the Task Force has heard
with regard to one Division under serious space constraints,
must be dealt with as a necessary cost to pay. The solutions
need to be imaginative to ensure that real improvements are
made while not creating new problems.
c. Vaults - One way the space freed up by the removal
of inner walls can be made more flexible and useful is by
vaulting. This has been discussed as having merits in itself
for creating secure areas, but these arguments have apparently
not carried the day. On top of them, however, there is now the
space argument. One relevant statistic: the recently
conducted survey of safes in the DO in Headquarters building
revealed a total of 2459 safes which occupy a little under
10,000 square feet. Not all can be replaced and shelving to
replace them would require some space also. But possibly
5000-plus square feet could be freed up for better.use.
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? VvilI JUL-IV IIf'
d. Office space landscaping - Once walls and safes
have been removed, the open space lends itself to much better
functional arrangement. Some of the area Division branches are
now literally disaster areas of pathways and rabbit warrens.
The floor space and vertical space can be made much more
functional- and probably a great deal more attractive -?
through the careful use of advanced design of office space.
The idea is not to spend money on fancy desks to beautify the
area (though that might happen), but to buy space.
e. Ergonomic design of work spaces - The science of..
ergonomics - the adaptation of technology and the human to each
other - is far advanced outside the Agency. Three
experiments are planned in IMS to bring some of the benefits
of this field of study into the building. Ideally, work space
can be saved and the work station can be made more functional
and the person at the desk can be benefited through less
strain. Since over 600 word processors are already installed
and more are on the way, within the next five years almost
every desk can be viewed as a workstation affected by
technology. Terminals can be lifted above desks by adjustable
arms so that the surface of the desk can be used in two ways;
keyboards can be separated from the terminal screen to permit
flexibility; and so on. As word processors become more
prevalent and users wish to add functions, certain upgrading
(from Wang WPS 25 to the Alliance system) may save overall
space. As access to central mainframes requires an increased
number of terminals and printers, early planning for
user-friendly, space-saving design becomes essential.
f. Wasted space - If we really get desperate, certain
pockets of wasted space can be utilized. One simple example:
snack bars in DO areas waste about two-thirds of the allocated
-space. Since these are located in concrete-walled areas, the
wasted space could possibly be vaulted without reducing the
space needed for the snack bar.
g. Under-utilized space - If we get still more
desperate, we could institute central administration of
conference rooms to permit central scheduling of space that
often sits idle for hours every week. An automated system (and
probably only something that sophisticated) could guarantee the
current "owner" primary rights to use.
3. These are suggestions that are offered primarily-as
points to consider. They have not been staffed out to weigh
potential disadvantages. They have not been costed out to
compare feasibility of alternatives. They may at least
stimulate further, better ideas.
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Addee - 0 & 1
DDO - 1
C/EPDS - 1
C/IMS - 1
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