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Son tber 22, 198?Approved For ReleaAL-11b' AL se 10`081/03/ RECORD P 5BO11 28000400530014-3 holds SENAT ,7 'a S 12757 r l s, resu ting in a decline in th S.1878 the torney General shall -notify the Gav. value of-the leased oronertv_ M. it a. , t L-. - _ In addition, the ambulatory bound- Representatives of the V Unitey LLstatesa of that the Proposal is rejected. If all concur,; ..' . LrY has created a situation that en- America in Congress assembled, That this that the proposed immobilization is in the eourages endless and expensive litiga- Act may be cited as the "Seabed Boundary best interests of the United States, the'At tion since, due to rapid changes in the Act." torney General shall notify the Governor . coastline, the determination of the TITLE I and Attorney General of the State that the boundary may be relitigated shortly BOUNDARY AGREEMzNTB Proposal is accepted and shall deposit in s "` pu `' 111 concurrence of the Secretary of State, the iisned m the .Federal Register the docu? provision would help to put an end to Secretary of the Interior, the -Secretary of ments received from the State and his cer- the submerged land lltI at.inn mh1nh LIficatP of &&-t- t. .et- us -11- neau - plete description of the boundary referred nas persisted over a 25-year span. Title of any Federal department or ag ency havin g II also provides a means for a State administrative responsibility or jurisdiction to if the other documents do not contain, such a description. Upon -such Publication_ and the Federal Government to agree over any areas of the seabed and aubsoil?tn , the bbou nd ary so shall become that a final decrees of the Supreme volved, is authorized to agree with similarly Immovable Court establishing a hn?nAar? a.. _ authorized officials of any :~tnt,. .. t., ti.. boundary for the purposes of de manent. specuic description of all or part of the ... "" ?""' vl we seaoea or suosou in which. the United States and the State. are ...., .. . boundary between the areas of the s---A W_____ hich States may waive any rights ac- the State subsoil are respectively entitleda on the cruing from changes in the coastline, date of agreement, to control the explora- Under present law, Federal approval is tion for and exploitation of the living and, required when a State seeks to proceed or non-living natural resources. Whenever with the construction of an artifical such an agreement has become binding on structure that will extend from the vested in e, e the officials negotiating ontbeha f natrua] coastline beyond the area of of the State or by virtue of subsequent rati- State jurisdiction- When this occurs, fication by the State in the manner pro- States usually waive their rights to vided by the law of the State, the Governor this land in order to secure Federal ap- and Attorney General of the State shall so proval for the construction. Title III certify and shall cause the agreement to be merely preserves this process and es- deposited, with their certificate in the Na- tablishes a procedure for handling tional Archives and to be published in the Federal Register. 'such i wa vers It is important t .o rec- S . Areement entered into under ognize that this provision will only be this Title shall determine the location of necessary until that time when the the boundary until modified by a subse? States and Federal Government agree quent agreement or the decree of a'court of, freeze the boundary in accordance competent jurisdiction. It is recognized that' with title II of this Act. changes in the coastline may .justify. chan res in the boundary. In such case Title N makes clear that boundaries eith e subsequent seek such changes - determined under this act shall not through a subsequ may agreement or judicial affect th l e ocation of the teitil rrora decree. However, such subsequent agree- sea of the United States of Its base- ment or decree shall have no retroactive line. effect. Mr. President, this legislation will TITT.EII facilitate : the Process of establishing nmmoBrrazATxox or BoUNnAnrffi seabed boundaries between Federal SEC. 201. Whenever the entire boundary and State subaqueous lands. Even between the areas of the seabed and subsoil more importantly, this bill would im- in which the United States and a state are element a means of rendering these respectively entitled to control the explora- boundaries tion for and exploitation of the natural re- permanent, thus eliminat- sources has .been specifically described by ing the confusion that derives from one or more final decrees and agreements, the ambulatory state of current . and if no legal proceeding is pending to boundaries. The newly fixed bound- revise the description of any part of such Aries will aid in the development of boundary, the United States or' the State the petroleum resources on the outer may propose to mobilize the.. entire continental shelf: Petroleum lessee boundary as so described. - SEC. 202. The proposal may be Initiated by companies will be able to move more t develo - p these energy sources than if they were required to wend their way through the litigious maze. . err ori Industry, but the Fedora] Government nish to the Attorney General of the United shall any such agreement be determinative: States a copy of the statute or other docu- -of state boundaries or any purpose except,, and States would also benefit from ment embodvina the state anti..., to oxploration fog ~,~~.,__ _ th ge er lug the air of uncertainty vxnaiicauon mat it Is In compli- urw resources of the ance with and effective under the constitu. eluding the regulation and seabed taand xation othere our national seabed boundari Lion and law of th ' I l s es e State of~ ook ... forward to the expeditious considera- SEC. 203. The Attorney General of the lion of this bill and urge my colleagues united states shall consult with-the SecreAtumself to Join me by lending their support. Lary of State. Secretary of the Interior, Soo- ~.+utl Yt~!'a 'xnsrE Y. t re ary of Commerce and the' Secretary or Ig`t~' ^`b 1b to:-z;me id title Mr. President, I would like 'to re- other head of any Federal department or United States Code, to revise 'the au Quest unanimous consent that the text agency having administrative responsibilit y of this bill be printed in the RECORD at or jurisdiction over any areas of the seabed thority to reimburse Federal employ the conclusion of my remarks. or subsoil involved as to whether the pro ees for certain moving expenses in- There being no .objection, the bill posed, Immobilization is in the best interest :-curred by such employees in cones eras ordered to be of the United States. if any Secretary, the ?tion with a transfer or reassignment in. printed in , the Attorney Genera] or other head of any Fed. the interest of the Government from RECORD, as follows: eral.department or agency beleives it is not, ;one official :duty station or agency to Approved For Release 2008/03/14: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000400530014-3 nonliving natural resources as provided in th e agreement and regulatid tti on anaxaon thereof; but such boundary shall 'have no other legal effect. _ a.__ ; , .Sac. 204. Whenever the'.extent ,~f-.:the merged Lands Act has been determined by.a". .h - _ _ final d__yl _ f U said decree and shall not be ambulatory in acquired by said state under the Submerged Lands Act, unless within two. years of the ly objects to thelmmobilization of such line ;: ,`:: An h b _ y suc o j tio national Archives and 'published in the Fed- eral Register.. . T rrLE33I'? ''; -y the living and/or nonliving ?. natural = re` would accrue to it as a result of -changes in signed by the .Attorney General, and the: : Secretary of the Interior -with the.concar-:- rence of .the Secretary or.head of any Feder- l d m a epart ent or agency having adininistra; tive cognizance or jurisdiction . over any. State, the Attorney General -shall, when:. ,.. cause it to be deposited in the National 'Ar chives and a copy be published in the Feder. al Register. initiated by the State it may be taken In any termine, or prejudice the location of the ter way authorized by the constitution and laws ritorial sea of the United States or the base- of the State, provided that the Governor line from which the breadth of the t ; .' it j Approved For Release 2008/03/14: CIA-RDP85B01152R000400530014-3 ? ? 812758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE September 22, 1989 another for permanent duty; to the There being no objection, the bill adding after section 5724a the following new Committee on Governmental Affairs. was ordered to be printed in the section: '.. AYI Representatives of they United States of "(a) Under such regulations as the Presi- e TRTBLlionI's) that and will I are correct several' i introducing legislanequities- America in Congress assembled, That (a) dent may prescribe and to the extent con- that presently exist when Federal em- section 5723(a)(1) of title 5, United States sidered necessary and appropriate, as pro- - is nma wlnR - - - ?~?v~aLcu arum one geo- (1) by inserting "(A)". after "travel ex- graphic area to another to meet the penses"; ' needs of their Federal agency. These. (2) by striking out "manpower shortage relocations are most often. directed by or" and inserting in lieu thereof "manpower th ' e agency-employer, shortage, (B) : and According to statistics furnished by (3) by inserting ", or (B) of any person ap- the Internal Revenue Service, Federal . advice and consent-o ent, ithe Senatand e, toiahpos employees who must move as an obli- tion the rate of pay for which Is equal to or gation of their Federal careers incur, higher than the minimum rate of pay pre- .on the average,. $8,000 -Worth of scribed for GS-16" after "Senior Executive moving expenses that are over and Service". above what their agency-employer is (b) Sections 5724(a)(2) and 5726(b) of title 5 U i , n ted States Code, are each amended by allowed by law to provide. The em- ployees must pay this added cost out striking Out "11'000" and inserting in lieu of their own pockets.- thereof '18,000". (c) Secti 57 on 24(b)(1) of title 5, United 'The Department of Defense Agen States Code, is amended by striking out '_ niece th ?` - _ _ .' - - -- not ex e FBI Administration, the Secret 'Service. (d) Section 5724 of title 5, united States tine ik(,S, and the Bureau of Customs -allmust move many of their middle. and high-level' employees back ' and forth from the field and headquarters to insure orderly rotation, better serv- ice, and the many other management services. In addition, many activities-such as 'Department of Defense-R&D labora- tories-are hampered in recruiting qualified professionals because of ex- isting restrictions on reimbursing The to`accept a Federal position.'.The-pri Everyone is losing in the current sit. uation.- Well qualified Federal employ- ees are faced with the choices of leav- ing Government service.or paying out of their pocket thousands of dollars in moving expenses.' Government agen- cies are ?. at it disadvantage recruiting and -retaining high quality profession als,-, - managers,-,- and executives The . taxpayers are losing when these prac. thereof the following new subsection: -_ -- "(J) The regulations prescribed under this section shall provide that the reassignment or transfer of any employee, for permanent duty, from one official station or agency to another which is outside the employee's commuting area shall take effect only after the employee has been given advance notice for a reasonable period. Emergency circum. stances shall be taken into account in deter- mining whether the ,period of advance notice is reasonable.". (e) Section 5724a(a)(3) of title 5, United States Code, is amended- (1) in the first sentence thereof, by strik. ing out "30 days" and inserting in lieu thereof "60 days"; and (2) by striking out the second and fourth sentences thereof and inserting after the first sentence the following: "The period of residence in temporary quarters may be ex- tended for an additional 60 days if the head of the agency concerned or his designee de- termines that there are compelling reasons for the continued occupancy of temporary quarters.". (f) Section 5724(a)(4) of title 5, United States Code, is amended- ' (1) by inserting "(A)" after "W"; and (2) by adding at the end thereof the fol- lowing new subparagraph: tires are adversely affecting the Gov- (B)(i) In connection with the sale of the residence at the old official station, reim- ernment's ability to employ the best. bursement under this paragraph shall not The bill I am introducing will go a exceed 10 percent of th . e sale price or long way toward relieving these prob- $15,000, whichever is the lesser amount. isms, and a companion measure, fi.R., -(ii) In connection with the purchase of a 3852, has been introduced by my col- residence at the new official station, reim- exceea a percent of the purchase price -or. FRANK ~ WOLF. This legislation will $7,500, whichever is the lesser amount. apply only to moves that i are cert fied "(iii) Effective October 1 of each year, the by each agency to be in the best inter respective maximum dollar -amounts appli- est of the Government. I.believe this cable under clauses (1) and (ii) h ll b s a e in. bill will result in fewer, better and creased by the percent change, if any, in the for the fair treatment of our employ- ber of the preceding year over that pub an equal footing with the, private . Fora co the nearest one-tenth of , sector.. Percent. For the purpose of this clause, C onsumer Price Index' means the Consum- For these reasons, I urge support for* er Price Index for All Urban Consumers, hi l t s egislation. United States City Average, Housing Com- Also,' I ask unanimous consent that Ponent 100), prepared by the Bureau the entire text of the bill be:printed at Of Labor r Statistics. Department of labor.". (g)(1)(A) Subchapter II of chapter 57 of this point in the R.> roan . .,.. _ - _. dENT OF CERTAIN MOVING EXPENSES' RECORD, as follows: "?5724b. Taxes on reimbursements for travel. ? Mr. WARNER. Mr.... President' S. 1879 transportation, and relocation expenses of em. available to an agency for administrative ex- penses are available for the reimbursement of all or part of the Federal, State, and city income taxes incurred by an employee or , by an employee and such employee's spouse (if filing jointly), for any moving or storage expenses furnished in kind, or for which re- imbursement or an allowance is provided (but only to the extent of the expenses paid or incurred).. Reimbursements under this subsection shall also include an amount equal to all income taxes for which the em- ployee, or the employee and spouse, as the case may be, would be liable due to the re- imbursement for the taxes referred to in the first sentence of this subsection. "(b) For the purpose of this section, 'moving or storage expenses' means travel and transportation expenses (including stor- age of household goods and personal effects 'under section 5724 of this title) and other relocation expenses under sections 5724a and 5726(c) of this title.". `(B) The chapter analysis at the beginning of chapter 57. of title 5, United States Code, is amended by Inserting after the item relat- ing to section 5724a the following new item: "5724b. Taxes on reimbursements for travel. transportation, and relocation expenses of -employees trans- ferred.". (2) Section 5724(1) of title 5, United States Code,- is amended by striking out "5724a" and inserting in lieu thereof "5724a, 5724b,". SEC. 2. The amendments made by this Act shall be carried out by agencies by the use of funds appropriated or otherwise available for the administrative expenses of each of such respective agencies. The amendments made by this Act do not authorize the ap- propriation of funds in' amounts exceeding the sums already authorized to be appropri- ated for such agencies. . SEC: 3. (a) The amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of the en- actment of this Act. (b) Not later than thirty days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Presi- dent shall prescribe the regulations required under the amendments made by this Act. Such regulations shall take effect as of such date of enactment.- By Mr. CRANSTON (for himself and Mr. TsoNGAS): S.J. Res. 169. Joint resolution con- cerning the assassination of Benigno Aquino; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. ASSASSINATION OF EENIGNO AQUINO Mr. CRANSTON.' Mr. President, I am pleased to join with Senator TsoN- GAS in introducing -a joint resolution that expresses the grief and outrage of U.S. citizens over the murder of Sena- tor Benigno Aquino of the Philippines. Benigno Aquino was a man of great courage and conviction. He spent his career working for the betterment of his fellow citizens. He willingly faced death for his beliefs in freedom and democracy for the people of the Phil- ippines. He suffered years of "prison- ment and exile for his convections. I Approved For Release 2008/03/14: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000400530014-3