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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Mr. Brian V. Kinney Chief, Declassification and Historical Research Branch Records Management Division Washington Headquarters Services Room 1D517, Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 Dear Mr. Kinney: 19 January 1982 Mr. E. E. Lowry's memorandum) of 24 November 1981 forwarded to us four documents with the request that we review their classification status. We have reviewed these documents with the following results: Document No. 1, DOD Memorandum, .14 March 1951, Subject: Position of the United States with Respect to Iran (NSC 107). We have no objection to the declassification of this document. Document No. 2, CIA Memorandum, 15 March 1.951, Subject.: The Current Crisis in Iran, has been downgraded to CONFIDENTIAL, being exempt from declassification under paragraph 1-301(c) of Executive Order 12065. The next review date is 1989. Document No. 3, CIA Memorandum, 15 March 1951, Subject: The Current Crisis in Iran, has been downgraded to CONFIDENTIAL, being exempt from declassification under paragraph 1-301(c) of Executive Order 12065. The next review date is 1992. Document No. 4, CIA memorandum, 2 May 1.951, Subject: Current Developments in Iran, has been declassified. Your copy of each document is returned to you herewith as requested, with the addition of the CIA classification review stamp. /, -erety_ Chie , asslilcation evlew ivLsion Office of Information Services Directorate of Administration Enclosures: 1. Memo dtd 14 May 51, Subj: Position of the United States with Respect to Iran (NSC 107) 2. Memo dtd 15 Mar Sl, Subj: The Current.' Crisis in Iran 3. Memo dtd 15 May 51, Subj: The Current Crisis in Iran 4. Memo dtd 2 May 51, Subj: Current Developments in Iran TOP SECRET Unclassified when Separated from Enclosures Distribution: Orig Addressee w atts (1 - J ' sore w/DOD w atts T, 4'- 1 - Chrono w o a .s -- 25X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/0_2/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 34 C3IIT R A L IIT T3LLIG3IICI: AG3IIC7 IFFIC3 OF 11r,101111, WrIlIMTES L Loh 3.951. S 1 h TO CUR: 3171' crisis Ill MIT M 311CMRUUIIO 017' TIC, M S'I: L The assassination of Premier &azmara by a rei gious 2amtia on 7 Tlu--h and t1:a ew itng period of unoertainty ax' effect results of the agitation for nationalization of the Ar;C1oo Ir Oil Co g th1ch has been buildLvZ up ever sime the rjaation by the Ijlis in Darer err 1050 of a rimed conce?- slon o i&xtt offered by the eonYperro This + .tation has be= led by a very + na'1.1. Grcmp of ultra dyztur r the LbJUs kw= as t h e I I a t i o m a 1 Front,. C m of its Ie s, the io t anti-British relies ;Lin=,q Julla , vas rep rtediy iz3.? p catsd in the assaw tion$ also by ra-1..C fa atia9 of another high official in 1949a 2n Tension o ? the oil issues in ed aharply in the period fist precec the a soaasix.?ation0 The ITational F of b stepped up its dam nr s for tionalt{ tions, that (~M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 SEc__ issue as a club to attack Ra ra, whoss attempts to provide strong government had run counter to its own attempts to gain a ocitre3ling influence. The National Front reportedly approached the British with an offer to drop the nationali atieu issue entirely if the British would help get rid of aazsira in favor of a mare acceptable premier. The UXD irritated withmaraDa failure to line up support for their positions delivered strong official warnings against any attempts at nations iaatieacs aeaauhil?s however, indicating to t'aza ara that t hay were willing to grant a more genorouei concession agreement along the lines of that recent q concluded by Saudi a.rabia and the Arabian-American Oil Ceaapany0 Raamara was persuaded to go before the ma jlis Oil Ge isei.an with a statement prepared for him by the British emphasizing the practical difticultioa of natienalisatie n, In his presentation on 3 March Raiara (to the irritation of the British) was careful to label the statement as one prepared by technical experts rather than his awn. The statement, hcwwv r, still brought dc+eim the wrath of the ultra=,nationalieta upon hia and may well have famished the immediate incentive (or pretext) for his ardor, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 OF EFAUU17-T, iTOd ; CT~3~S .3. The aae3anoixmtiuon prodii ed no it ediate re mans. Tebran was quiet, with the public evidently un . The pro-Soviet Tndeh. Part `use evidently taken by surprise. The Shah, after briefly aorwidaring the invocation of ra*zrtiel law, decided against such a move and oontented himself with the d signation of an sous alder atatew ui as acting prenior. 4, This situation, bowarver, soon changed. On tho evening of El 14.irah the thUlis 012 Oo-uiasion# under pressure fran the exultant ultra tionaa1i2ts, unenimmmly passed a resolution endorsing rationalization but asking a tiao-month extension for study of the praotiaral problem involved. On the followi morming the pro-+8oviot elor ent went into action with an anti-S and anti-UK deffnna tratio.n outside the US easy, vM19 in the afternoon Mull a Kashani held a moo meeting which, though orderly, was harked by inf'lerrtory speeches denouncing the British and Raar a. The organization responsible for the nsezrdea, the Friends of Islari, threatened violence against other opponents of nationalization and indicated that reprisals would be forth. coming if the assassin were not released. Although the pro-- vincas apparently continued to be quiets and the governrint"a control of the security forcos uaa apparently unshaken, uneasiness in Tehran, particularly in (continued on next page) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 political cim?1e , rnDunted sh.rp y? No one appeared ca ab ie of forcing aaa strung govern, enit agaatiwfactnry to the Sha~~h., and. most of those who would normally have participated in such a govern- ment were deterred !:Ty feat of p?rsonal reprisal and by the y o.f co^i.nt- with t':~e question of nai'~ on-1 i zationG Proclamation of martial law -ould require approval of a demora- lized Majl.ie, while dissolution of the Majlie involved a rick of increasing the tension? rude: the circumstances, the Shat: apparent_;,r de^:.ded tc avoid a head-on clash with the ultra.ynattona.iets making do wit.,,) a weak interim government until lent: on. abaated0 5, ohe s.ltuat ozn< has clarified some at during the last fAw dakys~ Upc-..a rejection by the Nadia on 11 March of the S=i&,hos first i,ioice fa_' interim p:: i1er, the Shah persuaded his widely retpe:ct.ezi Mir:it:te of Courl;, former hrabavador to the US A.1ar., tz. a a a.ssu,,zt: the prcf6L it htp0 Ala, who has been approved by rc.cth the Senate maid the M jlic in described as as -)pa,.rently "c r e r- rDu:i and opti -Li t1c. m about what he regax ds as the task of el'feeting a reconciliation among the various fac- tions, incl.iding K hiu i; cs0 Hemwhi.le, the impending adjrurn- r.^.e~nt of pa ns inert for the Floruy holAdaye offers a breathing Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 ri ll, > v-l it ha., b ?3n Inzp v:i3 thrt the h v beoi, qu' ~ t1y' r O'au 6i u_D n-bare of than s . tcdiy m.YM Frir n of T. 1,, group an-` of vhxh rLy. At the war-'D timos, hoc d ? the un. nL- acrours Iis11ic vo i favor of th.o ari ?3ie taL~~~.: 3t National Front group, to the px mierr'nip, There is little in. dica.ticn that either Moo adeq or the 9nglo-Y.ranisn Oi,l. Company are prepared to modify their rasp ctlve at.&ncia Eraffic:i+antltiy to permit an early settle c.nt of the Thero isp,, consoqu ,n -1, a serious danger that fcrce will be tsed by one aide or the other to back up its; cla.i.nraa If Irauiar forces take or the oil in- at-,Mationn, the floc of oil from Irr-a will probaUly be interpuptod, If British troops c cup the oil area, them in a serioue dani,,Cr of a clash botaoen Ix. r &n mr,4 B-~Iltirt, forces. Such a clash ns rht have srrious consequ?A--c6, probably i ludirg the int _ ption of the f1oi of oil., avid pot;*' i- ;.r.t rvc ation by Soviet foroos in northern Iran, rt.haxrc rc, eithA- Soviet ir.terv option or th e interruption of the fleir of o fl. cor:ld occur " a neslllt of acit - spread de nstratior r., eab~~,tage, sand violence. The Possibility of such a deg to nest is hest h t~ e current high vtafe of tan sion in the counts j-0 20 liosa 3q is a ch;aavinist, n visionary, and an astute politician, but a poor ad inistzatoro It c : be anticipated that during his rogitna, Western influence in Iran will bb acwcrely our- tailed, and little will be don to solve the oo nt.a y s cr:itic,al onoale and social pnableme,. In the past, P".,ossacIeq hin etros g1y opposed r nifesta tionc of foraign inf]uema i n r I,, He A-1-11 alin st certain2.. adopt a neutralist policy.) the East-1,1613t e u la, In inter .z r.ffaira he hae; ac ocathd social benef'i.,;.s for the people :d opp red I easura+a disi ned to restrict freedom of spo h, assenbl r, and the press. Politically, he h urged teat the Shah be stri :,d of power and that the Mj1i.r bcc o; a the e'orauant f for in the vat c a',, However, hg does not belie *e that the present -embers of the Sajlle tru)y repreeeant the inter is of the Iranian people and =T 4vocrtt dissolution of the Majlin and new elections under a re oz' u ste;a of voting,, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 3o }ioss&deq is s,..t pr -oiit ? a. ct:oo,jg pQ:u: ticTa pond tiafp despite the f?:at thy- he hap fTaa the M . jlis or in the tr?xditionaal rul ?;zg cl. r:3 #t a 'hoie n i d that, he is die. kzd anr-, diatra::ated by the SSbahl0 17r:.liku his pr :-- d co ors, he is not c a :;cx.,? o.r tlz,-) Shah's favor or or fa uAiont . polit as in the Mat jlle. Ha h , i eomi to power as the to adera of & national movement which has axou d 'nte.:. o popra ar ?vpc~r~t, This circumstance has c ascc : th?-, M&juir to norr inete him to the Shith and con fled the Shah to ac-)paint hi r to off1 ce Fanlpx,,ntally his tr deriv,c f_x, and is in dir- ct t~3, Vie dnturn city of feel ng agri.nst the British over t. oil isr ue d, ),lthcuugh other critical probl o will plague his adrr.t ni e tr?:at .a n, tb ,, are not likely- to c aau ws his da i i .f &l l so long ac he o:U c cisis r e = a ba*rntnn ivraa:;:, In his carpal c;i age nzt the AIOC,, I to c1 q has the support not on ;- of his Natier zl Fro- t a'rour but al sex of the pow-. Islam (the xsall trarrori;;t group of ralit;iou%c artiF C `ado ver a r&?;puricib1 fci' R ar l a ~ ~ : c w a~sti;icrx) the 4 ,.1c rgpl Taxdah (CUr :saiist) F'ar{:y., w id probably the great mixjo it of . n labore:r s, trst~e ~ a g A; -d ctadmts, Who car. Signif$.:c :.:..t! aaffa ct political ds'ir6lop ants lx. l:rtla tttrvug'. a trilu sg r n~ ,x? .tiorua9 and viola =e. 4. Beaman of the wide saspp:art for Mosa:: a dcc v r3 chau.vi.niati. cramade, fey- Irxrtia3.n laa:der?, drr tar ,ppose hirv, p~.bliclr. His irnc, fln ca in th:c P-1jl.i_g r s largvliy. mr, ,na,iblo for HArn ~s fa.iiuurre to obtain a rsvf ,d: AbCC a ^c er t and l.o a front the "1 z ~? k => a i Z Bank and the I3,PJ)a h cnd3n . tho of =:xx?a an thb ode that the Ir t tzar was t .,.it+oom,;;aiy .rn ent in hit: n g.st.i.a.tio with tho AI0C, Fincl11s he pa,:?ahq;; t i oil national.izat:tou bille, throug the Najl3 e >s Est the riche,:; of the 9'h:h e;.ad Pri.r-a3 ,? i.aist: Alm0 Many of has Hp jl iar de,:Qtiov vc .ot for the against their beats. ; dgmz.1t, uuc.utcbing to the a ation&Us2 of Xoos q?a app3r . or fvrrinc the cone;i ?z^e (irr~luding ;ka mr ,= ti.ou) of oppo as1ng t"I s ri e,as+j..-m{, 5,, During the ci:i x eics iecmn f tso-eixa Aln. r-aas Prim) Iiiaxiister, No q war, ca fir n of the M&jlia Oil Co. itheion poiaa;. t draw up r so dationa Ror? tkk: ov az the LI i ShtD the Pririe Minister, and rLidorate rre:;ibsrs of the j probably hope that c :.Id be pr f Cori up w th tho OC ore Maaswmdao co-Old corplota his x?kc Aaos sm~,; hot;.:rvor9 report to the Mjli more than a w ,nth head of rse.' oda9lc; z, In creased bitt nee toy;aid the UK r'est:l.ting fro ttxs intaa vwE ng mikes sod violence In the oil field area kept onions high through- out the country and SLT)Ltfied Mos8:f'.eg9a job in of i.m.3rsg pr t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 i Y 1Z...iW'{C 3'1~3.'i~i Y3E! pion 0 i.'18~0 6o AJ.tr to r d P~:!"`~tr"}f; r3~21t.'~'AC of of. 1r T'S +.. nom; 9J't rn 1. for h.-",,,: a J6 ":~3?' ~:t l iru ~Saf:; TA' :? sg~, t'gS''C,e: l"e ? c gova4*.,mm3i.t c!`l=-mitt''_9.^. of E'-~?_(; to V" . l1 t3 ?o tr Cdr. ~^]'i''a..~:Zl pro- p'GraS" R'1.es iJ.x:ti.l eX?. ~,,a e e vide; for eett:?rtg s i(icy 2:51 pe Lv-at of oil M.Fc ;tz_a'~ -A) r t ft t:a:m" cIr + of the c' for17HC.r curb; ?a;y-,, Th irr, lho tE?nt &C as u , in, "(-.; on tin yI s t+.' : pt to it , t A . ti t,~zc .~? W e.lsr-i11 th final 113-'itish oal.t4c'2. FFl? vcr? a hell. a dn.'_gcr Or- st?c critic c O . e T n ` a rat r; in te r . t ~i1'~ r?~a eit s r p ry an(. p I r 1y t ?o I .tick.,, have im. i. ied their ret tiiv pr'sitio to pei t initiatl.on of &srio a rvs et.?,.&tio o ". 3 o SEC I0.2-. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 8o The prGscnt= irp.ts3e in t"16 oi.l sit ati.o to ,y le.-d tr.~ a one of the foUew-1ng critical si.'i iatior z (a) Piosgac.eq is com:.ittod to a policy of eapr prin. tiong, On the basis of his par=t acti. ,ns it is a -trrcrrrly unlikely that he will accept ai thi ~;= ? es?, t, am effoc a:iv-3 Iranian con., treal of the oil it~.c3ns1.~, ?o Conseque , ~, if the~rc is no earn!, relaxation of the British positirn, lit wi?..l probrh],y attest to aa5(3 ford to t,-}-n r?r-^r. : m ezl i~a tc i ~ti:a3Y^ at Vao X-10- of closing do : ths wf;ola :i!xLdstl ?, ('b) The. iuK mi 1 t send it tz,)opr. into the oil field area to forest.. .. or 00'jnt. r o cctpr.$'.on of tho oil inst Ilat:' o--.z by Iranian forcot9 or to saroguand B.r . t h lien and pr?opart1y in. the c Tent of fhr~t hor v oler :,f) 0-(. eat;?i ge Such a mo-ve rni?h?b lead to b tc n Britirh and Tr r rt . forcc^ w:itt? serious conseWtarxsz, probbib ,y rclndin; er, 7of ?r flaw of oil, Although the Sbx h, who will prcb bly r eta r, of . c o Uvm control over Iran?s arrt9id farces, would be raluct nt to use thosa forces agkinst tha BA, -ti&t;, h : wculd probkbl3., too ^o.np olTed to acquiesce in thoir uss in the oil g a if Mo?saciaq derandzd its The occupaction of aoutbern Iran by 3ritiah trc'ops would ala0 fur. nish the USSR with a prstlaxt to tend t:r cops irat nortbern Iraauo (o) Anti rit1.gh feielir;g w_ll continue at a high piitrb mid Via danger of dz:cnstra,S:,-$.ons and viclez ctea will cony tea 1oss;adaq has consist9 fitly otT,csac3 ,ial liar and raetw ictios:s on the f dom of t;p? oe-a, r :!ambly, rind the pzres ,, tie of hip first acts in office was to rc x^: it bn~ on o?Iy Day d norintratioru in Tahrau, and r art,ill lei ti - soon be liff d in the Abadan Frees He also legalize the ae atas of ttae Tuc h pri 4y. ' "hcsre i.st a djmCcr that the Tu.::, park, i y a.tt' pt to trd e advnnt,ago of Mos-31- dagr e leniency in this, re `sect to fort dieLaIrwa,ic a th ug lout the country. In. Yiev of the t? n , ion and gen3r l unreet in tthQ country., Tudah aetiwity might xzxl.ou~sly under in intarnt i & niri y0 (d) If No daq takes over the oil installations by force, he will undoubtedly seek foreign asaivt&rr ; in oparati ng tho ol7, irichi ,try , A _nnslkaar* of US oil. cc:.pau .c a hrvc elreac; &1 i some interest in tho ssi t3.cr,, and Mostaasde q ni!at well be able to perasu some cc parry to operate in Iran on }i tert The rep cm viona of such a da-vsl.ops; iNi:3i2 8-xgpa)~6 f om h:'.m while '" ,:3ion over -.hc oil i3;rue remt. ,'~T-3 hig'a? 2?u>usa..de(4 i.c more ).i: Ly t, fo Fe , tk,n oil ism.e by a:r er;~z action t+hha:"?. porf,-j. t h=.r 3e9 f' t,-7 h. un-le.mI-riod by the' Shah arid t~ E. 'MaAlis on o her iswle'1 i~, 'tly refo r unli.kc.y V"G." C-r t;C Q''~?`: .'.~, `i":I. C~e:?.T"_= ti '~'.7~ L'? t n.,.,' ?~, F-,=cpt by viol -jrcc :)r b j- th*) ear t; at,? i.r~?'sa>zt t; .u. r d,'~ :: a.: .; ed ? :sc:' YW.h o it 'S.:c.' a cc'1rvo j f a t i on wouldi- '.xiVo1 v r~. aks 'I5.a_h the Shah hs-:3 F h(rat1 no imiie,-,I;i on he wo-O f3 b:3 ng to t.mkoo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 MEMORANDUM FOR THE CHIEF, CLASSIFICATION REVIEW DIVISION, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: Request for Declassification Review During the systematic review of all classified Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) documents over 20 years old, the Declassification and Historical Research Branch, Records Management Division, Directorate for Correspondence and Directives, Washington Headquarters Services, turned up the attached document(s). The documents were either originated by your agency, contain information for which your agency is the classification authority, or are otherwise of interest to you. It is therefore requ._:sted that your agency review the documents and recommend declassification, continued classification at the present or lesser level of classification, and/or review by other agencies. If your agency is recommending continued classification, in accordance with Para- graph 3-401, Executive Order. 12065, it is requested that an authority for continued classification be specified, along with a date for the next review. The time permitted by Executive Order 12065 t.o reach the point where all OSD documents over 20 years old have been reviewed, and the large volume of over 20 year old OSD documents, make it necessary to request your res- ponse within 60 days. In your response, you may wish to provide guidance with regard to what categories of information you do and do not wish to have referred to you in the future. Your assistance in effecting this review will be most appreciated. Please return the documents to Mr. Brian V. Kinney, Chief, Declassification and Historical Research Branch, Records Management Division, Washington Head- quarters Services, Room 1.D517, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301, upon completion of your review. Without attachments, this memorandum is UNCLASSIFIED. E. h. Lowry, ., Jr~J OSD Records Administrator Attachments (4) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3 1. Memo, Mar 14, 51, Subj: Position of the United States with Respect to Iran (NSC 107) (TS) 2. Paper, 15 Mar 51, Subj: The Current Crisis in Iran (S) 3. Paper, 15 Mar 51, Subj: The Current Crisis in Iran (S) 4. Memo, 2 May 51, Subj: Current Developments in Iran/w 1 Attachment-- Report, Undated, Subj: As Above (S) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/02/07: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200190019-3