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Publication Date: 
May 7, 1981
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_ CTPDL:T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200170021-2 Nwor N./ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 7 May 1981 Mr. Brian V. Kinney Chief, Declassification and Historical Research Branch Records Management Division Washington He Services Room 1 D 517, Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301 Dear Mr. Kinney This is in reply to Mr. E.E. Lowry's letter of 23 April, which forwarded to CIA for classification review, under E.O. 12065, a document found in the systematic review of classified OSD documents. The document is a memorandum of March 6, 1951, from our Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence to the chairman of the Research and Develop- ment Board. It is a copy of the same memorandum that was one of the subjects of your request of 20 March 1981 for declassification review. This office replied on 3 April 1981 that the document must retain its classification of SECRET, being exempt from declassification under paragraph 1-301(c) of Executive Order 12065. The next review date is 1991. The document is returned to you herewith as requested. Chief, Classification Review Division Office of Information Services Directorate of Administration Attachment: Memo dtd 6 Mar 51 25X1 Unclassified when Separated from Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP85600236R000200170021-2 _ L k .042 Zitti. Leg No. 38926 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200170021-2 . " %MO ktzT1/4,0,\ kG.Evite ,?, MEMORANDUM 70R: SUBJECT CENTRAL enTELLIGENCE AGENCY Washington 25, D. C. March 6, 1951 The Chairmen Research and. Development Board Atcmic Energy Intelligence Objeotives L. Reference is made to your memorandum of 13 December 1950 which submitted atomic energy intelligence requiramente for the Research and. Development Board. The intelligence requirements submitted, by your office and'others, both members and. non-members of the Intelligence Advisory Committee, were consolidated by the Joint Atamic Energy Intelligence Cannittee into a 'Consolidated Statement of Intelligence Objectives in the Yield of Atonic Energy". This statement was presented to the Intelligenee AdviSory Cammittee at their meeting of 8 February 1951 and was approved, as presented. For your information, a copy of the approved statement is attached. 2. In ocmparing the Consolidated Statement of Intelligence Objectives with the requirements est forth in your memorandum you will notice that these-objeotiVes-are expressed Only in Teri' general terms. Caisideration vas given to spelling Out these objectives more specifically, but it vas conclude& that to do no would result in a lengthy, unwieldy, and unnecessarily detailed. document, which would. be subject to inter- pretation and argument-over really eloneessintial ditailsi-. It wee felt that each information 'collecting end proceseing agency erduld break dawn these general objectives into more sPecifio ones in accordance with their individual capability and responsibility under National Security Council and other 'pertinent Intelligence Directives. k 3. The Central Intelligence Agency, primenily through the mechaniam of the Joint Atemic Energy Intelligence Committee, will Ilene from time to time reparbe and. estimates in the field of ethnic energy intelligence. These reports will try to Satisfy the intelligence needs for national security planning as expresso& by these objectives. If, at any time, you feel that such reports as are issued do not adequately satisfy your needs, I invite your criticiams'or suggestions and will be nnet happy to discuss such problems with you at your convenience. Attachmeat: As stated abo 1/9 it) `:rn! 030 tleterm!na':!ori /0/ H. MARSHALL CHM:WELL Assistant Director Soientifio Intelligence DOCUMENT NO. DO CHANGE iN CLASS. )231 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TOE IS S C NEXT REVIEW DAT; ACTH: HR 70.2 hATE t-s-:?-,rirr-r-nn.rts-rt-str.--,-117:-. ;:?*" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200170021-2 1171 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200170021-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200170021-2 r rrn rr Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200170021-2 MI MN 1110 s w -*MO DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON, HEADQUARTERS SERVICES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 23 APR 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR THE CHIEF, CLASSIFICATION REVIEW DIVISION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: Request for Declassification Review During the systematic review of all classified Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) documents over 20 years old, the Declassification and Historical Research Branch, Records Management Division, Directorate for Correspondence and Directives, Washington Headquarters Services, turned up the attached document(s). The documents were either originated by your agency, contain information for which your agency is the classification authority, or are otherwise of interest to you. It is therefore requested that your agency review the documents and recommend declassification, continued classification at the present or lesser level of classification, and/or review by other agencies. If your agency is recommending continued classification, in accordance with Para- graph 3-401, Executive Order 12065, it is requested that an authority for continued classification be specified, along with a date for the next review. The time permittedby Executive Order 12065 to reach the point where all OSD documents over 20 years old have been reviewed, and the large volume of over 20 year old OSD documents, make it necessary to request your res- ponse within 60 days. In your response, you may wish to provide guidance with regard to what categories of information you do and do not wish to have referred to you in the future. Your assistance in effecting this review will be most appreciated. Please return the documents to Mr. Brian V. Kinney, Chief, Declassification and Historical Research Branch, Records Management Division, Washington Head- quarters Services, Room 1D517, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20301, upon completion of your review. Without attachments, this memorandum is UNCLASSIFIED. E. E. Lowry, OSD Records AL ministrator Attachments (1) - Memo, 6 Mar 51, Subj: Atomic Enesgy Intelligence Objectives (2 Pgs)(S) it 110i...f_IS CDIT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/04/16: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200170021-2