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Approved For Rise 2001/11/08 U&ISA09&HR36Rb200160001-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, CRD SUBJECT Revision of Draft Chart on "Histori- cal Development of CIA" STATINTL STATINTL Memo for STATINTL 18 Mar 80, su : Matrix History of CIA. 1. Forwarded per your request of 19 March 1980 is su este evision of the referenced "Matrix" from 2. Because of the numerous sins of commission (and omission), errors in fact, and misplacements of infor- mation, I found it best to prepare a new chart (with a new title). STATINTL 3. "Major observations" segment was so misleading and repititious that it is best omitted. TATINTL O&1 - Adse 2 - JBP 1 - HS Chrono Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 UNCLA$SIFT,ED LLEGIB L Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 EVOLUTION OF CIA GENERAL & COORDINATION Antecedents to CIA: LANDESTINE COLLECTION & COVERT ACTION Organizational Precedents for: I Clandestine Operations Clandestine Collection Clandestine Operations Anaylsis and Estimates Provided initial Cadre of Intel- liaence Officers--l/3 of CIA titutional Problems: Personnel in 1947 from OSS Resistance from Old Line Agencies Difficult to Sell Analyses and Opinions Dominated by Clandestine Ops Prepared Analyses and Made Myriad of Technical Devices for Clandestine and Paramilitary Ops Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIAIRDP85B00236R000200160001-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 Part of Postwar Reorganization of Executive Departments: Conduct Independent Clandestine Collection No Dept. Willing to Give Up Office of Special Operations (OSO/ Intel . FL Personnel Coordination of Analysis and Dissemination was Max Depts. would Concede Depts. Controlled Product Theory of CIG: Small Staff--Personnel and Money from State, Army, and Navy Assemble and Review Raw Data from Dept. Collection Effortst Produce Objective NIEs Institutional Resistance Made Attempts to Implement Futile: Depts. Guarded Raw Data Depts. Protected Prerogatives to Provide Policy Guidance to President and to Produce Intelligence Particular to Own Needs Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIPJRDP85B00236R000200160001-5 Conduct Independent Research and Analysis "not carried out by other departments." Office of Reports and Estimates (ORE) Established: Made CIG Independent Intelligent Producer and NIE Coordinator l Produced Current Intelligence Ended Dependence on Departments for Data--Developed Own Over Collection Effort from Open I Sources: Domestic Contact Service Foreign Documents and Publication Page 2 STATSPEC DATE C E N T R A L ~ N T E For elease J06111 &0 &E RDP85 tabl i R00020v0160000NAL SECURITY ACT 1947) Page 3 pprove Intended Departmental Functions: For Map and Geographic Intel. and Threats For Bulk of National Intelligenc Surveys (NISs)--some NISs Recommendations to NSC re Coord. Retained by Departments CIA Responsibility Unspecified to Avoid Conflict with Departments: Report to NSC on Foreign Trends DCI Authority to Terminate Employees' . GENERAL & COORDINATION CLANDESTINE COLLECTION & COVERT ACTION INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL Correlate, Evaluate, and Dissem- inate Intel Intelligence Advisory Committee (IA Established to Coord. Intel. Requirements: DCI (Chmn.), State, Army, Navy, Air, JCS, and AEC Members June 1948, Office of Policy Coordi- nation (OPC) Established: Budget and Manpower Allocated Through CIA Secretary of State Principal Official: OPC with Secretary of Defense Provides Policy Guidance Appoints & Directs, Director/1 ORE Scientific Branch Reestablished as Office of Scientific Intel- ligence (OSI) 9 Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 GENERAL & COORDINATION C E N T R A L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (Continued) STATINTL October 1950, General Walter Bedell 1, Smith Named DCI and Tightened Reim over Tntel Community: STATIFTL STATIfTL STATIfTL Declared DCI as the Senior Mem- I ber of IAC--Would Assume somel Admin. Control over Depart- mental Intelligence 1950, Took over Control of OPC and OSO: Competing with OSO's Clan- destine Ops December 1950, Deputy Director for Administration Establishel December 1950, Deputy Director for Operations Established-- Name Changed 4 Jan. 1951 to Deputy Director for Plans (change to avoid confusion because existing & contin- uing unit within new Direc- torate already identified as Office of Operations.) Number of Projects an Individual Initiated Became Measure of Success. Led to Waste and Inefficiency in Clandestine Ops--Influence still Apparent in DDO. Overemphasis on Operations 1952 - Nearly 75% CIA Budget for Clandestine Collection 1952 - Nearly 60% CIA Per- sonnel were in DDP Operations for Sake of Oper- J ations led to Neglect of Collection Efforts ORE Becoming Service Organization Giving Marginal Attention to National Estimates Less Emphasis on Predictive Intel.--of 11 Regular Publi- cations only one Focused on National Intel. Estimated that only 10% of ORE Products met purpose for which CIG/CIA Created Responded to Requests from all o. Agencies on all Subjects, but- DCI had no Authority to Coor-1 dinate Overt Collection: January 1952, Deputy Director for Intelligence Replaced ORE and Established Following Components for Intelligence Production and ination (OCD)--dissemination and storage of unevaluated intelligence, including photo intelligence Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI)--basic science research Office of Current Intelligence (OCI) Office of Operations--overt collection, including HUMINT Office of Collection & Dissem- I (ORR)--economic and geographi Office of National Estimates (ONE) Office of Research & Reports Approved For Release 2001/11/08: dA-RDP85B0UK@&O160001'-5 Page 4 August 1952, Merger of OSO and OPC within the DDP Completed February 1953, Allen Dulles becomes DCI - CIA Structure and Scale Approximate Today's CIA in Personnel Complement DDP (now DD0), DDI (now NFAC) and DDA Formed and Operating- (S&T activities then in both DDP and DDI areas.) Policymakers Supported Anti-Comm- unist Position and Actions by CI I i National Security Act Amended to Prevent both DCI and DDCI Posi- tions being held Simultaneously by Military Officers yYYiIY!l~OY A~ ie~Y~~F QDulles Neglected IC Mgt/Coord STATINNTL sultants on Foreign Intel. Activities (PBCFIA) Establ.-- No Authority over DCI or IC Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : Cl CLANDESTINE COLLECTION & COVERT ACTIOP Page S' -RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION Quality of Intelligence Production began to Improve 25X1 C Major Advances in Strategic Assess- ment CA and Clandestine Coll. Regarded Major Voice in Assessment of Soviet as Agency's Primary Mission: Bloc Economic (inc. military- 1956: President's Board of Con-1 mended that Dulles Coord IC and appt. a Dep. for CIA. Instead Dulles appointed Dep. for IC. 1958: United States Intel. Boar (USIB) Establ.--Combined !AC & USCIB-Com Intel Bd). Lacked Authority--Dependent on Departmental Willingness to Accept Community Tasks. economic) development. Success- fully Rebutted Challenges from Military Intel and State/INR NIEs had little or no Impact on U.S.' Policy Continuing S&T Responsibility in OSI SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL STATINTL 1955: CIA Scientific Advisory Board Establ.- Chmn U-2 Operational STATINTL 1960: U-2 Sot Down over USSR STATINTL Continuing Difficulties re Access to omDartmentation Limited 1 DDP Data, 1961 National Photo- Contacts with DDI & Restri~- graphic Interpretation center (NPjc) Approwgd Forvf2efeh s ~O~~l p~~08D~ A-RDP~2 R@d00200160001-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200160001-5 DATE C E N T R A L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (Continued) Page6 11-T Y 4 GENERAL & COORDINATION (koil I TA 1958 (Continued) Did Improve Collection Tasking Efforts Through Sub-comm. STATINTL Structure. - 1959: Heavy Cost to Services for Tech. Collection Forced Coop with! CIA on HUMINT 1961: John McCone becomes DCI (Nov.! 61)--New Agency Headquarters Bldg Opened STATINTL STATINTL LANDESTINE COLLECTION & COVERT ACTION CA and Clandestine Coll. Regarded as Agency's Primary Mission: Continued Special Administrative Unit to (SSA-DDP) 1961: Condemned for role in Bay ofd Service DDP Activities Estab- lished in the Dep. Directorat for Support (formerly the DDA --Special Support Assistant-- Deputy Directorate for Plans Pigs I Administration Responsibility & Funding for Various S&T Activities: Development Projects Div (DPD- Technical Services Div (TSD)- R&D to Support Clandestine Activities Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RIPP85B00236R000200160001-5 SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL CENTRAL INTELLIGF~A ~G NCy (Continued) Page ? DATE Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDP85 236~R0 0206160001-5 1965: William F. Raborn becomes DCI (April) 1966: Richard M. Helms becomes DCI (June) 1970: First Generation of CIA Employees begin to Retire Period of Change CLANDESTINE COLLECTION & COVERT ACTION 1963: CA Authorization Process For- 1962: Agency Analysis Played Key 1962: Deputy Directorate of Research malized but Responsibility left Role during Cuban Missile Crisis- Establ. but other Directorates Vague--$25,000 Required Approval Support from McNamara Solidified Refused to give up their S&T Agency Reputation for Strategic Functions By 1967, Paramilitary Ops Surpass Analysis of Soviet Threat Psych & Political Action in Importance DOD-DCI Agreement Recognizing CIA's Work on Mil-Econ Intel. (Vance-McCone) 1967: Increased Demand for Econ. Intel 0 " & for Asses-1; sments o oviet Bloc Military Programs. Led to Establishment of Two New Offices in DDI in July 1967: Office of Economic Research (OER: Transition and Abrupt F Continued Decline of CA Ops Kissinger, rather than President, Maintained Contact with DCI; in Effect Served as Senior Intel. Adviser NSC became Intel & Policy Staff, doing own Intel Analysis. Prox- imity to Policymakers permitted NSC Analysis to be more Timely & Useful than Comparable CIA Analy- GENERAL & COORDINATION 1973: "Schlesinger Slash" Reduced Agency Personnel by 7%--most froml SEA Paramilitary 1973 Colby: Program Dissolve Transferred OTS to DDS&T (OSR) I Colby: ONE Abolished and Replaced by National Intelligence Officers (NIO's) Key Intelligence Questions (KIQ) Proposed as Means to Improve Quality & Utility of National Estimates Office of Political Research Instituted to Alter DDO Admin ~np r ,. ~36 Approved+-For,Release 2001111108: CIA-RDP8'5B6(2 'bs4~bb~1oooi-5 1963: Deputy Directorate for Science and Technology EstablisSdATINTL STATINTL 11 Competitive Pay Scale to Attract Top Professionals All R&D done through Contracts-- Assured Access to Most Advanced Tech Systems Nationwide STATINTL 1973: Office of Technical Services (OTS) Transferred from DDO to DDS&T NPIC Transferred from DDI to DDS&T 1971: Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee (IRAC) Estab- lished to Advise DCI on Consoli- dated Intel Budget Failed . because DCI Lacked Budget Author ity 1972: Helms Established Intelli- gence Community Staff (IC). Staff was Composed only of CIA, therefore Success was Limited 1973: James R. Schlesinger became DCI (Feb) 1973: William E. Colby Succeeds Schlesinger (Sept) Approved For Release. 2004111108 : CIA-RDP85BOO23&R000200160001-5Lv I INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION 1 SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL June 1975: Rockefeller Commission Report Recommended, among others, the Following: Explicit Limitation of CIA Ac- tivity to Foreign Intel. Oversight Role Pres. Foreign Intel. Advisory Board Stressed need for Admin & Mgt. Skills for DCI Need for Two DDCI's--One Admin; One Military Agency Responsibility to Resist Directions to Perform Inter- nal Security Creation of Single, High-level Channel for all Requests to CIA from White House June 1975: Murphy Commission Report on Conduct of Foreign Policy Referred to Intel.: Stressed Need for DCI to hav ninnrt Ilrrncc to Grpciri nt Approved For Release 2001/11/08 : CIA-RDF85B00236R000200160001-5