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Approved For Release 2004/03/17 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000600050042-6
Approved For Release 2004/03/17 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000600050042-6
1,Appr Eor sg a ~ /y.CIA-RDP85-00988R09~Gr600050042-6
4. Coverage - Who will identify Agency activities outside the
Washington Metropolitan Area and who will conduct the survey of
commercial rates to establish a parking fee for Agency employees
outside the Washingtoin area?
3. Background
a. Self-explanatory.
b. Self-explanatory.
c. Will employees continue to drive by themselves in spite
of the parking fee? Are comparable figures available on the number
of carpools which occupy paid parking lots as opposed to those
parking lots where fees are not levied? Are these questions
irrelevant since the decision has been made that U.S. Government
employees will be assessed parking fees?
4. Policy -Will different rates be estabj.ished in the OTS
complex commensurate with the space assigned? Should a carpool or an
employee be charged the same rate for a "Bullpen Space" at the rear
of Central Building as compared to individuals who have clear access
in and out of their space at all times, e.g., parking on the quadrangle
or along the roadways in the complex? l4Ihat rates will be charged for
the twenty spaces allotted to OTS in the parking
to on 0 Street? These questions have been posed by Agency employees..
5. Acquisition of Parking Facilities - How will the parking
spaces at the rear of Central Building be assigned? 'Will spaces be
assigned by lane? Individuals,who arrive first are now required to
park as close to Central Building as possible and those who arrive
later are to park to the rear until the lane is completely filled.
Those who arrive first, therefore, cannot-leave-the parking lot until
the individuals in front of them leave.
.a. Availability of Public Transit - Who will conduct a survey
on available public transit for the 2430 "E" Street area?
b. -Availability of Car Pools - Who will conduct a.survey for
the OTS complex?
c. Off Street Parking - The only off-street parking for the OTS
complex is on Street between-0900 and 1600. All available
spots have parking meters.
d. Impact on.Residential Neighborhoods - There are not residential
neighborhoods near the OTS complex.
Approved For Release 2004/03/13 :1Ch4-RDP85-00988R000600050042-6
Approved For Re a 2004/03/17: CIA-RDP85-00988R0O600050042-6
e. Locations of Employees Domiciles - This presents a problem
security-wise as several OTS employees are under cover. Who will
conduct the analysis? The analysis will cover a wide spectrum as
some OTS employees commute daily from distances as far away as
West Virginia?
f. Special or unusual Requirements
7(1) How many visitor's spaces will be assigned?
"(2) Do we charge people who are on extended leave or TDY?
Do we charge people who are on annual, sick or military leave?
(3) If we charge people who are on extended leave or TDY
and carpool cannot recruit another member, how many complaints
will we receive if a carpool is reduced to three members and the
carpool cannot use the express lanes on Route 1-95 in Virginia?
(4) If we charge people while they are on extended TDY or
leave and they refuse to pay, what means are used for collection
of delinquent fees?
(5) How do we handle spaces for those employees who work
flexi-hours considering we have limited "free access" spaces?
Comment on last paragraph under paragraph 5.
Will time and experience support this. rationale? If not, what
happens if~periodic reductions are-not achieved but are increased?
6. Allocation and Assignment of Parking Facilities - Should our
present procedure for assignment of parking spaces be reviewed? mould
the present practice of alloting spaces in "blocks" to each OTS operating
component be continued? Spaces for small cars on the South Patio at
the rear of South Building are not numbered or separated by yellow
lines. Presently individuals park on a first-come first-serve basis
in an area which can accommodate twenty small cars. An assigned
parking permit must be displayed on the dashboard or sun visor. Since
the buildings in the OTS complex are being considered as historical
sites, it will not be possible to alter the present patio with its
slate bolcks or neither will we be allowed to paint yellow lines for
parking spaces without the approval of the Regional Historical
Preservation Liaison, Department of Interior. Who will determine the
number of spaces we will be authorized? Is there any restriction on
the square footage assigned to each parking space?
7. Charges for Employee Parking
a. Establishment of.Charges - Should t,,e Agency have some
,input on the rates charged since the parking spaces in the OTS
complex are not compatible? Will GSA conduct a survey of the
area or will a consultant be utilized to determine the rates to
be charged?
Approved For Release 2004/03/17 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000600050042-6
Approved For Reuse 2004/03/17 : CIA-RDP85-00988R09N00050042-6
b. Which Operating Component in the Agency will be responsible?
/ C. Will policing of the parking lots be required to ensure that
parking regulations are enforced? Who will be responsible if
policing is required? Will warning stickers be passed out for a
first offense on illegal parking or will irrevocable parking tickets
be placed on the offenders vehicle? Can Federal Protective Officers
be used to enforce parking regulations?
What legal opinions will we receive to enforce the parking regula-
tions? Will we have attendants as is the case in commercial parking
lots? What happens when an employee cannot park in his/her space and
we have no space to assign them and the employee must use a commercial
lot? Does the employee pay the U. S. Government for his/her assigned
space for that day if a commercial lot has to be used? The last
Thursday of the month presents a problem because the OTS complex over-
flows with vehicles which arrive from other areas in the metropolitan
area and =to attend the OTS end-of-the-month meeting with Senior
Officials in OTS and all Branch and Division Chiefs in OTS. What
happens when five lanes have to be blocked off in the rear of Central
Building to accommodate fork lifts which are required to deliver heavy
equipment or remove excess heavy material from the rear of Central
Building? Central Building does not have elevators. Will employees
using bicycles have to pay for parking? Will bike racks be provided?
8. Responsibilities
-- {1 r Who"Will- issue'regUlation5 and guidelines when -fees,
procedures, etc. are received from GSA?
"(2) Who in the Agency will assess charges consistent with the
procedures of the CMB circular?
(3) Who will provide for the collection and deposit of employee
parking charges within the Agency?
(4) Who will issue instructions to implement the provisions of
the OMB circular?
9. Agency Administrative Workload
It is difficult to perceive that the workload will not increase.
Paragraph 10 of the OMB circular requires a periodic report to be
sumitted on parking. Even after regulations are implemented, employees
will park illegally; employees will continue to gripe when they have to
pay the fee; employees will complain continually and tie up not only
themselves and others in bull sessions about parking when actually they
could otherwise be more gainfully employed in their current assignment;
employees will require receipts. for cash payments; other will insist on
receipts for checks.
Approved For Release 2004/03/17 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000600050042-6
Approved For Rese 2004/03/17: CIA-RDP85-00988R0?MOO050042-6
10. Reports
We will comply with reporting requirements as required.
11. Inquiries - Unless otherwise advised, our inquiries will be
directed to OL/LSD and OL/RECD.
Approved For Release 2004/03/17 : CIA-RDP85-00988ROO0600050042-6