Amendment to S. 2236

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2nd $fssio.e nN. Approv,,.For Release/ 2 : 88R000200060001-4 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Referred to the Committee on _~... .... _.__ -_.~..o......._._.,_.. and ordered to be printed, AMENDMENT Intended to be proposed by Mr. .... . . . .......... --.- ............ - . . ..... . .... . ................. . . . . ....... -. toS.....~ L.._...------ ..,a, bill H.P.m:. .., ....... anAct viz: On page , line , insert the following: Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : C$A-R R85-0.0988R000200060001-4 To strengthen Federal policies and programs and international cooperation to combat international terrorism. Section 1. This Act shall be known as "An Act to Combat International Terrorism." STATEMENT OF FINDINGS AND PURPOSE Section 2. The Congress hereby finds that -- (a) innocent persons have been killed, injured and victiatized., human rights violated, property destroyed and damaged, and inter- national commerce obstructed as a result of terrorist acts; (b) such acts represent an intolerable attack against the fundamental right to life and security of all peoples of the world; (c) such acts constitute a threat to the orderly and civilized functions of the international community; (d) certain nations exhibit a significant pattern of support for international terrorist acts; and (e) certain international airports fail to conform with minimum security standards. It is therefore the purpose of the Act to (a) strengthen Federal capabilities in policy and planning, coordination, intelligence, and response capability and enlist the cooperation of all other nations and national and international organizations in initiatives to counter terrorist acts more effec- tively throughout the world, while safeguarding democratic values;. (b) promote appropriate action by the United States and. other governments in order to combat international terrorism; and (c) provide public notice to persons travelling in inter- national air con:erce of deficient security programs and facilities at certain foreign and domestic airports. DEFINITIONS Section 3. For the purposes of this, Act, the following definitLions are established: (a) "International terrorism" includes any act designated as an offense or crime under -- Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 Approved FwoRelease 2005/06/22: CIA-RDP85-0094AR000200060001-4 (1) the Convention for the Suppression of Unlaw- ful Seizure of Aircraft (done at The Hague, December 16. 1970); (2) the Convention for the Suppression of Unlaw- ful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation (done at Montreal, September 23, 1971); and (3) the Convention on the Prevention and Punish- ment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons;,, including Diplomatic Agents (adopted by the General. Assembly of the United Nations at New York, December 14, 1973); or (4) any other unlawful act which results in the death, bodily harm, or forcible deprivation of liberty to any person, or in the violent destruction of property, or an attempt or credible threat to commit any such act, if the act, threat, or attempt is committed or takes effect (a) outside the territory of a State of which the alleged offender is a national; or (b) outside the territory of the State against which the act is directed; or (c) within the territory of the State against which the act is directed and the alleged offender knows or has reason to know that a person against whom the act is directed is not a national of that State, or Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 Approved Felease 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-009000200060001-4 (d) within the territory of any State when found to. have been supported by a foreign State as defined in Section 3(b), irrespective of the nationality of the alleged offender; (i) intended to damage the interests of or obtain concessions from a State or an international organization; and (ii) not committed in the course of military or Para-military operations directed essentially against military forces of a State or an organized armed Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 Approved Fa z6Ved t26o5iQ6{ ZZd felfl4 @ i$`r 'Q 4, 0( a i consist of any of the following acts when committed deliberately by a State: (1) furnishing arms, explosives or lethal substances to individuals, groups, or organizations with the ltkeli- hood that they will be used in the commission of any act of international terrorism; (2) planning, directing, providing training for, or assisting in the execution of any act of international terrorism; (3) providing direct financial support for the com- mission of any act of international terrorism; (4) providing diplomatic facilities intended to aid or abet the commission of any act of international terror- ism; or (5) allowing the use of its territory as a sanctuary from extradition or prosecution for any act of international terrorism. REPORT ON ACTS OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM Section 4. (a) Six months after the date of enactment of this Act and every sic months thereafter, the Secretary of State shall transmit to the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate a report on those incidents he determines to he acts of international terrorism pursuant to section 3 of this Act; pro- vided however, that any such incident which affects or involves citizens or significant interests or property of the United States shall be reported to Congress not later than 30 days after tha occurrence of such an incident. (b) Such report shall include, but not be limited r_o,.the following information: (1) a description of the incident and of the involve- rent and identity of each individual, entity, group or organization involved in such incident; (2) the identicy of any government providing state support for such acts of international terrorism, and a statement setting forth the exact na`urc 4nc! extent of such government's involvement; Approved For Release 2005/06/22 :,CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 -4- Approved F% .Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-009x 000200060001-4 (3) a description of the actions of any government which assisted in bringing about a positive termination of.the incident; (4) a description of the response of the United States Government to such, incident. f~ N.a-his section is intended to require the public d_isclosur. formation which is e4--b1;ab&d by Executive Order. ~3ac~es areion shall be provided properly classified under criteria to Representative and the President Pro wrritten c ass ied report, the Speaker of the House of Tempore of the Senate in a a determination in such case, an unclassified summary ~f such information shall be prepared and submitted to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Nothing in this section is intended to require disclosure of investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes specifically protected by 5 U.S.C. 522(C)(b)(7). LIST OF STATES SUPPORTING INTERNI.TIONAL TERRORISM Section 5. (a) Six months after the date of enactment of this Act and every six months thereafter, the President shall consider which, if any., states have demonstrated a pattern of support for acts of international terrorism. If the President determines that any states have so acted, he shall submit a List of states support- ir.g international terrorism to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (b) Such List shall also identify any states against which sanctions have been applied Pursuant to section 6 of this Act, and any other intiatives of the United States with respect to such states, and set forth the President's reasons for listing any such states. (c) If the President determines that no states have undertaken the acts described in subsection (a) of this section, he shall report the same with a detailed explanation. (d)(1) The List shall be reviewed periodically by the President. The President may propose to Congress a request for removal of any Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 Approved F pRelease 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-009 000200060001-4 state from the List, Such request shall be accompanied by the reasons therefor. (2) A state requested by the President to be deleted from the List shall be removed from the List thirty days after the sub- mission of that request to the Congress unless Congress by Concur: rent Resolution disapproves that request PRESIDENTIAL AUTHORITY TO COMBAT INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST ACTS Section 6. (a) When a foreign government is listed pursuant to section 5 of this Act, the President shall (1) provide no assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, or (2) not authorize any sale, or extend any credit or guaranty, with respect to any defense article or service as defined by section 47 of the Arms Export Control Act so identified, or (3) approve no export licenses for the export of com- modities or technical data which has a potential military application or which would otherwise enable a foreign government to support international terrorist actions, (4) extend no duty-free treatment under title V of the Trade Act of 1974. (b) If the President finds that the interests of national security so require, he may suspend the applicability of any part of the prohibitions listed in subsection (a) of this section in such case. He shall report his reasons therefor in writing to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and those prohibitions shall no longer apply. Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 _6- Approved FRelease 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-0098000200060001-4 (c) In devising initiatives to combat international terrorist actions and to reduce state support for such actions. the President z shall take such =other measures available to him as he deems appro- priate; he shall take into account: the effectiveness of specific sanctions in inducing change in a country's policy or practice of supporting international terrorist actions; the likely effect of sanctions on overall U .S. relations with such country or with other countries; and the effect such sanctions would have on other U.S. rational interests. (d) The President shall take all appropriate diplomatic meas- ures consistent with international obligations to support the effectiveness of actions taken pursuant to this authority in the accomplishment of the purposes of this Act. (e) The President shall promptly and fully inform the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Chairman and Ranking Minor- ity Members of the Comnittee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of each exercise of authority granted under the Act. Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 Approved Flelease 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-0092000200060001-4 REPORT ON FEDERAL AND INTERi1ATIQNAL CAPABILITIES TO COMBAT TERRORISM Section 7. (a) The President shall, six months after the date of enactment of this Act, submit to' the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a Report on Federal and international Capabilities to Combat Terrorism. Such Report shall include a comprehensive and specific review of Federal anti-terrorisri organization, policies and activities.. It shall include a description and evaluation of the effectivenes3 c*f relevant Federal organizational structures, planning, coordination, including with State and local authorities, response capability, intelligence gathering and analysis, assistance to and cooperation with U.S. business representatives abroad, and security preparedness and security adequacy of U.S. diplomatic and military installations, Such Report shall further include a statement and evaluation of all relevant Federal policies, including those with respect to responding to threats, and the management of a terrorist incident. The Report shall contain an assessment of the capability and effec- tiveness of the International Civil Aviation Organization and other international programs and organizations to establish appropriate airport security standards and combat terrorist activities. (b) Nothing in this section is intended to require the public disclosure of information which is properly classified under, criteria established by Executive Order, or is othertaise protected by law. Such information shall be provided to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate in a written classified report. In such,case, an unclassified summary of such information shall be prepared and submitted to the Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives and President Pro Tempore of the Senate. INFORMATION ON FOREIGN AIRPORT SECURITY Section. 8. (a) Section 1115 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1515) relating to security standards in foreign air transportation is amended to read as follows: "Security Standards in Foreign Air Transportation "Section 1115(a). The Secretary pf Transportation shall conduct at such intervals as the Secrecary shall deem nccc narf an assessment Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 Approved (else ;005/06/22 : CIA-RDP8~5-009i000200Q600.01-4 f o t e e ect~,veness. o Me security me ures maintained at those foreign airports serving U.S. carriers, those foreign airports from which foreign air carriers serve the U.S., and at such other foreign airports as the Secretary may deem appropriate. Such assessments shall be made by the Secretary in consultation with the competent aeronautic authorities of the appropriate foreign government. The assessment shall determine the extent to which an airport effectively maintains and administers security measures. The criteria utilized by the Secretary in assessing the effectiveness of security at U.S. airports shall be considered in making such assessments and shall be equal to or above the Standards established pursuant to the Con- vention on International Civil Aviation. The assessment shall. include consideration of specific security programs and techniques, including but not limited to, physical and personnel security programs and procedures, passenger security and baggage examination, the use of electronic, mechanical or other detection devices, airport police and security forces, control of unauthorized access to aircraft, airport perimeter, passenger boarding, and cargo boarding areas, "(b) The Report to the Congress required by Section 315 of this Act shall contain: "(1) A summary cf those assessments conducted pur- suant to subsection (a) of this section. The surnrrar.y shall identify the airports assessed and describe any significant deficiencies and actions taken or recom- mended. "(2) A description of the extent if any to which specific deficiencies previously identified have been eliminated. ??(c) When the Secretary finds that an airport does not main- tain and administer security measures at the level o? effectiveness specified in subsection (a) of this section, he shall notify the appropriate authorities of such foreign government of his finding, and recorrrnend the steps necessary to bring the security measures in use at chat airport to such standards. "(d)(1) Within a reasona'nle period, but not less than 6C days after the notification requ;A::ed in subsection (c) of this section and upon a detc.: ire .t ion by ; he Secretary that the foreign governmant Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 _9_ Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200060001-4 h.%failed to bring the security mea~es at the identified airport to the level of effectiveness specified in subsection (a) of this section, he. "'"(A) shall publish in the Federal Register and cause to be posted and prominently displayed at all U.S. airports regularly serving, scheduled air carrier operations the identification of the airport; and "?