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Approved For Re se 2005/08/15: CIA-RDP85-00988R0 00090047-2 lww ::ii)l It , N The. I:,cnccy with the 1Buure i u o. E'cderal S lpv)1y (-~o~: (;5j\) in 19471. Cvei the years, GSA has been ciithe Agency and their rylr cen 'z-.; trin,,~, ,.n t.a i _,_nrt.i~Tc, of the cr..,''l~tion h~:i ~s I~..~. ti 3~ in the Agency's abili y to meet. its worldwide co;imitments. In additiol to the mat(-eriel support customarily provided by G"'A to all. s~gencies, purchases branch and fora limited nimI)er of personnel assigned to these units. They also purchase materiel. anc1 .VChiC].es for the Agency in the a smal.-l.. 25X1 25X1 25X1 The Supply Division has extensive contacts in various elements the National Capital Region, Regional Federal_ Supply Service, and the Automative and Tools Center. 0 25X1 COVER ARRANGEi\ :N IS During the period 1952 through 1975, GSA provided Purchases Branch is a quick reaction activity that purchases low dollar value items in the name of GSA. Their customers are primarily overseas activities. During FY 79, SPB processed 15,020 line items representing a dollar value of $1,541,258. This activity has operated for a number 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090047-2 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988RO00J 00090047-2 of years without difficulty- and was rovie red by Agency and GSA 1~ ;.~,rers 25X1 in duly :1.979. ACQUISITION OF MATERIEL TIT 1011 PL DS'I IP The Agency has enjoyed an excel l ejn I: relationship, with GSA o>>e-r the years. However, the current. restricti-"ion on furniture procurement as increased our paper flow and decreased our ability to meet cust:.o7.ic;r requirements even through we are in full compliance with the 11)11,1111's. (See attached memorandums) During F "19, we obta:4ned 2944 lire :ltc~r,s valued at $1,942,818 from GSA through FEDSTR:IP (Stock). (U) excellent support. During FY 79, we processed 324 line items This was an excellent source of materiel until 1978 when the GSA investigation resulted in the issuance of very restrictive procurement policies. Those problems have now been resolved and we again receive 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090047-2 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090047-2 VEIIICLIE ACQUISITION 25X1 Generally, vehicle procuremci..t requires. a loin lead time and it is not uncommon. for vehicles to be on order for a year or more. In many cases, the Agency does a poor job of forecasting; requirements and as a result, we submit our requirements in September. Normal delivery time for s xians is 240 to 330 days from final date of consolidation; however, we have been working; with GSA. in an effort to reduce delivery times. We currently enjoy an excellent working relationship with the automotive center. 25X1 SELF SERVICE SPORES Self Services Store procedures have been tightened over the past 18 months to the extent that it is very time consuming. In addition, there has been a large reduction in the availability of items to the extent that the Small Purchases Branch has reduced their use of the Self Service Store by 50%. The Self Service Store was one of the major con- cerns during the investigation of GSA and it is reasonable to assume that control procedures will ease up once GSA rebuilds its confidence in the system. (U) Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090047-2