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Approved For Release 2B i,? }i,dd ^: DP85-00966Rbdb'~OcO3O Q1-2
rJ ,,
i.:r a7S d:s.
OCC-M-78- 164
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Data Processing
Chairman, OS/OC Security Review Committee
SUBJECT Security Review of SAFE Proposals (U)
1. (U/AIUO) Attached are the findings of the Security
25X1A Committee Review for the SAFE proposal's submitted by
It is the recommendation of the Security
Working Group that the BLACK system bus architecture be
selected for the SAFE program.
2. (C) The three key factors which impact the conclusions
and recommendations for the report are:
a. The totality of sensitive data on a RED bus,
b. The budgetary constraints for a labor intensive
on-going line surveillance program deemed essential for
a RED bus,
c. The advancement of the state-of-the-art
anticipated in the field of. microminiature technical
collection equipment.
.3. (U/AIUO) We, ODP/OC/OS, are entering the next
generation of information handling within the Agency and within
the Intelligence Community. It is imperative that crucial
decisions be made at the entry point to obviate the recognized
expense of retrofits.
As Stated
E2, IMPDET CL BY: 390969
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C :.! , i ! r ,I.; t I P.
SAFE Communications
Architecture Reports
Approved For Reias940?Ak CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
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ca1 ~~IU A .;n.
SAFE Communications
Architecture Reports
3 1 MAR 1978
Cry1t i -,r,F
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
The Security Review Committee, comprised of Office
of Security and Office of Communications representatives,
have reviewed studies for the SAFE program.
The multi-discipline background of the members of this
committee run the gambit of Office of Security officers
with intimate experience and responsibilities for pro-
tecting the Agency's Information Systems and Classified
Information, with expertise in technical countermeasures
for wireline,protection; and Communications Security
officers who have the prime responsibility for protecting
the data flow of Agency information.
It is the position of this committee that the BLACK
communications architecture is necessary to protect the
information currently anticipated to be flowing within
this system.
This is based on an appraisal of the threat/risk
to the information. The classification level of infor-
mation and its sensitivity mandates the highest level of
protection. The difficulty of providing a high level of
security in a RED system, its estimated resource costs
both financial and human, long and short, further support
this position.
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
i Executive Summary
I Introduction
A. Background
B. Objectives
II Threat and Vulnerability
III RED/BLACK Comparison
A. Prerequisites
B. Rationale
IV Costs
I A. General
B. Systems Cost Estimates
C. M Systems Cost Estimates
D. Resource Costs
V COMSEC Subsystem Developmental Risk
VI Future Utilization of the Bus
VII Deficiencies in Contractor Reports
VIII Conclusion and Recommendations
Approved For Release'-2b :01/30: CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
CC ,f!UENTI! 1
This report provides a security evaluation of the
SAFE RED and BLACK communications architectures provided
25X1A by It contains recommendations for selection
of an a equate y secure architecture.
To fulfill the requirements of SAFE, an
unprecedented volume of data including Top Secret,
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) and
Community proprietary material will be distributed
via a data communication system to approximately
users. A system which from the start appeared
able to handle SAFE's complex communication system
was the RF Bus Wide Band Communication System (WBCS).
This system was investigated by
under an ORD Feasibility Study, and has been adopted
as the design for SAFE. Although the WBCS has
numerous operational advantages, it requires high
level security protection because all data flows to
all points on the bus.
The concept of a communication trade-off study
was formulated at the time of the SAFE Request For
Proposal (RFP) to allow flexibility in providing the
required security protection for the SAFE data. Two
approaches were proposed: RED and BLACK. A plain
text RED system would rely heavily on physical
security devices and TEMPEST protection techniques.
A BLACK system would derive its security from
encryption. The contractors were directed to pursue
the design of both a RED and a BLACK architecture to
a point where meaningful comparisons could be made
by the Government and a preferred architecture chosen.
This point in time has now been reached.
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Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
c it. 1 1,
The objectives of the OS/COMSEC Working Group
were to evaluate both contractors' proposed systems
and their security features for security adequacy
and cost. In order to estimate the degree of
security required for the SAFE Communications
System and then determine how well the proposed
systems met these requirements, it was necessary
for the Working Group to first assess the threats
to which the SAFE Communications System would be
subjected. Next, the communications systems were
analyzed for vulnerabilities in their designs. .
Costs included not only one-time costs of designing
and implementing the security features, but also
the continuing costs and manpower requirements to
sustain the required security protection. Finally,
security countermeasures had to be identified to
correct the weaknesses in an acceptable manner.
{ir~}:' ;L
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dui Ei T A
There are certain prerequisites that must be
considered before addressing the two types of
architectures, RED and BLACK. These are minimum
standards which must be met by any system which
is installed.
1. It is a requirement that high grade
cryptographic key generators be used to
protect inter-building links.
2. If a RED system is installed, the
Security Standards for Classified Plain
Text Distribution in the Headquarters
Building and the Security Standards for
Classified Plain Text Distribution in
Outside Buildings must be adhered to.
Also, NACSEM 5100 requirements (TEMPEST)
must be met for all terminals and the
cable distribution system.
3. If a BLACK architecture is implemented
a high grade cryptographic algorithm must
be used in the cryptographic module (CM)
in a cost effective manner. This is
feasible by the omission of certain alarms,
checks, and security failure analysis.
The TEMPEST requirements imposed by Chapter
6 of KAG-30 will be applied to the CM.
NACSEM 5100 requirements will be applied
to the BLACK terminals. MIL-STANDARD 461
requirements will be applied to the cable
distribution system.
j i.i3i g
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
The rationale for the evaluation of the
proposals was to determine what security protection
is required for various types of installations and
then ascertain what approved countermeasures could
be used to reduce the degree of risk to an
acceptable level. Only those techniques presently
employed by the Office of Security were considered
since no new-physical security techniques were
addressed by either contractor.
For the RED installation, all BIU's, amplifiers,
splitters and taps must be locked and alarmed. In
addition, the terminals must be locked to prevent
unauthorized access to the system. The possibility
of constructing special purpose vaults to protect
the rooms which house terminals vice alarming
individual terminals was investigated and the cost
was found to be prohibitive. The idea of placing
the terminals in safes, as is presently done for
some cryptographic systems, was also considered and
found to be too expensive in addition to being
inconvenient for the operator. We concluded that
individual alarms were cost effective and included
only the minimum number of alarms necessary to
isolate a problem to a reasonably small physical
area ensuring an acceptable alarm response time.
This approach provides security protection while
allowing the SAFE operators to work in a standard
office environment.
For the BLACK installation, only the crypto-
graphic module and terminal must be protected. For
simplicity of installation it is recommended that
the CM be integrated into the terminal or work
station. The required protection for the CM and
terminal in a BLACK System is a strengthened
cabinet and lock.
For a BLACK System, the Automatic Key
Distribution Center (AKDC) and the other centralized
cryptographic functions must be in a privacy area
within the computer center, which will meet the
criteria for a Special Purpose Vault. Another require-
ment on the AKDC is that nobody is allowed in the
area alone; also referred to as two-man control.
' 6
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Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
For the purpose of evaluating the costs
associated with either a RED or BLACK communications
architecture one must look not only at the systems
costs presented by the two contractors, but also
the added costs of providing the requisite security
protection for the system. The following is an
analysis of the added security hardware costs and
resource impact for meeting requisite security
The _ System architecture is configured so
that the bus runs only as far as the electrical
closets where the BIU and cluster units are
located. The data is then distributed to each work
station via individual twisted pair cabling. It
should be noted that only the data to and from an
individual terminal is available to an intruder on
each pair of twisted wire. The security protection
required is, thus, similar to that provided today.
Table 1 enumerates the items that require protection,
indicates the quantity of devices to be protected,
and designates the security measures and the associated
costs for both the RED and BLACK systems. Table 2
provides the computation data for the added physical
and technical security protection required for the
G.E. RED system. Table 3 provides the computation
data for similarly protecting the ~ BLACK system.
It should be noted that the quantities used were
based on information provided by the contractor and
the experience of the working group. No security
costs for outside buildings have been included in
this cost estimate. The unit cost of physical and
technical security protection in outbuildings may be
higher than that required in the Headquarters
CCE 1141 - ?TIa.l
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Single 1/0 Device
SAFE Terminal
Cabinet lock and increased strength of
Regional Printer
ADSTAR Terminal
Contact s
witch alarm in existing elect.
BIU or BIU Extenders
closet wi
Cabinet L
th twisted shielded pair to a
Workstation Cluster
Splitter Tap
Coaxial Bus Amplifiers
Coaxial Cable Pullbox
Twisted Pair From
BIU to I/O Device
N/A, since BIU's located in closets
Contact switch alarm in existing elect.
closet with twisted shielded pair to a
Cabinet Lock
Contact switch alarm in existing elect.
closet with twisted shielded pair to a
Cabinet Lock
$ 100
? 0
Contact switch alarm outside existing elect.1350
elect closet with a twisted shielded pair
to a monitor
Cabinet Lock
N/A twisted pair in floor cells will not
require additional costs 0 0
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Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
The _ system architecture is configured so
that the bus runs all the way to the BIU which
will be located in the work station area. The
transmission path is coaxial cable. This necessitates
providing protection for-the system wherever the bus
data is available to an intruder. Table 4 enumerates
the items that require protection, indicates the
quantity of devices to be protected, and designates
the security measures and the associated costs for
both the RED and BLACK systems. Table 5 provides
the computation data for the added physical and 25X1A
technical security required to protect the M RED
system. Table 6 provides the computation data for
similarly protecting the _ BLACK system. It should 25X1A
be noted that the quantities used were based on
information provided by the contractor and the exper-
ience of the working group. No security costs for
outside buildings have been included in this cost
estimate. The unit cost of physical and technical
security protection in outbuildings may be higher
than that required in the Headquarters environment.
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Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
170 Device
SAFE Terminal 1663
Regional Printer 158
Regional Printer + BIU 158
SAFE Terminal + BIU 332
Cabinet lock & increased cabinet strength $ 100 $100
Contact switch alarm outside existing 1350
elect. closet w/TSP to a monitor
Cabinet Lock
13 00 100
3. Workstation Cluster + BIU
600@4:1RATI0 998/4 = 250 Contact switch alarm for each cluster 1500
20%@2:1RATI0 333/2 = 167 series w/TSP to a monitor
Cabinet Lock
4. Splitter Tap
Contact switch alarm from outside
elect. closet.. w/TSP to a monitor
Cabinet Lock
20 100
1520 100
100 0
20 0
existing _
1350 0
20 0
136 0
S. Elect. closet IDF and contact switch alarm from existing
floor cell entry cover 70 elect. closet w/TSP to a monitor 100 0
Cabinet Lock
. Pull ox 41 Contact switch alarm for outside 1350
existing elect. closet w/TSP to a monitor
Cabinet Lock 20
30 Contact switch alarm FM
1500 existing elect-closet w/TSP to a monitor
Cabinet Lock
Floor cell covers 2000 Buy new covers to replace presently
missing covers 40
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V iii 1BE T 1 M
The required resource allocation for a security
surveillance program can vary widely depending on the
level of effort. In order to illustrate the range
of costs, the resource costs were divided into two
categories - a maximum effort and a minimum effort.
1. Maximum Effort
Technical Inspection - For a RED environment,
if the Office of Security inspects every I/O
device once a year, it is estimated that it would
take 12 man-years of effort to inspect the SAFE
system. This is based on an estimated 8 hours to
inspect an I/O device and its associated wiring.
It is estimated that for a RED scenario, it will
take 10 man years to provide an alarm monitor and
response program capability. For a BLACK system,
it will take 5 man-years to monitor the security
console. In addition, the present annual
maintenance costs for alarms and associated
wiring is $31.2/alarm per ear. It'is estimated
that these costs for the iW RED system will be
$6,300 and the the _ RED system will be $107,600.
These costs are not reflected on any table.
TEMPEST Inspection - If the Office of
Communications TEMPEST-inspects every I/O device
once a year, it is estimated that it would take
24 man-years of effort to inspect the SAFE system.
This is based on a two-man team inspecting one
I/O device per day and two electrical closets per
2. Minimum Effort
Technical Inspection - For a RED environment,
if the Office of Security checks only the conduit
runs and maintains alarms it is estimated that 3
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2'
man-years of effort would be required. It is
estimated that for a RED scenario it will take
10 man-years to provide an alarm monitor and
response program capability. For a BLACK system
it will take 5 man-years to monitor the security
console. In addition, the present annual
maintenance costs for alarms and associated
wiring is $31.2/alarm per ear. It is estimated
ill b
em w
that these costs for the
$6,300 and the = RED system will be
These costs are not reflected on any
TEMPEST Inspection - If the Office of
Communications TEMPEST-inspects the 70
electrical closets annually and 10% of the I/O
devices annually, it is estimated that 2 man-
years of effort would be required.
Approved For Release 2002/01/360 CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
1'4 ufflAl
The development schedule provided in the .
architecture document is confirmed as realistic. The
schedule could be tightened, exposing the system to a
higher degree of risk, but this does not appear
necessary or desireable. NSA hopes to begin development
of the COMSEC Subsystem in early FY-79. This will allow
NSA to develop a CM which could be common to a variety
of systems. This has several advantages to the SAFE
program: lower unit cost, minimum development cost,
security protection, and interoperability with other
intelligence networks, and a development schedule
approximately 9 months to 1 year earlier than required.
The performance risk is considered low. A
significant risk item is the 9600 bps throughput
required of the CM. However, this risk is minimized by
the following:
A. There is a .moderate risk in meeting the
requirement with current day technology in
B. If the new higher speed microprocessors
announced by manufacturers meet their claims,
NSA can meet the requirement with ease.
C. Alternative cryptologic devices exist which
can meet the throughput requirement, however,
their employment would likely adversely effect
potential interoperability with other systems.
D. NSA could use any one of a number of existing
LSI cryptologic chips with microprocessor control
and easily exceed the system requirements.
However, the cost for each CM would probably rise
to about $500 and SAFE would likely lose potential
interoperability with other systems.
t.1 .i i'ti t ?-iy d ~.
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
The SAFE COMSEC Architecture is analogous to the
development program. - has been in
development since April 1977 and an operational testbed
should be installed in mid-1979. Most of the detailed
design and network protocols and procedures have already
been accomplished. The next year involves software
coding and equipment fabrication for the test. The only
direct fallout from to SAFE beyond the design
stage, is the high speed Key Generator Unit (KGU). The
remaining design and fabrication of thi.s.KGU is less
than one year from completion. Thus there are no
remaining "prerequisites" from except the KGIJ,
and that will be fabricated and demonstrated prior to a
SAFE contract award.
The most significant risk item in the COMSEC Sub-
system has to do with -its interface to.the SAFE System
components. Changes in the basic SAFE architecture,
once defined, must be fully coordinated with NSA to
determine their impact on NSA schedules.
Pv { :i!.-fi t w ' ..}-
Approved For Release 2002/01/3: CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Since the analysis of the bus communications system
indicates that it will only be 40% utilized when SAFE is
fully operational, the remaining 60% capacity will be
utilized for other communications requirements. This
150% growth in the number of I/O devices which can be
connected to the bus. is extremely significant because
the same physical and technical secur.ity.p.roblems that
exist for the SAFE system will exist for any system that
utilizes the bus. This stems from the requirement to
protect the information appearing on the bus.
If a RED bus system is installed, all the security
features detailed in the cost section of the report
must be applied for each new I/O device.
If a BLACK bus system is installed, a CM and lock
will be the only security requirements for each I/O
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Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
As expected, the two contractors made some
different assumptions in coming up with their RED/BLACK
presentations. Surprisingly, certain costs were
excluded in one case and not in the other. Certain
system sizing numbers were not consistent throughout.
It was therefore difficult to create a common base of
comparison..for the..candidate systems, particularly-
because the contractors were vague about itemizing
security related costs. Although some of the differences
could be resolved by assumed quantities to which unit
security costs could be applied, other component counts
were so imbedded in the contractors' submissions that unit
costs could not be assigned. To be specific:
A. Mexcluded the costs of physical security
devices in their RED presentation. Therefore,
the RED total cost was unrealistically low.
Furthermore, it was difficult to track the
distribution of system components so that
reasonable physical security unit costs could
be applied.
B. Although it was fully understood by the
Working Group that the RED/BLACK Security
Evaluation was not supposed to be a contractor
competition contractor design comes into play
because has a BIU associated with each
terminal and the coaxial bus extending to the
BIU, whereas _ has one BIU for many terminals
and terminates its bus in the electrical
closets. The Security Working Group recognizes
that part of the decision of the contractors for
BIU placement was based on individual interpre-
tations of what they were or were not permitted
to do by the Government. If operations or security
appears to advise a change, either contractor could
be instructed to switch to the other's approach.
Approved For Release 2002/01/3Q 4 CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2.
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Although not a part of the contractors' submissions,
Combined Project SAFE Office (CS.PO) background paper,
which included a communication system timetable, suggests
an apparent difficulty for the delivery of the BLACK
crypto subsystem. NSA confirmed on 23 March 1978 to the
CSPO there was no difficulty. The original NSA delivery
timetable was based on the dates previously supplied by
CSPO. If a new shorter timeframe can truly be achieved
by the contractors, then NSA can also advance its delivery.
This can be stated with some confidence. Work on the more
difficult building blocks of the BLACK COMSEC subsystem is
already well underway for other applications, quite inde-
pendent of SAFE. The SAFE contractors should be directed
to work out the integration of the subsystem to their
respective BLACK communications architecture.
It was noted as a deficiency of the CSPO timetable
and the contractors' reports that no mention of a testbed
timetable was made. Although a testbed period would be
part of the System Acquisition Phase (SAP), the lack of
reference to it in the CSPO timetable made it difficult
to determine the necessary delivery date for a BLACK
COMSEC Subsystem. The amount of time available to
resolve any problems anywhere in the communications
system which would first come to light in a functioning
system could also not be determined.
_ neglected to provide an integration design
figure to estimate support for a BLACK subsystem. It is
understood that they are working up these figures at the
present time.
It should be noted, as was stated by the NSA
consultant in the joint meeting with the CSPO Working
Group, that the costs of the BLACK COMSEC Subsystem were
in part, predicated on the need for a 10 Mbs data rate
per frequency slot. Subsequent contractor architecture
changes have resulted in a change from the 10 Mbs rate
to a 2 robs rate. As a result of this change, the costs
for the COMSEC Front End (CFE) and the Safe Key Generator
(SKG) should be greatly reduced.
It should be pointed out that -included costs for
a conduit in the BLACK Communication System price. This
is not a security requirement for a BLACK system. The
total should be adjusted accordingly before comparing any
total system costs.
ice` t~ii II, --~ `
Approved For Release 2002/01/31: CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00966R000100030001-2
The utilization of a.bus communication system
introduces a new dimension to the data communication
security problem. This dimension is the flow of all
system communications on a single cable throughout
the bus installation configuration. The potential
damage to the Agency and National Security from
- penetration of this bus for the information flowing,
mandates maximum security.
The two fundamental forms of communications
security RED and BLACK were compared. The following
conclusions are a result of this comparison:
1. The BLACK system provides absolute security
on an end to end basis for each identifiable
circuit within the bus; the RED system
provides a high degree of physical security
at the most vulnerable points only.
2. If Agency management accepts the higher
security vulnerability of a RED system
then management must recognize and accept:
a. The Risk
b. Added security hardware costs
c. Increased security revalidation and
maintenance resource costs
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3. The security for bus expansion is easily
achieved in a BLACK system; security
costs are estimated at 50% lower than for
a RED system.
4. A factor not directly associated with the
SAFE communication system but which is
worthy of management consideration is the
potential influence on the Intelligence
Community of a BLACK selection.
It is the recommendation of the Security
Working Group that the BLACK system architecture
be selected.
It is further recommended that a coordinating
group be established to maximize the effectiveness
of the security features which are to be implemented
in the system.
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