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Approved For Release 200 g f IA-RDP85-00821 Ul- LA DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Committee /1- . SECOM-M-222 17 APR 1979 Minutes Two Hundred and Twentieth Meeting Wednesday, 11 April 1979, 1000-1200 Hours Room 7E62, Langley Headquarters Building Robert W. Gambino Chairman Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Defense Intelligence Agency Merrill T. Kelly, Department of Army National Security Agency r. Dennis out ern, Department of the Treasury Mr. D. Jerry Rubino, Department of Justice Mr. David Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. George Weisz, Department of Energy i Mr. R. L. Welch Department of the Navy Central Intelligence Agency ALTERNATES PRESENT Mr. Charles R. Torpy, Department of the Air Force ALSO PRESENT Michael N. Cassetta, Department of Commerce Defense Intelligence Agency apartment of Justice National Security Agency Office Secretary of Treasury National Security Agency r. Donald Stigers, Department of State Mr. James M. Mastrovito, Department of Treasury Mr. Roger D. Smith, Department of the Air Force WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED Approved For Release 20 ORiGINALCLzn Signer 0 DECLX...~~~'r:; ~.. APR 2009 EXT i3Yr.D E YP; gY Signer IA-RDP8q-99?g' fZ0(YWtOfl . _ c Approved For Release 2009t't lA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 25X1 A SECOM-M-222 , Defense Intelligence Agency nal Security Agency xecutive Secretary, Security Committee Central Intelligence Agency ral Intelligence Agency Intelligence Agency al Intelligence Agency urity Committee urity Committee y Committee Present for Part of Meeting Approved For Release 200 2 A-RDP85-00821R000100040019-2 ra Approved For Release 2002/ ' TA-RDP85-00821R000100040019-2 PRELIMINARY REMARKS 1. The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing Mr. George Weisz, the DOE Princip.l, and Mr. Cyril Frank, the DEA Observer. Mr. Gambino noted that the Department of Commerce was now represented by Mr. William Randolph as an observer, and he welcomed Mr. Robert Merchant as a guest. (U) 2. The Chairman advised members of the preparation and distribution of secretary's notes to cover informational items.- He invited members to advise the staff of what they wanted included in these notes. He asked members to let the staff know of any matters so included which needed to be discussed at a committee meeting. (U) 3. The Chairman noted Committee efforts to establish a central index of SCI denials in the interests of better security and of economy of investigation. He recalled that the question of maintaining such an index had been taken up by CIA after Justice had raised questions about the FBI providing this as a service of common concern. Mr. Gambino said that legal staff had raised potential problems about such an index e.g., the applicability of section 2-208 of E.O. 12036; its value if a file has been destroyed. He asked for members' comments on whether we should set this proposal aside. Several. said they believed such an index would serve a useful purpose, and said they thought it could be structured in such a way as to satisfy many of the objections., Since the consensus favored further pursuit of this objective, Mr. Gambino advised that the Staff would pursue it as an on-going project. (FOUO). 4. The Chairman advised members that he had recently sent the DCI a memorandum seeking a decision on differences with legal staff on how SCI appeals should be handled and adjudicated (a copy of the draft procedures was distributed at the meeting). (FOUO) Approved For Release 2002 8 PE A-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 Approved For Release 2Qj4$ : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 5. The Chairman referred to a 27 February 1979 memo- randum from the Executive Secretary forwarding a recommended change to Physical Security Standards for' Window Bars.. He noted that because of a late objection this was being remanded to the RFD Subcommittee for review and reort. (FOUO)- 6. The Chairman invited members' attention to, and complemented the Department of State for, a publication titled "Survey of Hostile Intelligence Developmental Operations and Recruitment Attempts, 1970-77." He said he thought this would be a useful addition to the bibliography maintained by the Security Awareness Working Group. (FOliO) Approved For Release 200 130 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 T gnnr Approved For Release 200210 f0 : CIA-RDP85-008218000100040019-2 SECOM-P:- 2 2 2 SPECIAL DISCUSSION ON LEAKS The Chairman advised that he had recently sent the DCI a memorandum (copies distributed. at the meeting) responsive to the latter's request for analysis of recent leaks to identify whether there were any patterns. At the DCI's direction, copies were being sent to his deputies for their review and suggestions on the leak problem. (FOUO) The Chairman summarized a 1978 Department of Justice memorandum given an interpretation of E.O. 12036 concerning reporting on leaks. (Copy provided members). Mr. Gambino said the bottom line of this was that Community Agencies are required to recommend to the Attorney General for FBI investi- gation all cases involving "serious or continuing breaches of security." (U) The Chairman advised that Staff research on leaks showed that data holdings differed between CIA, NSA and DIA. He emphasized the importance of this subject and the need for all agencies to improve their handling of leak cases. He invited attention to proposals on leaks that. had been sent to mem ers recent y and asked for comments and responses. (FOUO) Several members suggested and all agreed that the present working group dealing with leaks should be elevated to standing subcommittee status. A suggestion was made that this body should develop a uniform form which all agencies would use to identify leaks and their consequences and to request FBI investigation. There was general agreement that positive responses to investigative requests would likely be facilitated if requests were signed by a senior official (e.g., DCI) and were specific in identifying particulars. (FOUO) In discussion of who should provide the Chairman for the subcommittee, said that he had discussed this with Admiral Inman an t at the latter offered to provide an NSA official to serve in this capacity and that he (Inman) would insure that this body took timely action on all leaks brought to its attention. Members supported this arrangement and the Approved For Release 200 UM- All~IIA-RDP85-00821ROO0100040019-2 Ong Approved For Release I02/T : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 SECOM-P,I-222 .5X7 A- leaks. Mr. Gambino said he had been asked to try to identify some leak scenarios which could be publicized to try to tell the public why we are so concerned. (U) Chairman accepted the offer with thanks. said NSA was ready to move quickly on this and that Mr. of their General Counsel Staff was their nominee or chairman. Mr. Gambino advised that the committee staff would follow through on this. (FOUO) The Chairman noted that ABC television had contacted the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs asking for information for use in a special they are preparing on r Approved For Release 20 ~TCIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 Approved For Release 200(q.U3f IA-RDP85-00821 R0001 00040019-2 SECOI'r-M-222 ITEM 1: Approval of Minutes The Chairman advised of one correction to the minutes of the 24 January meeting to show Mr. Weisz as the DOE principal on the Committee. There being no other changes, he said the minutes were approved as corrected. Mr. Gambino noted the summary of the Committee conference had been distributed, and asked members who had any substantive changes to provide them to the Staff. (U) ITEM 2: Reports of Subcommittee and Working Grou Chairmen (a) TSCS - advised of a change in the emphasis of tha -v Qa L' v vl uauell 1. llelr functi i e object was to involve =more in research and development matters and in policy guidance on telephone security, in addition to continuing their present function of testing telephone equipment. drew members' attention to the need to ensure a equa e unding for the quality of ti eirservices was likely to suffer as-aL-result. (C) (b) R&D - reported that there had been a seminar on 4 Apri on research and development matters with emphasis on the polygraph. He advised that their document protection working group would complete their report and mmendations soon, for presentation to the Committee. Mr. 10said their working group on acoustic countermea i sures equ p- ment was striving for standardization of receivers for future Approved For Release 2002/ ~ CM-00821 R000100040019-2 Lq, fir Approved For Release 200 t :ICIA-RDP85-00821 R0001 00040019-2 SECOM -?4- 2 2 2 the US, expressed his concern about the availability of easi y usa le emergency destruction equipment. It was noted that the Navy was pursuing RFD in that area, and the Chairman agreed to arrange for Navy to brief the Committee on this subject. (S/NNIP;TEL) (c) Computer Security - reported that they favored and were developing a propose change to DCID 1/11 to bring computers used for communications under their jurisdiction. He said this move might lead to computers being categorized according to their use rather than their design and capabilities. (FOLIO) (d) Compartmentation - reporting for Colonel Kamm, advised that th mp eted their review of DCID 1/7 and had forwarded a draft revision to the Committee staff. He described major elements of their proposed changes, 7nA r.r.+aA J t DCID 1/20. (FOUO) pp Al io Cu N,-_)A objection which would need to be resolved. advised that the subcommittee was continuing work n zero- ased review of SCI accesses and on the a end' (e) Unauthorized Disclosures - r ti epo ng (U) (f) Security Awareness distributed copies of draft "minimum standards for curl y awareness programs in the US Intelligence Community," and asked for members' comments/concurrences by 1 May 1979. He advised that this was being proposed for inclusion in the draft APEX manual, .and that alternative means of promulgating it ' an appendix to DCID 1/14 or a separate DCID, reported that the proposed security orientation program tor senior officials was almost completed, and that his working group was actively pursuing tasking to develop an orientation pro- gram for personnel without backgrounds in national security. Mr. Gambino expressed his appreci the quality and quantity of work being done by and his group. (FOLIO) Approved For Release 2002/p -RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 Approved For Release 2002/S '1 -r[ A-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 SECOM-M-222 (g) Investigative Standards - No report. (U) (h) Security Advisory Group USSR - No report. Mr. Gambino advised that a senior staff member of the National Security Council was seeking to schedule SCC discussion of the security of US facilities in Moscow. (S) ITEM 4: Classification Criteria for SCI DIA, noted differences between his agen in erpretation of what constituted Foreign Government Information (FGI) with respect to signals intelli- gence information. Fie advised that DIA had put out guidance Approved For Release 200AMfM IA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 -O'LufIET Approved For Release 20018'M: CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 SECODf-M-222 within Defense stating that intelligence information would remain classified for a maximum of 20 years subject to re- view unless it specifically met the definition in E.O. 12065 for FGI. He noted that the NSA interpretation seemed to bring all SIGINT within the purview of FGI, and he questioned whether that was in full com lian e with: the spirit of the Order and DCI guidance. NSA, said that a decision had been made during coordination of the'Order prior to signature that all SIGINT would be treated as FGI because t at he had been instructed not to yie on this point Mr . . Gambino noted that further staffing was required to attempt to resolve these differing interpretations. He agreed to suggestion that the Committee staff consult with e legal counsels and policy officials involved to try to resolve tha.s matter. (C) ITEM 5: New Business (a) The Chairman invited attention to the listing of priority items for 1979 Committee action (distributed to members at the meeting). He asked for any comments not later than 25 April 1979, and said he would assume approval in the absence of comments. (U) (b) The Chairman noted that the Co of had time at its March conference to discuss memo- randum seeking members views on the des c ro e o the Committee staff. (Copies of the memorandum, SECOM-D-463, dated 12 March 1979, subject: Mission and Functional Guidance, were distributed to members at the meeting). Mr. Gambino asked members who wished to do so to provide their comments later. (U) (c) proposed that the Committee establish minimum investigation under DCID 1/14. By consensus this was referred to the Investigative Standards Working Group for study and report back to the Committee. (FOUO) Approved For Release 200SECD" CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2 WLI (rrTT Approved For Release 20.02/&t/ ?p A-RDP85-00821 R0001 00040019-2 SECOW-M-222 (d) Mr. Gambino asked if members wanted to shift Committee meetings to the afternoon to allow more time for discussion. The consensus of comments was that the present arrangement of morning meetingslof about two hours satisfied needs without unduly burdening members' schedules. (U) ITEM 6: Next Meeting The Chairman scheduled the next meeting for 9 May 1979, to be held at CIA Headquarters. He noted that the FBI might be able by then to present a briefing on how the Freedom of Information Act can be manipulated to obtain information that is sensitive in the aggregate. Mr. Ryan said they could present such in a half hour or less, but suggested we consider having the Army present a parallel briefing of about the same duration on how the FOIA can be used to obtain sensitive military data. Mr. Ryan agreed to suggestion that their briefing be to an audience broader than the Committee, to include persons such as those CIA staff members who process FOIA requests. The Committee agreed that such a briefing should be arranged on an individual basis, and not just be part of a Committee meeting.. said Admiral Inman would the Committee in the near future, solicited requests on NSA activities members wou 1 e to see or learn about during such a meeting. (FOUO). :xecutive Secretary SEC PCT Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040019-2