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STAT gpproved For Release 2002/05/17 :CIA-RDP85-003758000200110001-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/17 :CIA-RDP85-003758000200110001-8 25X1A Approved For Relea's~Pi$511th1-~'s,~h-03t7~~00110001-8 PERSONNEL 9 April 1955 Et~I,QYEE SERVICES FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO EN~'LOYEES 1. Agency employees may occasionally be faced with financial problems which distract them from properly performing their duties and, in see cases, cause them to consider the necessity of leaving the Agency. There are na legal means by which such employees can be given personal loans or grants from Agency funds. This notice is designed to bring to the attention of supervisory personnel the facili- ties within the Agency which are available to assist employees in such financial emergencies. This information should be used by supervisors in appropriate circumstances and disseminated verbal~jr to each employee at such times as it may be necessary. 2. The facilities of the Credit Union are available to employees of~the Agency after a nominal investment. Employees should be advised to consider the practicability of using Credit Union facilities before seeking other assistance, because such a procedure reduces the security problems inherent in applying for a corrmereial loan. If an employee elects to seek assistance from a connnercial source or some external welfare association, he should be cautioned to deal only with reputable firms or agencies. 3. When no other practical course is available to the employee either through the Credit Union ar frcxn private sources, there is a smal]. welfare fund available within the Agency from which assistance may be obtained. When a supervisor learns of an emergency situation in which efforts to solve an employ+ee's financial difficulty through all other means have failed, he should refer the employee to the Employee Services Division, Office of Personnel, to apply for assistance from this fund. 25X1A 25X1 Approved For Release'6g1~U7-E6~G4~R,6b~A0375R000200110001-8 Approved For Rele~ 2002/05/17 :CIA-RDP85-0~ ,7 800 2Q0110001-8 *~~ ~~~ ~~~ 6 May 1955 Bylaws Adopt ed by CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WELFARE ASSISTANCE BOARD References: ERs 6-7121, 6-7122 1. GIIdERAI, These bylaws establish the policy and procedure governing the administration of the CIA employee welfare fund. All staff employees may receive emergency welfare aid and assistance from the fund, pro- vided that all security requirements are satisfied in each case. The CIA V`delfare Assistance Board"has been established by the Deputy Directors Memorandum of 8 April 1955? 2. POLICY Welfare funds shall be made available to render CIA employees emergency assistance for welfare, health, safety, and for recreation from a financial and/or material standpoint. Whatever means are deemed appropriate shall be utilized to promote the general welfare of CIA employees. 3? AAR'fII~]'ISTRATIC%d a. Formation of the CIA WELFARE ASSISTANCE BOARD. The name of the organization shall be the CIA. Welfare Assist- ance Board, and the welfare fund shall be administered by this Board. The Board shall be comprised of four representatives, each with an alternate to serve in his absence. The Director of Person- nel shall serve as Chairman: and treasurer and shall appoint an executive secretary/assistant treasurer and an alternate. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 :CIA-RDP85-003758000200110001-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 :CIA-RDP85-00375R00~0200110001-8 .- b. BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES In fulfilling its responsibilities, either delegated or assumed, the Board shall be fully responsible for the collection, receipt, custody and expenditure of such. funds as may be contributed, donated, or otherwise. accrued for use ixi promoting the general welfare of the employees of this Agency. c. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (1) In most instances the financial assistance shall be limited to those Agency employees who are faced with unexpected hardship and are unable to obtain all or a portion of the necessary financial assistance, by recourse to the CIA Credit Union or other normal lend: ing institutions. - (2} All requests far financial assistance shall be presented to the Executive Secretary, at a location designated by him, far initial evaluation. The Executive Secretary or his alternate shall be empowered (in conformance with the purposes and bylaws of the Board) to grant Agency employees personal loans not exceeding X50.00. (Only one loan ~,pps~.3 per employee a~ay be outstanding at any one time}. In discharging this responsibility, the Execu- tive Secretary sha11 be responsible to the Board, and shall be subject to the supervision of the Chairman. Loans ranging from X50.00 to X200.00 shall be approved by the Executive Secretary and the Chaixman, or, in the absence of either or both of these officials, any two Board members may take action in acute situations. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 :CIA-RDP85-003758000200110001-8 Approved For Rele~ 2002/05/17: CIA~F~Q$.5- 3758000200110001-8 ?.Dens ranging in amounts from X200.00 to ~~00.00 shall be approved by at least two Board members, the Chairman and the Executive Secretary, and loans in excess of X500.00 must be approved. by total Board membership. d. RESPONSIBILITIES OF EXECUTIVE SECRETARY The Executive Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the fund, making collections on loans, and receiving any donations from Government Services, Inc.i or other sources. Fie is authorized to make all withdrawals for the Board. In the event of his illness or absence, the Chairman or his alternate may act in his behalf. e. FUATD SOURCES . The Board has available certain monies, including payments. from Government Services, Inc., incident to their operation of CIA- patronized cafeterias. The Board shall investigate the possibility of augmenting the fund through appropriate revenue producing plans. For example, the Potomac Recreation Association (PRA) and the CIA 7iTelfare Assistance Board may collaborate on programs, projects,. and/or activities for the mutual augmentation of their respective functions, thereby increasing the capability and effectiveness of each organization in carrying out its mission. f. LOAN PROCi;DURE (1} The Board shall make all loans in strictest confidence, and shall not reveal the names of any debtors unless they become td ii~~f~~ ! tXt Approved For Release 2002/05/17: CIA-RDP85-003758000200110001-8 Approved For Relea a 2002/05/17: CIA-(RDnP8 ]8000200110001-8 ~~ delinquent. Loans shall be made for the shortest term possible con- s sidering all circumstances, shall be non-interest bearing, and shall not carry any service charge whatsoever. (2) Application for a loan shall be made in writing upon a form prescribed by the Board. The applicant shall supply all information required by said form, as well: as such additional information as the Board may deem necessary. All such infar~mation shall be treated as confidential. (3) The employee shall make all payments in accordance with the repayment schedule agreed upon. When a loan is granted, a schedule for repayments mutually agreeable to the applicant and the Board, shall be set forth in writing and recorded at the bottom of the Loan application.. A receipts prescribed by the Boards shall be given for any and all payments. When an employee fails to repay a loan, or arty part thereof the Bcard may take whatever steps are deemed legally expedient or appropriate to secure payt~nt of the amount due. Or the total membership of the Board may' at its discretion declare the account uncollectible and effect its trans- fer to that category. An applicant for a loan or gratuity shall not be considered to be iri good standing if, under a previous loan, such applicant has not acted in good faith or has failed, without 3ust cause, t o fu1#ill promises made in connection therewith. g. EX~EPTIG~JS AND SPEDIAL PRt~DthZES -The Board may establish such special procedures ar exceptions to these rules and regulations as are deemed necessary or appropriate. Approved For Release?tQ~~~~~I~~P85-003758000200110001-8 Approved For Reuse 2002/05/17 : CI ~~~~~375R~200110001-8 .~ :. ~a~~ For example, with tY~ concurrence of all its members, the Board may make an outright grant to an individual or to the Potomac Recreation Association, with no provision for repayment, when it feels that such action is clearly justified by the exigencies of the total situation. h. REPORTS AND RECQRDS (1} The Welfare Board shall compile and keep on file a monthly repart containing the following informations Total amount of fund. Number and amount of loans outstanding at beginning of period. Amount of funds on hand at beginning of period. Number and amount of loans paid during the period. Number and amount of loans made the period. Amount of funds on hand at end of period. Number and amount of loans outstanding at end of period. Number and amount of delinquent loans. Number and amount of loans coa~sidered uncollectible. (2} An audit of all financial records of the welfare fund shall be made at least semi-annually by an individual or individuals w3.thin the Agsncy who are properl4,,r qualified to make such audits. All audits shall be conducted under the control and supervision of the Chief, Audit Staff. ~ ~~iD~~~ 1A1. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 :CIA-RDP85-003758000200110001-8