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I Y Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 S 0 5 January 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, DDS&T Career Service Board Director, DDS&T Career Development Course SUBJECT: CDC-19 Student Course Critiques 1. Attached are copies of the critiques of the Career Development Course submitted by its class members. Also included is the copy of the questions which the students were asked to use in preparing their comments. 2. The critique is divided into two basic parts. Part I is directed toward the overall evaluation of the course, and Part II is designed to elicit individual member responses. 3. The DDS&T offices are to be commended for the planning of highly instructive and worthwhile programs. They were all exceptionally well done and provided the class members with an appreciation of the many and complex programs charged to DDS&T. 4. The Career Development Course No. 19 class members were an outstand- ing group of officers. They were a highly spirited group who both challenged and probed our guest speakers with thoughtful and relevant questions. They received numerous compliments, and in many instances our speakers stayed longer to talk and discuss issues with the class members. Attachments: As stated cc: DDS&T Each DDS&T CSB Member Acting EXO/DDS&T C/AS/DDS&T 25X1 I SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? The current length of the Career Development Course, which is now 12 weeks long is, in my opinion, an appropriate length of time. This amount of time is required to adequately expose the class to the various Government and Agency S&T collection and analysis programs. The pace of the course is perhaps too brisk at times, but overall I would judge this pace to be most satis- factory. The content of the course is unusually well balanced in both the scope of the material presented as well as the degree of depth on matters of substantive value. I believe that additional exposure to other military commands would be extremely useful to the class members. In particular, I feel that a one-day field trip to the National Alternate Command Center at Fort Ritchie would have been an excellent choice. Also of value for this course would be an additional week of NFAC briefings on various other matters of current intelligence interest, primarily ics dealing with life sciences and geo- political issues. I believe that the course more than met my expectations. The objectives set for the course, including my own objectives, were realized to the fullest. I would highly recommend this course to others who wish to achieve a higher state of awareness of scientific and technical affairs in the larger arena of U.S. foreign policy issues. I would not recommend this course for those who seek only another ticket-punch in their training record. The individual who will profit most is the person who is ready to acknowledge, a priori, that he is ignorant of many aspects of the DDSET and the U.S. Intelligence Community. This individual should be a mature person who has at least 10 years with the Agency and who expects to follow through with a career progression that will guide him/her to the top levels of Agency management. This individual should be selected because of identified leader- ship qualities and, most important for this course-- the person should be outgoing, gregarious and perhaps slightly extroverted. A shy or timid individual will quickly be intimidated and/or humbled by the heavy exposure to esoteric S&T subjects of profound. magnitude. The value of the course is largely determined by the quality of inputs, questions and reflections of each of the class members. The continued participation of each student is important. Again, it should be noted that leadership qualities should be a demonstrated characteristic of the individual considered for Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 i Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 SECRET this course. While a college education in one of the physical sciences is probably an important selection criterion, it is not essential. Anyone with an inquisitive mind and an inter in science and technology will'profit from this course. The speaker evaluation procedure used by CDC-19 is adequate and appropriate as a feedback mechanism. The success of this procedure, however, is dependent on frequent encouragement by the Course Director to have each student fully participate in a thorough evaluation of each speaker. The administrative aspects of this course were handled in an efficient manner. However, I would like to suggest that the trips to facilities outside the Washington, D.C. area be described in advance. This would enable students to better anticipate the type of presentations to be expected. This could be arranged by requesting the host agency to provide a brief outline or synopsis of what they intend to cover during the field trip. On a few of our visits outside Washington, D.C. it was obvious that the briefers were not fully.prepared for our visit. An advance agenda would help to eliminate this problem. I believe that my contribution to the course was that of an inquisitive mind searching new answers. I genuinely hope that through my line of questioning, inquiry and frank examination of the issues presented to the class, I have helped stimulate new levels of interest and brought new experiences to the class membership. I also hope that I was able to promote a heightened sense of comraderie among the CDC-19 participants. And lastly, I hope that I was able to relate my previous Agency experience in SIGINT and HUMINT collection and that this provided new insights to class members who had not been exposed to these disciplines. I have gained substantial knowledge of new methods of scientific investigation which contribute to the intelligence pool of information serving our nation. I also have gained a better understanding of some of our most sophisticated technical collection systems. In addition to this, I also have had an opportunity to review some of the most important managerial and substantive intelligence problems confronting the Agency and the U.S. Govern- ment during the 1980's. As a member of CDC-19 I have had a chance to gain a much greater appreciation of the scope and degree of DDS&T activities and their contribution to sfying the overall Intelligence Community goals and objectives. SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 0 As a result of this course I believe that I now have a greater'awareness of the value of my role in the DDS&T and specifically in the Office of SIGINT Operations. My career goals have not been significantly changed. However, I have been able to determine that I could serve a useful function in a much wider range of professional activities within this Agency. My goal is to seek the challenges that require my experience and to pursue the most interesting and rewarding jobs available to me and which also are consistent with the needs of the Agency. It is my sincere wish that management recognize the tremen- dous amount of time and effort required to provide the knowledge gained by students of the CDC. Management should take maximum advantage of these individuals and their newly expanded horizons by placing them in the most challenging jobs. Only in this way will the Career Development Course serve bnth he employee and the Agency to meet the course objectives. u Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 f AD' ISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY ? COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 PART I 1. Please comment on the length, pace, and.content of the course. What other topics should be added to the course? What topics would you eliminate? 2. Please evaluate the effectiveness of the course from your own personal perspective. Did it meet your objectives and/or expectations? Will you recom- mend it to others? 3. The only firm selection criteria for the CDC are that the nominee must be a professional officer with a sustained strong performance and a demonstrated potential for further advancement. In your opinion, what type of individual is apt to benefit most from the CDC experience? You may wish to address areas such as time in Agency, education, experience, attitudinal factors, personality traits, or any other areas which you feel are pertinent. 4. Do you have any comments or suggestions regarding the speaker evaluation procedure used by CDC-19? 5. Do you have any comments on the administrative aspects of the course (physical environment, handling of messages, transportation arrangements, etc.)? 6. Other comments. PART II 1. What have I contributed to the Career Development Course? 2. What have I gained from the CDC? 3. In what way(s) have my perceptions of the DDS&T changed as a result of my a course member? 4. In what way(s) have my perceptions of my job been modified? 5. Have my career goals changed in anyway or in any degree? Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? Records Management Division, OIS Director, DDS&T Career Development Course Chief, Information Technology Branch Course Evaluation, CDC-19 STAT STAT STAT I want to thank you and the other managers in the DDS&T for allowing me to attend CDC-19. As you will see in the attached course evaluation, I feel that I have gotten a great deal out of this course. What I didn't say is how much I enjoyed being with everyone on all those great trips. I truly believe that we learned as much from each other as we did from the speakers. We really had a great class, and you were the one who made it all work so well. STAT Attachment As stated f`r _ Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? Evaluation of Career Development Course 19 STAT PART I 1. Please comment on the length, pace, and content of the course. Twelve weeks is an appropriate length of time for this course. Although the course was very fast-paced and I often felt we should have allowed more time for some of the speakers, by the twelfth week I felt I had sat through as many briefings as I could absorb. The course was outstanding in every way--briefings, tours, and student projects. I think it would be very difficult to improve upon the information content of this course. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the course from your own personal perspective. Did it meet your objectives and/or expectations? Will you recommend it to others? My objectiveslin attending this course were to get a better under- standing of the work done within the DDS&T, and to find out as much as I could about the information systems in the directorate. I achieved these objectives and more. The course provided me with a much better understanding of the whole intelligence process, from collection planning through the use of intelligence by policymakers. As far as recommending the course to others, I have already told my managers and coworkers that this was the best course I have ever taken either inside or outside the Agency. 3. What type of individual is apt to benefit from CDC? The people who will get the most out of CDC are those officers involved in the intelligence collection and analysis fields. These are the people who must know all the things covered in the course in order to maximize their productivity. There are also many officers in the administrative part of the Agency who work with the DDS&T and the other directorates, and who would benefit from the course. Within the DDA, I believe the Office of Information Services, Office of Security, and Office of Data Processing would have many people who would benefit from the course. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 S i 4. Comment on the speaker evaluation procedure. The weekly speaker evaluation form is satisfactory. It was easy enough to complete and I felt that I had the opportunity to make any comments I wanted about each speaker. 5. Comment on the administrative aspects of the course. The administrative aspects of CDC-19 were handled very well. There were a few occasions when we had problems with a conference room or with an organization not being fully prepared for our visit. On the whole, however, considering all the places we went and all the arrangements that had to be made, things went remarkably well. PART II I believe that I was able to give the members of CDC-19 a good understanding of what we do in the Office of Information Services, and why we are doing it. I also think I gave them a feeling for the special responsibilities the people in OIS have in working directly with the public and with other agencies in the Federal government. 2. What have I gained from the course? In addition to what I stated in Part I, Question 2, this course has given me abetter understanding of program and project management. I also came away from the course with an enhanced belief in the importance of intelligence to our government's policymakers, and the importance of the CIA in the Intelligence Community. 3. In what ways have your perceptions of the DDS&T changed? The course has given me a better understanding of the wide range of activities carried out in the DDS&T. Projects I once knew only by name have more significance for me since I have met the people involved and have had the opportunity to touch the equipment. I now appreciate the work that goes into the development and operation of technical collection systems. 4. In what ways have my perceptions of my job changed? My job is to help others in the Agency do their jobs more effectively and more efficiently. I have felt this way since joining the DDA seven years ago. This course has reinforced this attitude. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 , Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? 5. Have my career goals changed in any degree? Yes, now that I have been exposed to the project management world of the DDS&T I would someday like to be directly involved in one of these projects. (You folks have all the fun.) Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 , . STAT ADMINI T VE-INTERNAL USE ONLY 0 COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 Ordinarily, fracturing an elbow at the very outset must be considered a less than auspicious beginning and does not bode well for a course of this magnitude. Fortunately this negative flavor was quickly dispelled and was never to return. The pace of the DDS&T Career Development Course is unquestionably swift and unrelenting. This is, naturally, unavoidable in a course lasting only twelve weeks and encompassing the vast volume of material which this one does. It does pose some disadvantages in that such a pace leaves little time for reflection:- and discussion among the course participants. It would probably be useful to schedule some administrative time periodically to facilitate such activity. Admittedly, this would necessitate lengthening the course somewhat, but, in my experience, one of the great strengths of the course lies in the interaction between participants. As a generalization, I would state that nothing could be eliminated from the course without creating a negative impact. However, some segments could probably be shortened slightly without seriously detracting from the impact of the presentation. This would have the residual benefit of freeing some time for other activities. In this regard, the OSWR bloc specifically comes to mind. The presentations were uniformly excellent, but a representa- tive sampling of the numerous briefings delivered would be sufficient to adequately portray the functions and scope of the office. In any case, I do not believe that it is necessary for every branch/division/etc. within an organization to give a presentation just for the sake of having everyone included. Although the content of the course was excellent, there are a number of valuable additions which could be made--time and money naturally being the major constraining factors. If proper clearances could be obtained, a stop at Sandia/Los Alamos during the West Coast trip would be a valuable experience. (As an alternative, a tour of certain restricted areas at Liver- more Labs would add a great deal to that portion of the trip.) An actual tour of a SIGINT site would probably do much to reinforce the participants' -understanding of that area of intelligence collection. AS Pace of this, I would point out the class reaction to the day spent atu The Drug Enforcement Agency could probably be added to the number of outside agencies giving presentations. A short visit to Ft. Ritchie or Mt. Weather might provide an interesting addition to the course. Additional time is needed for the visit to Foreign Technology Division (FTD). FTD made a concerted effort to cover as much as possible in one day, but it was obvious that they were too rushed and were not able to include everything they wished, and the effort made for a very long day. Two days (including a half day at the Air Force Museum) would probably be adequate. I can state categorically that the DDS&T Career Development Course was the most complete and stimulating training experience I have ever en- countered in the Agency, including the Career Training Program. I sincerely doubt that any other training course available could provide the insights, . ADMINISTRArVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 A ONiSTRA 'VVE-INTiERNAL USE ON (2) first hand experiences, and interactions which are the essence of the CDC. I not only will recommend the course to others, I have already done so to several persons whom I think could profit. Actually, I do not see how a professional within the Agency could fail to benefit from taking the course; it would merely be a question of degree. The type of individual who would benefit most from the course is very difficult to describe in any absolute terms. The most obvious personality. traits would be an eager and inquisitive nature along with an open mind.. The ability to communicate effectively with others, especially orally, and to establish a good rapport with other course participants and speakers are also useful attributes. The participants should have sufficientexperience within the Agency (or other areas of the community) to form a basis for understanding what they see and hear &nd to raise questions in their minds which might not occur to a less experienced officer. It is difficult to express this experience level in an exact number of years, but between five and twelve years is probably a good range. Educational and professional backgrounds could, and probably should, vary as much as possible. One of the strengths of CDC-19, in my opinion, was the varied backgrounds of the participants. Because of their varied backgrounds and areas of expertise, they were able to reinforce the learning experience among themselves and interact effectively with a wide variety of organizations. Administratively, the handling of the course was highly professional and efficient. The participants were free to devote their full attention to the course content, secure in the knowledge that necessary arrangements such as transportation, accommodations, and schedules were being taken care of for them. In several specific instances, the actions of the course director were instrumental in turning what might have been a very negative experience into an unqualified success. Overall, the success of CDC-19 resulted to a significant degree from the efforts of the course director and the course secretary. Because I derived so much from the course and value the experience so highly, it is difficult for me to believe that I could possibly have con- tributed in equal measure to what I gained. However, I do feel that my participation contributed to the success of the course. Because of my back- - ground in photo intelligence, I was able to bring a perspective into the group which would have been lacking otherwise. In many cases, I feel that I stimulated the curiosity of members of the class and encouraged them to pursue more aggressively subjects which might have been passed over under different circumstances. In some cases, just the fact that I was available to answer questions and clarify hazy areas was of benefit to those concerned. The benefits I derived from CDC-19 are myriad. They include a greater insight into the relationships and interactions between various components which previously had often appeared to me to be functioning independently of each other. The scope of the course enabled me to see that the intelli- gence community is just that--a community interacting, albeit not always smoothly, and dedicated to a common purpose. My perception of the DDS&T "IlNiSTRAT',VE-;NTERNt`AL. USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 iN .6 i i xAf /E-iNTERi AL US0NLY ie (3) has not so much changed as expanded. Previously, I had no idea that many of the activities of such organizations as OSO add OTS were now functions of the DDS&T, having always associated them with the Directorate of Oper- ations. The responsibilities and authority which reside within such organ- izations as the KPG were also somewhat surprising to me. While my own goals have not really changed appreciably, my perception of how my job relates to the rest of the DDS&T has expanded a great deal. I am now better able to see how the functions of my own section and branch fit into the overall collection/exploitation scheme. The course has also had an influence on the manner in which I intend to function in the future. The many contacts which I developed during CDC-19 will enable me to perform my tasks in less of a vacuum and to operate with greater efficiency. Hope- fully, I will also be able to pass on some of what I have gained to others within my organization, thereby increasing the benefit of the course still further. The course contained so much of value that I wish to do everything possible to pass the benefits I have received on to the entire organization. USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 i`..M.i....,.._ ~.'`;_v 1. ? COURSE EVALUATION CDC - 19 STAT Part I. 1. I feel the Career Development Course (CDC) structure and length were adequate, but I would recommend the inclusion of a DDO career officer, if possible, in order to increase the diversity and dimension of the class. During the course presentations were made where time constraints did not permit the desired in-depth examination or questions from class members. The pace of the course was fast (if not sometimes hectic) but conducive to the learning process. I feel the course content and structure were well planned and require no major changes. The organization of the course provided an in-depth examination of all Directorate of Science & Technology (DS&T) offices and how they interface with each other as well as other CIA, Government and Contractor organizations. 2. The benefits derived from the CDC have far exceeded both my expectations and objectives. My primary objectives were to develop a comprehensive understanding of the DS&T and make a contribution to the course. This, I feel, I've done. Initially, I approached the course with mixed emotions but soon realized that the curriculum being offered by the DS&T would provide an opportunity to understand my role in DS&T, as well as provide motivation by influencing my attitude and previously-held perceptions. I will strongly recommend this course to all qualified DS&T career officers. 3. In my opinion, the CDC offers a positive learning environment for the mid-career professional officer who has approximately 10 years of Agency experience for it is this experience that each class member shares with other class members that contributes to the success of the course. I also feel that each CDC candidate should exhibit a high degree of professionalism, and have a positive attitude about himself and his organization. The candidate should also be mature, have the ability to effectively communicate, both orally and in written form, and possess the ability/desire to get along with others who may differ in attitude or opinion from himself. Other desirable qualities include a sense of humor, flexibility, and cooperativeness. I would also hope that the candidate would be willing to volunteer for additional class responsibilities. 4. I personally like the current speaker evaluation procedure but would suggest that all class members be required to defend their numerical ratings (for each presentation) in the narrative section of the evaluation sheets. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 5. I would strongly recommend that the CDC be assigned a permanent classroom. Moving from one conference room to another (sometimes three times in one day) tends to create some disorganization, confusion, and discontinuity. Our class had excellent secretarial support during the course. Support provided to the CDC by the Agency motor pool left something to be desired. 6. I would like to commend the course director for his patience and response to class needs and problems. The course director is the back bone of the CDC and his efforts are reflected in the high degree of success enjoyed by our class. His personality and leadership style were instrumental in furthering the unity and cohesiveness in our class. I would like to take this opportunity to personally commend the course director for a truly outstanding job. Part II 1. During the CDC I felt that the exchange of my ideas, information, and job-related experiences was conducive to developing the kind of environment needed for positive interaction. I believe my job-related briefing for class members helped them comprehend the intricacies of my organization and its support requirements, as well as some insight into how I see myself in the organization. Throughout the course constant positive interaction with other class members provided additional insight, as well as stimulation. I always participated in class discussions and provided feedback to questions raised. Also, I feel I now have 14 new friends. The professional relationships developed during the course will be mutually beneficial in the future. 2-3 My primary gain from the CDC is an enriched understanding of the DS&T to include organization, functions, and organizational relationships. My perception of the DS&T has changed dramatically as a result of this course. I now see more clearly the diverse nature of the DS&T. Problems such as the lack of cohesiveness, unity and two-way communication are obvious in an organization as large as the DS&T. I also perceive an identity problem for some of the components of the Directorate. There are at least two offices that don't feel they should be part of a science and technology organization. This attitude and resistance to change contributes to the lack of unity and cohesiveness. It is also my perception that the Office of Development and Engineering, by virtue of its functions/responsibilities and the proportion of resources it commands, perceives itself as a separate entity, or part of the. Directorate in name only. It is apparent that Directorate management is aware of these problems. It is also the impression of senior level managers that communication and interfaces between directorate offices is much better now than in the past. I think the diverse nature of functions/missions within the Directorate contributes significantly to the lack of organizational cohesiveness and stability. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 a I now feel I have a better understanding of the current DS&T management philosophy which includes the decision making process. My understanding of how NPIC/TSG fits into the management and tasking structure has also been clarified. In my opinion, the CDC provides the career officer a one time opportunity to examine in detail the many facets of the S&T Directorate. In examining the various organizational interfaces it was interesting to see how the intelligence community perceived my own organization (NPIC) and included some evaluation of its contribution. 4. The CDC provided me with the opportunity to receive direct feedback from my customers on job performance and product quality. During the course, I had the opportunity to discuss product and service quality with some of these customers. The response and inputs from these discussions provided me with positive reinforcement and a high degree of pride and job satisfaction. I now have a more accurate perception of how my group/office fits into the Directorate's overall organizational structure. I have also developed a stronger appreciation for the senior level decision making process as a direct result of the CDC. The course also provided a forum for the exchange of job related information and ideas and was instrumental in reinforcing the importance of a positive attitude about job performance and the need to stimulate the individual. It is necessary to feel that you are an asset to your organization. 5. The CDC has reinforced my previously established career goals. I also feel my desire to succeed and to become a member of the management team has intensified. This course has further amplified the significance of deciding how to acheive ones established goal or determining which career path (position) will increase ones chances of success. It is difficult to decide what is an acceptable ratio between job satisfaction and success (promotion) but it is important to me that I be perceived as a contributor by both my peers and superiors. I think the CDC reinforces this desire. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 i 0 COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 PART I 1. Please comment on the length, pace, and-content of the course. What other topics should be added to the course? What topics would you eliminate? 2. Please evaluate the effectiveness of the course from your own personal perspective. Did it meet your objectives and/or expectations? Will you recom- mend it to others? 3. The only firm selection criteria for the CDC are that the nominee must be a professional officer with a sustained strong performance and a demonstrated potential for further advancement. In your opinion, what type of individual is apt to benefit most from the CDC experience? You may wish to address areas such as time in Agency, education, experience, attitudinal factors, personality traits, or any other areas which you feel are pertinent. 4. Do you have any comments or suggestions regarding the speaker evaluation procedure used by CDC-19? 5. Do you have any comments on the administrative aspects of the course (physical environment, handling of messages, transportation arrangements, etc.)? 6. Other comments. PART II 1. What have I contributed to the Career Development Course? 2. What have I gained from the CDC? 3. In what way(s) have my perceptions of the DDS&T changed as a result of my attendance as a course member? 4. In what way(s) have my perceptions of my job been modified? 5. Have my career goals changed in any way or in any degree? ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 16 December 1980 .y :.n ate... ...~~t u4 `.~ - ... ... ...a COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 PART I II.. Length: Just about right, but we needed the days lost as holidays so that missed briefings could be rescheduled. Suavest 60 working days instead of 3 calendar months. Pace: Brisk, to say the least. It would be a nood idea to start at 0830 or end at 1630 (with a 1 1/2 hr lunch period) a couple of days a week when in Headquarters to give a little slack time. There are things (credit union, insurance, other business) that can't be done by coming in early or staying late, and coffee breaks tend to evaporate. Despite the tight scheduling we were able to hold some impromptu seminars among ourselves (sometimes in vans or buses) but could have used a little more time profitably. Content: Uniformly excellent. Overall, both the nature and scheduling of the presentations was superb, with field trips following appropriate briefing segments and coming at the right intervals. The DDS&T was certainly the best organized and best prepared component in the Agency. As a life scientist, I felt somewhat shortchanged by the lack of presentations in those areas, but understand it was the decision of the Life Sciences Branch in OSWR to discuss only their hottest subject, chemical warfare. Also, three one-hour OS'WR briefings on nuclear affairs and four on cruise misfiles could have been combined into two shorter (maybe 1 1/2 hr) briefings, leaving time for other topics. Some of the CINCLANT briefings still need work, but there will always be pinch-hitters somewhere. 2. The course exceeded my expectations, which were high to begin with. A lot depends on the chemistry of the group, and I've never seen a group that worked out better in that respect. I would certainly recommend the course to anyone fortunate enough to have a chance to atteed. 3. It requires a great deal of preparation and expense to make the CDC the first-class course that it is. Careful thought should be given, and obviously is, to selecting the candidates who will get the most out of it and bring the most credit to their offices. Time in the Agency is not as important as other factors, although with less than 5 years (maybe even 10) a candidate should have contract or other pertinent experience. An individual who is mature, confident, flexible, interacts well with others, enjoys exchanging ideas, and has a background in the physical sciences or at least an interest in them is ideal. Candidates should also have some management experience and training. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 W J, :>a~l3aa z a ?~ Stamina is important. The course broadens one's experience foe possible assignment elsewhere in the DDS&T. If both the CDC and Mid-Career are taken, CDC should come about 3 years or so after "id-Career. The CDC had a large dose of high technology in detail that might not benefit everyone and that everyone does not need to know about to appreciate and use the collection systems. 4. !!hen comments are required for each presentation, sometimes find yourself thinking about what to say aboutyou the speaker instead of listening to what he'is saying. Perhaps comments could be required only for ratings under 3 or over 5. 5. The administrative aspects of the course were handled very well. The course coordinator and secretary made every effort to see that everything ran smoothly, or appeared to even when unforeseen complications arose. I can't think of anything that could have been done better. (It would be nice to have a pot of hot water somewhere-- you can't get to the cafeteria and back on a 5-minute break, and not everybody drinks coffee. . At st half the credit for the success of CDC-19 goes to for hid attention to detail, his careful planning and arrangement of the best possible program and his tireless efforts to serve everyone's interests and convenience. 6. Office directors or their deputies outside the DDS&T should make an attempt to introduce their segments, however briefly (some did, others sent excuses). The size of the class is just right. A larger number would slow things down to an unmanageable point because of asking questions, splitting into smaller groups for tours, transportation- arrangements, etc. PART II. 1. Institutional memory; some different viewpoints, I hope; balance, in that other members represented various aspects of the physical of military sciences. 2. A much better appreciation of the magnitude and complexity of what the DDS&T does, and of industry's role in the intelligence process; a better understanding of how the collection systems work (or don't); new friends and contacts. Interaction with the group and exchange of experience and ideas was invaluable, indeed the outstanding feature of the course. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 71, n7i 7- 7 T11, 7, '1 '1 P. I'Lik'I'l VII f 7 3. Insights into the sensitivity and importance of the DDS&T's mission. 4. Even if you think you know what you're doing and for whom, seeing a larger picture always makes more sense of a job. I found that my program is serving people I hadn't thought about,and may be able to meet their needs even better. You really see where you fit in. 5. 1 an, more interested in servino in another office or staff in the DDS&T, perhaps on a rotational basis. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 NFAC/OSWR/OSD/DPB SUBJECT Course Evaluation CDC-19 (AIUO) 1. 1. Conversations with past CDC members prior to the start of CDC-19 found a consistant thread--that the course is simply outstanding in every respect. CDC-19 certainly upheld this excellent reputation. Before going into the course I thought that three months was much too long to be away from my desk. Now I feel that, if anything, the course could benefit by being expanded by about two weeks. This would allow longer, more detailed sessions at some especially varied outside organizations. (e.g., Boeing, FTD and NSA) and perhaps provide some tine for a wrap-up session at Warrenton. The content of the course was superb. DDS&T put a lot of effort and talent into the curriculum and it showed. The course director did a fine job massaging the schedule and giving it a flow and rhythm. (AIUO) 2. The variety of topics covered by the course was in itself a valuable aspect of the course. What added immeasurably to that variety was the chance to discuss problems and perspectives with the responsible program managers and high level line and staff management. It provided a unique opportunity for me (as an analyst) to finally become acquainted with the collection systems that I have been tasking for many years. I highly recommend the course, especially to other NFAC officers. (AIUO) 3. The selection criteria presently used (strong performance and .demonstrated potential) seems to provide the highly motivated people apt to benefit most from the CDC. This class was so varied in other aspects (time in agency, education, experience, personality traits) that other firm criteria could have disallowed some very outstanding individuals. (AIUO) 4. The speaker evaluation system procedure used by the class was adequate.. Hopefully it provides enough feedback to the speakers to impact upon their future efforts. 5. The administrative as ects of the course were handled in a prompt, professional manner. should be commended for his efforts. His personable, enthusiastic manner combined with a perfectionist style are a rare mix that made him an excellent course director and no doubt a superb manager.) can "make the trains run on time". (AIUO) STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 SUBJECT: Course Evaluation CDC-19 (AIUO) 6. I would recommend the addition of 2-5 NFAC billets to future CDC runnings. The knowledge of collection-programs, problems and personalities imparted by the course seems ideally suited for NFAC problem solvers. (AIUO) II. 1. My contribution to the course was the analytical perspective that I imparted to the speakers and other class members. I tried to get the utmost out of every day and hopefully my insights added something for the others in the course. (AIUO) 2. CDC provided for me a greater appreciation for the intelligence community, its key players, and how the Agency is viewed by "The Consumer" of intelligence. The opportunity for first hand discussions and hands-on experience was incalculably more valuable than the normal wiring diagram orientations. The monolithic appearance of the Agency was stripped away by the course and the force of personality emerged. An especially beneficial aspect of the course was the many friendships and acquaintences gained. In my future career as an analyst or manager, I can turn to individuals for help in problem-solving, rather than organizations (AIUO) 3. My pre-CDC perceptions of DDS&T were generally in terms of well balanced organizational charts and high price hardware. I come away with a better understanding of the programs and hardware, and an appreciation of the personalities that shape, direct and implement the organization. As for that well balanced organization.,. .My impression now is that of a loose federation of fifedomes and protectorates that is (somehow) well suited to perform, its S&T mission for the Agency. (AIUO) 4, 5. My perceptions of my job have not been radically modified by the course, nor have my goals. I do have a more profound awareness of the impact of personality and hard work upon both job and advancement. Enthusiasm and dedication are two common characteristics of the top STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? CDC-19 COURSE EVALUATION OTS/EOD/SA&EB 221 East Building 0 PART I 1. The length of the course was just about right, but I think we all could have benefited by having one additional week. This week would have allowed expansion in several areas, and we would have had more time to spend on some subjects of strong interest. All in all though, 12 solid weeks is just about right. The pace of the course was very fast in the beginning and at times approached overload for some of us, but the pace settled down to a more even one during the latter part of the course. A fast pace is necessary to keep up the students' interest in the overall course, but some points may have been missed in the first part of the course (collection) simply due to the overload. This is no big problem, however, and a few minor shifts or changes in the first half of the course's schedule might ease the pace a little bit. 2. The content of the course was comprehensive and overall can be rated as excellent.. The 12 weeks were used to the fullest extent and I cannot think of any topics that should be eliminated. Due to the Agency's involvement overseas, however, I feel very strongly that State Department should be visited for a one-half to a full day seminar to get some perspective of their ideas on foreign policy, involvement, and intelligence. 3. For myself the course was very effective and exceeded all my objectives and expectations. It greatly enhanced my knowledge of DDS&T activities outside of OTS, in addition to some other areas where I had no previous experience such as NFAC, OMB, Intelligence Committees, DIA, et-al. I am STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 definitely going to recommend it to others, and will recommend that at least two OTS officers participate in each running of CDC. 4. As a generalization, I feel that a professional officer with potential for future advancement and a desire to remain within CIA throughout his career should be the baseline criteria for student selection. Other pertinent factors (generalizing again) are: a. 7 to 10 years CIA experience; b. college degree or equivalent experience; c. positive, constructive attitude toward the Agency; d. ability to interface well with other people; e. should be articulate and able to communicate well both orally and written; and f. some general knowledge of other areas in CIA outside of his own little compartment. The types of individuals that should not be considered for the course are the disgruntled ones or the job shoppers. 5. The speaker evaluation is quite good since the speaker's presentations make or break the course. I think we tend to be a bit harsh in our judgements, however, since some very competent people are just not public speakers. It should be stressed to the offices doing the briefings that good public speakers vastly contribute to the presentations and increase the effectiveness. In order to keep everyone in sync, however, it should be clarified at the start of the course as to the overall meaning of the number rating system. For example: 1 -.3 is poor to fair; 4 - 5 is fair to good; and 6 - 7 is very good to excellent. That way the whole class has a point of departure as to what is "average," "below average" and "above average." Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 6. It would have been more comfortable and convenient to maintain one conference room (such as 6E60) throughout the course as much as possible. Running around the building to some stuffy, crowded conference rooms gets old real quick to a group of people spending 12 weeks full time in conference rooms. Having 6E47 set aside for our use is a real plus factor, especially for those of us with offices outside of Headquarters. Use of vans for transport outside of Headquarters was very convenient and should be maintained. 7. Other comments: During the first week we could have saved practically a whole day by eliminating the DDS&T office overviews. In general they were not very exciting and we usually got a rehash of the same material (and viewgraphs) when we got into the offices themselves. The extra day could have been spent touring and OSO facilities thus eliminating the need to make another trip out there. Also, OTS should have made arrangements for the class to tour their facilities at site A (in the same building as OSO). PART II 1. I feel my major contribution has been in the area of giving other class members a feel for the general overseas operating environment, and the types of things that OTS and DDO do overseas. Most class members have never served overseas nor interfaced with the DDO, so I feel I contributed some insight and answered questions in this area. Also, I contributed some details of OTS activities not covered in the official briefings. 2. I have gained a great deal of knowledge and understanding of what the other offices in DDS&T accomplish, and all the various technical programs that are being conducted. I also gained a great deal of knowledge STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 concerning the intelligence gathering and production process with respect to the role of technical collection, NFAC analysis, Intelligence Committee functions, funding, and dissemination of intel within the community. My perspective of DDS&T, CIA, and the intel community has been greatly enlarged and broadened, and I have gained a finer appreciation of the contributions of my office to the overall process. Another important facet of the course was the interface and informal exchanges with the other class members who represented widely divergent backgrounds. The personal contacts made during the course will be very useful in the future. 3. My perception of DDS&T has changed in a very positive manner now that I know what, why, and how DDS&T does what it does. I have a much better understanding of DDS&T's scope of activity and its problems, and a true appreciation for its role in the intelligence gathering process. 4. The perception of my job has been modified to now include a much bigger picture of activities related to the gathering of intelligence; and a realization that my job is important but yet only a small part of the overall DDS&T effort. 5. My overall career goals have not changed significantly as a result of the course, except to reinforce my existing feelings to remain within DDS&T throughout my career. Participating in CDC has broadened my background significantly and should help me in attaining my career goals. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 11 December 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM SUBJECT Part I NFAC/OSR Evaluation of CDC-19 (Answers to Attached Questionnaire) 25X1 1. I thought 12 weeks was the right length for the course. It enabled us to fully explore the activities of most CIA offices and was sufficient time to take our field trips. I would propose that briefings by State Department and ACDA be added to future courses. I understand that State gave a bad presentation to the last class, but this might be corrected by arranging the briefing through CIA people currently on detail there. Adding an ACDA briefing to the course would give the class an appreciation of how arms control positions are formulated; during CDC-19 many in the class were skeptical about the way the US conducts negotiations with the USSR. I also would recommend that DIA and NSA give us more substantive briefings-- perhaps a unique project by DIA and an A or B group briefing from NSA. The only other disappointment I had with the course was our failure to get a briefing at Livermore Lab on nuclear weapons because the entire class did not have "Q" clearances. Any action to secure such clearances for the next class would be very beneficial. All in all, I was delighted with the course and the above beefs were really minor. 2. The course really exceeded my expectations. Simply put, it was the best course I have had in my eight years at the agency. For someone like myself in NFAC/OSR, the course was invaluable in learning about the entire panoply of collection systems. I have already recommended the course to colleagues in my office. I think future classes would benefit by having four or five slots for NFAC people. This way other offices such as OPA, OER, and OGSR could send people. The class also would have benefitted from some representation from the DDO. 3. I think people in the mid-level grades (GS-12-13), who have been with the agency for at least five years, are best suited for the class. By that stage of a person's career, one can really appreciate the wide breadth of the course. An effort should be made to seek out people who are intellectually curious .and wish to make the most out of a once-in-a-career opportunity to learn about the diverse activities of the agency and the Washington community. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 0 CONFIDENTIAL 4. The speaker evaluation procedures were satisfactory. We all had the opportunity to rate each speaker on a numerical basis and with narrative comments. As far as the selection of speakers, I would suggest that the next course coordinator try to get the office director of a particular component to brief, rather than a deputy or executive director. The course has sufficient prestige to merit the time of such people. 5. The administrative procedures in the course were all efficiently carried out without any serious snafus. Our field trips and briefings were very well-organized. The only suggestion I would make is that the course coordinator try to obtain the same conference room for most of our briefings. Some of the rooms we used were not very spacious and were poorly- ventilated. 6. The idea of class member res 25X1 t i p en at ons O during the first week was excellent. As a result, we all became quickly acquainted. I think that these presentations were so interesting that hould have been more time for followup. Perhaps the 25X1 time should be strictly devoted to these presentations. The office directors could then brief us during the second week in the headquarters building. Part II 1. My contribution to the course is difficult to address, but I tried to elicit information from our speakers on questions or issues of'importance to me and the class. I felt that I had to grasp the opportunity at these sessions because never in my career have I had the chance to pursue some of these matters. I also think that I provided some of my DDS&T class members with a perspective on how NFAC and OSR operate. 2&3 I now have a much fuller appreciation of our collection systems and the activities of the DDS&T offices. Before the course, I could not even name all the offices in the directorate, let alone what their chief responsibilities are. Perhaps most importantly, i have gained an insight into all the directorates and I am most impressed with the scope and breadth of the agency's activities. The exposure to other Federal offices and departments was also a valuable part of this course. 4. The major impression I have after taking the course is how much the various collection systems contribute to the finished intelligence product that I am involved in here in OSR. The incredible complexity and cost of some of these systems were truly mind-boggling. I have developed an enormous respect for American technology as a result of our field trips to various contractors. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 5. I am not sure my immediate career goals have changed, but over the long term, I now have a clearer idea of the agency and the offices that might be of interest to me if I leave OSR for rotational or permanent assignment. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85c-~00024R000300450008-5 15 December 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR: Processing & Analysis Technology Group Office of Research and Development Imagery Exploitation Research Division 1. In response to the course evaluation of CDC-19, I will address each topic in the order in which you presented the questions (i.e. Part 1 question 1, etc.). PART I (1) The course length and pace at which we worked are right; however it would be advantageous if, as part of the course, a specific time could be set aside for class discussion of the week's presentations. This would accomplish two things (1) it would make the weekly writeups more representative of the classes assessment and (2) provide a little breathing room at the end of each week to digest the presentations and provide time for the course director to preview the next weeks schedule. I would hope that this could be accomplished without elimination of any of the topics. Possibly some of the topics could be addressed in a shorter amount of time, thereby gaining the required time for these weekly wrap up sessions. (2) The course exceeded my expectations and yes, I would highly recommend it to others. (3) A highly motivated individual would benefit. Also the earlier in one's career that an individual could take this course the better. The course, by putting the entire intelligence community in perspective, would help young career officers in understanding their role in the intelligence gathering process and provide them with the necessary contacts to accomplish their tasks better. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 SUBJECT: CDC-19 (4) I thought that the speaker evaluation form was convenient and adequate. (5 $ 6) The administrative aspects of CDC-19 were excellent and if all future courses are as well managed as this one, future students will be most fortunate. I felt that the breadth of topics, the housing accomodations, transportation arrangements and overall attitude of class concern shown by the course leader and his support staff was outstanding. PART II (1) My contribution to CDC-19 consisted primarily of providing, on an individual basis, additional technical details on various aspects of the EO systems which the class was involved with. (2) I gained a better insight into the Sigint Operations, DDO and DDA's roles and a more complete under- standing of the intelligence gathering, processing and reporting process. (3). The course re-emphasized and strengthened my perceptions of a highly technical, well organized directorate made up of a large number of dynamic and dedicated individuals. (4) My job perceptions were not altered significantly but my understanding of ORDts role within the framework of the overall DDS&T and Agency was improved. (5) My immediate career goals were not altered, how- ever the course does expose an individual to a multitude of exciting future career possibilities. STAT U hpgg;rn Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 The interplay of science and technology is axiomatic. To have captured a firsthand glimpse of the DDS&T through the career development course is to have seen the interplay in no less axiomatic terms within the directorate. To have gained that insight is to have joined intuition to logic in the comprehension of that central axiom and to have thusly perceived a major tenet of the DDS&T is to have perceived the value of the course in its finest form. It was great. 1. The course length was fine. Occasionally, certain substantive areas seemed to merit closer and more extensive scrutiny but given the wide substan- tive interests of this class, no course could realistically have catered to all of our needs and interests. As for the pace of the course, I am convinced that a course of this kind inevitably generates a momentum of its own. The sheer number of speakers to be listened to, view graphs and wired diagrams to be perused, evaluations to be written, and schedules to he met etc., lend an irrevocable element of intensity to the pace. I think it was a good pace and well within the bounds of tolerance. Anyone who is unwilling to abide by such a pace should not be allowed to remain with the course. The topical format was sound and I have nothing to recommend except to say that in the final analy- si,e, it is the speakers and students that make the course and it is up to the students themselves to establish a rapport with the speakers to elicit the best from them. This can be accomplished by the students only through a judi- cious and intelligent presentation of questions. 2. My perspectives vis-a-vis the DDSET and the Agency were enhanced considerably by the course. One consequence of special clearances, openness and candor, and access to compartmented areas was a shattering of some privately- held illusions. Free of untoward assumptions, the course offered a rare oppor- tunity for me to reflect on the interrelationship between my parent organization and other offices of the DDS&T. As a result of the course, I am far more aware of my role and responsibilities and I am no longer inclined to-place science and technology, as conceived within the directorate on a remote or ethereal plane. A "hands-on" fix on hardware and an understanding of their applications did much to allay much of my previous ignorance about such matters. All of my objectives and expectations were exceeded by the course and I am ready to re- commend the course as the best that I have ever been enrolled in during my career. 3. Beyond adherence to the basic selection criteria, careful attention should be given to the selection of the best available officers in the directo- rate. The course should continue to draw on experienced and highly perceptive individuals capable of thriving in a multidisciplinary environment. Happily CDC-19 thrived on a mix of skills and interests, a fact that speaks well for the representation provided by DDS&T, NFAC and DDA. The addition of a DDO representative could have provided even greater diversity and interest. The Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 size of the class for CDC-19 was ideal. It showed that small group can be representative while facilitating cooperation, communication, and administra- tion. Above all, attitudinal problems should not be allowed to detract from the vitality that comes through student interaction. 4. I think the speaker evaluation system employed during the running of CDC-19 was quite useful. Aside from providing student input into the course, it also provided an interesting gauge of the spectrum of student responses to the various speakers. It also promoted student attentiveness and allowed a healthy measure of skepticism to prevail. 5. The administrative support provided throughout the course was fault- less and should be commended. 6. The selection of highly competent course directors with a blend of skills is im erative. CDC-19 was fortunate to have as its course di rector. was committed, concerned, and yet firm. He did a superb job. 1. The CDC is properly geared to the "hard sciences." As a product of the "soft sciences," I felt that I had another viewpoint or perspective to to contribute to the class. As a political scientist, I tended to view S&T more in the context of society as a whole and to see the socio-political. implications of any national scientific or technical policy initiative. Whether I succeeded or failed in providing a balance to class discussions has to be judged by someone other than myself. 2. During the course, I gained an S&T perspective that I would never have derived otherwise. It will be a boon to the expanded S&T collection program - which I will be establishing within the Production Group of FBIS. The network of contacts which I have established within DDSFTT as a result of the course will also be a tremendous asset to that effort. The course also provided a very good understanding of the way in which S&T re- quirements are generated within the Intelligence Community. All of this knowledge will be invaluable to me in my job. 3. In all honesty, prior to the CDC, I knew very little about the DDS&T. My perception of the DDS&T tended to be governed by uncertain assumptions. That is to say, I know it was a vital directorate but not because I could relate to any of the operational systems or projects. I had to rely on the opinion of others who could in turn point to such things as the capabilities of the imaging satellites. I was not put out by my ignorance. I still re- main an advocate of secure compartmentation. But having seen the DDSFT from the inside, I now have a very positive perception of the directorate. I now perceive the directorate to be far more dynamic and complex than I could ever have perceived it to be had I not attended the course. I am also greatly im- pressed by the professionalism of the personnel in DDS&T. 4. I went into CDC-19 with positive convictions about the importance of my job. I left the CDC with far greater humility as an intelligence officer STAT JI AI STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 but undeterred about the continuing importance of our foreign language open source collection programs. I found support for the concern over the decline of foreign language assets in the US documented in a study by the President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies repeated through- out the community and especially at NSA and DIA. 5. My career goals were altered during the course. It was very encourag-_ ing to see that there is such a wide spectrum of career opportunities within the DDS&T itself. It is difficult not to be excited by the existence of greater substantive, operational, and managerial challenges. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 CDC-19 Course Evw_luation The content and pace of the course are excellent -- challanging, brisk and comprehensive. The length - 12 weeks - is adequate, but in sessions, such as this one, where four days for holidays are scheduled off, there should he consideration given to adding a week to accommo- date a 12 "substantive",weeks program, I do not see any topical area that can be eliminated, nor any that have to be added. One "nice" trio addition (time and budget permitting) would be career and will permit me to make more enlightened choices for posi- tions later in my career. On the administrative side, the course t isesult of the outstanding work done by w s I definitely will reccommend the course to others, while reminding them that their office career service panel is the decision maker for attenance to it. Personnally, the CDC has been a very rewarding experience in its entirety -- looking at DDS&T. NFAC and other agencies plus the peer interaction. Having spent a number of years on the analysis side (DDS&T/Ow'I and NF,',C/OWI) before coining back to the DDS&T (USO) my interests focused on the collection systems, especially new ones, with a good understanding of direct benefit to analysts. From a career perspective, I think CDC came at the "proper" time in my Agency in handling all the details. As far as my contributions to CDC I believe I was an active participant throughout, interested in drawing out the most from the speakers for the class' benefit as well as mine -- especially in areas where I had knowledge I asked questions that went deeper into the subjects. I believe that I interacted well with the other class members and to me that is my most important contribution. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 A1J*131KR11VL - 11V1tKIV1L UJL4PLY DDsFT/UD&E/SAG/AOE 1. Length,' 'pace arid content of the course. The twelve-week length of the course seems appropriate for the amount of material that is covered. It is also probably the maximum amount of time most offices can effectively release a worker. The pace is hectic to a point where participants found them- selves wishing for some time to stop and reflect on what had happened thus far. A definite advantage of this fast pace is that it assists in keeping the course an overview of many topics rather than allowing it to get bogged down on any one subject. STAT Specific changes which might retain the good values of the length and pace and give participants less of a "data dump" feeling are: 1. Divide the course into two six-week blocks with a return to normal office life between the two sessions. 2. Insure sixty days of course time--extend the total calendar time to cover holidays. 3. Schedule a structured time at the end of each one or two weeks where the class members can discuss among them- selves the material covered and clarify for each other what has been presented. The content of the course gave an excellent insight into the DDS&T, CIA and the Intelligence Community. An interesting addition might. be presentations concerning U.S. policies and capabilities that will counteract foreign threats. 2. Effectiveness of course from personal perspective. For me, participation in this course offered a unique advantage. As a relatively new (three years) agency employee, I learned a great deal about the agency and the interfaces between internal offices and the rest of the community. Having an appreciation for other offices' products and problems will be very helpful in understanding the pur- poses of my own work and in dealing with people on a broader level. The selection criteria for the class is excellent just as it stands. It looks for achievers who are expected to continue in this pattern. To try to further limit selection by grade, length of service, etc. would perhaps exclude some valuable candidates. Par- ticipants should be chosen based on their maturity, willingness to Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 learn and a general assessment as to the benefit to their personal careers and the mission of the agency. 4. Speaker evaluation procedure. A speaker evaluation procedure'should be retained because it provides valuable feedback to the; offices from which they can plan their presentations. A more manageable form might contain an area for comments about an entire office or group with merely rating numbers for the individual speakers. S. Administrative aspects. In general, administrative matters were handled in a.most efficient manner. Much credit for this must o to the hard work of the course director and the secretary STAT The one administrative problem was the frequent need to switch con- ference rooms - many times to those that were inadequate for the size of the class. An effort should be made to stabilize the room situation for the portion of the class which is held in Headquarters. 6. Comments. A commendation should go to for his outstanding STAT performance as course director. There were several times that what started out to be disappointing days were turned around because of his intervention. A highlight of the course was the member presentations during the first week. As well as providing valuable working level in- formation, these briefings set.the stage for learning the background and expertise of class members. PART II I came to the course with a general knowledge of several col- lection systems and of the requirements specification process. This background allowed me to help clarify some points for other class members. I also had a sincere interest in learning and making new contacts. I hope that my open-minded attitude contributed to effecting a freer exchanges of ideas among participants. 2. Benefits from CDC-19 I have gained a greater understanding of the capabilities and missions of the agency. I have made contact with people from other offices that will be valuable to me in the future both as work associates and as friends. The class reinforced my feeling that the agency is staffed with a large number of competent, dedicated Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 H1iM11V11KH11Vt - 1N1LKIVNL UJL U1VL people that make this agency a unique one with which to be associated. 3. Perceptions of the DDS&T The directorate is much more diverse than I had imagined. It was fascinating to learn in more detail what other offices are doing. I believe there may be benefits we are missing by not having channels for more project information exchanges between the various offices on a regular basis. 4. Perceptions of my job My perception of my job has changed in that I see it as perhaps having more far reaching effects than I originally supposed. I now see more clearly how my office's work in the study of possible future systems affects the intelligence product the agency will be able to supply. 5. Change in career goals My career goals have not changed significantly. They remain an interest in working in my field of expertise in a professional manner to produce a useful product. The class reinforced my conviction that the agency is a good place to pursue these goals. It also allowed me to confirm the thought that my present office is the right one for me at the current time. STAT ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? 0 NF! C/OIA I felt that overall the CDC 19 was an excellent course, and was well worth the 12 weeks I spent in the class. The course met the ob- jectives I had and indeed exceeded my expectations. I would definitely recommend the class to others, particularily analysts from NFAC. The subject content was about right for the class. The balance between S&T and the other offices within CIA, as well as other offices in the Intelligence Community was especially good. There are a few changes I would recommend for future classes. The course was about the right length. However, at times the pace of the course was too fast. I believe that an occasional break in the routine to review the items discussed would have been beneficial. I would eliminate the trip to CINCLANT. Even if they were prepared to provide briefings, I doubt that briefings on their intelligence process would be that different from other groups we visited. If a visit to a submarine or carrier could be arranged that part of the trip would be worth it. I would recommend that NSA be asked to present a substantive briefing, from the A or 9 group, to enable the class to gain a better understanding for the type of work they do. I would also recommend that the briefing by 01B he placed at the second week along with the briefings by the management and oversight committees. I recommend that a time be set aside for discussions on the SALT and Nuclear Proliferation Treaties. I would have gained more from the comments made about these two subjects if I had had a better under- standing of the treaties. The trip to FTD was excellent and I would recommend that in the future this trip be expanded to two full days. Perhaps a day and a half of briefings and tours, and another half day to tour the museum. I personally would not recommend that more than three hours be spent in the museum, but it should be arranged for the class to go to the museum annex-where the U2's and SR71's are housed. I believe it would have been helpful to myself and others in the class to have been provided with a glossary of terms, particularily geared to the terminology in the SIGINT and PHOTINT areas. Many of the briefers in these two areas assumed the class was familiar with all the jargon unique to those groups--which was not the case. Also, a review in the class at the conclusion of the sections on PHOTINT and SIGINT would have been useful. There were times when speakers were hesitant to discuss certain subjects, because they were apparently not aware of our clearances. This usually happened when the coordinator for a particular group did not pass this information on to the briefers. The course director should continue his efforts to see that speakers are informed of the clearances of the class. At the same time the class members need to be ADM3MSTPATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 aware that there are projects they are not cleared for. I believe some in our class had the understanding we were cleared for everything. Some projects have a "bigot" list signed by all witting of a project. In theory those not on the list are not to be briefed on the project. I would have liked an explanation at the beginning of the course as to why there is a bigot list on some projects, who determines there should be a list and how it is handled. We did sign for and were briefed and subsequently debriefed, on one such project from OSO. Perhaps this procedure could be used for other projects. The first week of the course was probably the highlight of the entire course. The student presentations should be continued. There were times when we learned more about an office from these presentations than from the sessions we spent with the office. Consideration could be given to provide more time for class discussion and open time to this first week. I thought the speaker evaluation system was fair and should be continued. My only recommendation would be to leave some space on the evaluation forms at the end of each components briefings for overall comments on that particular component. These could be brief comments not to take the place of the weekly evaluations. The administration of the class was handled very well. There was some inconvience to changing rooms at headquarters so often; however, I don't feel that it was too much of a problem. Actually the chance to walk around and change rooms was at times a nice break. I believe my major contribution to the class was during the student presentations. I was able to demonstrate to the class members, par- ticularily those in the S&T some of the unique contributions that OIA and imagery can make in support of S&T operations. I also feel that I contributed to the class by my participation in the discussions. I personally benefited greatly from the class. I now have better insight into the workings of the S&T and indeed the intelligence com- munity. I found it extremely valuable to see and learn more about the actual collection equipment used in the SIGINT and PHOTINT worlds. I also gained a better insight into the entire intelligence process of planning, collecting, analyzing and disseminating information. The preception of my present job may have changed some primarily because I have a better understanding of needs and problems which S&T has in their covert operations. I can see more fully the value and need of the work done in OIA for the support of the S&T, as well as the need for the type of operation S&T is engaged in. I can also understnad some of the problems that the S&T has and why some of their requests for OIA support do not seem as well thought out as they should be. At the same time I see the need to work closer with our requesters and indeed even challange the need for some of the information we are requested to provide. I will also feel more free to make recommendations in certain areas. AMIA PQ I ATR/G mrrt-rim A i ^ .ter i. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ALJ. ,. 1VE-i,NT RNAL t)S= C4 V Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 My career goals have not changed appreciably, except perhaps to be somewhat expanded. If I do not see the opportunity for advancement in my present assignment, I would not hesitate to look outside OIA for opportunities to advance. There are areas, both in the S&T and other areas in the Intelligence Community where I feel I could move and make a significant contribution. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 DDS&T/OSO COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 Part I 1. Length, pace, and content were excellent. Topics I would add (or could be substituted) are: ? Edits Briefing (OTS) ? NSA's Processing Labs On balance, I wouldn't eliminate any topics--those that fell short were mainly due to the speaker, or quality of the briefing, and not due to any lack of appropriate material for the class. 2. I found the course to be highly effective in broadening my grasp of how the various national programs are knitted together, in presenting in detail the management of several large programs, and in several presentations of analytical pick-and-shovel work. I had no idea what I was in for, and have recommended the course to several others in OSO. 3. The member selection for CDC-19 was outstanding. My picture of a good candidate for the course would be that of a strong GS-12 to -14 involved in any technical specialty. Longevity with the Agency doesn't matter as long as he has had enough time to see (or be frustrated by) the way the "system" works in his area. It's important that he be able to interpret for the rest of the class in the area of his specialty. 4. No suggestions, except that the students should be urged to evaluate each speaker right after the presentation in quick detail--this can be revised later, but it's almost impossible to dredge up a week-old evaluation from memory. 5. Handling cover was difficult, and quite a few class members were not experienced in the ways of official travel. Also, the paperwork load really should justify a full-time secretary (at least during the 12 weeks of class). Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? Part II 1. I believe I have contributed a good working knowledge of the SIGINT collection business, and an inquisitive/open mind. Initially, looking at the class roster, I felt alone among so many other types of skills, but that disappeared the first week when the whole class became friends and confidants. I think I contributed to the class by being open and friendly. 2. I've gained lots of small things, but foremost a close friendship with my classmates throughout DDS&T. There were several places which can be of direct help in my current job, as well as a list of contacts in the Community and the familiarity to use them. 3. My perceptions of the DDS&T have changed drastically in scale. I really had no feel for the number of people and talents involved in the Directorate as a whole. 4. I like my job and OSO. I have been pushing recently to be promoted, and that has now happened, so it's a good chance for me to try and plan for the next,few years. The CDC course has shown me several programs and personalities that I would not be interested in working for, as well as those which I envy. I gather that many of the course members, like me, have kept their noses down and concentrated on the job at hand. I think the CDC course grants a kind, of tacit permission to re-think our plans, and reflect on our goals. 5. I can't say yet if my career goals have changed that much. One thing that has changed is that my perspective on the possibilities has grown greatly, and should an opportunity arise, I will be in a much better position to overcome personal inertia and take advantage of a change. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? l.LI ? Chief, Image Quality Studies Branch, ISSD/TSG/NPIC SUBJECT Evaluation of CDC-19 Attached is my evaluation of CDC-19. SECRET Attachment: a/s Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/069/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 0 1 49 COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 PART I 1. Please comment on the length, pace, and content of the course. What other topics should be added to the course? What topics would you eliminate? I found the course to be well-paced - brisk and lively - and well organized. However, there were several areas which were either too time-limited to allow an adequate review or that could use some revision. Specifically, I would recommend: That additional time be allotted for NRO - not to discuss programs but rather the NRO itself (add 1/2 - 1 day). That additional time be allotted for Lockheed to discuss Lockheed's structure (1 day). . A revision of the EK schedule with a reduced emphasis on "G". That a number of scheduled class member review periods be added (6 sessions for 1/2 day - total 3 days). (3 days). These changes would necessitate lengthening the course by approximately two weeks. I would not recommend deleting any topics; but, I would recommend - bining several of the smaller NFAC and DDA briefings into one briefing. 2. Please evaluate the effectiveness of the course from your own personal perspective. Did it meet your objectives and/or expectations? Will you recommend it to others? I will recommend - and inac_tal eady have recommended - to others that they attend this course. As to the effectiveness of the course, I found it to be extremely' interesting, informative, and thought-provoking. The obvious benefits were the chance to review the Agency's activities across the board and to review the mutual goals, problems, and interrelationships of the offices within the DDS&T. The not so obvious benefit is that it gives one the chance to review personal goals with the insight of having seen a variety of organizations, functions, and responsibilities. SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? ~L.UKhI ? COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 (CONT`D) 3. The only firm selection criteria for the CDC are that the nominee must be a professional officer with a sustained strong performance and a demonstrated potential for further advancement. In your opinion, what type of individual is apt to benefit most from the CDC experience? You may wish to address areas such as time in Agency, education, experience, attitudinal factors, personality traits, or any other areas which you feel are pertinent. The individuals most apt to benefit from this course are those who: are flexible (with the potential to work in a variety of DDS&T offices); have good potential; and have had 8-15 years experience. This course should not be for the individual who needs a break from the office. In any case, I found the mix of individuals in our class to be excel- lent; and in fact, I consider this one of the courses strong points. As a result, I would make no major changes in the selection criteria. 4. Do you have any comments or suggestions regarding the sperm evaluation procedure used by CDC-19? I felt the dual evaluation rating scale and the comment section allowed a fair assessment of the speakers. A more structured approach would have limited the rating flexibility. A less structured approach would not have allowed quantification of the opinions reducing the impact of the feedback to the speakers. F__1 5. Do you have any comments on the administrative aspects of the course (physical environment, handling of messages, transportation arrange- ments, etc.)? In general, the administrative aspects were handled very well. However, I found the CDC room to be too small to handle fifteen people and their materials. At a minimum, a larger safe should be added. F_~ I also learned not to count on Agency transportation. Use of individual cars should be emphasized for trips to the airport. 6. Other comments: a. Because of its nature, the course is very dependent upon the direc- tion, altitude, and innovativeness of the course director. In this case, he should get a special note of credit for the way the course was con- ducted. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 ? OLUMr. I ? COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-16 (CONT'D) b. The CDC course is unique in that it is geared to DDS&T high potential individuals in the GS13-14 range who have approximately 10 years experience. This description also happens to be the group most likely to be interested in changing positions within DDS&T. In informal discussions, during the course duration, a number of class members indicated they would like to make changes within the DDS&T. It seems the directorate could benefit from these moves. As a result, I recommend the active support of the D/DDS&T in assisting individuals in making these changes. This support might include: encouraging opportunties for interviews; assisting in the prevention of promotion cycles being missed by such a move; relaxing slotting requirements; etc. c. This course depends on the active support of the DDS&T Office Directors. They should all be commended for the tremendous quality of support the rovided. Each and every office provided superb briefings and tours. PART II 1. What have I contributed to the Career Development Course? In the concrete sense, I felt I contributed a knowledge of the imaging systems and program offices; an understanding of imagery exploi- tation; an engineering/analytical view; and a systems approach to our In the more abstract, I would like to think that I contributed by adding some depth and a questioning attitude to our technical discussions and some experience to our management discussions. 2. What have I gained from the CDC? a. A much greater insight into the activities of the Agency including its problems, its inputs to the policy making process, and a good sense for its people. I have been extremely impressed by the Agency and the DDS&T including the quality of people and its functions. b. During the course, we listened to many senior level managers - each with their own philosophies and styles. One can't see this much variety without evaluating the differences and throwing away some of the ideas and keeping others. The advantage of this is to focus one's own philosophies. c. I have also gained fifteen friends and acquaintances that I pro- SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5 SECRET?. COURSE EVALUATION, CDC-19 (CONT'D) 3. In what way(s) have my perceptions of the DDS&T changed as a result attendance as a course member? In general, I have gained a better appreciation of the complexities and capabilities of the DDS&T and, with that appreciation, a better understanding of how the offices support and complement each other. We also got a good view of how the Directorate is viewed from the outside. After seeing some of the peripheral organizations, one realizes how much closer we are to the center of activity. 5. Have my career goals changed in any way or in any degree? Anytime one gets away from the day-to-day problems, one gets a better perspective of what his goals are and where he is going. In the continuing review of one's goals a course like this can lead to a quantum leap. In my case, I'm sure that I have a better sense of the next steps I plan to take.F__1 SECRET Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300450008-5