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Document Release Date: 
May 17, 2007
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1980
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Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300050011-4 [COMMITTEE PRINT] 96TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION AUGUST 1, 1980 Calendar No. S.1411 [Report No. 96- ] To improve the economy and efficiency of the Government and the private sector by improving Federal information management, and for other purposes. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES JUNE 26 (legislative day, JUNE 21), 1979 Mr. CHILES (for himself, Mr. BENTSEN, Mr. DANFORTH, Mr. BOTH, Mr. COCH- RAN, Mr. HUDDLESTON, Mr. GARN, Mr. RIBICOFF, Mr. MELCHER, Mr. DOLE, Mr. HOLLINGS, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. HEINZ, Mr. PRYOR, and Mr. JOHNSTON) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs AUGUST , 1980 Reported by Mr. with an amendment [Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic] A BILL To improve the economy and efficiency of the Government and the private sector by improving Federal information man- agement, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300050011-4 2 1 Pt4 floe Aet ffifty be ek-ed & the "Paperwork fffi4 Re e 2 Redttetieii e?. 3 FINDINGS AND DHe1h*R*TIE)NS 4 S *e-. 2- a) The @e-flgfess hereby i ds thftt ttiifteeessa 5 paperwork a *4 fedtape 6 (44 aye weakeffi-Bg the cifectiveness of Fedefal 7 progra 8 (-) aye eestiiig excessive aineff of fneftey 9 thfettgh direct des of the hidden taxes e? higher pre- 10 deetiert casts a *4 consumer prices; aed 11 (-34 are eentfibq6iig to losses of 12 i terse see in irflatiex: 13 (b) The Congress fug ?i s t problems of ttmeees 14 sary jpajpefwer-k and redtape ears be eliffliflate of 15 if the following principles are wed when 16 legislation and regulations arebeiegd-r-afte and when pre- 17 grams are being planned a 18 (-} The hid nests and value of Government pre- 19 net ertly to the Government, bttt ales to individ 20 trek and gr-ett-ps outside the r-' ^Tver men` must be e*- 21 sec. 22 (2) n lter ativ-e way-B to rtre pr-eg-faffts must be 23 tam into aeeount se thftt a eeiiseiees eheiee eae be 24 made a-e to - who will bear the nests of the program s 25 and who wiI4 receive benefits from them. Appreved FeF Release 2997-495447 CIA- R D IDS r%-nnnn3 R nnnjnnnSnn 11-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300050011-4 3 1 () Individuals, business , e a*d 2 local , ftftd other ifistitti 3 tuns involved in Federal mast be alley to 4 fflake regarding the design aed evalttatieii 5 of these se 4 Government agencies can be 6 alerted to potential pfebleffis of ttmieeessar-y ees 7 losses in effectiveness, and ;ern . 8 (4) The ?ttlafr-a-yof ifger-matietfi andjpajper-wefk 9 whieh fflight aid in operating 10 pis ffitist be identi?ied and aiialyzed, to insure 11 ti tat their a-ppheatieii in ear-efit! coordinated withift 12 and among agues and that waste, ewr-lap, and &-, 13 plieatieft are wveided. These technologies mete 14 are net ~ te-, eaffiptitefs, equip 15 word office es, and ai 16 for-ms. 17 (e) The Congress hereby determines that new iiifer-fflez 18 tine policies a pees are necessary to 19 eliminate needless paperwork and redtape and matte the Fed- 20 eral Goveffiffle rt an effective and efficient instfuffieftt in 21 iee to the American people. These policies and procedures 22 should be founded en theme that is net a- 23 free good a vaittable -Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300050011-4 Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300050011-4 4 1 TITLE! CENT T? A T. MANAGEAtENT AND 2 CONTROL RESPONSIBILITY 3 9B9FFRi)RHAE i?iFeiimm~kqi MANAGEMENT Y 4 ~ 404- (n T44e 44 of the United des Cede i,4 alb striking eti1 chapter 34aediiiseffiiigin itsplaee 6 the?ellewiiignewehaptef.: 7 "CHAPT 35 COORDINATION O 8 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT POLICY