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Approved For LIC JIV96-4449 COOT ~D1481980 003R0003 94 STAT 1967 Public Law 96-449 LEGISLATIVE COI Sk 96th Congress FllE COPY Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ofAmerica in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Hostage Relief Act of 1980". SEC. 101. For purposes of this title- (1) The term "American hostage" means any individual who, while- (A) in the civil service or the uniformed services of the United States, or (B) a citizen or resident alien of the United States render- ing personal service to the United States abroad similar to the service of a civil officer or employee of the United States (as determined by the Secretary of State), is placed in a captive status during the hostage period. (2) The term "hostage period" means the period beginning on November 4, 1979, and ending on the later of- (A) the date the President specifies, by Executive order, as the date on which all citizens and resident aliens of the United States who were placed in a captive status due to the seizure of the United States Embassy in Iran have been returned to the United States or otherwise accounted for, or (B) January 1, 1983. (3) The term "family member", when used with respect to any American hostage, means- (A) any dependent (as defined in section 5561 of title 5, United States Code) of such hostage; and (B) any member of the hostage's family or household (as determined under regulations which the Secretary of State shall prescribe). (4) The term "captive status" means a missing status arising because of a hostile action abroad- (A) which is directed against the United States during the hostage period; and (B) which is identified by the Secretary of State in the Federal Register. (5) The term "missing status"- (A) in the case of employees, has the meaning given it in section 5561(5) of title 5, United States Code; (B) in the case of members of the uniformed services, has the meaning given it in section 551(2) of title 37, United States Code; and Hostage Relief Act of 1980. 5 USC 5561 note. Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 94 STAT. 1968 PUBLIC LAW 96-449-OCT. 14, 1980 ae of other individuals, has a similar meaning provided under such sections, as determined by the lay of State. YOM terms "pay and allowances", "employee", and Special savings fund, establishment. 5 USC 5561 note. Withdrawal procedures. "agency" have the meanings given to such terms in section 5561 of title 5, United States Code, and the terms "civil service", "uniformed services", and "armed forces" have the meanings given to such terms in section 2101 of such title 5. SEC. 102. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury shall establish a savings fund to which the head of an agency may allot all or any portion of the pay and allowances of any American hostage which are for pay periods during which the American hostage is in a captive status and which are not subject to an allotment under section 5563 of title 5, United States Code, under section 553 of title 37, United States Code, or under any other provision of law. (b) Amounts so allotted to the savings fund shall bear interest at a rate which, for any calendar quarter, shall be equal to the average rate paid on United States Treasury bills with three-month maturi- ties issued during the preceding calendar quarter. Such interest shall be compounded quarterly. (c) Amounts may be allotted to the savings fund from pay and allowances for any pay period ending after November 4, 1979, and before the establishment of the savings fund. Interest on amounts allotted from the pay and allowances for any such pay period shall be calculated as if the allotment had occurred at the end of the pay period. (d) Amounts in the savings fund credited to any American hostage shall be considered as pay and allowances for purposes of section 5563 of title 5, United States Code, (or in the case of a member of the uniformed services, for purposes of section 553 of title 37, United States Code) and shall otherwise be subject to withdrawal under procedures which the Secretary of the Treasury shall establish. SEC. 103. Under regulations prescribed by the President, the head of an agency may pay (by advancement or reimbursement) any individual who is an American hostage, or any family member of such an individual, for medical and health care, and other expenses related to such care, to the extent such care- (1) is incident to that individual being an American hostage; and (2) is not covered by insurance. SEC. 104. (a)(1) Under regulations prescribed by the President, the head of an agency shall pay (by advancement or reimbursement) a spouse or child of an American hostage for expenses incurred for subsistence, tuition, fees, supplies, books, and equipment, and other educational expenses, while attending an educational or training institution. (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), payments shall be available under this subsection for a spouse or child of an individual who is an American hostage for education or training which occurs- Approved For Release 2007/0-5/91 - ('IA-RnPR. -nnnn3Rnnn 000 0001-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 PUBLIC LAW 96-449-OCT. 14, 1980 94 STAT. 1969 (A) after the ninetieth day after the date the individual is placed in a captive status, and (B) on or before- (i) the end of any semester or quarter (as appropriate) which begins before the date on which the hostage ceases to be in a captive status, or (ii) if the educational or training institution is not operated on a semester or quarter system, the earlier of the end of any course which began before such date or the end of the twelve- week period following that date. In order to respond to special circumstances, the President may specify a date for purposes of cessation of assistance under subpara- graph (B) which is later than the date which would otherwise apply under subparagraph (B). (3) In the event an American hostage dies and the death is incident to that individual being an American hostage, payments shall be available under this subsection for a spouse or child of an individual who is an American hostage for education or training which occurs after the date of death. (4) The preceding provisions of this subsection shall not apply with respect to any spouse or child who is eligible for assistance under chapter 35 of title 38, United States Code. (b)(1) In order to respond to special circumstances, the head of an agency may, under regulations prescribed by the President, pay (by advancement or reimbursement) an American hostage for expenses incurred for subsistence, tuition, fees, supplies, books, and equip- ment, and other educational expenses, while attending an educa- tional or training institution. (2) Payments shall be available under this subsection for an American hostage for education or training which occurs- (A) after the termination of such hostage's captive status, and (B) on or before- (i) the end of any semester or quarter (as appropriate) which begins before the date which is 10 years after the day on which the hostage ceases to be in a captive status, or (ii) if the educational or training institution is not operated on a semester or quarter system, the earlier of the end of any course which began before such date or the end of the twelve- week period following that date. (c) Assistance under this section shall be discontinued for any individual whose conduct or progress is unsatisfactory under stand- ards consistent with those established pursuant to section 1724 of title 38, United States Code. (d) In no event may assistance be provided under this section for any individual for a period in excess of forty-five months (or the equivalent thereof in part-time education or training). (e) Regulations prescribed by the President under this section shall provide that the program under this section be consistent with the assistance program under chapters 35 and 36 of title 38, United States Code. EXTENSION OF APPLICABILITY OF CERTAIN BENEFITS OF THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' CIVIL RELIEF ACT OF 1940 SEC. 105. (a) Under regulations prescribed by the President, an American hostage is entitled to the benefits provided by the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 (50 U.S.C. App. 501 et seq.), including the benefits provided by section 701(50 U.S.C. App. 591) but Assistance after hostage's death. 38 USC 1700 et seq. Assistance, discontinuance. 38 USC 1700 et seq., 1770 et seq. Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 94 STAT. 1970 PUBLIC LAW 96-449-OCT. 14, 1980 excluding the benefits provided by sections 104, 105, 106, 400 through 408, 501 through 512, and 514 (50 U.S.C. App. 514, 515, 516, 540 through 548, 561 through 572, and 574). (b) In applying such Act for purposes of this section- (1) the term "person in the military service" is deemed to include any such American hostage; (2) the term "period of military service" is deemed to include the period during which such American hostage is in a captive status; and (3) references to the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, the Adjutant General of the Army, the Chief of Naval Personnel, and the Commandant, United States Marine Corps, are deemed to be references to the Secretary of State. (c) The preceding provisions of this section shall not apply with respect to any American hostage covered by such provisions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 by reason of being in the Armed Forces. Richard Starr. 5 USC 5561 note. SEC. 106. Notwithstanding the requirements of section 101(1), for purposes of this title, Richard Starr of Edmonds, Washington, who, as a Peace Corps volunteer, was held captive in Colombia and released on or about February 10, 1980, shall be held and considered to be an American hostage placed in a captive status on November 4, 1979. SEC. 107. The preceding provisions of this title shall take effect as of November 4,1979. TITLE II-TAX PROVISIONS 5 USC 5561 note. 26 USC 1. SEC. 201. COMPENSATION EXCLUDED FROM GROSS INCOME. For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the gross income of an individual who was at any time an American hostage does not include compensation from the United States received for any month during any part of which such individual was- (1) in captive status, or (2) hospitalized as a result of such individual's captive status. 5 USC 5561 note. SEC. 202. INCOME TAXES OF HOSTAGES WHERE DEATH RESULTS FROM CAPTIVE STATUS. (a) GENERAL RULE.-In the case of an individual who was at any time an American hostage and who dies as a result of injury or disease or physical or mental disability incurred or aggravated while such individual was in captive status- (1) any tax imposed by subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code 26 USC 1. of 1954 shall not apply with respect to- (A) the taxable year in which falls the date of such individual's death, or y prior taxable year ending on or after the first day (B) an such individual was in captive status, and (2) any tax imposed under such subtitle A for taxable years preceding those specified in paragraph (1) which is unpaid at the date of such individual's death (including interest, additions to the tax, and additional amounts)- Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 PUBLIC LAW 96-449-OCT. 14, 1980 94 STAT. 1971 (A) shall not be assessed, (B) if assessed, the assessment shall be abated, and (C) if collected, shall be credited or refunded as an overpay- ment. (b) DEATH MUST OCCUR WITHIN 2 YEARS OF CESSATION OF CAPTIVE STATus.-This section shall not apply unless the death of the individ- ual occurs within 2 years after such individual ceases to be in captive status. SEC. 203. SPOUSE MAY FILE JOINT RETURN. 5 USC 5561 note. (a) GENERAL RULE.-If an individual is an American hostage who is in captive status, such individual's spouse may elect to file a joint return under section 6013(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 for 26 USC 6013. any taxable year- (1) which begins on or before the day which is 2 years after the date on which the hostage period ends, and (2) for which such spouse is otherwise entitled to file such a joint return. (b) CERTAIN RULES MADE APPLICABLE.-For purposes of subsection (a), paragraphs (2) and (4) of section 6013(f) of such Code (relating to joint return where individual is in missing status) shall apply as if the election described in subsection (a) of this section were an election described in paragraph (1) of such section 6013(f). SEC. 204. TIME FOR PERFORMING CERTAIN ACTS POSTPONED BY REASON 5 USC 5561 note. OF CAPTIVE STATUS. (a) GENERAL RULE.-In the case of any individual who was at any time an American hostage, any period during which he was in captive status (and any period during which he was outside the United States and hospitalized as a result of captive status), and the next 180 days thereafter, shall be disregarded in determining, under the internal revenue laws, in respect of any tax liability (including any interest, penalty, additional amount, or addition to the tax) of such individual- (1) whether any of the acts specified in paragraph (1) of section 7508(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 was performed 26 USC 7508. within the time prescribed therefor, and (2) the amount of any credit or refund (including interest). (b) APPLICATION TO SPOUSE.-The provisions of this section shall apply to the spouse of any individual entitled to the benefits of subsection (a). The preceding sentence shall not cause this section to apply to any spouse for any taxable year beginning more than 2 years after the date on which the hostage period ends. (c) SECTION 7508(d) MADE APPLICABLE.-Subsection (d) of section 7508 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 shall apply to subsection (a) in the same manner as if the benefits of subsection (a) were provided by subsection (a) of such section 7508. SEC. 205. DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL RULES. 5 USC 5561 note. (a) AMERICAN HOSTAGE.-For purposes of this title, the term "American hostage" means any individual who, while- (1) in the civil service or the uniformed services of the United States, or (2) a citizen or resident alien of the United States rendering personal service to the United States abroad similar to the service of a civil officer or employee of the United States (as determined by the Secretary of State), is placed in a captive status during the hostage period. Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 94 STAT. 1972 PUBLIC LAW 96-449-OCT. 14, 1980 (b) HOSTAGE PERIOD.-For purposes of this title, the term "hostage period" means the period beginning on November 4, 1979, and ending on whichever of the following dates is the earlier: (1) the date the President specifies, by Executive order, as the date on which all citizens and resident aliens of the United States who were placed in a captive status due to the seizure of the United States Embassy in Iran have been returned to the United States or otherwise accounted for, or (2) December 31, 1981. (c) CAPTIVE STATUS.-For purposes of this title- (1) IN GENERAL.-The term "captive status" means a missing status arising because of a hostile action abroad- (A) which is directed against the United States during the hostage period, and (B) which is identified by the Secretary of State in the Federal Register. (2) MISSING STATUS DEFINED.-The term "missing status"- (A) in the case of employees, has the meaning given it in section 5561(5) of title 5, United States Code, (B) in the case of members of the uniformed services, has the meaning given it in section 551(2) of title 37, United States Code, and (C) in the case of other individuals, has a similar meaning as that provided under such sections, as determined by the Secretary of State. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term "employee" has the meaning given to such term by section 5561(2) of title 5, United States Code. (d) HOSPITALIZED AS A RESULT OF CAPTIVE STATUS.- (1) IN GENERAL.-For purposes of this title, an individual shall be treated as hospitalized as a result of captive status if such individual is hospitalized as a result of injury or disease or physical or mental disability incurred or aggravated while such individual was in captive status. (2) 2-YEAR LIMIT.-Hospitalization shall be taken into account for purposes of paragraph (1) only if it is hospitalization- (A) occurring on or before the day which is 2 years after the date on which the individual's captive status ends (or, if earlier, the date on which the hostage period ends), or (B) which is part of a continuous period of hospitalization which began on or before the day determined under subpara- graph (A). (e) CIVIL SERVICE; UNIFORMED SERVICES.-For purposes of this section, the terms "civil service" and "uniformed services" have the meanings given to such terms by section 2101 of title 5, United States Code. Tehran hostages. (0 APPLICATION OF TITLE TO ALL TEHRAN HOSTAGES.-In the case of any citizen or resident alien of the United States who is determined by the Secretary of State to have been held hostage in Tehran at any time during November 1979, for purposes of this title- (1) such individual shall be treated as an American hostage whether or not such individual meets the requirements of para- graph (1) or (2) of subsection (a), and (2) if such individual was not in the civil service or the uniformed services of the United States- Ante, P. 1970. (A) section 201 shall be applied by substituting "earned income (as defined in section 911(b) of the Internal Revenue ClA-RDP 5-00003 Aproved For RPIPaca 7ffl7/0S/21 v ovvvv Approved eLaAs W4674'4 c'1G114, 1g8tf 5-00003ROffi ~Y%94-7 Code of 1954) attributable to" for "compensation from the United States received for", and (B) the amount excluded from gross income under section 201 for any month shall not exceed the monthly equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay payable for level V of the Executive Schedule. (g) APPLICATION OF TITLE TO INDIVIDUAL HELD CAPTIVE IN COLOM- BIA.-For purposes of this title, Richard Starr of Edmonds, Washing- ton, who, as a Peace Corps volunteer, was held captive in Colombia, shall be treated as an American hostage who was in captive status beginning on November 4, 1979, and ending on February 10, 1980. (h) SPECIAL RULES.- (1) COMPENSATION.-For purposes of this title, the term "com- pensation" shall not include any amount received as an annuity or as retirement pay. (2) WAGE WITHHOLDING.-Any amount excluded from gross income under section 201 shall not be treated as wages for purposes of chapter 24 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. SEC. 206. STUDY OF TAX TREATMENT OF HOSTAGES. (a) STUDY.-The Chief of Staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation shall study all aspects of the tax treatment of citizens and resident aliens of the United States who are taken hostage or are otherwise placed in a missing status. (b) REPORT.-The Chief of Staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation shall, before July 1, 1981, report the results of the study made pursuant to subsection (a) to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate. SEC. 301. (a) The Congress finds that- (1) the continued illegal and unjustified detention of the American hostages by the Government of Iran has resulted in the deterioration of relations between the United States and Iran; and (2) ' the protracted length and the conditions of their confine- ment have reportedly endangered the physical and mental well- being of the hostages. 5 USC 5332 note. Richard Starr. Ante, p. 1970. 26 USC 3401 et seq. 5 USC 5561 note. Report to congressional committees. Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7 94 STAT. 1974 PUBLIC LAW 96-449-OCT. 14, 1980 (b) Therefore, it is the sense of the Congress that the President should make a formal request of the International Committee of the Red Cross to- (1) make regular and periodic visits to the American hostages being held in Iran for the purpose of determining whether the hostages are being treated in a humane and decent manner and whether they are receiving proper medical attention; (2) urge other countries to solicit the cooperation of the Government of Iran in the visits to the hostages by the Interna- tional Committee of the Red Cross; and (8) report to the United States its findings after each such visit. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 96-1349 Pt. 1 (Comm. on Post Office and Civil Service), No. 96-1349, Pt. 2 (Comm. on Foreign Affairs), and No. 96-1349, Pt. 3 (Comm. on Ways and Means). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 126 (1980): Sept. 22, considered and passed House. Sept. 30, considered and passed Senate. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 16, No. 42: Oct. 14, Presidential statement. Approved For Release 2007/05/21: CIA-RDP85-00003R000300030001-7