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Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Director of F171 ~,~ Central Top Secret National Intelligence Daily (Cable) DIA review completed. State Dept. review completed Imo r Y87 Top Secret CPAS NIDC 82-243C Copy 402 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 El Salvador: Guerrilla Offensive Continues . . . . . . . . 1 Spain: Socialist Prospects in Catalonia . . . . . . . . . 4 Lebanon: Lull in Fighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 China: Defecting Pilot Lands in South Korea . . . . . . . 5 China-USSR: Talks To Continue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 USSR-Angola: Delivery of Soviet Patrol Boats . . . . . . . 7 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 Top Secret GuerriZZas stiZZ occupy some towns in the north and are staging harassing attacks in various parts of the country, but their offen- sive appears to have peaked. Attacks against economic targets continue, especially in Usulutan Department. Small government outposts and 25X1 public utilities in and around the capital have also been the intensity o guerrilla operations has passed its 25X1 peak. With the exception of some airstrikes and sporadic clashes near guerrilla-held towns in northern Chalatenango and Morazan Departments, military forces have avoided hasty counterattacks. In contrast to past practice, 25X1 military leaders are taking more time to plan their tac- tical response and have focused greater attention on securing key bridges and installations.// another has been damaged by enemy fire.// //As of Saturday, the military was claiming to have killed 153 guerrillas and to have suffered 122 casualties, according to the press. The US defense attache reports that as many as 16 of the Air Force's 20 UH-1H helicopters are not operational, mostly because of maintenance prob- lems. One helicopter was destroyed in an accident, and Comment: Guerrilla forces are likely to keep up 25X1 offensive activities in various parts of the country, at least for the next several days. Salvadoran estimates appear correct, however, that enemy operations are level- serious threat to the armed forces. ing off. The guerrilla efforts do not constitute a Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Iq Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 SPAIN: Socialist Prospects in Catalonia //A strong electoral showing by the Socialists in Catalonia may heighten political tensions at both the national and regional levels.// //Polls in the region and report:, from the US Consul in Barcelona indicate the Socialists have pulled even with the conservative forces in Catalonia. The repu- tation of the conservative government in Barcelona has been hurt by financial scandals, and the loss of splinter groups from the Catalan Union of the Democratic Center has reduced the administration's majority in the Catalan parliament. Socialists and dissident centrist deputies refused to join a recent Communist-backed vote of no confidence in the regional legislature, but they have promised to reevaluate their position after the national elections.// Comment: //The Socialist surge in Catalonia probably indicates the party will do well throughout Spain. It has faced obstacles in the region that do not confront it elsewhere, particularly its inadequate organization and the damage entailed in its support for pending national legislation that could curb Catalan autonomy.// //Most schemes for a center-right government in Madrid after the elections are based on a poor Socialist perform- ance in Catalonia and other regions. A win in Catalonia could give the Socialists a majority in the national parliament. This might tempt the party to rethink its intention to rule with a centrist partner in a coalition and to rule alone, which would give party leftists a 25X1 greater voice in Madrid.// A first-place showing by the Socialists in Catalonia also could enable them to replace the shaky conservative regional government with a center-left administration and improve short-term relations between Madrid and Barcelona. This would be seen by many Catalans as a blow against their hopes for greater regional autonomy, however, and would probably make it more difficult for the Socialists at the national level to grapple with this sensitive issue. Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 LEBANON: Lull in Fighting Lebanon is generally quiet as President Jumayyil begins his visit to the US. Factional fighting in the Shuf region has subsided, and Jumayyil reportedly com- pleted arrangements yesterday for the Lebanese Army to move into the area. Comment: No major incidents have been reported elsewhere in Lebanon since Friday, when a car bombing killed an Israeli soldier and a Lebanese civilian and Saturday when a clash occurred between Israeli and Syrian units in eastern Lebanon. 25X1 CHINA: Defecting Pilot Lands in South Korea The Chinese Air Force pilot who flew his MIG-19 fighter to South Korea on Saturday says he wants ulti- mately to go on to Taiwan. The aircraft's short range precluded a direct flight to Taiwan. The last time a Chinese Air Force officer de- fected was in July 1977, when another reconnaissance 25X1 pilot landed his MIG-19 on Taiwan. Comment: The defection places South Korea, which 25X1 would like to improve relations with China, in an un- comfortable position. The South Koreans are unlikely to return the defector, but they almost certainly will seek a quick resolution of the matter--perhaps by arrang-25X1 ing the defector's transfer to Taiwan. Seoul could re- turn the aircraft, an older model, probably of little intelligence value, as a conciliatory gesture. Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Chinese press reports say party leader Hu Yaobang told a group of French reporters yesterday China and the USSR have agreed to continue their discussions alter- nately in Beijing and Moscow. Hu declined to disclose the contents of the talks but expressed China's hope that obstacles to normalizing relations will be removed. He refrained from criticism of the Soviets beyond his response to a question concerning differences in Chinese attitudes toward Soviet and US hegemonisn., in which he said China opposes any hegemonism in the world. Comment: Hu's remarks, the first public Chinese comments on the talks, indicate that the dialogue will go on for some time. His failure to differentiate between Soviet and US hegemonism follows the public line taken by Premier Zhao last month during British Prime Minister Thatcher's visit. Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 USSR-ANGOLA: Delivery of Soviet Patrol Boats //The USSR this week is likely to provide Angola with its first two Osa-class missile attack patrol boats. Earlier this year the Styx antiship missiles that can be fired from the Osa arrived in Angola. The Soviets also have provided coastal surveillance radars and several smaller patrol boats.// Comment: The Soviets are helping Angola to strengthen its ability to defend against raids on port facilities. Late last year a seaborne commando raid damaged a major petroleum refinery at Luanda. Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 INTERNATIONAL: Disarmament Discussions at the UN Competition between East and West for Third World support on disarmament issues will dominate the eight- week session of the First Committee of the UN General Assembly that opens today. The Soviets will submit proposals for a moratorium on nuclear testing and demili- tarization of outer space, which reportedly will appeal to most Third World and some Western states, fication provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention. ering resolutions to continue a UN role in the investi- gation of the use of chemical weapons by the Soviets and their allies in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia, while Sweden will call for a conference to strengthen the veri- East-West tensions. Comment: //Many nonaligned states have been dis- satisfied with recent multilateral discussions and will support Moscow's proposals, although they are not new. US initiatives, including one calling for a Conference on Military Expenditures, have received little support, because many nations fear the proposals will increase Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84T00301 R000500010156-0 Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0 Top Secret 25X1 aR Top Secret sr Approved For Release 2008/09/10: CIA-RDP84TOO301 R000500010156-0