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Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 CENTRAL 1N"1 hLn ni, niv ~.a ? OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR NOTE FOR: THROUGH FROM .SA/DDCI SUBJECT : Transition Team Request for Senate/House Intelligence- related Committee Assignments Attached is the information you requested. STAT STAT Attachment: As stated Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was established in May 1976, as a result of the recommendation of the Church Committee, "to oversee and make continuing studies of the intelligence activities and programs of the United States Government." Jurisdiction: (1) The CIA and the DCI; (2) intelligence activities of all other departments and agencies of the Government, including, but not limited to, the intelligence activities of DIA, NSA, and other agencies of the DoD, State, Justice, and Treasury; (3) the organization or reorganization of any department or agency of the Government to the extent that it relates to a function or activity involving intelligence activities; and (4) authorizations for appropri- ations, both direct and indirect, for the above organizations and activities. Present Membership: Birch Bayh (D., IN), Chairman (defeated) Adlai Stevenson (D., IL) (retired) Walter Huddleston (D., KY) Joseph Biden, Jr. (D., DE) Daniel Moynihan (D., NY) Daniel Inouye (D., HI) Henry Jackson (D., WA) Patrick Leahy (D-.,-VT) Barry Goldwater (R.,, AZ), Vice Chairman Jake Garn (R., UT) Charles Mathias, Jr. (R., MD) John Chafee (R., RI) Richard Lugar (R., IN) Malcolm Wallop (R.., WY) David Durenberger (R., MN) STAT Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence was established in July 1977--over one year after the SSCI, as a result of the recommendation of the Pike Committee, "to oversee and make continuing studies.of the intelligence and intelligence-related activities and programs of the United States Government. Jurisdiction: (1) The CIA and the DCI; (2) intelligence activities of all other departments and agencies of the Government, including, but not limited to, the intelligence activities of DIA, NSA, and other agencies of the DoD? State, Justice, and Treasury; (3) the organization or reorganization of any department or agency of the Government to the extent that it relates to a function or activity involving intelligence activities; and (4) authorizations for appropri- ations, both direct and indirect, for the above organizations and activities.. Present Membership: Edward Boland (D., MA), Chairman J. Kenneth Robinson (R., VA) Clement Zablocki (D., WI) John Ashbrook (R., OH) Bill Burlison (D., MO) (defeated) Robert McClory (R., IL) Morgan Murphy (D., IL) (retired) G. William Whitehurst (R., VA) Les Aspin (D., WI) C. W. Bill Young (R., FL) Charles Rose (D., NC) Romano Mazzoli (D., KY) Norman Mineta (D., CA) Wyche Fowler, Jr. (D., GA) Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M00390R000300040048-8 House Appropriations Committee Jurisdiction: (1) appropriations of the revenue for the support of the Government; (2) recessions of appropriations contained in appropriation Acts; (3) transfers of unexpended balances; (4) the amount of new spending authority which is to be effective for a fiscal year, including bills and resolutions (reported by other Committees) which provide new spending authority and are referred to the Committee. Present Membership: -Jamie Whitten (D., MS) Edward Boland (D., MA) William Natcher (D., KY) Tom Steed (D., OK) (retired) Neal Smith (D., IA) *Robert Giaimo (D., CT) (retired) **Joseph.Addabbo (D., NY) Edward Patten (D., NJ) (retired) Clarence Long (D., MD) Sidney Yates (D., IL) David Obey (D., WI) Edward Roybal (D.,.CA) Louis Stokes (D., OH) Gunn McKay (D., UT) (defeated) Tom Bevill (D., AL) *Bill Chappell, Jr. (D., FL) *Bill Burlisbn (D., MO) (defeated) Bill Alexander (D., AR) *John Murtha (D., PA) Bob Traxler (D.,.MI) Robert Duncan (D., OR) (defeated) Joseph Early (D., MA) *Charles Wilson (D., TX) Lindy-Boggs (D., LA) Adam Benjamin, Jr. (D., IN) *Norman Dicks (D., WA) Matthew McHugh (D.,. NY) Bo Ginn (D.., GA) William Lehman (D., FL) Jack Hightower (D., TX) John Jenrette (D., SC) (defeated) Martin Sabo (D., MN) Julian Dixon (D., CA) Bennett Stewart (D., IL) (defeated) Vic Fazio (D., CA) W. G. (Bill) Hefner (D., NC) Silvio Conte (R., MA) Robert Michel (R., IL) Joseph McDade (R., PA) Mark Andrews (R., ND) (won Senate seat) *Jack Edwards (R., AL) Robert McEwen (R., NY) (retired) John Myers (R., IN) *J. Kenneth Robinson (R., VA) Clarence Miller (R., OH) Lawrence Coughlin (R., PA) C. W. Bill Young (R., FL) *Jack Kemp (R., NY) Ralph Regula (R., OH) Clair Burgener (R., CA) George O'Brien (R., IL) Virginia Smith (R., NB) Eldon Rudd (R., AZ) Carl Pursell (R., MI) *Defense Subcommittee **Defense Subcommittee Chairman . STAT Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M00390R000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Senate Appropriations Committee Jurisdiction: (1) appropriation of the revenue for the support of the Government; (2) rescission of appropriations contained in appropriation Acts; (3) the amount of new spending authority which is to be effective for a fiscal year, including bills and resolutions (reported by other Committees) which provide new spending authority and are referred to the Committee. Present Membership: *Warren Magnuson (D., WA), Chairman (retired) **John Stennis (D., MS) Robert Byrd (D., WV) *William Proxmire (D., WI) *Daniel .Inouye (D., HI) *Ernest Hollings (D., SC) Birch Bayh (D., IN) (defeated) *Thomas Eagleton (D., MO) *Lawton Chiles (D., FL) *J. Bennett Johnston (D., LA) *Walter Huddleston (D., KY) .Quentin Burdick (D., ND) *Patrick Leahy (D., VT) James Sasser (D., TN) Dennis DeConcini (D., AZ) *Dale Bumpers (D., AR) John Durkin (D., NH) (defeated) *Milton Young (R., ND) (retired) Mark Hatfield (R., OR) *Ted Stevens (R., AL) Charles Mathias, Jr. (R., MD) *Richard Schweiker (R., PA) (retired) *Henry Bellmon (R., OK) (retired) *Lowell Weicker, Jr. (R., CT) *James McClure (R., ID) Paul Laxalt (R., NV) *Jake Garn (R., UT) Harrison "Jack" Schmitt (R., NM) *Defense Subcommittee **Defense Subcommittee Chairman STAT Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Jurisdiction: (1) acquisition of land and buildings for embassies and legations in foreign countries; (2) boundaries of the United States; (3) diplomatic service; (4) foreign economic, military, technical, and humanitarian assistance; (5) foreign loans; (6) international activities of the American National Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross; (7) international aspects of nuclear energy, including nuclear transfer policy; (8) international conferences and congresses; (9) international law as it related to foreign policy; (10) international Monetary Fund and other international organizations established primarily for international monetary purposes (except that, at the request. of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, any proposed legislation relating to such subjects reported by the Committee on Foreign Relations shall be referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs); (11) inter- vention abroad and declarations of war; (12) measures to foster commercial intercourse with foreign nations and to safeguard American business interests abroad; (13) national security and international aspects of trusteeships of the United States; (14) oceans and international environmental and scientific affairs as they relate to foreign policy; (15) protection of United States citizens abroad and expatriation; (16) relations of the United States with foreign nations generally; (17) treaties and executive agreements, except reciprocal trade agreements;.(18) United Nations and its affiliated organizations; (19) World Bank group, the regional development banks and other international organizations established primarily for development assistance purposes. The Committee also studies and reviews, on a comprehensive basis, matters relating to the national security policy, foreign policy, and international economic policy as it relates to foreign policy of the United States, and matters relating to food, hunger, and nutrition in foreign countries. Present Membership: Frank Church (D., ID), Chairman (defeated) Claiborne Pell (D., RI) George McGovern (D., SD) (defeated) Joseph Biden,. Jr. (D., DE) John Glenn (D., OH) Richard Stone (D., FL) Paul Sarbanes (D., MD) Edward Zorinsky (D., NB) Paul Tsongas (D., MA) Jacob Javits (R., NY) (defeated) Charles Percy (R., IL) Howard Baker, Jr. (R., TN) Jesse Helms (R., NC) S. I. Hayakawa (R., CA) Richard Lugar (R., IN) STAT Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 ? ? House Foreign Affairs Committee Jurisdiction: (1) relations of the United States with foreign nations generally; (2) acquisition of land and buildings for embassies and legations in foreign countries; (3) establishment of boundary lines between the United States and foreign nations; (4) foreign loans; (5) international conferences and congresses; (6) intervention abroad and declarations of war; (7) measures relating to the diplomatic service; (8) measures to foster commercial intercourse with foreign nations and to safeguard American business interests abroad; (9) neutrality; (10) protection of American citizens abroad and expatriation; (11) the American National Red Cross; (12) United Nations Organizations; (13) measures relating to international economic policy; (14) export controls, including nonproliferation of nuclear technology and nuclear hardware; (15) international commodity agreements (other than those involving sugar), including all agreements for cooperation in the export of nuclear technology and nuclear hardware; (16) trading with the enemy; (17) international education. The Committee also has a special oversight function with respect to customs administration, intelligence activities relating to foreign policy, international financial and monetary organizations, and international fishing agreements. Present Membership: Clement Zablocki (D., WI), Chairman L. H. Fountain (D., NC) Dante Fascell (D., FL) Charles Diggs, Jr. (D., MI) (resigned) Benjamin Rosenthal (D., NY) Lee Hamilton (D., IN) Lester Wolff (D., NY) (defeated) Jonathan Bingham (D., NY) Gus Yatron (D., PA) Cardiss Collins (D., IL) Stephen Solarz (D., NY) Don Bonker (D.., WA) Gerry Studds (D., MA) Andy Ireland (D., FL) Donald Pease (D.., OH) Dan Mica (D., FL) Michael Barnes (D., MD) William Gray, III (D., PA) Tony Hall (D., OH) Howard Wolpe (D., MI) David Bowen (D., MS) Floyd Fithian, Jr. (D., IN) Berkley Bedell (D., IA) William Broomfield (R., MI) Edward Derwinski (R., IL) Paul Findley (R., IL) John Buchanan., Jr. (R., AL) (defeated) Larry Winn, Jr. (R., KS) Benjamin Gilman (R., NY) Tennyson Guyer (R., OH) Robert Lagomarsino (R., CA) William Goodling (R., PA) Joel Pritchard (R., WA) Millicent Fenwick (R., NJ) Dan Quayle (R.., IN) (won Senate seat) STAT Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Senate Armed Services Committee Jurisdiction: (1) aeronautical and space activities peculiar to or primarily associated with the development of weapons systems or military operations; (2) common defense; (3) DoD, Army, Navy, and the Air Force generally; (4) budgeting for the maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal; (5) military research and development; (6) national security aspects of nuclear energy; (7) naval petroleum reserves, except those in Alaska; (8) pay, promotion, retirement, and other benefits and privileges of members of the Armed Forces, including overseas education of civilian and military dependents; (9) selective service system; (10) .strategic and critical materials necessary for the common defense. The Committee also studies and reviews, on a comprehensive basis, matter's relating to the common defense policy of the United States. Present Membership: John Stennis (D., MS), Chairman Henry Jackson (D., WA) Howard Cannon (D., NV) Harry Byrd, Jr. (D., VA) Sam Nunn (D., GA) John Culver (D., IA) (defeated) Gary Hart (D., CO) Robert Morgan (D., NC) (defeated). J. James Exon (D., NB) Carl Levin (D., MI) John Tower (R., TX) Strom Thurmond (R., SC) Barry Goldwater (R., AZ) John Warner (R., VA) Gordon, Humphrey (R., NH) William Cohen (R., ME) Roger Jepsen (R., IA) STAT Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8 House Armed Services Committee Jurisdiction: (1) common defense generally; (2) the Department of Defense generally, including the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force generally; (3) ammunition depots; forts; arsenals; Army, Navy, and Air Force reservations and establishments; (4) conservation, development, and use of naval petroleum and oil shale reserves; (5) pay, promotion, retirement, and other benefits and privileges of members of the armed forces; (6) scientific research and development in support of the armed services; (7) selective service; (8) size and composition of the Army, Navy, and Air Force; (9) soldiers' and sailors' homes; (10) strategic and critical materials necessary for the common defense; (11) military applications of nuclear energy. The Committee also has a special oversight function with respect to international arms control and disarmament, and military dependents education. Present Membership: Melvin Price (D., IL), Chairman Charles Bennett (D., FL) Samuel Stratton (D., NY) Richard Ichord (D., MO) (retired) Lucien Nedzi (D., MI) (retired) Charles Wilson (D., CA) (defeated) Richard White (D., TX) Bill Nichols (D., AL) Jack Brinkley (D., GA) Robert Mollohan (D., WV) Dan Daniel (D.,.VA) G. V. "Sonny" Montgomery (D., MS) Les Aspin (D., WI) Ronald Dellums (D.,. CA) Mendel Davis (D., SC) (retired) Patricia Schroeder (D., CO) Abraham Kazen, Jr. (D., TX) Antonio B. Won Pat (D., Guam) Bob Carr (D., MI) (defeated) Jim Lloyd (D., CA) (defeated) Larry McDonald (D., GA). Bob Stump (D-., AZ) Claude "Buddy" Leach (D., LA) (defeated) Beverly Byron (D., MD) Nicholas Mavroules (D., MA) Joe Wyatt, Jr. (D., TX) (retired) Don Bailey (D., PA) Earl Hutto (D., FL) Ike Skelton (D., MO) Bob Wilson (R., CA) (retired) William Dickinson (R., AL) G. William Whitehurst (R., VA) Floyd Spence (R., SC) Robin Beard (R., TN) Donald Mitchell (R., NY) Marjorie Holt (R., MD) Robert Daniel, Jr. (R., VA) Elwood Hillis (R., IN) David Emery (R., ME) Paul Trible (R., VA) Robert Badham (R., CA) Charles Dougherty (R., PA) James A. Courter (R., NJ) Melvin Evans (R., VI) (defeated) Larry Hopkins (R., KY) .STAT Approved For Release 2007/11/06: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300040048-8