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Document Release Date: 
July 21, 2008
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Publication Date: 
April 29, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/07/21 : CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200420001-0 Approved For Release 2008/07/21: CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200420001-0 CMAR~ES t,tiBFAiETT. RLA SAMUEL S. RINTION. KY. BILL NICHOLS. ALA DAN DANIEL VA. C. V. (SONNY( MONTGOMERY. MISS. LAS ASPIN. WIL RONALD V. OELLUMS. CALIF. PATRICIA SD NOEDER COLO. ABRAHAM KAZEN. JR. TEX ANTONIO B. WON PAT. GUAM LARRY P. MCDOKALD. GA BEVERLY B. BYRON. MD. NICHOLAS MAVROIR.U. MASS, EARL HUTTO. R.A. IKE SKELTON. MM MARVIN LEATH. TEX DAVE MCCUROV.O(LLA THOMAS M. FOGUETTA M NOV DYSON. MD, DENNIS M. NEiTIEL. MILK MARILYN LLOYD. TENK NORMAN SLELSKY. VA RICHARD RAY. GA JOHN M. SPRATT, JR. S.C. FRANK McCLOSCRY. IND. C. ROBIN BMTT. "it SOLOMON -. ORTLL TEX RONALD D. COLBAAN. TEX Approved For Release 2008/07/21: CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200420001-0 ? 0 W.b. 3oum;e of 3epregentatibeo COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES Ia'c jington, a.c. 20515 NINETY-EIGHTH CONGRESS MELVIN PRICE (ILL), CHAIRMAN April 29, 1983 Honorable William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Mr. Casey: WILLIAM L DICKINSON, ALA G. WILLIAM WHITENURST, VA. FLOYD SPENCE. S.C. MARJORIE S. HOLT. MD. ELWOOD H. (BUD) HILUS. IND. ROBERT E SADIAM. CALIF. 508 STUMP. ARIZ JIM COURIER. N.J. LARRY J. HOPKINS. KY. ROBERT W. DAVIS. MICH. KEN KRAMER COLO. DUNCAN L HUNTER CALIF. THOMAS F. NARTNETr. S.C. DANIEL B. CRANE ILL DAVID O'S. MARTIN. N.Y. JOHN R. KASICH. OHIO 83-23967 The chairman of the Committee on Armed Services recently established a full committee panel on the transfer of defense-related technology to foreign nations. I have been afforded the opportunity to chair that panel. The panel has been directed to examine the present state of the transfer of U.S. technology to foreign nations, and particularly the direct or indirect transfer of such technology to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact nations. The panel will attempt to identify those technologies that, if compromised, would have a significant impact on U.S. national security. It will evaluate the process by which such technology is transferred. And it will assess the procedures used by the Departments of Commerce, Defense and State to ensure against the compromise of technology and defense articles that significantly impact on U.S. defense capabilities. The panel will require the assistance of your organization in completing our task. I am writing to request that assistance. Although a hearing schedule has not yet been determined, it is likely that we will ask fot a witness from your organization to testify before the panel. I would appreciate knowing who in your organization would be most appropriate as a witness given the tasking we face. In addition a point of contact within your organization that can assist the panel staff in coordinating activities and in gathering information would be most helpful. The name of the witness and the point of contact can be relayed to Bob Emmerichs (225-6873) or Alan Chase (225-9647) of the panel staff. I consider the issue the panel is addressing to be of extraordinary importance to our future security. I hope that, together, we can ensure that the laws and procedures governing the transfer of technology will maximize that security. I look forward to your assistance to that end. Sincerely, Earl Hutto Chairman, Technology Transfer Panel Approved For Release 2008/07/21: CIA-RDP84GO0457R000200420001-0