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Approved For Release 2003/06/26 CIA-RDP84B00890R000800100014-6 2 November 1981 Deputy Chief, Audit and Certification Division SUBJECT . Government Transportation Requests (GTRs) Quarterly Report of Usage and Savings 1 July - 30 September 1981 B. C. .Memo to EO/OD&E to D/OF dtd Aug 81 1. Attached is a report by component and Directorate covering the usage of GTRs for domestic TDY travel by overt Agency employees based on GTRs issued by decentralized BIF Offices during the period 1 July - 30 September 1981, and the approximate savings realized through use of GTRs to obtain "city-pair" contract discount air fares or non-contract competing discount air fares for official Government travel during the period. Also reported below are the same usage and savings figures for GTRs issues by Central Processing Branch (CPB) beginning 3 August 1981. Issuance of by CPB has grown steadily during the last two months of the reporting period. The CPB figures do not provide a breakdown by components or Directorates, nor between overt and official cover (covert) travellers. Those GTRs issued by CPB include a large number of "pre-paid" round trip discount tickets arranged for Invitee travellers at the request of SPD/OP. 2. The approximate savings were computed on the basis of the difference between the Government discount fares obtained and the full economy ("Y" Class) fares which would otherwise have applied. The per-trip savings may be somewhat less in the current quarter as domestic air carriers have recently reduced many Economy Class fares slightly while increasing or eliminating most general discount fares such as "Super Savers." 3. The number of GTRs issued includes GTRs cancelled due to admin- istrative error, trips cancelled, and late itinerary changes. 4. The obvious differences in the scale of savings per trip between some components is a function of short-range trips or trips to destinations not offering "city-pair" or other discount fares in some components compared with frequent travel to distant points in other components - especially to which represented savings of $558 and $564 per trip. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP84 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 SUBJECT: Government Transportation Requests (GTRs) Quarterly Report of Usage and Savings 1 Jul), - 30 September 1981 S . OD&E will initiate use of l I for its Headquarters couriers and for its twol installations beginning in early November, in accordance with L. 6. A survey of potential requirements for use of for personnel at Agency facilities beyond the Headquarters area has been completed. A full report will be submitted two OD&E Office appear to 1e likely candidates for use of facilities should serve several components (including in addition to their own personnel. Proposed rocedures an requests for approval of these extended assignments of will be initiated in early November. 7. Central Processing Branch is preparing a memorandum requesting approval to use for foreign TDY travel. This will allow realization of savings from discount air fares on the domestic legs of such travel, especially to and from the Los Angeles, San Francisco, Honolulu, Dallas and Miami gateways. It is also expected to enhance cover and security by providing a GTR Number on travellers' ticket (as would normally be found on the tickets and minimizing reliance on the old and sop-worn" cover mechanisms currently used for most foreign travel arrangements through CPB. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 8. It is planned that use of 0 through CPB for foreign TDY 25X1 travel will be announced by a Headquarters Notice which will also reiterate CPB's procedures and time constraints, the overriding reasons for use of GTRs and related advance travel planning, and the availability of "pre-paid" ticketing arrangements through CPB to obtain discounts for personnel travelling TDY to Headquarters from points not having access to GTRs. 9. The use of 0 and "pre-paid" tickets for domestic and foreign PCS travel is being studied by CPB. 10. A few components have not made use of the Ocapability 25X1 through CPB. Where this is a significant consideration, the matter has been discussed with Directorate level personnel and action should be taken by the Directorate in the near future to remedy the situation. 25X1 Approved Fero,-Release;2003106T26'k ~IA-RDP84BO0890R000800100014-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 GTR Usage and Savings COMPONENT AO/DCI ICS OP (Recruiters) DDA/OL DDA/ODP DDA/OT&E DDA/OF N RAE/ OD \'FAC/OSWVR \FAC/OCR NFAC/OIA DDS&T/OD DDS?,T/OTS DDS?,T/OSO DDSF1T/OD1E 25X1 DDSFT, I DDS&T/ORD DDS&T/NPIC 25X1 DDSU,O SUB-TOTALS 1 July-30 September 1981 GTRs ISSUED APPROX. SAVINGS 5 $ 2,86S 33 13,311 1,500 2,639 4,350 4,000 1,926 7,732 8,230 180 1,81- 1-35 118 9,695 201,000 31,926 20,148 9,525 2, J0 FCOINOT E (d) (Overt Travel Only) 998 CENTRAL PROCESSING BRANCH 785 $32},-18 183,000 (e) ~; (f) 1,783 $508,'18 Approved For IrDP84B00890R000800100014-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 DIRECTORATE (SU MARY) GRTs ISSUED APPROX. SAVINGS DCI E ICS 13- S 17,679 DDA 50 12,915 NFAC 18,009 DDSFT 275,115 SUB-TOTALS 5323,71.8 CENTRAL PROCESSING BRANCH 185,000 GRAND TOTALS 1,783 $508,718 FOOTNOTES: (a) Includes only 29 GTRs for ihich final travel accountings have been processed and savings can be estimated. Most trips were local area Recruiter air travel for which "city-pair" or other Government discount air fares are not applicable. (b) Includes all NFAC components except OSWR, OCR and OIA. (c) Overt GTR accounts closed as of 30 September. All travelers will be processed through Central Processing Branch on (d) Effective o/a 2 November 81, OD&E will send all overt employees to CPB for 0 except "last minute" travelers for whom OD&E will retain a small stock of CIA (overt) GT:s, and Headquarters couriers for whom OD&E will have a stock of (e) No breakdown available between overt, covert (official cover), and Invitee travelers; or between components or Directorates. (f) Issuance of y CPB began 3 August 81. Volume is growing rapi y. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 25 February 1982 Deputy Chief, Audit and Certification Division SUBJECT . Government Transportation Requests (GTRs) Quarterly Report of Usage and Savings 1 October-31 December 1981 1. Reported below is the usage of GTRs for domestic TDY travel by Agency employees during the period 1 October-31 December 1981, and the approximate savings realized through use of GTRs to obtain "city- pair" contract discount air fares or non-contract discount air fares for official Government travel during the period. 2. The approximate savings are computed on the basis of the dif- ference between the Government discount fares obtained and the estimated full economy ("Y" Class) fares which would otherwise have applied. 3. The number of GTRs issued includes GTRs cancelled due to ad- ministrative error, trips cancelled, and late itinerary changes, 4. The breakdown by component relates only to overt (Agency) GTRs issued to overt employees, except in Central Processing Branch (CPB) and ODEJE. The figures for CPB represent covert GTRs used for both o- STAT vert and official cover Agency employees of a components, and for In- vitee travelers. CPB figures cannot be broken down between overt/official cover/Invitee travelers, or b co, one one and Directorate. The figures for ODEE include both Agency and STAT 5. The summary by Directorate is no longer given as the heavy and broad use of CPB for GTRs by most components, without a breakdown by Directorate, makes such a summary of little value. Approved For R I'A42 ~,"' EDA O; f R 13608.90R00.68OO-.00014-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 COMPONENT GTRs ISSUED APPROYIM-lTE SAVINGS DCI/ AO 3 $ 691 ICS 18 6,914 DCI/OP 20 DDA/OL 8 2,300 DDA/ODP 65 12,000 DDA/OTE 8 2,600 NFAC/OIA 11 1,998 NFAC/SOVA 1 250 DDSEIT/OSO 52 13,466 DDS&T,O 126 22,944 DDS?7T/ORD 82 14,792 DDS&T/NPIC 21 8,859 DDS&T/OD&E 408 159,000 Central Processing Branch 1,186 311,775 GRAND TOTALS 2,009 $558,389 6. For the January-March 82 quarter, GTR usage should remain at about the level reported above. The estimated savings should drop sig- nificantly due to the current airline "price wars" which have in some instances substantially reduced standard economy fares. On the heavily traveled routes to California, the estimated savings have been reduced from about $650 to $375 per trip due to a drop in the economy fares of $200 to $300 since late 1981. 7. Procedures for use of GTRs on foreign TDY travel to take ad- vantage of the discounts on domestic legs of such travel, and for C`T Invitees, are still under development. 8. All components now seem to be making generally effective use of GTRs for domestic TDY travel, and where appropriate the facilities of CPB to maximize fare savings and administrative efficiency. The only major anomaly is OD&E which turned in its stock of overt GTR,- in January, and is now using I lexclusively, but with a major portion of those GTRs being issued by OD4E BtF rather than CPB. This does not appear at present to have any adverse effect on discount fare savings, but does seem to present some administrative problems. -2- Approved ForM 0]j, 3/06/26: CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6 Government Transportation Requests (GTRs) Quarterly Report of Usage and Savings This report shows by component the number of GTRs and the approximate savings compared to regular air fares. The two copies attached over the period 1 July - 31 December 1981. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000800100014-6