First Meeting of the National Security Council Intelligence Committee

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Approved For 12eleW 2001/08/14: CIC-RDP84b00506R00 0130020-9 3 Dcccu.bcr 1971 ANDUAV RECORD ?~::: FOR TOE lax, SUBJECT: ?"-`zii bers Present: Others Presont: First Meeting of the National Security Council Intelligence Cor::rnittec Dr. Kis:.inger, Air. Mitchcli, Mr. Irwiaz. Mr. Packard, Admiral Moorer, Mr. 1-ie1r:.s Dr. Cline and Mr. Weiss, State; Mr. MM:arshall. ? Weinel, JCS; -Dr. Hall and ; ;r. Buzhar dt, Defense ; Vice Adn:. 1. Dr. Xis:,ingcr opened the meeting by saying that this was intended to be an organizational session, with the principal purpose of Gecicing ho;;~ the cor-:n-iittcc will operate and what it will do. He said that this was a group of ccnior intelligence consumers which a.;, he srw it should meet at fairly Iengthly intervals. Its prin-:ary function would be to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the product and to c etern.irc what el ,e might be needed. 2. lie felt that the staff work for the NSCIC should be carried out by a subordinate corr.rzittce which should be chaired by a repre_ ._so:.tative of the DCI. He said that the cor:.mittee would have nothin- to do with budgetary asepcts of the intelligence process, since these .:,utters would be considered by other corr.mittees. He felt that soma, 'bf to production of Mr. Marshall's net assessment committee would be brought to the NSCIC. 3. Dr. Kissiner then asked that each r>zember prepare a state- 4i of what his department's requirements for intelligence are. The ,roue should than meet again is perhaps ten days to two weeks to look at t::oce lists and to work out a charter and a "work prograr,." or of z4ctlon for the on-going; deliberations of the con.mittce. He thou:,:,* th:.t after that the committee would not have to meet for pcrhans two n.oahs- Approved"For Release 2001/08/14,: CIA=RDP84BO0506R0001061300 ?9 Approved For Release 2001/08/14 CIA-RDP84B00506R000100130020-9 :%Ir. IIclr.?.s *rccd that it was not necessary to r,-.cct vc y f ra'c-t:ciitly but he :itr t`. :?C t: the 171. ortancc of this con nittce, ac.i :11.;j is the first tin c that the i:ltclli cncc con muriity has ever had. :.:ay 0r a.aj of rcceivin- th View:: of its principal con: u.:.err, on the t~~ aat:t. i'i 1 t1eu ht that it was it:',nar taint not only to assess what is rt'cca:.d and i1o-.v rood it is but also what is not needed. Dr. rCissir. er and ot'hcrs a,-recd with thir, point but Mr. Packard cautioned that it %Foul.; not :leceauarily be easy to a;;rcc on what is dispensable. S. The rCI brought up the cluc:ition of tactical intellirict:ce. Ear ink that 13enator Ellender and others had been after hirn to ri:r,ove tactical intelligence from consideration in the national intelliZ.ence budAsct. They felt that this should be put back into the Services :;o as to rcducc the total national intelligence bill. Mir. Packard a ;reed with this and ::.i that this subject siloulc certainly be on the agenda for the next . Admiral Moorer cautioned that tactical intelligence cannot be cer6trally controlled in yip' ashin ,ton and he and :+'+r. Pact:a rd agrccc that a good Gcai of what riArflbt be considered tactical intelligence shou:; in fa c: be looked at as operational activity, e. g. , SOSUS. In this co ine ction Dr. Ki::3inger. :iaai id he saw no reason why tactical intelligence could not be broken out of the national budget. He added that he would appreciate :having a recon:r:,cadaLion for a system of exar.?iining such tactical 11i- gence as the r.=:onthly reconnaissance schedules. Admiral Moorer said he had corr:nlissioned a study of the various peripheral reconnaissance activities and agreed that after the study is completed. it would be brought to the NSCIC for policy Suidance. NIPS: TAP:ch . Distribution: 1-DDI 1 ? NIPE:subj 1-D/DNE I - NIPE:TAP 1 - DDS&T Approved.For Release' 2001/08, 4 q -RpP84B00506,R000100130020-9