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Document Release Date: 
May 17, 2007
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PDF icon CIA-RDP84B00274R000300150013-0.pdf135.02 KB
Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP84B00274R000300150013-0 k (~,,,aRo wt~ wa,n tv t"~ tv ~ lour wV (-6ACI, rv.oT 4'\, it wr, pc-vc i w wl. (I\j w4lzr C-1w 4NrQ- te ~40~ 1 Approved For Relase,2007/05/17: CIA-RDP84B00274R000300150013-0 l~ndroapov, as pre ious head of the KGB, s a better grasph Allocation of'`Reseurces in the Soviet Union and China Mr. Roven, there are two theories about YurY Andropov I would like to get your opinion on. The firs has it that Mr. exposed to the West over e y rs has moderated his viewpoint Strengths and weakness than any they Soviet leader.- Being Of Soviet economic- ta, Soviet soce al problems and US t.-is alleged under this th y. Some go as far as to say that O 41G= preading theory A ando. Ott dew the $iigarsai:an rebellion in 1956 an has imprisioned ens=,, of t usands of dissidents. The second theory/is that Mr\Andropov has manipulated the is a closet liberal. Kha is your assessment of both theories? Does Mr. Andropov have the experienceneeded in the fields of agriculture and industrial production necessary to bring around the Soviet economy? leading the KGB. Rev strong is his intention to crack down on corruption 'fin Soviet society and was he effective in doing this when refrain from more US grain purchases and to become lees dependent on the US for grain supplies? US farmers have been disappointed in the limited grain Ourchases by the USSR. Is this a deliberate policy of the t e any idenae of Mr. ndrop 's ties to the Soviet military that ld suggest that h' a taken a questioning Approved For Release 2007/05/17: CIA-RDP84B00274R000300150013-0 _iihat: is th tar in Afghanistan costing t __"~ISRA annually To what degree- are the Soviets inhibiting Western European exploitation of natural gas reserves--particularly in Norway and Have Werstern embargoes on high technology had a measurable impact on the Soviet economy--and if so in what ways? 9. Are Western efforts to restrict the flaw of high technology to the USSR effective? Ile. 10. Would acess to Western modern drilling techology for gas and oil greatly ehhance Soviet production levels. ;.imitations have rexfceda~[ their interest-fn the Middle East Is there any evq'idence that Soviet oil and gas production M1 ~ an econoimic objective of Soviet foreign policy. Since last years testimony what can you tell us about e changes in quantity ant quality Soviet consumer products? 3. Given the problem the USSR has with its emerging minority populations, can you identify any specific economic planning designed to meet these problems such as: a) location of defense facilities b) locating facbories for unem3)*oymeht purposes e) stressing non defense induste es in areas where there might be 1o.ea1_unrest or large non Russian lpopulations.