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May 13, 1981
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Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84BOO148R000400820029-2 Office e-f Legislative ounse A (a 1 ACTION COORDINATION . INFO FP RITZ .CL THORPE AE GOLDIN COMMENTS : ROUTE TO: (DESIGNATE ACTION OFFICER) LIAISON DIVISION LEGISLATION DIVISION COMMUNITY & LEG. LIAISON OFFICE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT STAFF SUSPENSE DATE: RECEIVED IN OLC: 1-9 11 Feb 81 Form # 00000 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84BOO148R000400820029-2 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84BOO148R0004008200292 TEE: ~~_ eueU WILLIA,.I V, ROTH. J. TJFJ ST,.VENS. ALASKA CHARLES MC C. MATHIAS. JR., MD. JOHN C. DANFORTH. MO. WILLIAM O. COHEN. MAINE DAVID DURENBERGER. MINN. MACK MATTINGLY. GA. WARREN D. RUDMAN. N.H. THOMAS F. EAGLETON. MO. HENRY M. JACKSON. WASH. LAWTON CHILES. FLA. SAM NUNN. GA. JOHN GLENN. OHIO JIM SASSER. TENN. DAVID PRYOR. ARK. CARL LEVIN. MICH. 2Cnifeb Zfafez ,ends wnrcrcuv n, n~~+mnn, n.n., v,a.c a.nw,rcmnn CHARLES H. PERCY. ILL. SAM NUNN. GA. CHARLES MC C. MATHIAS. JR.. MD. HENRY M. JACKSON. WASH. JOHN C. DANFORTH. MO. LAWTON CHILES. FLA. WILLIAM S. COHEN, MAINE JOHN GLEN". OHIO ON INVESTIGATIONS WASHINGTON. D.C..20510 GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS - SENATE PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE May 13, 1981 The Honorable William J. Casey' Director Central Intelligence Agency 0505 - Washington, D. C.--- 20505-- JIM SASSER. TENN. JIM S. CASE WEILAND CHIEF C-UNSEL MICHAEL C. EOERHAROT DEPUTY CHIEF COUNSEL MARTY STEINBERG CHIEF COUNSEL TO THE MINORITY Dear Mr. Casey: The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations is attempting to determine how extensive and significant are the transfers of U. S. technological, industrial and commercial information to the Soviet bloc. Many of these transfers, even those obtained by clandestine means, are not illegal under our espionage laws or other federal statutes. The need to modernize the Federal Espionage statute to include industrial., technological or economical espionage was cited .in .197-6 by former Attorney General.Edward Levi.' In a March 23 letter to the Senate.Judiciary Committee, he said:. "The phrase 'clandestine intelligence activities, .sabotage, or terrorist activities' is meant to .encompass those type of activities by a foreign power or its agent that the Federal government must be capable of discovering, particularly when they occur within the United States. While the most common activities that would come within the scope of this.. phrase would constitute violations of the Federal criminal law, there is a certain limited . area. that. would not. For example, the clandestine collection of.information by an agent of a foreign power..concerning. .mportant..industrial processes essential to the national security, e.g. computer technology, would not in most cases violate any Federal statute. (Underscoring supplied.) Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84BOO148R000400820029-2 Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84B00148R000400820029-2 The Honorable William J. Casey May._13, ' 1981 ".. Page 2 During the current reassessment of government policies. toward the Soviets, it is now appropriate to reevaluate our counterintelligence program.against Soviet Bloc agents. There-.. fore, the minority--staff of the Subcommittee, at the direction of Senator Sam Nunn, the ranking minority member, has initiated a preliminary inquiry into this problem. During this preliminary inquiry, the minority staff-of the Subcommittee will also be looking into the effectiveness of our foreign counterintelligence capability to intercept clan- destine transfers or attempted transfers of classified data to the Soviets which are illegal under our laws. In addition, the Subcommittee will look into our existing export controls of dual-use technologies and goods to the Soviet Bloc administered. by the Commerce and State Departments. On February 20, 1980, Under Secretary of Defense William Perry testified before this Subcommittee that the Soviets have a "large, systematic, well-organized and effective" operation to acquire illegally our technology. Dr. Perry said Soviet clandes- tine activity has been "extensive" and involves the theft of classified as well as controlled dual-use. technologies and goods. Since the Central Intelligence Agency has primary responsibility for foreign counterintelligence programs, this Subcommittee's inquiry will be greatly enhanced by your-cooper-. ation and assistance. The purpose of this letter is to seek your support in this investigation. Accordingly, it would be most helpful if, at your earliest convenience, you would have-your Office of. Legislative Counsel contact Mr. L. J. Duffy, consultant to the minority of the?Subcommittee, - in order.that arrangements .for an. exchange of. information and briefings by appropriate CIA officials can be- made. Sincerely, Sam Nunn . Ranking Minority, Member William V. Roth, Jr. Chairman Approved For Release 2007/06/29: CIA-RDP84B00148R000400820029-2