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Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 0 0 27 February 1980 Staff Meeting Minutes of 27 February 1980 The Director was re aring for a Presidential briefing; Mr. Carlucci --Crash yesterday of a Taiwan airliner in Manila. He said a U.S. courier was aboard but survived and is now at the U.S. Embassy. McMahon reported several diplomatic pouches were aboard, two have been located and Security presumes the others were destroyed by fire. 25X1 chaired the meeting McMahon reported briefly on the following: Hetu reported Washington Post columnist George Lardner has requested information including statistics re FOIA handling at CIA. Mr. Carlucci said there is no reason not to provide basic data to Lardner, but he wants to be informed if Lardner presses for information involving FOIA exceptions. 25X1 Hetu called attention also to Michael Ledeen's recent article "Tinker, Turner, Sailor, Spy" in New York Magazine attached ; this 25X1 prompted several critical comments from attendees. Clarke announced the amalgamation of OSI and OWI into a single 25X1 office--Office of Scientific Weapons Research with Wayne Boring as Director and as Deputy Director. He noted the group (Center for Study of Foreign Personality Profiles), however, will become part of OPA. 25X1 25X1 25X1 report that the Soviets have provided six SU-20/22 bombers to North emen. He noted also that since October 1979 the Soviets have provided North Yemen with nine MIG-21s along with other military equipment including armored personnel carriers. Mr. Carlucci said he would include this information in this 25X1 morning's briefing to the President 25X1 Clarke called attention to a Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00l30R000600010261-0 ? SECRET ? Clarke noted a feature article in today's NID re the status of Soviet forces in Afghanistan. He said this drew a comment from INR indicating that State is holding to a Hodding Carter publicly announced figure of 95,000 in contrast to the NID estimate of over 100,000 troops. Clarke said despite arrangements made two weeks ago for develop- ing community consensus on such figures, State appears unwilling to budge 25X1 from Hodding Carter's public estimate. Hitz reported HPSCI Chairman Boland has introduced H.R.6588 as a House companion bill to S.2284 re Charter Legislation. He explained the difficult situation re a stalemate developing between the Senate and Administration on the issues of "full access" and "prior notification" which have been muddied somewhat by media reporting. He said that unless the Senate and the Administration come together on this, upcoming HPSCI hearings will be problematical and passage of legislation would be unlikely this year. Mr. Carlucci commented on the importance of having Executive Order language on these issues included in the Charter Legisla- tion to protect against misinterpretation. Relatedly, he said more attention needs to be given to the employee benefits and death gratutity bill. He noted the President's decision that automaticity with State benefits for CIA is not to be included in relation to the granting of benefits to State. Silver explained this decision by the President was pursuant to a last minute letter from OMB, i.e., an OMB request to the President that benefits for CIA be considered on a case-by-case basis. Silver said he is trying to find out via Arnie Donahue, OMB, exactly what this means from OMB's point of view and how it is to be handled and to be sure that the language is clear. Silver advised Mr. Carlucci to evade questions relating to this issue until the situation is made clear. Mr. Carlucci asked Hitz and Silver to work it out. (Action: OGC and OLC) 25X1 Silver said he heard from Ken Bass (DoJ) yesterday re recommendations from John Shenefield, Assistant Attorney General (Antitrust Division) to the Attorney General re Charters, specifically, dealing with exemptions to FOIA where requests are for information provided by a foreign source. Silver said also there remains a question of blanket coverage for the entire intelligence community or CIA only. Mr. Carlucci suggested to Silver we are at a point where a meeting with Civiletti is probably in order. Silver noted ACLU lobbying on this issue has been a significant factor. Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00l30R000600010261-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 ? TOP SECRET 0 3 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 Regarding controversial concerns on the matter of intelligence relationships with the clergy, academicians, and journalists, Silver advised we get our house in order, e.g., establishing a true record on the use of waivers re relationships with journalists. McMahon said his office is pulling together the facts on this for the Director's use today. Briggs said there appears to be increased incidents of malfeasance within the Agency, later noting a few recent cases being examined which involve falsifying time and attendance records, pocketing operational funds, and fake accountings. He noted plans to create a Grievance and Investigative Group within the Inspector General's staff to augment current capabilities for investigating such cases. A lengthy discussion followed as to whether these developments constituted an increased trend. Mr. Carlucci instructed that Briggs continue to size the problem but explained it would be a mistake to detract from the grievance role of the IG by coupling it with an investigative function which would be starkly emphasized by the label "Grievance and Investigative Group." He also endorsed Briggs' and Fitzwater's observation that management must be attentive to its disciplinary responsibilities since a few of the cases reflected inactivity at the mid-management level. He asked Deputy Directors to bring attention to this matter at staff meetings. Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 MI'CLE 1?P 011 PAGES 7 N HIS STATE OF THE UNION AD- dress, President Carter called for the end of unwarranted restric- tions. on American intelligence agencies. "An effective' intelli- gence capability," he said, "is vital to our nation's security." Although the remark drew an ovation, there have been no dramatic initiatives from the Carter administration to revitalize what is' generally considered to be a demoral- ized and often dangerously ineffective American intelligence community. Yet the president's words demonstrate that the mood of the administration-and with it, by all indications, that of the country-has changed dramatically from the time when the Central Intelligence Agency was considered to be a "rogue elephant" dangerously out of control. What is required to realize the presi- dent's goals? According to those who have spent their lives in and around the intelligence business, the primary requirement is a change in- the domes- tic attitude toward the CIA. Such per- ? sons including former directors and top officials of the agency-say the CIA must be freed from some of the more exaggerated forms of congressional scrutiny, such as the Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which gives more than 200 senators and staff members ac- cess to agency data. They also urge that those members of government and the media who have harassed the intelligence community for the past half decade must now recognize that a vi- able intelligence agency is urgently needed. And, they say, the agency and the. intelligence community as a whole badly need the finest possible leader- ship, both from the White House and from the office of the director of central intelligence (DCI). That post is cur- rently occupied by Admiral Stansfield Turner, and in the view of an impres- sive number of intelligence experts, Admiral Turner is not able to lead the CIA back to respectability.. ITHIN MONTHS OF HIS 1977 appointment- as DCI, Stansfield Turner had acquired the nick- name "Captain Queeg" in CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. NEW YORK MAGAZINE 3 March 1980 'MA One morning in January 1979, he came to work to find the bulletin boards and mailboxes full of a forged edition of his own "Notes From' the Director." Dated January 15, it has become an underground classic in the intelligence community: I was in my office fairly exhausted last evening after stopping work at 10 P.Ivt. As is my wont after a long day. I asked the Michael Ledeen is executive editor of The Washington Quarterly. StansfieldTurner;critics. say, has demoralized and politicized The CIA. Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00l30R000600010261-0 steward to bring me a bowl of s1berries and cream. Iles a good enough fellow- if a bit shiftless-and it wasn't long before he shuffled back to report that someone had stolen the strawberries from my re- frigerator. It was my hardest blow since coming here . . . but I did without. I could leave it at that. After all a new supply of strawberries can be purchased. But it's not that simple. I deem this a personal attack by someone who knew of my propensity for the fruit, using innocent strawberries to get at me. I am therefore ordering that until the strawberries are returned to my refrigera- tor, no one will leave the building. The General Services Administration will be asked to augment meal service while we wait. As an added stimulus I am rifting 100 people per day until the wrong is righted. Any person helping to identify the thief will, beside an immediate qual- ity step increase, be given a pair of stain- less. steel spheres similar to those T use for thinking the unpalatable thoughts our Communist adversaries force us to think. I will keep you informed on our p Tess in this as we move along. Chances are the pinko commie strawberry-fetish fink will see the error of his ways and surrender. I'd almost bet my Navy pension on it. Finally and again, I feel some re- morse in having to do this but national security is hardball and not for softies. The admiral did not find the docu- ment amusing, and he ordered the CIA Security Office to find the persons re- sponsible-a task which has proved a failure. But as Turner must have real- ized, the forgery reflected the conviction of a large number of agency officials past and present that the former ad- miral is the wrong man for the job, and that he should be removed before fur- ther serious, even irreparable, damage is done to the CIA. My own investigation-.including an' hour-long conversation with Turner in his office at CIA headquarters Turner has resisted independent checks and balances on spying at Langley-has largely confirmed this gloomy analysis. Leading CIA offi- cials-some of whom have left only within recent months, and others who are in the process of leaving -say that Turner has done more harm to the CIA than all the recent congressional investigations combined. And it is difficult finding any Turner supporters. When I asked National Security Council press man Jerry Schecter to arrange some interviews for me with NSC officials and staffers, he called back a fe%v days later to say that nobody wanted to discuss the CIA and Admiral Turner. Not for the record, not on background, no way at all. Later, when I advised the CIA's information office that I had been given a great quantity of infor- mation critical of Admiral Turner, and that I would like to go over it with agency- officials in an effort to get a more rounded picture, I was permitted to speak with just one man: Bruce Clarke, the elegant and erudite head of the.- National Foreign Assessment Center. But Clarke is only recently re- turned to the CIA after five years in Vienna and thus is in no position to evaluate Turner in context. And I was not even permitted to be atone.with _ Clarke; Director of Public Affairs Herbert Hetu, a man with a reputation for loyalty to the admiral, sat in. Simi- larly, during the interview with Turner himself, three assistants--including the redoubtable Hetu-were at the table. I encountered a similar reluctance to discuss Turner in the intelligence com- mittees of Congress. Senate Select Com- mittee on Intelligence Chairman Birch Bayh was not available for comment, nor was Staff Director William Miller. In short, Turner's critics are talking, while his allies-if there are any-are lying low. The -charges against- Turner.are seri- ous ones. According to his critics he has- undermined the morale of the in- telligence community, wantonly and ar- bitrarily fired hundreds of valuable offi- cers, presided over a steady decline in the quality of intelligence, and politi- cized much of the information flowing from Langley to the White House. - HEN HE ARRIVED IN the spring of 1977, Turner found a memo- randum left behind by the survivors of the last year of the Nixon-Ford period. Drafted by Bill Nelson (a top officer in the?DDO-the Directorate of Operations, that director- ate concerned with clandestine activity), the memo claimed that there had been a "Vietnam y?bt;1ge" .in the clandes- tine services: Nelson has accordingly Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00l30R000600010261-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 argued that several hundred its fact, the purge was not a total .surprise,om the earlier ones. Even James Is - could be phased out of the clandestine for Turner had conducted two extended Schlesinger. whose purge in his brief side without any substantial damage to briefings on the matter in August, in the CIA's effectiveness. In fact, no such the secure "bubble" at Langley. On "bulge" existed--or ever had. The size each occasion the house was full: 500 of the Operations Directorate's Far East persons at a time. Yet, he claims, not a Division increased enormously during single senior official in the DDO told the Vietnam war, along with the size him not to proceed. of that division's overseas contingents. Others in the CIA tell a different in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. But story. Two senior officials say ' they this increase in manpower was achieved personally implored Turner to adopt a primarily by depleting the ranks of more traditional method of reducing the other divisions of the clandestine the number of officials in the clandes- services. Overall, the strength of the tine services. Moreover, according to clandestine services actually 'declined these and other sources, Turner was during the decade 1965-75. intimately involved in the process from Stansfield Turner may not have beginning to end. known all this, and in any event most This was not the first time in the observers agree that the clandestine agency's history that a new DCI had services were overstaffed when Turner wielded his authority like a Sword of came aboard. But some of his more re- Damocles over the heads of his employ- lentless critics have argued that Turner ees, but Turner's approach-whichever accepted the conclusions of the Nelson version is correct-was quite different memo because they fitted so nicely. with the political mood of_ the early days of the Carter administration. The admiral denied this to me with con- siderable intensity, and.he was almost certainly telling the truth. For had Turner wished to perform a politically acceptable purge of the ranks of the clandestine services, he would not have done it as he did. Nelson had proposed that the number of clandestine officers be reduced grad- ually over a five-year period. Turner did it in two 'years. And he did it in a way calculated to produce great. re. sentment at the agency itself. For in- stead of entrusting the task to the various divisions, Turner turned the matter over to the personnel office, with instructions to computerize the process and thin out.the ranks of the senior people to make room for younger men and women to move up. ? Computerized profiles were used to draw. up the lists of those who were to be compelled to leave. All officers, in each grade level, were competitively ranked by the computerized formulas. From each grade level, including the highest (GS-18), a number of victims were chosen. In November 1978, these unlucky souls received pink slips signed not by Turner but by William Wells, then DDO. Wells himself was then fired as DDO partly because of the fallout from the purge. Turner told me he was "aghast" when he saw the harsh, terse letter that went out to the persons on the com- puterized hit list, and he says he toyed with the idea of issuing a second, more gentle note. He also told me that he was not intimately involved in the procedures that led to the selection of the names, and that he had received no complaints from the agency's senior ranks prior to the actual firings. In tenure at Langley is still legendary, had the good sense to assign the selection of the victims to other intelligence offi- cers, not a computer. While there was great resentment of Schlesinger's ac- tions, there was consequently a general appreciation of his methods, since the implementation of someof Schlesinger's cuts was tempered by the more com- passionate judgment of some of his senior subordinates, notably his direc- tor of personnel. With Turner, the hu- man touch was far more distant. Ofn- ?cers with years of experience were summarily dismissed without the slight- est flexibility. Men a few months short of higher pension levels were thrown out, although no one within two years of retirement was fired. The Turner purge was not simply the result of a misunderstanding about Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 4P the "Vietnam bulge,' for the admiral. had been approached by a group of younger officers claiming that channels for advancement in the clandestine serv- ices had been blocked for years by the "old-boy network." Turner took these complaints seriously, and one of the reasons for the purge was his sin- cere conviction that it was necessary to provide greater opportunities for the younger officers. While the motive is an admirable one, the analysis turned out to be unfounded: Last year one of the country's top management-consult- ancy firms was asked to look at the personnel policies of the clandestine services, and these policies were pro- nounced outstanding. Thus, two ma- jor motives for the great'\,purge--the Vietnam bulge and the' theory of favoritism in the clandestine services-- were both unfounded. . . The realization that Turner's actions were based' upon misunderstandings and misconceptions only heightened the bitterness toward him, especially among senior officers. But even in the middle and. lower ranks, morale was badly undermined, for they saw officials struck down who were among the finest persons at the CIA. In. one cele- brated case, for example, the computers printed out the name of one of the top clandestine operatives in Western Eu- rope, a man who was on a first-name basis with many-chiefs of state 'and heads of government, and who had been operating successfully for over twenty years. When challenged on that particular selection, the admiral an- nounced that he would not overrule the computer. By last October, over 800 positions had been closed down in the clandestine services, and more - than 1,100.persons had been driven from the ranks. And even though Turner says that only 160 people left involuntarily, one must wonder if some of these per-' sons are not sufficiently angry to coop- most talented and experienced members. Late last summer, on successive Fri- days, there were retirement parties at Langley for three of the CIA's most es- teemed officers: Ted Shackley, George Carver, and Dan Arnold. None was fired; all were driven out by Turner's behavior. Shackley and Carver were forced to choose between retirement and accepting a post that would have represented a de facto demotion. Ar- nold left because he was appalled by what was happening to the clandestine services and because he had lost all respect for Turner's integrity and his capacity to exercise leadership. A spokesman for Turner told me that the admiral did not encourage these people to leave, and the official line at the agency is that resignations are only to be expected at a time when the agency finds it hard to compete with the private sector in salaries, fringe benefits, and vacations. - But the Shackley case is -instructive on this matter: Widely considered one of the most talented members. of the DDO (he was instrumental in organiz- ing the highly successful defense of Laos in the undeclared war of the late 1960s), Shackley was associate- DDO when Turner arrived. He was asked to serve- as deputy to Army Lieutenant General Frank Camm at the newly created Na- tional Intelligence Tasking Center. This offide was supposed to- coordinate the collection assignments of the entire in- telligence community, but it never really got off the ground, despite an impressive bureaucratic expansion to a staff of some 150 persons. Camm, a military man of no particular distinction and no real knowledge- of intelligence, stayed on for a couple of years and then left early in 1979. ShackIey was ob- viously -in line to replace him, but Turner stalled, apparently unable -to make 'up his mind. After months of waiting; and by now convinced that .erate with the agency's enemies.. Turner had no interest in promoting him, ShackIey resigned. Turner has said URNER HAS LONG BEEN that the resignation came as a total known as an aloof, almost surprise, and that he. regretted it. unapproachable individual Sources close to Shackley respond in when it comes to dealing two ways: First, it certainly seemed with people. When he was - that Turner wanted Shackley out, for in charge of NATO's south- ern command in Naples, was notoriously awkward in otherwise he could have told Shackley dealing with his subordinates. When it was learned that Turner had been re- called to Washington early in 1977 by Carter, his navy colleagues told any- one who card to listen that they hoped the admiral would not end up on the Joint Chiefs of Staff or back in their service. ' - Most damaging of all to the morale of the CIA has been Turner's insensi- tivity toward some of the agency's something positive. Second, if Turner in fact-did not realize the impact of his behavior, he should not be in charge of a large organization whose proper functioning depends primarily on the existence of a strong esprit de corps. Turner does not seem to appreciate this fact. In our conversation, he re- peatedly stated his satisfaction with the personnel policies" he has insti- tuted, and he boasted that the CIA is now more "balanced and representa- tive" than ever before. He said that in the old days, agency personnel came primarily from the Ivy League uni- versities (a charge made in the late 1950s by Senator John F. Kennedy, but found to be false even twenty years ago), whereas it now has better geographical balance.. Moreover. ac- cording to Turner, there are now more ethnics, more blacks, and more women in the agency. There. is even a woman at - the head of - a. major station . over- seas. and there will be another female station chief in the near future. And Turner takes great personal interest in the younger officers. A few weeks ago he surprised everyone by having lunch with five of the new recruits; he told me that he was "inspired" by their qualities of intelligence and enthusiasm. The admiral's concern for the younger officers and his up-to-date interest in equal opportunity are genuine, but in a properly functioning intelligence or- ganization great care must also be paid to the senior ranks. According to sev- eral senior diplomats I spoke to, the quality of -CIA performance overseas has dropped steadily for the past few years, an inevitable consequence of drooping morale and less experienced officers. Finally,. there is the story (apocryphal, perhaps) of a person in. structed to get in touch with a CIA clandestine operative in a Central European capital. He was given a meeting place in a busy part of town and went to the appointment only to find that his CIA contact was a very tall, and very black, man who was the major curiosity in the area. Obviously, undercover conversation was impossible. U RNER'S DIFFICULTIES WITH his employees might be } overlooked if the quality of reports and estimates had improved- under his stewardship. Unfortunately, -this has not happened. In- stead, there has apparently been a new and alarming politicization of intelli- gence. To be sure, there is nothing new about the DCI's taking an active role in tailoring intelligence estimates to fit policy needs. Indeed, it is a vital part of his job. But Turner seems to be par- ticularly sensitive to White House pre- dilections. Aside from the case of Iran, in which CIA estimates were atrocious, but which can be charitably laid at the feet of several directors and administra- tions, his critics cite three grave failures: the Vietnamese invasion of 'Cambodia, the Cambodian famine, and the Soviet brigade in Cuba. In the Cambodian cases, Turner had repeatedly received detailed information from officers ' in' the field that indicated what was about to happen. Yet in both AnT Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 instances-in two successive y4-he Baader-Meinhof band. Yet in a close?Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), passed on estimates to the White'Wouse briefing to congressional oversight com- charged with taking an independent that took the opposite position. Were mittees, CIA representatives argued last look at the quality of the intelligence there simple failures in analysis, or were they, as some of those involved in the estimates angrily claim, examples of preparing estimates to suit the pre- vailing mood in the White House? The president and some of his top advisers were eager to normalize relations with Vietnam, and predictions of an immi- nertt invasion of Cambodia-with full soviet support-were likely to irritate the policymakers. Similarly, reports of the disastrous famine in Cambodia a year after-beginning as early as Janu- ary-were not likely to be well received by an administration that claimed to have "lost its inordinate fear of Com- munism." Thus, as late as June 1979, the CIA said there would be no famine. Likewise the Soviet brigade. Carter had been working for better relations with Castro's Cuba and had also been striving to minimize the degree of So- viet adventurism at a time when the image of the Kremlin was crucial for selling SALT II to skeptical senators. As a sign of his good faith, Carter had ordered the suspension of dJ 2 surveil- lance flights over Cuba. The National Security Agency continued its general interception of foreign communications but was not instructed to "listen" for specific bits of information. Moreover, human sources in Cuba were reduced: Thus, when claims. of a new Soviet military presence on the island were brought forward by Senator Richard Stone of Florida, the CIA. denied hav- ing any such information. Once the sur- veillance flights were resumed, the So- viet troops were quickly. identified, but no clear picture of their purpose emerged. That could reliably come only from experienced human sources. Thus, Turner's critics accuse him of failing to insist on maintaining surveillance over Cuba, failing to take seriously the warnings that arrived, and failing to use human intelligence properly. They. add that it is no accident that hu- man intelligence is currently in short supply, given the admiral's desire to open the way for less experienced offi- cers and his actions to remove so many of the old hands. Yet the admiral told interviewers from National Public Ra- dio last December that the discovery of the Soviet brigade in Cuba was one of the triumphs of his stewardship. The same bending to the prevailing political winds can be seen in the CIA's curious handling of the Palestine Lib- eration Organization. ?For years; the agency's primary interest in interna- tional terrorism had centered on this organization; it paid perceptibly less attention to other groups like the Ital- ian Red Brigades and the German fall that it would be improper to term the PLO a "terrorist" organization, that the group was actually "moderate" and simply maintained a facade of terrorism to curry favor with "radical Arabs." This opinion fits nicely with the convic- tions of the White House that the PLO must play a major role in a future Mid- dle East peace settlement and that its leadership is basically "moderate." OT ONLY HAS TURNER overseen a politicization of intelligence, but he has re- sisted efforts to provide on- going independent checks and balances within the agency and the community. Turner supported the questionable deci- sion to eliminate the President's Foreign u er; using a computer printout; fired ninny of the CIA's top..-agents. community's product. PFIAB had or- ten been able to recommend to the pres- ident and the DCI courses of action that .had not occurred to the community "regulars," and most CIA veterans re- garded it as extraordinarily useful. Now there is no independent body with the same broad authority to make recom- mendations directly to the president'. Instead, Turner characteristically cre- ated an in-house body-the Senior Re- view Panel-that examines intelligence estimates at an early stage in their pro- duction and can suggest different lines of analysis. - - - Finally,. Turner has insisted on main- taining maximum control over the entire! community and over the day-to-day op. erations of the agency. When he becamee director, the number-two position at the! Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 According to s&irces,Turner has tailored intelligence analyses to fit the nito House viewpoint. agency and in the community-the dep- uty director of?central intelligence, or DDCI-was held by E. Henry Knoche, 'a longtime agency professional. Under Turner's predecessor George Bush, the DDCI had been in charge of most nor- Mal activities at the CIA, while the di- rector had been concerned with overall planning, liaison with Congress and the executive branch, and the coordination of the intelligence community. Turner indicated his desire to assume many of the DDCI's roles himself, leaving Knoche with a greatly diminished task. Knoche lasted less than six months and-left on July 5, 1977. According to high-level CIA sources, Knoche quit because Turner had made it clear he did not want a deputy director with a substantive role, and Knoche was con- cerned that under Turner the agency was losing ground with respect to the other components of the intelligence community. ITH KNOCHE'S DEPAR- ture, Turner had a clear field for the selec- tion 'of a new- deputy director. At first it seemed he was content to leave the post vacant, and in fact he told a group of CIA offi- cers in the- late summer of 1977 that on those occasions when he was absent from Langley, operations responsibility could simply be assumed by the chief of operations of the DDCI. But Turner did set about finding an acceptable re- placement for -Knoche,' and his- first choice was Lyman Kirkpatrick, one of -the oldest of the old hands. All seemed clear for his appointment as deputy when Turner suddenly changed. his mind. After discussing the question with senior White House officials, Turner hit on former ambassador to Portugal Frank Carlucci. Despite press reports that Car- lucci.-was imposed on Turner, the ad- miral told me that the selection was en- tirely his own.. It was, in any event, a remarkable choice, for it was one of the few times since the agency's incep- tion that the two top men in the organi- zation came from outside the intelli- gence community". Yet there was reason to believe that Carlucci would give the CIA what badly needed: an inde- pendent and courageous person willing to - fight for real professionalism. His the CIA has done well, even remark- ably so, in areas where it had been weak in the past. In particular, the CIA's information and analysis regard- ing some parts of Africa have been ex- ceptionally good of hte, as has been i the material regarding China. To what extent this has been due to Turner's leadership is impossible to say, but it may well reflect-positively, for once- the increased interest in these areas by background in Lisbon, where he suc- cessfully challenged Henry Kissinger's dismal view of the future of that country, gave those unhappy with Turner cause for optimism, as did his behavior in the, first few weeks at Langley. . Every deputy director receives from the director a written delegation of authority, defining the DDCI's role and authorizing him to see some or all of the information that passes over the director's desk. Turner dragged his feet for weeks and then tried to get Car- lucci to accept a limited document. Carlucci refused, saying that he felt he had to see everything that Turner saw -a reasonable request, for the DDCI can be asked to substitute for the direc- tor in various circumstances and would have to be fully in formed in such events. In the end, Turner gave in. There may well be some private understandings be- tween the two, but in theory Carlucci knows what Turner knows. - Yet despite this promising start, Car- lucci has not played a major role within the agency. Now, known as Hamlet to his colleagues, Carlucci has played the part of loyal lieutenant to Turner. So far as is known, he has never tried to chal- lenge Turner on a matter of substance. his old friend and Annapolis class- mate to the post of director of central intelligence. But Turner is not without his strengths, and de- - spite the current closed-mouth policy regarding his achievements, he can point with considerable pride to some -substantial accomplishments. For one thing, he has taken seriously the deteriorating security at the CIA and has acted to cut down on the number of leaks, both to the press and to other outsiders. CIA analysts are no longer permitted casual contact with the press and are now required to have journalists file formal requests for con- versations, listing the time and place of the meeting along with proposed sub- jects for discussion. Turner has also insisted upon vigorous action against those such as Philip Agee who emerge from the CIA and write their "con- fessions." - Furthermore. the quality of Intel- ligence has improved in some areas. Foreign-intelligence. sources insist that Approved For Release 2007/10/29: CIA-RDP84B00130R000600010261-0 Finally, there is the case of SALT 11, where Turner showed unusual tour- i age and integrity as well as striking in- dependence of the desires of the ad- ministration. Turner told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that he could not guarantee that the United States would be certain of knowing about Soviet violations of the terms of the treaty. Given the loss of crucial listening and observation posts in Iran. Turner said it might be years before these capabilities were replaced: He spoke his mind, despite the feverish ef- forts of,the president, the secretary of state, and the secretary of defense to convince the Senate that the reverse was true. - Thus, whatever his critics may say, Stansfield Turner has shown that he is capable, on occasion, of standing by his guns, even when such a stance is unpopular with his commander in chief. This is a rare quality in Wash- ington and is much to be admired.. Paradoxically, it is precisely this breach of political discipline that has made it so unlikely that Turner will be re- moved from his post in the near fu- ture. For Carter and his colleagues fear that firing Turner would inevi- tably give rise.-to suspicions that he- was removed because he failed to sup- . F port the administration on a policy mat ter like SALT. In the long run, however, Turner will have to go. No matter how sub- stantial his achievements (and there are undoubtedly several that are, and will remain, unknown for a long time), 's his failure of leadership at the CIA is a fatal one. For in the next half decade,the United States will face a series of challenges that cannot be solved by the mere application of su- perior might. America no longer holds a decisive advantage over its adversaries --indeed, in many categories the rela- tionship has been inverted. Therefore, . the country will have to find more subtle ways of dealing with crises. This inevitably requires a ,first-class, well-functioning, and highly motivated CIA. Without the finest caliber of leadership, the CIA cannot function as it will have -to .in-?the years ahead. Unfortunately, Stansfield Turner is not the man for the jog. ..