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Approve or e-Z~ 1$ C A R84BDD049R0018001-10606-0 ti f APPENDIX' Demonstrations and Protests Against U.S. Policy in E1 Salvador DATE PLACE HO . 13 Jan. Montreal 40 16 Jan. . Bern ' 800 16 Jan. -16 Jan. -Panama City Sydney 40 16 Jan. Managua 300 17 Jan. Georgetown 40 .17 Jan. Brussels 250 19 Jan. Bilbao 40 20 Jan. Barcelona 50 20-Jan. Vancouver 75 20 Jan. Wellington 8 20 Jan. Quito unk SPONSOR Comite Unitaire De Solidarite Paur 0 .1 ."Usual?run of left-wing youth and third world interest groups, mostly Swiss but with a smattering of Latin A merican partiit c pans . Federation of Panamanian-students, Revolution Student Front. There was also an attempt to firebomb the Embassy. "Ai tral ian Social i'st Workers Party" (Trotykyite) (NOTE: Some Chileans were to participate, according to permit, But were not seen at site.- All U.S. Citizens, Wiain1y 11, aryknoller's, and others describing themselves --as th o er Leftist groups. Members of the-Faculty of Theology of th e U niversity D o . feusto Liga Comunista Revolucionari , a Movimiento Comunista de Catalunia ` *El Salvado jr'' r caragua Support Co mmittee. ' Nicaragua Solidarity "Committee Leftist students from Catholic University R People? Progressive Party (Pro-Soviet "A -small local Trotskyite-party". nd Approved For Release 2007/05/10: CIA-RDP84B00049R001800110006-0 -20 Jan. Rome Unk 22 Jan. t USUN 200 22 Jan. Bogota 35 22 Jan. Managua 15 22 Jan. San Jose unk ? 24 Jan... Stuttgart 80 _?_ 24 Jan. -Cal gary 2QQ 29 Jan. Vienna 1,500 22 Jan.. Dusseldorf 100 Committee of olidarity with the Salvadoran People. Speakers included Brazilian labor leader and Communist "Lula" Uruguayan Ernesto Gogi, and others Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador _???????- %... ' 4"8 Ly UI CU SKdui, CSdsque Regional Branch of Spanish Communist. Party. Colombian Communist Party (pro-Soviet) Group describing itself as American California Professional people.from New York and The Government of Costa Rica subsequently expelled 16 foreigners including 3 U.S... citizens for demonstrating illegally. Unidentified group, mainly foreigners ? Amnesty International., Association of German Catholic Youth, Action Committee Stuttgart, Communist'Party of Chile, ? Latin American Comm., Stuttgart, Movement of'the Revolutionary Left, Socialist Party of Chile, Socialist Party OR, Chile. ? _ Committee of Friends of El Salvador - New Democratic Party, the U.S. Association, the Inter-Church Committee on Numan Rights in Latin America Anti-U.S. campaign spearheaded by Austrian Communist Party. Working Group for El Salvador, Neuss; Central America Committee, Wuppertal; Nicaragua Information Office, Wuppertal; Initiative Group for the Third World, Neuss; ?-Working Group of BDKJ For The Politics of Development; ASIA (Combined German Student-: Cori uni ttee) ; Professional Group.of. the PP; Neuss; Approved For Release 2007/05/10: CIA-RDP84B00049ROO180011 29 Jan. Dusseldorf 100 31 Jan. Mexico .10,000. 31 Jan. Frankfurt 15,000 31 Jan, Stockholm 400 3 Feb. Milan -- 6 Feb. Melbourne unk 10 Feb. San Jose (Cont'd.) Evangelical Student Committee, Dusseldorf; Working Group ;for.Alternatives in Social Work; The Foreigners Group, Bilk; Action Movement for Housing, Dusseldorf; Independent Medical Group; Biker-Base Central Book Assn.; Saegewerke, E. V.; Children's Book Store.-in tkupnertal Third ' Iorld Section; Provincial (An Environmentalist Political Party); F ree International University.. (Not attributed by Embassy report) Informationsstell& El.Salvador. Marchers included several hundred masked leather- jacketed rowdies" and "a number of orderly Turks and Chileans." The keynote speaker was Karsten Voigt. There. were acts of violencE Guatemala-E1 Salvador Committee. Vast majority of demonstrators were Latin Americans, from Latin American exile groups. Telephone threat against U.S. Consulate'in Milan by group calling itself MOVEMENT OF 28 FEBRUARY. Caller said in Spanish that, U.S. must cease giving arms to Salvadoran junta or his organization "will take measures against you." Nicaragua-Reconstruction Comm ittee, Socialist Workers Party, Spartacist League of Australia, International Socialists, Communist Party of Australia. Partido Revolucionario de Los.Trabajadores. Demonstration followed series of radio announcements claiming Feb. 10 would be day of world-wide demonstrations against El Salvador by the Fourth International "Partido Mundial'De Los Trabajadores." 10 'Feb. Mexico 150 Partido Obrero Socialists, Liga Obrero Marxista, Partido Marxist'a De Mexico, Juventud Democrati ca Mexicans 10 Feb. . Lima is "Leftist and Communist Demonstrators, --organized and led by Senator Cesar Napuri (P0,MR) and Diputado Enrique Fernandez (PST) ~ooraved Fo.r_ReJ.eace-_0.Q7 05/10 -.rLn-!?.DPRaRtlnnagR.fn..18nn11Cln-O -n p nrair 10 Feb. Paris 500 10 Feb. Hamburg 1.0. 10 Feb. Frankfurt 5 10 Feb.. Lima 15 11 Feb. Quebec; ? 13 Feb. Perth 6 14 Feb. Amsterdam 2,500 17 Feb. Dublin 35 20 Feb. Oslo 200 25 Feb. Paris 1,000 26 Feb. Stuttgart '15 26 Feb. Rome 35 27?Feb. Edinburgh 75 ? 28 Feb. Vancouver 500 - nn h Rnn 1 innnf_ fl Organisation Coruniste Internatio naliste. Unattri buted Protest letter delivered by reps of Internationaler Arbeitskreis Frankfurt. Persons representing various political parties, including-the trotskyites. Communist Party - These' demonstrators demonstration. ?Unattributed (Perth 00.30) showdd up during a driving rain storm for El. Salvador Committee, together with the the support of other local anti-American protest groups-and United Uruguayan Group In Solidarity With El Sal vador_ International.:: Communist League, Convencion Idacional de Trabajadores del Uruguay, IKS - Grupo Combate. El Salvador Support Committee. (Note: the Embassy in Dublin reported this was the Fifth demonstration 'by this group.) HHnattributed. .(all these groups were organized by the Organisie 4E Internationale, a Trotskyist group).. Same groups as Jan 24 demonstration. . Partito Denocratico Unione Proletario tiovimiento Laboratori Per Il Socialismo. Among the group were six parliamentary reps of the PDUP. Latin American Solidarity Campaign Of Edinburgh. Some damage Was done to the Consulate door'by battering it_ -El- Sal vador/Ki caragua Committee.. Comite Soutien au Peuple du Salvador, Comite du Nicaragua, Comite du Guatemala. -.4 pproved For Releas; 2007/05110: CIA-RDP84B00049R001800110006- 28.Feb. Quebec 500 Quebec/El Salvador (NFl) 6 Mar. Adelaide 30 Socialist Party of Australia, Socialist Workers Party, Communist Party of Australia. 3 Mar. Copenhagen' 1,500 "Several Danish , political organizations ? from Center-left of Communist"' Chile- ? Nicaragua Allende-Uruguay Coriittee. 10 Mar. Toronto 200 El Salvador SupportCorrznittee.