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Approved For Release 2008/03/03. CIA-RDP84B00049R001202920011-5 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PT ESIDENT Subject: Next Steps in Lebanon From: Casp r W. Weinberger (S) As we move on make some key decisi foreign forces and G Lebanon. However, w cannot currently ass withdrawal and will and more likely a y avoid the prolongat There are three cou ve fashion 0-11 i because without- 11HP a tea drawals. Try =vi (commonly known as Stretch out further r the ne and accept a year o withdrawal. Seek i (S) 1. Withdraw t (g) We do not rec mmerdcbanceoof ements ave a g breaking down leading to to- e ~ -- agr - - e-scale iolence. r l g a newed the t 2. The secon option is to negotiriitical rglue forutheinex l be the a the H? that the HNF, not he LAP, Wil We mu t then act to expand alsraelis,HSyrians n the r or so of yea. quickly, if our ego 1 is the withdrawal -_ PLO by Years nd. This probably mZanuireme 0 may b REV eNmet byp and 3 ,000. part of this 4 REVIEW - ' or as many as because of the *?yIFI A major M tomassumetcowould be. LEbanonyoutsidid (tie COMPLETED ck o of LAP capaci bid y that the us could av in r N? O y . central part. It s ve articipation in such an M is leadership role an a major participation the woul be necessary to gain that others, and aVnts security. UB he symbol of our olitical commitment ofb fors could. . in this th tion, long-term involvement because the MN? wuldd be high risk s assist for and operate close with the LAP, there hostilities. Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP84B00049R001202920011-5 State Dept. review completed OSD REVIEW COMPLETED egotiations regarding Lebanon, we need to id ns. we seek a rap soseLeignty throughout vernment of Lebanon. d Forces (I. ~ believe the Lebanese Arme a me the security role required by such bs least at bble to do "r note aand,we have wanted to at. On the other ded US involvement. d exten n of the MNP, an ses of actione e multinational Force (19SF~i before Christmas bfre full Y more delayeo mediate politilagreements cefor ntraleLeb non irunediate disengage _ tep 1 Phase Il) witrawa sNFn a step-syisnep i foreign force t year or more. Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP84B00049R001202920011-5 - 2 - (S) We do not reco rend this options because it would require a substantial increase in-the size of the MNF (including possibly the US contribution) as.well as a greater risk to the forces com- mitted. (S) 3. The third o strengthening the Le Force, while tempora Israelis and PLO agr central Lebanon, the vide political and p Both MNP and LAF uni same time, over the strengthening the LA to provide a zone of be drawn down as LAP and probably a year control and the full can occur. The grea will not cooperate, period. (S) We recommend t places responsibilit longs: with the Leb firm with Israel and others be equally fi effort to strengthen (S) The JCS have a disengagement involv forces would be need Israeli plan: two br forces would have to current MNF in Beiru tions and some form other words, MNF req could be met by the (S) Whichever opti already carrying a h and our 6th Fleet Ca activities, intellig to revitalize LAP an bear consideration: Other patio Spain, Morocco, Xore tion is to place primary emphasis upon anese Armed Forces and Internal Security ily expanding the MNF role. If the Syrians, e to a first step disengagement of forces in MNF role should be expanded somewhat*to pro- chological backing for Gemayel and the LAP. would occupy the vacated areas. At the ext several months, we would concentrate on , including one brigade which might go south security for the Israelis. MNF forces-could improves. But it will,be at.-least-six months- r more before the l::t ~t tes~tc b1 *e tt- withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and ? trQ91 est risk at this point:night\be that the PLO ying the MNP down in Lebanon for a long is option, since it diminishes US risks and for the security of Lebanon where it: be- nose armed forces. To succeed, we.aquat be Syria, we must -insist that.:ths Saudis and m with the PLO, and we:must make a maximum alyzed requirements implied by Optioo_-3 for a ng MNF interposition deployments.. Not* )O F- d to man key terrain. (One brigade under gades if Southern Bekaa included.-) These be supported by logistics. personnel,:plus the plus intelligence and surveillance opera- f Inernational Observer Force (IOP): .In irements under option 3 would be larger than N? now in Beirut. n is chosen, it should be noted that US is avy MNF burden, with our Marine Ready_Group rier Battle Group tied down, plus logistics nce and surveillance activities, and. efforts ISP. There are a number of factors which s must be brought in, e.g., Ulf gorway, Indonesia, Greece, ate. These nations SECRET Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP84B00049R001202920011-5 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP84B00049ROO1202920011-5 SECRET - 3 - should recognize the large, indirect contribution the US is al- ready making. Us forces need not be increased as the source of infantry battalions for Optio 3; if others participate. - A major US rash effort to strengtben.LAF and IS?. This will mean large US M litary Assistance Group in Beirut, at least 100 US military trai erg, substantial diversion from US Army stocks and a sizable FY m1983 FMS illion) aspvelleasafism pressusetoa ?. neighborhood of $ Prance and Saudi Ara a to contribute. Specific Recommendat one (S) 1. That you di ect extraordinary measures., including with the Congress and oth r nations, to strengthen Lebanese forces.. (S) 2. That you di ect PLO out of the north (S) 3. That you di ect immediate disengagem nt. ? us support for negotiations aimed at a maximum diplomatic effort to cove the-- Lebanese-Israeli negotiations Lebanese-Sy ian negotiations with-us participation US insistence upon diplomatic and 'financial leverage to move out the PLO (S) 4. Authorize r negotiators to say the US is positive about US participation in an iterim'MNF deployed along the Beirut- Damascus highway between the Syrian and Israeli forces which had pulled back from their current locations. At the same time, .direct efforts to bring in other nations. SECRET Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP84B00049R001202920011-5