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STAT Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830016-4 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830016-4 :--rRelea 84B00049R001202830016-4 r1,.1 . C__'-E7 I II NJ T~~ 011 PAGE ` : 14 February 1982 some sources to be training as many as 1,000 men for this purpose. As.. reportedly contemplated' by tlie'CIA, on-Americans would be or the most part in imple- mentation of its plan, but the pos- sible`-use of American personnel to undertake unilateral paramilitary ac tion against some unspecified "spe- cial Cuban targets" also was envis- Tt could not be learned whether. th IA ro has been approved '-implemented. Reliable sources, however, said that U.S.-backed ac- tivities aimed at Nicaragua have been' started along the Honduran- Nnciraguan border within the last three months. sThese U.S. activities, according to one report, have been limited initial- ly to advising and supporting a force made up largely of anti-Sandinista exiles in Honduras in a position to XT. e The un re h Political, Paramilitary Steps Incl~ided' By Don Oberdorfer and Patrick E. Tyler Washington Post S%&If Writers , . ; President Reagan has authorized a brow program of U.S. planning and action in war-1 torn Central America, including the encourage- ment of political and paramilitary operations by other governments against the Cuban pres- ence in Nicaragua, informed sources said yes- terday. The administration program, adopted after top-level discussions in the National. Security Council, includes a range of economic, political and propaganda elements in addition to pro-. moting action by friendly foreign governments designed to disrupt. Cuban-Nicaraguan supply lines of arms to guerrilla forces in El Salvador. - It is not known at this point what action, if any, has been taken by other governments, or what direct support, if any, the United States has provided. A White House spokesman said last night that he was unable to comment on the reports. Administration officials have charged that the rebel forces in .El Salvador :are. directed from bases in Nicaragua with the assistance-ott Cuban advisers, and that training bas and; supply facilities in Nicaragua provide aes plat- form for the Salvadoran insurgency. Since a three-month U.S. effort to reach s negotiated accommodation with . the Nib caraguan regime became deadlocked at the a id of last October, U.S. officials increasingly have; viewed Nicaragua as a menace to U.S. interests. on the scale of "another Cuba." As part of the effort to counteract secret; Cuban-Nicaraguan insurgency support acti -: ities, which have been publicly denied by Ma nagua, the CIA is reported to have ro a1 secret $19 million lan to build a broad olit'I i opposition to the Sandinista rule in Nic araggaan to create action teams" or pars t. military, political operations and intelligence- gathering in Nicaragua and elsewhere.. One friendly foreign government that might1 be involved is Argentina, whose ruling military? junta long has been opposed to leftist activitiest in the hemisphere , and which is reporrted., br g e caragu . -harass t activities are reported to have been i stepped up in recent weeks to match I .military action by goer- rias'in nearby El Salvador. Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Mi-I gue1 D'Escoto, in an interview withi United Press International Feb. 5,1 aged that the United States was% arming an exile army of 6,000 men in 20 training camps along the bor der in collusion with Honduras, Gua ia'a and Argentina. c ki~ S" A,~ c~tl 0,111 n~_., Argentina has denied military in- volvement in Central America, and i last week withdrew its ambassador ,'rojn ~Vianague U.S. spokesmen have to comment on reports of I American support for covert actions in the area, citing a longstanding rule against confirming or denying such activities. . Reagan, who is reported to have approved many of the elements of the overall approach to Central America in mid-November, is spend- ing time this weekend drafting a i speech to announce the- long-'I promised Caribbean Basin plan of economic support for friendly na- tions. The speech, which is expected to be delivered within 10 days, will be the high-water mark of Reagan's I public involvement in the adminis- tration's concern about development in the area. lowed Secretary. of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. and other officials to l take a high profile of concern, con- demnation and warnings, but Rea- gan has had-much less to say. The president is unlikely to pro-vide details in the forthcoming.': speech of the military aspects of the plans to counter Cuban and Ni-I caraguan influence. It was learned, however, that the Defense Depart- ment has been authorized to draw up contingency plans to deal with "unacceptable military action" . by Cuba in the future. One part of the planning is to ad- E dress the possible use of U.S. forces to deter the possible introduction of Cuban military forces into Central America. Another aspect is planning for ex- ertion of "direct pressure" against Cuba, in the form of such actions as a naval quarantine to block Cuban i domestic petroleum supplies, and re- taliatory air actions against Cuban . forces and installations. . . . ... Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830016-4 Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830016-4 There is no indication of approval Because of the easily stirred fears Congresa was notified in mid- for such activities, as distinct from ! in this country of "another Vietnam" December of plans to train Salvador- the authorization to do the contin and the demands of other regions, an forces at U.S. bases. Since then gency planning. The Pentagon is re- administration attention as well as the training has started at Fort ported to be strongly opposed to di- public focus on the area has come in Bragg, N.C., for 1,000 Salvadoran rect U.S. military action in' the recurrent waves: an initial burst in troops, the latest contingent of Caribbean under current circum- February and March last year, a re- which arrived last Friday. Another stances, on grounds that the costs newa of intense interest last Sep- 400 Salvadoran officer-cadets are and risks would be excessive in view I tember-November, and a third wave being trained at-Fort Benning, Ga. of America's global military respon- of discussion centering on Capitol U.S. military advisers in El Salvador sibilities. Hill in the past several weeks. are continuing the training of forces The Reagan administration came .'Among the actions that have hewn ~, there that began early last year. to power determined to take a approved by Reagan are at least 10 ? Increased U.S. intelligence ac- stronger stand against Cuban activ- programs or planning efforts cover- tivity in tf the region. ity in the hemisphere, and was ing a broad spectrum, according to CIA station s oughout Central quickly confronted with a test of its the sources. America are reported ve been intentions in El Salvador, where an In addition to encouragement of increaed in strength in recen . unsuccessful "final offensive" bb political and paramilitary activity by weeks, and aerial and other surveil- rebel forces had been staged in the foreign governments and contingen- lance active ies stepped up. last days of the Carter administra- cy planning against Cuba, the au- ? 1 ain nance of trade and credit tion. thorized programs include: to the private sector in Nicaragua as A year ago this week, Haig, the ? per- newly installed secretary of state Additional economic support, long as the government there per- estimated to total $250 million to mits it to operate effectively. This propelled El Salvador to the top of $300 million, for Central American; has continued. the public and diplomatic agenda by ! and Caribbean countries. ' ? Improvement of the U.S. mil- declaring that the United States will Th' h I th f -;UV- +-A t n ure m e art an e ary 1 not remain passive in the face of 18 is t e core of the long-! promised Caribbean Basin plan, thei monstrate U.S. concern and willing-, " auivwuilr, dt mum nas been poss-1 frca3 w a~~ u Let=caxily. i beat auca- phisticated communist activity ,,a r_ _ _ h __ L _ _--__ ' +, i l de .,e.,. --- m t t nc u to m cures were d h i vac an elsew ere n Central of political and bureaucratic diffi- wand communications network, mil- America, and by threatening to "go . itary exercises and increased intel- +- ! ..{ culties within the, administration:; tn tho an.trrn" hi s F C th f h fuarfy before orces Caribbean orn- is month. A- W.1J. e end o t focus of sharp concern, administra- ? Additional military assistance to mend" was established by the Pen- tion officials recognize that large-_ El Salvador and Honduras from a; tagon Dec. 1 at Key West to stream-1 scale action against it would risk special emergency fund available toj _ line the military structure by placing conflict with the. Soviet Union as I ! n.. the president. responsibility for' the area in the well o t,?+ A- t o haw-- uufurr, 6t1c Wt16 Cumunat re-' ocfa? Cuban forces, which recently were cess over the Christmas-New Year The Washington Post reported ordered to a higher state of readi- holidays. Lawmakers were notifiedi yesterday that the Pentagon is ac- { N Ai th Sal guwfaua attack on L' 1 e - a~aa Uwwvu au arty vador s of concern here shifted to Nicaragua, principal military airport, that $55 West as part of an expansion of the where the fall of Anastasio Somoza million in additional military assist-, Caribbean Command's activity, es- in July, 1979, brought the Sandinis- ante is being allocated to El Sal-, pecially in the intelligence-gathering tas to Repoowethat Nicaragua has been vador from this fund. No word has field. Additional U.S. military exer- been given about corresponding aid tikes in the area reportedly are being the support base for the Salvadoran Honduras, prepared. guerrilla movement, "the platform," ? a U.S. ? An increased public information as administration officials called it, training for Salvadoran mil- ; , generated ro itary forces in this country and in El program to build national supportp proposals to take action. Salvador. for administration efforts in Central Alarm bells were also set off here by a large military buildup in Nic- America. s t aragua, supported by a growing The administration has given a ' high profile to its information and number of Soviet and Cuban advis- ers and increasingly powerful Soviet I objections regarding Cuban and Ni- weaponry. caraguan activity. Spore 1,800 to 2,000 Cuban advis- Perhaps the greatest single outcry. of concern came last Nov. 22, when ers are reported to be in Nicaragua, three top administration officials-- administration sources have said in recent days, along with about 50 So- Haig, Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger and' presidential viet personnel counselor Edwin Meese III-appear- Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830016-4 collvt[} Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830016-4 ed almost simultaneously on compet- ing television interview programs with expressions of concern about Central America. As part of this effort, the State Department last Dec. 14 published a lengthy report on Cuba's "support for violence" throughout Latin America. ? Tightened economic sanctions against Cuba. Efforts along this line were an- nounced publicly by Assistant Sec- retary of State Thomas 0. Endeis on Dec. 14, when testifying on the State Department report that was released the same day. ,' Though Central America-;. lies much closer to U.S. shores than any other area of conflict, it has received the full attention of Washington only rarely in recent decades. These episodes, however, have tended to be intense: the Cuban mis- sile crisis, the Dominican Republic intervention, the struggle for power in Nicaragua, and--now-in El-Sal- vador being among the. most .prom- inent examples.,_ --: --------- - In addition to the civil war in El Salvador, a rising tide of battle now is reported in Guatemala Adminis- tration officials also are concerned at reports that disparate .. insurgent groups from Honduras, where little insurgent activity has been reported in the past, currently are meeting in Havana to unify their movements. U.S. specialists on the region have I expressed doubt that many years of neglect can be reversed by another period of intense but temporary in- ! terest on the part of Washington. In addition, there is much dispute among specialists about the admin- istration's prescriptions for dealing with the region's woes, especially the emphasis on outside interference and military problems, rather than, longstanding social, political and economic difficulties. Many citizens of the United States, including policy makers, members of Congress and journal- ists, have only the barest knowledge of this area so close at hand. The ability to remain construe tively engaged in Central America over a long period of time, especially in the economic and political areas, is yet to. be demonstrated,: in the view of -those who know the region best. Approved For Release 2006/05/25 : CIA-RDP84B00049R001202830016-4