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Approved For Release 2007/05/23: CIA-RDP84B00049R001002400020-8 alvadoran Land Reform i m eriled -Re ort s a. [ By'Karen DeYoang - UCS "not as ii rule de- WtWdngtonPostFgretgnservioe finitive or'reliable"and characterized Land-reform workers in El Sal- the land-reform program aq "a re, ~ vador have charged that. the 4eforrif' program, strongly supported.:.bY the Reagp,,administration as a lcby to future Salvadoran democracy and stability, is near collapse. because of . military-backed terror and murder, illegal peasant evictions and a slow, "frequently hostile" bureaucracy. In a December report. requested by Salvadoran President Jose Na-`. poleon Duarte; the executive board of the Union Comunal Salvadorena, the country's largest peasant organ- ization -and an indirect recipient of' U.S. aid for educational and advisory assistance to the program, said that "the' failure of the agrarian reform process is an immediate and immi- nent danger." .' Asked Friday about the report, the State Department dismissed the markable succ"e8s i3tiiry~` " " " ' "~ The administration must xertif to Congress this week that the Sat- 'vadoran government is "making. con- tinued progress in. implementing" promised reforms, including , land reform, or risk a cutoff ,of the $25. miljion in U.S. military aid 'and" $40 million in economic assistance, gated this year for: 91 Salvador,,. DEANE NINTON ' is whi eh also require certification that - - - El . alvador- is making progress to. with, administration officials about ward stemming human rights abuses questions raised both, by the UCS and promoting a political rather report and a recently completed in- than military solution to the corm: ternal Agency for. International De- try's civil war, were mandated lastvelopment. audit of a $10 million month in response to'concern over U.S. aid project to a mist the land administration backing' for, the .Sal reform, as' well as an extensive re- vadoran leadership. spouse prepared for The Washington But background conversations Approved For Release 2007/05/23: CIA-RDP84B00049R001002400020-8 The Reagan administration has continued its predecessor's support for the reforms, while stepping up military aid to help the government in its year-old civil war with leftist guerrillas. It does not dispute that there are serious problems with the . land-reform program, many of which it blames on bureaucratic inefficien- cy and the size of the task. However, while it acknowledges, a lack of control over elements of the military by civilians who now share power with the Army, it contends that the government is gradually. bringing these elements to heel. ,In the administration's view, the bulk of the problems are -caused by the guerrillas, who it charges ' are sabo- taging the reforms and killing more civilians than the military.' While economic aid is necessary to promote the reforms, the admin- istration argues, the defeat of the, guerrillas is vital if the reforms are to succeed. ' ' Critits of U.S. policy, including a number of members of Congress, , long have maintained the opposite. They charge that despite the good intentions of some in the Salvadoran government, the reforms are being thwarted by rightists in* the same military that is pledged to imple- ment them and the wealthy who want to return to the status quo. This situation, they maintain, . is 'merely perpetuated by U.S. military aid. A copy of the critical UCS report, which is dated Dec. 10, and covers events 'in 198t, was given to The Washington Post by Leonel Gomez, the former deputy director of the Post by U.S. Ambassador to El Sal- vador Deane R. Hinton, reflected a deep?concern about the problems they pose for certification. The audit, dated Dec. 17, 1981, notes "progress" in the project, but it cites serious difficulties in monitor, ing the distribution of U.S. funds. It notes. that AID receives information on the reform only through govern- ment meetings and written reports, with no field work of its own because of security problems. While the congressional restric? tions on aid contain no provision for rejecting administration certification, the House subcommittee on inter- American affairs, chaired by Rep. Michael Barnes (D-Md.), has sched- uled hearings to begin Feb. 3 on El Salvador. Although Barnes said in an inter- view last week that he fully expects the certification to be made, he said the hearings were intended to allow the administration to justify it and to allow critics of U.S. and Salvador. an government policies to air their views. The UCS document is expect- ed to be discussed in the hearings. Land reform was decreed in early 1980, about six months after a group of reform-minded young military officers staged a successful coup against the last in a long line of rightist generals. 4 The land-reform program is divid- ed into two operative parts, designed to benefit nearly one-fifth of El Sal- vador's 5.5 million people. It calls for government expropriation, with com- pensation, of more than 300 large agricultural estates to be turned over to peasant cooperatives, and the granting of ownership titles for small plots to as many as 125,000 share- croppers and tenant farmers. Land redistribution, along with other political and economic reforms promised by the new government and supported by the United States, was considered vital to satisfy the aspirations of El Salvador's majority peasant class and to counter appeals to them by the left, which argued that revolution was the only way to alter permanently the status quo. The reforms have been bitterly op- posed by the conservative Salvador- an business community, and the large landowners for whom the right' ist military historically ruled the country. A. Salvadoran government ' agency charged with carrying out the land reform. Gomez, who now lives in Washington and 'publicly opposes U.S. policy in El Salvador, fled his country last January when agency director Rodolfo Viera, a. former head of the UCS, was killed there with two American labor officials. The State Department was given a copy of the report by the AFL- CIO-affiliated American Institute for Free Labor Development, which has worked in El Salvador since 1966, and helped found the UCS in 1968 as an association of peasant cooper- atives. According to the labor institute's deputy director, Sam Haddad, cur- rent UCS membership is about 110,000 peasants. In the past two years, the labor institute has re- ceived U.S. aid grants, this year to- taling $1.5 million, which it uses to pay about. 200 UCS officials and members to promote land reform and give technical assistance to its beneficiaries and to monitor imple- mentation of the program in the countryside. While he emphasized that the labor institute and the UCS are "still very supportive" of the land-reform concept, Haddad said "a lot of the things" in the UCS report "are true" and that the labor institute stands behind the documentation. Both the labor institute and Gomez, who re:-, quested that he be identified as hav- ing released the report to the press, expressed fear that newspaper pub- lication of the charges -in the report would place UCS officials in El Sal- vador in physical danger. - 'I can see people down there . the extreme right . .'. being most upset, and taking revenge, if it got' out that the executive board of the, UCS published this," the labor in- stitute's assistant director, Jesse Friedman, said. The two Americans killed. with Viera last January, Mi- chael. Hammer and Mark Pearlman,: were employes of the institute Two' Salvadoran businessmen were ar. rested in connection with the deaths, but one has since been released. Gomez maintained that UCS' leaders were "risking their lives" by. compiling the document, but said that "I don't talk about the `extreme right.' I talk about the [Salvadoran], Army." Approved For Release 2007/05/23: CIA-RDP84B00049R001002400020-8 Among its specific allegations, the report says that "at least 90 officials" of peasant organizations, many of whose cases are detailed in one of several appendices to'the report, and "a large number of beneficiaries" of the land reform "have died during 1981 at the hands of the ex-land lords and their allies, who are 'often ', members of the local security forces." " 1 1. . It says. more than 25,000 former sharecroppers or tenants have been forcibly evicted from their farms, "in the majority of cases with the assist-' ance of members of the military forces," before they could claim the ownership documents. Using figures that generally agree with those of AID for the same pe-, riod, the report notes that only,` about 15,000 families eligible for in--`: dividual ownership have been grant ed provisional titles to their land. Since the program began in April, 1980, no permanent titles'have been granted to individuals. Of more than 300 peasant cooperatives formed on ' former large, privately owned es tates, only two have received title to the land. One more title was granted after the UCS report was compiled. "What had begun 'in March and April of 1980 with bright promise," and had continued to 'show bright promise even through the, End of 1980," an 11-page summary of the: document concludes, "now threatens to become a nightmare of bureau- cratic red tape, evictions and kit-~.` lings, in which it will soon. be beyond' the capacity of the 'government or the campesino [peasant] leadership to prevent a complete loss of faith by our country's cainpesinos in the agrarian reform program. "If and when this happens, the extreme left will have ' free rein throughout the countryside and all prospects for ending the violence or instituting democracy will be at an end." Ambassador Hinton disputed , a number of the figures in the UCS report, described some as . "un- proven," and differed in interpreta- tion of others. "While the embassy does not deny, that implementation of the agrarian reform can be improved," he said in a written response to questions transmitted to the State Depart- ment, "it is essential to view the re- form within the context of violence and social upheaval taking place in El Salvador today." Addressing specific points in the document, Hinton,said that 20,000 provisional titles have been issued to sharecroppers and 'tenant farmers covering 30 percent of what he ,said were , 67,000 potential beniticiary families The State Department and AID, in previous documents and congres- sional testimony, consistently have calculated the number of potential beneficiaries as 125,000, the figure also used by ;UCS. The new figure of slightly more than half the original, Hinton said without elaboration, was due to "subsequent analysis based on the best`available data." Without addressing' directly the delays in- granting:' permanent titles, to small-plot farmers,, Hinton said "the important consideratigns, rather ,than estimates based ,on insufficient or dated statistics, is that the process is, continuing and is doing so under conditions less than ideal." Hinton said ' the 'titling of large cooperatives, with only three out of 326 farms completed so far, re- mained a "serious bottleneck and will continue to be unless major,legal reforms are made of the entire reg- istry process. The chances . of this taking plate in the immediate future are not likely." Although the UCS and others have charged that the lack, of titles raises, the hopes, and spurs the ac- tions, of those who hope to reverse the process, Hinton said that titling "is only one part of the agrarian re- form process" and that the impor= tart thing is that the' cooperatives are now in possession of the land, ,with or without titles.''" On the question of evictions, Hin- ton said that in those provinces "not affected by the high levels of vio- lence, little in the way, of evictions has occurred and that generall y but not always the armed forces are, within their own limited capacities, giving support to the entire agrarian- reform process including attempts to assist farmers who have been illegal- ly evicted." He said that killings oicivi7iane have decreased in the past year, and that while they still occur, "the nun ber is impossible to determine with any degree of accuracy." In general, human rights organizations monitoring the situation in El Salvador agree that, after a high level last' winter and through the early spring, the .. number of deaths , decreased through the summer. But listings_by the University of Central America in San Salvador, ' amosq' others; show an upswing beginning in October. . The labor institute maintains that ,,the UCS report -is accurate because of the organization's extensive field reporting.. According to the AID in- ternal audit of its assistance to land reform,, "because of the political At- uation in 'El Salvador and inade- quate staffing," the AID office there confined its monitoring of the pro- ject to "periodic meetings with [gov- ernment] officials and reviews of sta- tistical reports." Field visits to pro- jects, it says, "were discontinued due to dangerous, conditions that existed in project areas." The audit, which covers the pe- riod from July 7, 1980, to May 31, 1981, notes that "progress was being made in achieving the objectives." It goes on, however, to, raise serious questions about lack of technical as- sistarice to cooperatives and of su- pervision over the spending of U.S? funds, including "about $872,00Q,of ineligible loan expenditures", tq}pi- bursed by AID in El Salvador. AID officials in San Salvador, s?gd ad the deficiencies pointed out irt,te audit had been corrected, but, lousy declined to detail measures ten until they have been municated to Washington. Washington Post special corre- spondent John Dinges contributed to this -article from Sari Salvador.