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Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 DEPARTMENT OF STATE AM3P,SSAUOR AT LARGE UdASHINrTO~~ October 26, 1981 Admiral Bobby R. Inman Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 4Jashington, D.C. 20505 Dear Bobby: Attached is the paper I mentioned to you about the Liberal Party in Honduras. I would be most grateFul for any thoughts you have on it. Faithfully, Vernon A. t-Jalters ,,?''` .,i' State Dept. review completed Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 UNITED STATES PERMANENT MISSION TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES ' DEPARTMENT OF STATE October 14, 1981 Dear Dick, Here is the paper I told you about. I am unable to attest to its accuracy or lack of accuracy, but I have sent a copy of it to the Honduran desk (I:athleen Anderson X23385) for their comments. You may wish to query them, once they ave had a chance o look it over. ~~~ ~ ~ t~ ~.~. Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA ~RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Approved For Release 2008/08/13 :CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Sandinista Influcence in Honduran Liberal Party ~.d in Scheduled Nc3v. 29 elections.. The 1979 Honduran political parties called for celebrating a constituticz~l assembly. as the first step toward bringing back a D~.~cratic foruz of goverr~zzt through an election process. 't'he three parties who wen representation in the "Asamblea C:onstittryente" Constitutional Assembly were Partido I~i~sal with 33 delegates, P~-~rtida National. with 33 deleb tes, anal Fartido del Pine with 3 delegates. We will begin with a brief description of thv Liberal Party and the :uzfluence that the Sandinista Movement (which nc~,a governs Nicaragua} has in t~~ Honduras Liberal Party, is ca~posed of three political active gro?~ps or factions. .Faction A, tk-e Mavima_c.~to Rodi.sta, ori~'ax-ated by Mr. Rada.S Alvarado, fonder of the Liberal Party who recently died, aYxnYt three years ago, and whose son, Modesto T~das Vasa, of a Ni.carag~t n~the.:: , is the leader j oirtl~- w th Suazo Cordova, the president of the Liberal Party. These are the ones wbo control the Liberal Party. The M~svimi.ento Rodista is the Est influ~^~ faction in the Liberal Party although the Liberal Party has two other cu---rents, directed by diffP~ent leaders, all struggling for power ~rithin the party. Nbdesto ~iwdas Vaca. has along- history of support for the ~~viriento S~d_i_nista Nicaragu.ense and has very high ties kith the Sandinista ~~~~nt f-ran th_a ti~~ why the Sandinistas wale clandestinely fighting aga_~n~t S~za. In fact, they were using r~'. Modesto Rodas' hacienda next t~ the Nicarad ~-~ border . Approved For Release 2008/08/13 :CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 ,~, , ~_ ,, J Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 ~ - Eden Pastora and the guerrilla group that took over the National Palace in Nicaragua?trained in Mr. Modesto Rodas' farm in Choluteca and his conntection with Eden Pastora is a. ver?` close one, to the paint t.:hat the ri.f).e that Eden Pastora, Cornandante Zero, used during the attack at the National Palace belonged to Mr. Modesto Rodas. During the time of the operation at the National t mace in t~:i.caragua the military security police in Honduras arrested Mr. Modesto Rodas for clandestinely guying arms in San Pedro ue Sala for t_he T';-ent:e Sand_ir~.i.sta. This case was highly publicized. in the Honduran press since :i.t raas an open trial. Mr. Modesto Rodas is the second man under Suazo Cordova, the candidate for the presidency under the Liberal Party in Honduras. Tir. Modesto Rodas has traveled to Nicaragua and has been invited by Sand:ini_sta gbvern>ent to the various activities that have taken place in I~ir_ar.agua. Sdhen Fa_deI Castro visited Nicaragua, Modesto Rodas V.aca met with Fidel Castro together with Carlos Flores Fucte:~se, ~. Honduran of Palestine descent owner of tr,e major (leftist) circulation paper in Honduras, La Tribuna. Carlos Flores Facusse is also a representative of the legislative assembly and a leader in the riovimiento Rodista. He is of clear anti-American posture, and pro-Sandinista. Another leader of the Movimiento Rodista is another representative called Carlos Pfontoya who has a long radical leftist bzckground full of political activities during his time at the Autonomous Uni~-zrsit}~ of Honduras. }le is also aligned with the Sandinista government prcgrams in Honduras_ These three individuals are aligned with the International Communist Rrzgade operation in Central America and are active in the 1~iberal Part}~ of F~onduras. Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 ? Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Their political activities arc obviously supported b}= major financial contributions that Tnakc possible their political efforts pro Suazo-Cordc~~a, the president of the Liberal Party. These individuals scan to be receiving Ttoncy froL,l~icaragua to support their poitical campaigns since they have traveled to Nicaragua cXtcnslVC].y and have bccn fully indcntificd ~-1th Nicaraguan leaders. (Al:l bccn rcparted by the press). The B faction of the Liberal Party is the AlYanza Liberal del Pueblo (ALIPO). ? Its leaders arc Carlos Roberto Rcina and Jo.rgc Arturo Rcina, brothers. Jorge Arturo Rcina is the forTicr dean of. t~rc Univcr.aity of Honduras, and while dean of the University contributed ?_ million dollars to the t'rcntc Sandinista during the years 1977 and 19 l8; out of the budget of t?nc L'nivcrsity funding. These two xeina brothers are possibly the Host influenc~al eanncction bcti,~ecn the Sandinistas and the Liberal Party since their a1_lianccs arc directly with Cuba and arc members of the 2?Sovimicnto do Solidaridad de los Pueblos directed by Manuel Pineiro, head of the Cuban G-'L, in charge of . Dcpartamcnto de las Americas. The Lni-~crait}? of Honduras has traditionall}= bccn -the focus of all corR:nunist terrorist activities in Honduras with the objective of Cor,,~.unist domination ox Central AT:TCrica and these individuals, the Rcina brothers, TRCntioned in this report arc part of that organization that has existed far zany years at the university ,of Honduras. ~'cr}= reliable inforrlation indicates that man}= arms and ammo arc being stored in the University which is the source cf all marhist publications, leaflets, etc., that arc printed for the Honduras destabilization cfxort. The C xactian called Frc^te llnxdo Liberal (FuT), is headed b}? Dr..Grtts Colindres and is what one could call the T:~oderate leftist faction of the Libr_ral Party. Although it 'is also very wcll.cornectcd~c:ith the Sandinistas. They arc the less asgresive ~..*ithout discarding the fact thst they arc Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 sympathizers of the Sandinistas. The principal director of FU7 ar.e Dr. Enrique'ortes?Colindres, a prominent attorney who used to dircct-_ the Banco Ccntroamericano de Xntegracion trconoialc=a, dr~cr t1~at used to ~;c_rva as Gencraa. Somaza's attorney in Honduras for the various Somoza personal holct~,ngs. A man of defined anti-American principles, but Somoza used ha.m to };ecp the left in Honduras pacified (so he thought.. The second man in importance in the Frcnte Unido Liberal is r1r. Ramon V:illcda Bczzaudez, son of t'he former president Villcda Morales.knocan as Rabivcxa, ?who has alsa traveled to IvT~caragua seeking cconomle assistance for his iEactiorb of the Liberal Party. The Liberal Party with i is 3 bas~.c current; , tfze I~fovimicnt.o 3:od~ st:a, talc Alianza Liberal del Pucblo,~and tnc Frcnte Unido Li~cral, together with the support that the Christian Democrats Party gave them, received a5% of the votes in the past election against the Partido Nacioaal, wiZO took r~p% and Partido del Pino who took ~%. It is believed that if the elections were held today, the Liberal Party woulcs beat the Partido t~acional and that 24r. Suazo Cordova would be elected President of Honduras against R:.cardc Zt:niga, the cand.i.datc far the tvaeional. to which case the Partido Liberal would be co;ttrolled by militants sympathetic to and activists for the Sandinista. government in Nicaragua since. the LS.boral Party leadership hay=~ all come fron~ the. Autonomous Honduran University and have a long history of Sandinista support in its cffrot to ovcrthro~; Somozz. ~.t this moment it is very difficult to prcvc that the Sa^.dinistas Hare given money to the various factions of the activist currents of the Libcraa Part, but it it very obvious that they have money for their car:,paigns and hart been able to advertise, campaign, buy autos, jeeps, tra~~el, etc. with ample Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 economic support and that all sighs and rumors in Honduras, indicate t1~at the money is coming from the Nicarguan govcrnmcnt. After all, it =.;ould only be logical to assume that the i~iearabuans arc paying back their political. debt to Honduran allies who helped the Sandinistas against Somoza. Tne fact is that the pro-Cuban and pro-Sandinista forces in Central nave not begun an actzvc guerrilla campaign in Honduras, because they arc well entrenched in the Liberal Party and have very nigh hopes of ~:*i^ning power in Honduras by an election come novcmbcr 2yth, 19211. :then, t:tc men that will run Honduras will surface and the new policies will not be that ~oi coopcratlon with the United States. To believe that the United States, through its dipl~rlatic channels is going to have any 'influence over the type of govcrnmcnt and the goals of the adninistrat~.on that would be headed by Suaza Cordova, is to be, and only tnc sympathzzcrs oz a "change zn Honduras" and the forces against the present Kcagan policies in Central America are supportive of this opinion. Presently conf~_rmcd and rcliablc'inrormation indicates that Mrs. Dora :Cellcs., a Sandinista Comandantc (of 9 comandantcs in the Sandinista F.cvolutior.) visit s the University of Honduras once a month carrying instructio:~s, 1.ztcrature and money to the lef*-i~t c~rganzcations at the Ilnxvcrs ty. She enters the country from Nicaragua through clandcstin^_ sources and although tnc government is aware of nor presence has not acted against her: Mr. Jose Maria kteyes 2.1atCt, is tnc most Important guerrilla leader in Honduras and the ideologist of the International Tiov~mcnt in Honduras. He no;c lives in Nicaragua and has rnarrzed a Nicaraguan girl, Gisclic 2~aj1Qs. Tne_, arc now living ~.n the former residence of rir. Augusto A1ta3irano. ?~ir. Joscr Maria Reyes F~as freed a year ago alter being arrested ane' sentenced Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 for kidnapping the vice President of '1'eaaco vial c;o. in San Pedro dC Zula, Honduras. After his imprisonment, Josc T,aria Rcycs became a political la.ability for tnc Honduran government due to the ric2vy pressures exerted Uy tnc leftist organizations in tn~ Honduran Autonomous ~:n.zvcrsity~. ' It ~.s pressumcd tnat ne was the intellectual dzrccto7: of abt,uL' 2~ kidnapping } that have taken place in Honduras to the carious private cntrepencurs that have occn subjected to pay~ransam tar their l~.ves. A case in point is the $2 Million Dollars paid by Paul ~,'iriclli in a ~:idnapping carried out by Nicaraguans, Salvadoreans an6 ~ionduxans. 3ose Marta Rcycs 2~fatt~ is the on1.y survivor of the original Cnc Guevara group Kecently part of the group active in the ~'inclla. kidnapping ~?~crc arrested in Cost.Rica for conspiring to kidnapp th_ personnel of the Guatemalan embassy in Costa Kica and Honduras nas requested their extradition. Aga:;.n, the sources of all tncse kianappings is tnc Unit=crs~ty whr_xc their exists coordination between tnc Frcntc Sandinista and the rxcntc Farabundo r^.arti at E1. aalvador. The United States has to understand that the political climate prevailing in ~ionduras today is not appropriate to carry out an election; since there is high unemployment, acute inflation, sel=ere credit shortase a dzcline in real economic growth and per capita incowe and coffee prices have not been good lately, and tremendous flee of hard currency and capital, the mome:~t is very opportune for the leftist to c~=in an election against t1~e Partido :~icionalista which is headed by Ricardo Zuniga Agostino. Ricardo Guniga is what one calls in politics, a burn cigar, aue to tnc many years or activities, bcing the stcond ~~an o,. importar.~e ~n the country under tnc latest three presiocnts or i~ondur~ s, Lopez Arclla:~o, r;cigar Castro ana Policarpo Paz. Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 Approved For Release 2008/08/13: CIA-RDP84B00049R000601700013-9 His candidacy is one that he has been seeking for the last 20 years, but he will produce a substantial abstention from his o~:-n party members that will give the Partido Liberal the edge o?:er him, since the Partido Liberal will not count with the about 50,000 Social Democrat votes f.or the;: in the last election because they will be supporting their. own candidate. The most convenient position would be to support a postponement of the election, allow the present Honduran administratio. to generate a new impetus in the economy and work with the Partido R?acionzlista to support another and more viable candidate., one that could be identified with the new economic iripetus that the Honduras Govern-nent could create ?_rca11~ if the I7, S. would support the private sector. There is support for the postponement of the elections within the Social Democratic Party, El Pino, and the Partica `;acionalista, and also in a representative group of the P