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Approved For Release 2001/08/01: CIA- 1 R000300040018-8 MICROF II II) One of OCD's problems was that of keeping the Library operating at a maximum peak of efficiency. The Intellofax System had. made available a greater volume of library document references to a larger volume of requesters than had ever before been possible. The increased output of the System had resni ted in a corresponding increase in requests for the documentary materials referenced. In wishing to offer maximum Library services to all offices, the Library was faced with the dilimma of coalescing two variations in point of view as to these services. On the one hand some of the Lirary users insisted on an inviolate set of documents in the Library at all times. On the other hand, some insisted on the availability of library materials to their respective offices upon demand. In answeririg the criticism of r'ARR analyst i/ to the unavailability of certain document Becker wr"o'' ;' We clearly recognize the need for ensuring the availability of a master set of documents; however, keeping an original document collection poses problems of filing, space, c irculation and reference which are almost overwhelming." nting with a microfilm In March 190 the Library began expe m e =tYoAi and print procedure aid by 5 ii-6-1951 it AAA-, crofilq single-copy material. !e MA/ told Andrews that the problem was urgent and he proposed that the sI Library microfilm all (underlining AW1s) incoming documents, keeping a copy of the document as weo as the microfilm. The latter would be available at all times both for viewing purposes and for reproduction in cases where -it the requester wished to retain a copy. decker estimated that 9 people would be needed for a Microfilm Section in the ~.ihrr, Trder to Excluded from automatic ding and obtain optimum service. 9NOR" ddeclarowngraamnion ApprovedForRelease 2001 W04 ! cIA-RE P84-00954R000300040010-8 icro#Ilmi ov ed For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP.8 QA961 R000300040018-8 GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Arprouad forReleaso 2 05/01 : cIA-RBRB 04001.8-8 r With 617,562 intelligence docents on file in the Library by September 1950,E space had become a serious problem. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that microfilming was urgently needed. The machine Division and the Library worked closely to develop the best sort of system to solve the Library problem. In January 1951 saw equipment at wherein microfilm was mounted into an IBM aperture card. This system in mom, microfilm applications up to that time. On 28 November 1951 OCD to the Project Review Committee *hat the Library microfilm all intelligence documents on 16 mm film Jv^ allowed each document that was microfilmed to become a separate entity in itself and not just part of a reel as was generally the case Documents Repository. The IBM window punchcards were available,*.-- then at hand was to develop a microfilm processor which, in conjunction with the Intellofax equipment: would ensure that the Library could give t 0 the analyst the J &/ /a/documents which he asked for. He reported on the status of the project for microfilming documents, with the follawing equipment Either on hand or s on to be delivered. He ecpected the project to start experimentally in January 1951. 2 microfilm cameras for the purpose of making initial micro- film reels covering all incoming documents! 3 Diebold film processors were available for use in connection with the cameras. A Microtonics Film Printer had been ordered far copying the original reels. The copy so produced would. be cut up iy / so that the frames could be placed in IBM window punchcards, while the Original reels would be ` placed in the Vital INTELIAFAX--page 142 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-P4 Sj1R000300040018-8 Microfilming Research and teetiog_ continued throughout 1951, 1952 and 1953. At a CIA B3get hearing in 1953 ;-Dr. Andrews stated that P1b `5 prime job was to keep pace with new developments all over the country but that the most important research then at hand was to develop a microfilm processor that, in conjunction with the Intellofex equip i ettt, would ensure that the Library would give to the analyst the Documents wMek he asked for. Microfjliming of incoming documents began officially in March 19514/ the following equipment - -d AteJaf bl-hu 0 AL." on two^ microfilm cameras for the purpose of making initial microfilm reels, three Diebold film processors, one Microtonies Film Printer for copying the original reels, (one copy of the reel was placed in the Vital Documents-Re 5O itory)s three Filmsort "mounters" to out the microfilm reels and install the frames the aperture cards,' one Photostat Printer-Processor to make positive prints from the apenq cards, The aperture card s a punch card which had information identifying the microfilmed document printed across the top and l6mm,.-fi2m images of an intellofaxed cbei ment mounted in apertures (opening5t on the right- hand side,Aperture cards varied in that a single aperture might contain one, two, three or four apertures. Each aperture contained a pmt of two film Images, each image being one page of a In rt , ,* - The basic procedures microfilming documents did not change materially until 1968 when 35mm film replaced 16mm for the preparation of aperture cards. * Detailed procedures few were outlined in "Reference Aid on Machine Support Service" h$ (CIA/CR 2S-3, December 1959 sub: Reference Aid on Machne Support Services. in CRS Historical Files. Approved For el e Vq .W# 0" b E'ngs 22 Oct 53. S. '' At no expense to the Agency, but at OCDIs suggestions the- 25MA5a1 Approved F 4i`t of a new machine to reproduce prints t of microfilm negatives m-anted in IBM-Filmsort (perture) cards. Because no other machine existed at that time which could perform the necessary task for OCD's microfilm projects D*, Andrews requested 1i' an expeditious procurement of th a automatic one-step reproduction equipment at a cost of approximately $3,950. Thi`*-Pjudazl&t LNDAdi late -._ a on 4 d* waa-the basis equipment fsr.-cv ying documents and aperture catcso memo, AD/CD to Chief, Contracts Branch, P & SO,, 20 Nor 53, sub s Request for Purchaar of Photostat Copy-Card Filmsort Zrpe Machines C. (in Chrono 53 5898/5) GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic SECRET downgrading and d?classification ---,7 pprovee -ForR-eTease 2001/08/01 C A-RBPB4-09951R99A300040018-8___ Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : J0951 R000300040018-8 Microfilming--page 3 3 Filmsort ltmounters" t11 cut the microfilm reels and install the frames in the window cards had been ordered. Delivery was eEpected shortly kovt"O~ A Photostat Printer-Processor had been designed and built in pilot model (at no cost to CIA for development). This machine would enable OCD to make positive prints from the microfilm frames in the window cards. lyL` The `microfilming of incemirie documents beg - i_ 1994. srofilmed -immediately , Each aperture card contained 8 frames, representing 8 pages of a document. The first series of documents to be microfilmed were the State Department reports. This was followed FRAM by Air Force (.kn original_ozalid form to be returned to Air Fqpce) in April, Arimj and Navy reports in Ju3,v, and the last segment- CIA reports in September 195h, The aperture cards were filed in the Circulation Branch of the Library by control number assigned to the document. With full scale microfilming in effect, the Library and the Machine Division Von decided late in 1954 not to microfilm NODEX documents because their contents did not warrant indexing, In April/May 1950 this decision was amended so that microfilming would occur only for those NCDEXES which were single copy, required further routing qr contained enclosures,, or were of CIA origin, thus ensuring an inviolate copy in the Library, or iatch In the step-by-step processing, procedures established for the 1,1 flow of,documents microfilming occurred after indexing, so that NODEX determinations could be made, GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and Approved Fer lease 200-98/01--C A-RDP84-e0951 rw00300040010 c MicFbpdNI"se 2001/08/01 : C* Y#nojr-zjQn 0300040018-8 ClrMT-=A.Cd *L This had one big disadvantage in that the microfilm of the document other was not in file until after all processing had been completed. became Print service from the aperture file vas the responsibility of the Circulation. Branch of the Library. P#AW ~/ There were a number of didcussions by OCD management whether this operation should revert to the Machine Division, but the L br ry meakenieal dove :end - }^A-C c~ ~t ?''''? ` x 'Ity wished to keep the operation, Any ^problems connected aperture flIbCA" ~` with the were the responsibility of the Machine Division, such as experimenting with improved aperture card positiohers for Filmsort viewersf(and with methods of printing documents from the microfilm viewers. GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved -For-Refeax3001100101- CIA-RDP04-00951 Ii080399940048-0 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : Q5lR000300040018-8 25X1A9a BCD's Microfilming Program (Memo from Ex/OCD to C/1 re subject) 11 April 53 in Folder "Chrono 1952-53 Box 58-98/6 When prepping the revision of this memo? It hink it advisable that you meet with the Library to be sure that the fttechnical processing" decisions which are made are entirely compatible with the "service" requirements of the Ref, and Cir. Branches I suggest the final paper be organized as follows: Part I. Technical Processes (to be written by MMD) Part II Lib. Services and Files (by Ly) Part III.- Space and Personnel Adjustmenrs (by Adoring) GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved Ferelease 2004/00/01 DPI-0095 rw0030004001 c c Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : 951 R000300040018-8 MIC1AFIIMIlY3 Box 59-875/1 (In folder "Topics to be discussed in CIA Budget Hearing Thurs. Oct. 22, 1953) What is the latest status of the project for microfilming batch documents? Statuss 2 microfilm cameras for purpose of making initial microfilm reels covering all incoming documents ; 3 Diebold film processors are available for use in connection with these cameras A Microtronics Film Printer has been ordered for copying the original reels. The copy so produced will be cut up so that the frames may be placed in IBM window puncheards, while the original reels will be placed in the Vital Documents Repository for preserva. The IBM window punchcards are available. 3 Filmsort "mounter" to cut the microfilm reels and install the frames in the window cards, have been ordered. Delivery expected in 2 weeks A Photostat Printer-Processor has been designed and built in pilot model (at no cost to CIA for development) This machine will enable us to make positive prints from the microfilm frames in the window cards. The pilot model works well, amd requires only minor adjustments before delivery in Nov. or Dec. Expect to make experimental start on project in Jan 1954. March 1959 Answer by on his complaints of the Intellofax System (27 March 5].); Answer 6 April 1951 (In Folder CIA Library 1949-195. Box 58-98/1) "Availability of documents: This problem has received detailed consideration in the Library. We clearly recognize the need for ensuring the availability Of a master set of d ocume rxt s; however, keeping an original document collection poses problems of filing, dace, circulation, and reference which aie almost overwhelmibg. Therefore, in March 1950 we began experimenting with a microfilm and print procedure which would guarantee that every document received in the OCD Batch System would be perxra file, 0/RR and G UP other operating offices in CIA have given their EQ' to thid radical change In procedure and ated that we w,;o, b a to start microfilming the single-copy material immediately.` Approved-For-Releases-2001 /00/91--ClA-RDP04-009548000300040010-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : 0951 R000300040018-8 5 October 1951 Memo from Dr. Andrews to AD/OIC (in Folder CIA Library 1949-51. Box 58-98/1) t:The Library proposed that it microfilm all intelligence documents currently received, keeping a copy of the document as well as of the microfilm. The document itdelf will be a Reference Copy,# available on loan for a period not to ecceed 1 week. The microfilm would be available ay all times both for viewing purposes, as well as for r eproduction in such cases where the requester wishes to retain a copy. To obtain this o{,% type of optimum service., the CIA Iy estaimates the following additions to its current T/O: 3. 9 people for a Microfilm Section topped by a GS-7 The problem as presented is urgent and is a continuing one. 1. The CIA Library wishes to offer maximum library services to all offices. It is now faced with the fltemma of coalescing two variations in pointmof view as to these services. On the hand some of the library users insist on an inviolate set of documents in the Library at all times. On the other hand, some insist on the availability of library materials to their respective offices upon demande these conflicting views now reach the Office level. To resolve the problem requires a decision from your Office based on coordinated Agency opinion. &4, - 16 66 Need to mcrofilma Plans to microfilm documents acquired by the CIA Library in order to conserve space and to supply jj jd(,L/ reproduction copies on request without the delay of tracing and recalling the file copied that a r out on 1 . GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic S~1 1 downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2001/08/01 [-IA.R~R~4fO951R000300040018-8 (see Folder "Chrono 1952-53'tI FILMSORT 58-98/6) Conf Memo from Andrews to Chief., Contracts Branch., P 4'i SO 20 Nov 53 Request for Purchase of Photostat Copy-Card Filmsort type Machine 25X1A5a1 detook the development of a new machine to reproduce prints of microfilm negatives mounted in IBM-Filmsort cagd. We understand that this particular automatic one-step reproduction equipment will be reac+y in mid-November. No other machine exists that can perform this necessary task for the advanced OCD microfilm project. Secret Projects to be Undertaken within the Year 27 Jan 53 (Folder "Chrono 52-53" Memo fro; AD/CD to AD's all over agency 25X1A5a1 The N) expects to obtain from the a printing and processing machine to produce immediate prints from 5 x 8" cards., and a printing and processing machine to produce 5" x 8k" prints from 16mm film contained in IBM aperture cards (prints to be produced in 45 seconds or less) Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000300040018-8 PY Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000300040018-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : 951 R000300040018-8 NEED FOR MICROFILMING (in Folder marked Historical Extra Copies Office of Collection and Dissemination Prepared by Andrews August 1954 for the Clark Committee) Box 59-875/1 Good as it iss the Intellofax System is Incapable of solving so'e reference problems which are always before us. The Library could not possibly file multiple copies of every report on the chance that several might some day be needed, and a good many of the important records are only received in single copy anyhow. Machine Div and the Library are now working of a system which is p. 16/17 expected to solve this problem. 41 incoming reports will be microfilmed immediately upon receipt, and the separate microfilm frames will be mounted in IBM punch cards. Each card will contain 8 frames? comprising a leader frame containing the same info that is now printed on the fax cards' and 7 other frames representing 7 pages of an intel. r epy. GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved-For-Release 2 01/9$f01--ClA-RDP04-0095tR000399940010-8-- INTfT'AX--page 43 A screening committee of librarians and machine people Mier of 25 dveda r Ha P Q$11 09VO l dcuments at 7 the intake point and to work up proper procedures. The first documents microfilmed_were State Department despatches. These were Ira follewedt'by Air Force reports (from an original ezalid copy, which had to be returned to the Air Force within 18 hours) *tAVdIj by Army and Navy reports in Ju'y; and by the last segment-'.CIA reports. In September. The aperture cards were filed in the Circulation Branch of the Library by control number assigned to the document. 35mmi reel film was used for documents over 50 pages in length. Bulky and oversized documents were not microfilmed. The remainder of the documents were photographed on l6mn. f ilm._ (fte page 46 for microfilm designators of control numbers on so ee cards.) With full-scale microfilming in effect, the Library and theme Bivtgien saaw decided late in 1954 not is microfilm NODE documents because their contents did not meet indexing standadds. In April 1955 this decision was amended so the microfilming would occur only for thode NODE%ES that were single copy, required further routing, contained enclosures or were of CIA ori.gin# thus ensuring an inviojate copy in the Library. In the step-by-step prooesAdng or batch procedures established for the flow at most documents, microfilming occurred after indexing, so that NODEX determination could be made first. Approved Foe b3# 2 M/biMl w9' 0695 (J ld 43m of document was not on file until after all other processing had been completed. INTELLOFRR..-pkke 44 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 951 R000300040018-8 Microfilming Print service from the aperture film became the responsibility of the Circulation Branch. Amy equipment developments or problems were the responsibility of j such as experimenting with improved aperture card positioners for Filmeort viewers and with methods of printing documents from the microfilm viewers. With the inauguration of the complete microfi3misg program, the &61*6 Division was gi n permission through an inter-agency t l ,waP u i17(N5~ agreement to furnish- with a ilm copy of all material received and microfilmed by OCD. copies as aocwMeuntis