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Approved For Release 1999In~9d r~-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 (when filled In) CR8 HISTORICAL REVIEW Interview Guide 25X1A9a Name 'Activity Years in CRS / / ~2 S Years in this activity `7 c (Ivdy? E r? r- o 1. Activity Files (description and location): --Sr k -;'/ e;,,' ow, 16, -e-1 i" 2 Girl G! q ' rvul/~C' ~~s ~~~5 r v~ lc~' ~ 2. Historical Papers (chronologies, historical segments, key personnel lists, special collections): .? r- a >Z ~ d-6w%~ G4 e"(5,111 (' a e le- 04-"ti, c~v(~ cc le( C?_ _e, G4 4 w; fie, a , 6t ~~ /svGG 6yY"1 lah CG y.~ c 3. St-ecial T (Intellofax, DARE, etc. Potential writers or contributors?): /1Z~ G !-o' /' ~~j Sot} ire L/ ; / ~~j' C?'bc X of .G~s c'el'Gf a ~) d1~ r e i ohs !~ ~'Zf ~, slc Zt 25X1 A6a w / ll d4 1 v L?~ V /`ai L ~L!l ~i 1cL rlt t r C&d G y- r-a , v-- ,'&,r ee 25X1A9a 4. ?MOW nowledILe of Other Activities or Programi (Availability to contribute or write short papers?)o 25X1 A9a~-3r i~c~rrm~p-A~- (fi//sz ~~- C 1.-4' ~z~ 3 /2t _ Tyr T{dam Z- V I ? Prepare separate paper for each ma or activity. Excluded from automatic Approved For Release I 999 u8 1?tl( DP84-00951 R00(PA f Approved For Release I 999/O L P84-00951 R000100040007-2 flu 6. C3eseral lRstM of CRS (suggestions. useful papers. possible tributions or "think pieces")e S j 25X1A9a Q f 49 '~. 25X1A5a1 77a C se, -pep r51-e , et) 25X1A9a y~3ed`/-rtex 6. Other Resource Persons (in CRS,, elsewhere in Agency. retired) C -~c~w db'~`c / Ord # 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 7. Miscellaneous: 25X1A5a1 A duCcaA - J-e %^ !/t/C:Q C 1 P e~vtc ~7 ) 5- -r-' J'", , / /% d r d y ~ey (when filled my SECRET Approved ForFke of?t9&9/2 ! A=RD 40(951'96001 040007 - . Approved For Release I 999/%9W-+:. J j--tDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 (when filled in) CR8 HISTORICAL REVIEW Interview Guide 6F 25X1A9a Name *Activity Years in CBS 011/ 2)1U 0 3ci Years in this activity 6 `1D 4/7 S~o 1. Activity Files (description and location): Se? / -c r~ tterrf/s ~c~ ~ ( e-~~' -mss a ~J~L~ Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 Approved For Release I 999/Q9 jZCa *-f DP84-00951 R000100040007- (when filled In) CRS HISTORICAL REVIEW Interview Guide Date (OL2;~4 (q6(K 25X1A9a Name *Activity Years in CBS Years in this activity l? I IbsG- 1. Actlyl!X Files (description and location): 25X1 A9a 25X1A9a U kA L+ A t~> 2. Historical Papers + ohronologles, historical segments, key personnel Iiets, special collections: 25X1 A9a~~ /725X \^^ IC1L b n~- ~3/I l V~~ 25X1 A a..u~i~ bC Q' I ~(,1 ,1 ~ eAQ C r ? v ;~C, ,~4, ~~a~rv~. \7 &vlC4 'irk.. c-1 A zn to U .a..a~ L t Q 1 /~c.n,~Q ze lL s @^^ 6 ;~ e ~j~ 3. gecial Topics (Intello ax ARE, etc. Potential writers or contributors?): ~~ ~~ -~e -~9+~~ ~,Q- ? tz ~ , ~+.~ - ~.,~ emu.) kj ~e W& Cam, 25X1A9a 4. Incial le a of Other Activities or Programs (Availability to 25X1A9a contribute or write short papers?): *Prepare separate paper for each ma or activity. 25X1A5a1 Excluded from automatic Approved For Release I 999/ fi1GkAI DP84-00951 R0001M d S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 199IS W, jo i AiTFDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 5. eeral 8istors- of CR8 (ssgeatloeso Useful Papers, possible 25X1A9a e'?aurR"'tii or ntbiat pieces"): .e t g c- LAQAA L4_CJ JL \d( Q 25X1A9a A - 8. Other Resource Persons (in CBS, elsewhere in Agency. retired): 25X1A9a - 25X1A9a 7. 1tscellaseons: 25X1A9a 25X1A9a (when filled in) S-E-C-R-E T Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 25X1A9a Approved For Release 1999/92D (when filled in) CRS HISTORICAL REVIEW Interview Guide Date 25X1A9a Name *Activity G. Years in CRB'L Years in this activity ___s 1. Activity Files (description and location): cis a?d. .1 2. 2. Historical Papers (chronologies, historical segments, key personnel lists, ) , special collections)- ' ~ - C/7 - `( q~ ?d ( 14c ~z P ~?a eo1aal Topics (Intellofax, DARE, etc. Potential writers or contributors?): 25X1 " a d vLv~ ~J f ~p va h4 dsi. ~~cJ j cgs Co & 5?, d A- &aJAj- ~rs~rauc-r~ Pa ~.f~-"-'ce/J~ Y~dD~2zt c ~r.~''Gtq K ~~ld~p 25X11 ,, Ins e of Other Activities or Programs (Availability to 25X1A9a contribute or write short papers?) 25X1A9a s-ec rl,~ GROUP i Prepare separate paper for each ma or activity. Excluded from automatic Approved For Release I 999 fIIO Ai tDP84-00951 R00 S-E?C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/4C=ADP84-00951 R000100040007-2 S. Oeasral History of CRS (si gestlous,, useful papers, possible contributions or "think pieces"): . r 0 e /~" ) Other Resource Persons gin CBS,, elsewhere in Agency, retired) f moo. vt-e"O 25X1A9a 25X1A9a C"~ a - R '0' 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 7. ]ktiscellaneou : 25X1A9a gwhen filled in) S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 Approved For Release 1999/Q9 :&Ilp. tDP84-009518000100040007-2 / (when filled In) CRS HISTORICAL REVIEW Interview Guide Date l . 6 F 25X1A9a Name Years in CRS *Activity 1. Activity Files (description and location): S - 25X1A9a Years In this activity l C Historical Papers (chronologies, historical segments, key personnel lists, special collections): 25X1A8b 7-/-wa i. f a crZW Jp~' d for .~fZq'?~vt?cz. ~~ti~ - .fir = ~ ~4 Special Topics (Intellofax, DARE, etc. Potential writers or contributors?); So c~rcrs '41r--o 4. ecial. KuowlCce of Other Activities or Programs (Availability to contribute or write short papers?): 25X1A9a fC:S 25X1A9a GROUP 1 * Prepare separate paper for each ma or activity. Excluded from automatic Approved For Release I 999/ a4fil Ai DP84-00951 R0001 n s-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999FO UTRDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 (when filled in) 5. Qsosrsl Histor, of CBS (I gestions, useful papers. possible moans or "think pieces"): 6. Other Resource Persons gin CRS, elsewhere in Agency, retired): 25X1 Aga !~ ~trcc~< 25X1A9a 25X1A9a c MisCe_ llaaeouo: 7. when filled in) S-E-C-R-E T Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 Approved For Release I 999/ Jj _qj4 DP84-00951 R0001 0004000~~ (when filled top CRS HISTORICAL REVIEW Interview Guide 25X1A9a Name 'Activity, /-!p, Years in CRS i qS-1 ' Years in this activity_ 1. Activity Files (description and location): 2. Historical Faders (chronologies, historical segments, key personnel lists, special collections): , CGS,, j. -Dv a . - o V-e r4f,. ' Ile (mod cc~ 3. cda1 Topics (Intellofax, DARE, etc. Potential writers or contributors?)): 25X1 Aga perre-r.e~ ' C~oS / 4. Special Knowle a of Other Activities or Programs (Availability to contribute or write short papers?); $ Pre e se rate GROUP I par pa paper for each ma or activity. Excluded from automatic Approved For Release I 999(9644 d DP84-00951 R00( s tiara S-E-C-R-E-T a` r Approved For Release 1999/Oj jP84-0095I R000100040007-2 5. General Histo.U of CRS (suggestions;, useful papers, possible contributions or "think pieces") Q~_ ?-~'cCtct~ d Ls~~~ ~IUC Ck- , 1~1--elet 6 -~ /' , I- ~y M 25X1A5a1 i l - s- 7 -rd cle '~ 441k < l--r f 25X1A9a 6. Other Resource Persons (in CRS, elsewhere to Agency, retired), 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 7. Miscellaneous: (,when filled in) S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 I Aplirc ved For Release 1999/09/ ~ J 1 tDP84-009518000100040 ;~ sa fil1E d CRS FUSTORICAL REVIEW Interview Gufde 25X1A9a M-- - M- M M ~ M-M 1. Anti i r FM1es fides ;tiptiou and location): 5'ce 4 arc -c -- e:5 3 4;L FOIAb3bl r""' '% ac Years In this activity Act 25X1A9a Fea a ces dur~ Ldr" e~ o sv~ +d, fie-, 25X1A9a 25X1A9a f-~~j d~o 1~ 7~ r%CGJ ~lcei / ~ 4e ' C (b /& rii tTsr#i~t II s : r j c ar nlog ma hAnto-?i 1 ee ent&B key pereonae1 apecAal + olleetio ais), 25X1A9a Th -ite d ~ a"17 a lea Z etc Za 7 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 3. eolsl Topics ~1 t ll facto DM!ED etc. Potential writers or confritsvtt r3?)o. t~ tx ~J~f `Lc~i F~?Gl~!/S' D~~ GL GG. C`" y l ~~ ` C~ec~ C T,E~/ Al;hV -: - 5 Ax.-de- . Spacial Knowd(gr cc tRibute or write port ps r%?)o Pwe a separate pals for each major activity. Excluded from automatic Approved For Release 19991091i24 fA A DP84-00951 R000 d aft -E C-R_E-T Approved For Release 1999!2$"VCADP84-00951 R000100040007-2 (when filled in) S. tkgeral HtsLors- of CRS ~sa~estioneo nsefnl papers, possible ooaoas or "duet pieces"): 25X1A9a 4-71 25X 1 A9ays'~ 25X1A6a 7/Pr - Ajs-C,4 13 4,Z 4 ace ~jy~12 t 2 /-~~ ) 25X1A9a 6. o elsewhere in Ageacy. retired): 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A6a ctee_ "r) (&J Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100040007-2 (when filled in) S-E=C-R-E T I 'C9 "' `' r l O"'y 25X1 Aga Approved 99/09/24: CIA-RDP84-00 007-2 ~js X1,4? /l& v l,,/ 25X1 A9a reP 25X1A9a ` NOW t Lr 's 4 ~>L FOIAb3b1 FOIAb3b1 Approved For Release 1999/09/44: C -009VIP 40007-