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Document Release Date: 
September 26, 2003
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Publication Date: 
November 24, 1981
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Approved FRelease 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-00938000400210030-4 25X1 :'.FUURANDUI'. FC?.: Director of Data Processing ATTEI'TICI F R Cx Deputy Director for Processing SUBJECT: Processing Weekly Report for !Week Ending 24 NOVEMBER 1961 IB't be=an installation of the 3081-1 processor on Sunday, 22 I'ovember. On Tuesday, 17 November, Mr. Varry Fitzwater, Director, 25X1 DDA, toured the II Facility. The A!JTCFCI E Phase I system has been turned over to P&PD/OL for final production testing. AUTOFC}TE is a facility wb:ich manages requests for the creation of microfilm and microfiche, and reduces the number of tapes. to be transported to P&PD. PCB/PD/P is providing test cases 25X1 and assistance. T=ie II'i is a 'Eardc!are-enhanced `hackend database machine which utilizes the relational data model. Data IIac hire (IM) which has been pro posed by TPRW for CA"M S2. participated in a session on the Britton-Lee Intelligent Several individuals from SP?) participated in an CPD- sponsorec: seminar on Relational Data Base Systems. This was especially timely for those of us w?,o, shortly afterwards, 25X1 77 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400210030-4 Approved F6r Release 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-009 1000400210030-4 P A, G I: 2 The L Comten was successfully loaded from the VM system. ng, eering changes are being installed on the Co.a ten to support the IBM 3081. Com ten' s new release (63) has been successfully loaded in a non-CNS Comten. Work is pro;;ressing; on the SEAC (statistics), CNS (networking) and NPAD (messa e) interface. The Standard Word Processor '.FP was coordinated and published as scheduled. Planned due date for vendor responses is 22 December 1981 with a two- week extension of that date likely. The Ruffin Center had a substandard week. TADS lost 65 minutes Wednesday due to problems on the VN JES3 lines and a TRW? software problem. A JCL error stopped CCRCLDE3 for more than five hours Wednesday. On Thursday, all OCR applications were down for two hours due to a Telex disk drive failure. VU had nearly three hours of interruptions Friday, due to a Calcomp disk controller error and a configuration problem on the IB'+ 3880s. TheJ165"2 (hatch system) was down for approxima tely 17 hours on Monday due to an 11311 hardware problem in the channel. Other problems of significant severity were encountered as well. The Special Center also had considerable lost time this week. TPSTAR and TPNIPS lost about five hours each on Saturday due to a Telex disk drive error and an operations error in putting a bad drive online. CAMS lost two hours Friday due to an operations error in accessing tape drives immediately following the transfer of CAMS to the backup IBh 370/ 158. On 19 November, the IBI1 3525 card punch, and 3505 card reader completed the required 30-day acceptance test at an availability level of 100%. TIPS - The CDP/ CC Working Group met and proposed tentative guidelines for operation and change control for lIPS. Processing will meet on 30 November to discuss these guidelines. Panvalet We briefed 1)])0 programmgers on the uses and 1 -1 A new printer was installed 0 to be used for Cims- Pamis Repor. tin,,. A new print-verb "PP I17TI.1" was established and put in all DIMS data bases to route output 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400210030-4 Approved Fatelease 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-0090004002'&0h&-43 FIG.:IPICA"'1' CT1VITIF:G 1'LA:i:LI FCF I' T 'JFi . Al-idahl is scheduled to upgrade the 470/V6-2 (CA'''S) processor to 6 :FG. of memory on Saturday, 28 November 81. 25X1 SYSTE':S AVAILABILITY SU:I:IARY :I G::DA`i 16 ;"CV 1981 TNRU SUNDAY 22 NOV 1981 CURP.r?-T TIT "I PRMv I CU S 90 PAYS 16 NOV - 22 NOV 15 AUC - 15 NOV DIF FE.P1P.C ?TC " 98.60 92.15 + IR'TE P!:CTIV r 95.33 99.07 - GI'_S 95.74 96.38 + CAT'S 98.55 97.68 ? OCI- C OLTS 91 .67 97.20 - CCP_- RECC' 91.67 96.36 - DDG STAR 91.77 97.55 - OSIN'P - TADS 98.04 98.57 - V--, CG?'-CCLTS, OCR-RFCCi-, and DD C- 11 TAP, al 1 reported below the coal of 96 percent for the week with each appi ica Lion recordI ii-' ou ta`;es due to hardware, software, and procedural errors. - V" experienced 1 hour and 14 minutes of CM'^ Approved For Release 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400210030-4 Approved Fox Release 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-0093 1000400210030-4 PAC" 4 procedural nro*ble.:is and 25 -inutes of hardware outages. - GCR-C(L-.S had 2 hours and 10 minutes of software errors and a 2 hour TEL; hardware -problem. OCR-d__i=C': experienced 2 hours and 10 minutes of sof tware errors and a 2 'our TELEX hardware outage. - DDC-FT::i'_ had a 4 hour CD procedural problem, 1 hour aaa 54 minutes of TELEX hardware outages, and 30 minutes of soy tware errors. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/06 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400210030-4