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7pproved di a ease :CIA- P84-009 000300200012 6 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries Codes pour la representation des noms de pays Descriptors : couAtiVr8Mff 4`QR?19 %e 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 Approved For lease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933F300200012-6 FOREWORD ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO Member Bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO Technical Committees. Every Member Body interested in a subject for which a Technical Committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that Committee, International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the Technical Committees are circulated to the Member Bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard ISO 3166 was drawn up by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Documentation, and circulated to the Member Bodies in January 1974. It has been approved by the Member Bodies of the following countries : Australia Germany Norway Austria Hungary Poland Belgium India Spain Brazil Iran Sweden Canada Ireland Switzerland Czechoslovakia Israel Thailand Denmark Italy Turkey Egypt, Arab Rep. of Korea, Dem. P. Rep. of U.S.A. Finland Netherlands U.S.S.R. France New Zealand Yugoslavia The Member Bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the document on technical grounds : Bulgaria Japan United Kingdom NOTE - This International Standard has been elaborated in collaboration with the following International Organizations : Customs Co-operation Council (CCC), International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), International Labour Office (ILO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), International Union of Railways (UIC), United Nations Organization (UN), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Universal Postal Union (UPU), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and World Health Organization (WHO). International Organization for Standardization, 1974 ? Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 Printed in Switzerland INTERNARRMk~d)Rpp 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00900300200012-6 ISO 3166-1974 (E) Codes for the representation of names of countries The need for a universally applicable code for the repr esentation of names of countries has become increasingly urgent. An effort has been made to incorporate into this code system the best elements of existing widely used codes, while not being bound by any one of them. The resulting code system has been derived largely from the vehicle designations established under the Convention on Road Traffic, and other codes. The Basic principle used in developing these alphabetic codes d two-letter and a three-letter code - was to achieve maximum visual association value, and they are mainly based on the English language but also partly derived from the French and other languages, Due consideration has been given to the problems of maintenance of the codes and their implementation. This International Standard includes basic guidelines for these functions. 3.1 This list includes entities intended to satisfy the requirements of the broadest possible range of applications. The entities appearing in sections one and two of this International Standard are based on the list included in the "Country Nomenclature for Statistical Use" established by the Statistical Office of the United Nations. 1 I 3.2 In order to satisfy various interchange requirements, the list contains overlaps and the entities listed are not mutually exclusive. 3.3 Whenever required, entities are explained by references or notes. 3.4 Entities listed are intended to reflect current status. Historical status is not reflected in this International Standard. 1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION This International Standard provides a two-letter and a three-letter alphabetic code for representing the names of countries, dependencies, and other areas of special geopolitical interest for purposes of international exchange, and general directions for their maintenance. The designations "countries, dependencies, and other areas of special geopolitical interest" employed herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever concerning the legal status of any country or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. This International Standard is intended for use in any application requiring the expression of entities in coded form. For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definition applies : entity : The name of a country, dependency, or other area of special geopolitical interest. 4.1 Section one of this International Standard contains the entity list and a two-letter alphabetic code (ISO alpha-2 country code), designed for general purposes and recommended for international exchange. 4.2 For such special instances where a three-letter alphabetic code would be of particular advantage, such a code (ISO alpha-3 country code) is provided in section two of this International Standard. A maintenance agency will be entrusted with the following functions : 1 To add and to eliminate entities and assign codes as needed in accordance with the rules provided. nr orlucad with pprovedPror Re`iease' ~be2c/filr,~i ?f 6fk-'~trgg s 6f0`93~Ab00300200012-6 ISO 3166-1974 (EApproved For F ase 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-009331 300200012-6 2 To advise users regarding applications of the codes. 3 To update and disseminate lists of entities, codes and their definitions. 4 To maintain a reference list of all country codes used and their period of use. 5 To establish, in normal course of work, after consultation with an advisory panel; additional rules for the practical application of the principles for assigning codes. made to the maintenance agency. An actual exchange requirement is considered appropriate justification for the inclusion of new entities. The agency will include these, as appropriately determined, notify the requestor of decisions made and promulgate changes or revisions. The series of letters AA, XA to XZ, and ZZ, and the series AAA to AAZ, XAA to XZZ and ZZA to ZZZ- respectively, are available for private use, and for provisional codes which should be recorded as soon as possible by the maintenance agency. An existing alpha-1 code which is in agreement with the first letter of the alpha-2 code may be used for an appropriate time to be fixed by the agency. 7.1 Implementation In the development of this International Standard, information exchange requirements were a significant factor. Existing well-recognized code systems were also taken into consideration. However, this International Standard is not identical in coverage or coding to any existing system. Implementation of this International Standard is desired as early as possible in order to facilitate information transfer. In order to serve their specific purposes, users may need to derive subsets and definitions for their applications. 7.3 User-assigned codes When additional entities are required, an application indicating the actual exchange requirement should be Users should notify the maintenance agency of their use of this International Standard, in order that they may be informed of future changes or actions. For this purpose, a copy of the user's implementation document or code list shall be transmitted to the maintenance agency. 7.5 Information exchange When the list and codes derived from this International Standard are user-defined, it is essential that all interchanging parties be informed of exact definitions relating to their codes. 7.6 Convorslon from existing codes For those having difficulties in determining the best possible application of this code, the maintenance agency may be of assistance. Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 Approved Fc elease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093 000300200012-dSO 3166-1974 (E) ENTITY LIST AND ALPHA-2 CODE ENTITY (English name) Alpha-2 Official name in English code AFGHANISTAN AF Republic of Afghanistan ALBANIA AL People's Republic of Albania ALGERIA DZ Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria AMERICAN SAMOA AS ANDORRA AD ANGOLA AO ANTARCTICA AQ The territory south of 60` south latitude. ANTIGUA AG Includes Barbuda and Redonda. ARGENTINA AR Argentine Republic AUSTRALIA AU Includes Lord Howe Island, Macquarie Island, Commonwealth of Australia Ashmore and Cartier. AUSTRIA AT Republic of Austria BAHAMAS BS Turks and Caicos Islands not included. Commonwealth of the Bahamas BAHRAIN BH State of Bahrain BANGLADESH BD People's Republic of Bangladesh BARBADOS BB BELGIUM BE Kingdom of Belgium BELIZE BZ Formerly British Honduras. BERMUDA BM BHUTAN BT Kingdom of Bhutan BOLIVIA 80 Republic of Bolivia BOTSWANA Republic of Botswana BOUVET ISLAND BV Also called Bouvet0ya. Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 1WWWkd For Release 2002/01/11 :CIA-RDP84-009338000300200012-6 ISO 3166- BRAZIL BR Includes Atol das Rocas, Arquipelago de Fernando de Federative Republic of Brazil Noronha, Ilha da Trindade, Ilhas Martim Vaz, and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo. 10 Includes Chagos Archipelago, Farquhar Atoll, Diego Garcia Island, Aldabra Islands, and Ile Desroches. BRITISH SOLOMON ISLANDS SB Comprise Southern Solomon Islands, primarily Guadalcanal, Malaita, San Cristobal, Santa Isabel, Choiseu I. VG Include Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda. BN BULGARIA . BG People's Republic of Bulgaria BURMA BU Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma BURUNDI BI Republic of Burundi BYELORUSSIAN SSR BY Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic CAMEROON CM United Republic of Cameroon CA CANTON AND ENDERBURY ISLANDS CT CAPE VERDE ISLANDS CV Include Boa Vista, Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal, Santo Antao, Sao Nicolau, Sa"o Tiago, and Sao Vincente. CAYMAN ISLANDS KY Include Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman. CHAD TD Republic of Chad CHILE CL Includes Easter Island, Islas Juan Fernandez, Isla San Republic of Chile Felix, and Isla Sala y Gomez. CHINA People's Republic of China CX CC COLOMBIA CO Includes San Andres y Providoncia Isla de Malpelo Republic of Colombia , , Roncador Cay, and Serrana and Serranilla banks. COMORO ISLANDS Include Anjouan, Grande Comore, Mayotte, Mohali, and other smaller islands. CONGO P l ' R CG eop e s e ublic of the Con Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 Approved FolmRelease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093000300200012-6 ISO 3166-1974 (E) COOK ISLANDS Di COSTA RICA CR Includes Cocos Islands. Republic of Costa Rica CUBA CU Republic of Cuba CYPRUS CY Republic of Cyprus CZECHOSLOVAKIA CS Czechoslovak Socialist Republic DAHOMEY DY Republic of Dahomey DENMARK DK Kingdom of Denmark DOMINICA DM DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DO DRONNING MAUD LAND NQ Part of Antarctica. ECUADOR EC Includes Galapagos Islands (Archipelago de Colon). Republic of Ecuador EGYPT EG Arab Republic of Egypt EL SALVADOR SV Republic-of El Salvador EQUATORIAL GUINEA GO Includes Rio Muni and Isla de Macias Nguema Biyogo Republic of Equatorial Guinea (formerly Fernando Po), Annobon, Corisco, and Elobeys. ETHIOPIA ET Empire of Ethiopia FAEROE ISLANDS FO FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) FK Include West Falkland and East Falkland, South Georgia, and South Sandwich Islands. FIJI FJ Include Viti Le~,u, Vanua Levu, and Rotuma Islands. FINLAND FI Republic of Finland FRANCE FR French Republic FRENCH AFARS AND ISSAS Al French Territory of the Afars and the Issas FRENCH GUIANA GF FRENCH POLYNESIA PF Includes Society Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago, Marquesas Islands, Tubuai and Gambier Islands, the lies Australes, and Clipperton Island. FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC FQ Include New Amsterdam, St. Paul, Kerguelen, Crozet TERRITORIES Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDPk' djiF"6 M~?tr6ff1_Vtarctica). Approved For Rase 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933F0300200012=6 ISO 3166-1974 (E) GABON GA Gabonese Republic GAMBIA GM The Republic of Gambia GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC DD GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF DE GHANA GH Republic of Ghana GIBRALTAR GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS GREECE Hellenic Republic GI GE Include Gilbert Islands, Ellice Islands (Funafuti, Nukufetau, Nukulailai, Nurakita), Fanning Island, Washington Island and Christmas Island in the Line Islands, Ocean Island, Phoenix Islands (Birnie, Gardner, Hull, Mc Kean, Phoenix, Sydney, excluding Canton and Enderbury). GR Includes Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Crete, and Mt. Athos autonomous area. GREENLAND GL. GRENADA GD Includes Southern Grenadine Islands. GUADELOUPE GP Includes Grande-Terre, Basse-Terre, Marie-Galante, Iles des Saintes, Iles de la Petite-Terre, la Desirade, Ile Saint-Barthelemy, and Northern St. Martin. GUATEMALA Republic of Guatemala GU GT GUINEA GN Republic of Guinea GUINEA-BISSAU GW Republic of Guinea-Bissau GUYANA GY Republic of Guyana HAITI HT Republic of Haiti HONDURAS Republic of Honduras HONG-KONG HK Also called Hisiangkang and Xianggang. HUNGARY HU Hungarian People's Republic ICELAND IS Republic of Iceland INDIA rooy, Andaman, and Republic of , f~gproved For Release 2002/01/11 RYA-RDI #&Jp`~U 6@)t%y~ 6 Approved Ft'lRelease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-009000300200012-6 ISO 3166-1974 (E) INDONESIA ID Republic, of Indonesia IRAN IR Empire of Iran IRAQ Republic of Iraq ISRAEL State of Israel ITALY IT Italian Republic IVORY COAST Cl Republic of the Ivory Coast JAMAICA JM Includes Morant Cays and Pedro Cays. JAPAN JP JOHNSTON ISLAND JT JORDAN JO Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan KENYA KE Republic of Kenya KHMER REPUBLIC KH Formerly Cambodia. KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KP KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KR KUWAIT KW State of Kuwait LAOS LA Kingdom of Laos LEBANON LB Lebanese Republic LESOTHO LS Kingdom of Lesotho LIBERIA LR Republic of Liberia LIBYA LY Libyan Arab Republic LIECHTENSTEIN LI Principality of Liechtenstein LUXEMBOURG LU Grand Duchy of Luxembourg MACAO MO Also called Ao-men. Approved For Release 2002/01/11 CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 ISO 3166-1pp(Pyed For Rase 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933Rfb300200012-6' MADAGASCAR MG Malagasy Republic MALAWI MW Republic of Malawi MY Includes former Federation of Malaya (excluding Singapore), Sarawak, and Sabah (North Borneo). MALDIVES MV Republic of Maldives MALI ML Republic of Mali MALTA MT MARTINIQUE MQ MAURITANIA MR Islamic Republic of Mauritania MAURITIUS MU Includes Rodrigues, Agalega Islands, and Cargados Carajos Shoals. MEXICO United Mexican States MONACO Principality of Monaco MONGOLIA Mongolian People's Republic MI MC MOROCCO MA Kingdom of Morocco MOZAMBIQUE MZ NAMIBIA NA NAURU NR Republic of Nauru NEPAL NP Kingdom of Nepal NETHERLANDS NL Kingdom of the Netherlands NETHERLANDS ANTILLES AN Include Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and Southern St. Martin. NT Territory between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. NC Includes Iles des Pins, Loyalty Islands, lie Huon, Iles Belep, Iles Chesterfield, and Ile Walpole. NEW HEBRIDFA`Spproved For Release 2002/01/11 : CWRDP84-00933R000300200012-6 Approved Fo elease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093 000300200012- O 3166-1974 (E) NICARAGUA Republic of Nicaragua NIGER Republic of the Niger NIGERIA Federal Republic of Nigeria NIUE ISLAND NORFOLK ISLAND NORWAY Kingdom of Norway OMAN Sultanate of Oman PACIFIC ISLANDS (TRUST TERRITORY) PAKISTAN Islamic Republic of Pakistan PANAMA Republic of Panama PAPUA NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY Republic of Paraguay PERU Republic of Peru PHILIPPINES Republic of the Philippines PITCAIRN ISLANDS POLAND Polish People's Republic PORTUGAL Portuguese Republic PORTUGUESE TIMOR NZ Includes Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Campbell Island, Kermadec Islands, and Chatham Islands, Ross Dependency in Antarctica, and the Snares. NU NF NO PC Include the Caroline, Mariana (except Guam), and . the Marshall Islands groups. PZ PG Includes the Bismarck, and Louisiade Archipelagos, the Admiralty, d'Entrecasteaux, northern Solomon (Bougainville, Buka, etc.), and Trobriand Islands, and the islands of New Britain, New Ireland, Woodlark, and associated islands. PN Include Henderson Island and Ducie and Oeno atolls. QATAR QA State of QataApproved For Release 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 ISO 3166-49RW)ed For Rase 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933Rft300200012-6 RE Includes Ile Europa, Besse de India, Ile Juan de Nova, lies Glorieuses and Ile Tromelin. ROMANIA Socialist Republic of Romania, RWANDA Rwandese Republic SH Includes Ascension, Gough, Inaccessible, Nightingale, and Tristan da Cunha islands. ST. KITTS?NEVIS-ANGUILLA KN Also called St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla. ST. LUCIA LC ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON PM ST. VINCENT VC Includes northern Grenadine Islands. SAN MARINO SM Republic of San Marino SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE ST SAUDI ARABIA SA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia SENEGAL SN Republic of Senegal SEYCHELLES SC Include Alphonse, Bijoutier, and St. Francois Islands, St. Pierre Islet, Cosmoledo Group, the Amirantes Islands. SIERRA LEONE Republic of Sierra Leone SINGAPORE Republic of Singapore SK SG SOMALI A Somali Democratic, Republic SOUTH AFRICA ZA Includes Walvis Bay, and Marion and Prince Edward Republic of South Africa SPAIN Spanish State SPANISH SAHARA RH ES EH Islands. SRI LANKA Republic of Sri Lanka SUDAN Democratic Republic of the Sudan SURINAM LK SD SR Formerly Ceylon. SVALBARDA VAdl4lka fERdeateg002/01/11 : CIPa,RDPB"( ,OAAMAWQ 6 Approved FaiRelease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093&00300200012-IISO 3166-1974 (E) SWAZILAND SZ Kingdom of Swaziland SWEDEN Kingdom of Sweden SWITZERLAND CH Swiss Confederation SYRIA Syrian Arab Republic TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF TW Includes Pescadores. TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TZ Includes Zanzibar and Pemba. THAILAND TH Kingdom of Thailand TOGO TG Togolese Republic TOKEL.AIJ ISLANDS TK TONGA TO Kingdom of Tonga TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TT TUNISIA TN Republic of Tunisia TURKEY TR Republic of Turkey TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS TC UGANDA UG Republic of Uganda UKRAINIAN SSR UA Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS SU UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AE UNITED KINGDOM GB Includes Orkney, Shetland, and Channel Islands and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Isle of Man. Ireland UNITED STATES United States of America UNITED STATES MISC. PACIFIC ISLANDS PU Include Kingman Reef, Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands, and Palmyra Atoll. UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS VI UPPER VOLTA HV Republic of the Upper Volta URUGUAY UY Eastern Republic of Uruguay Approved or Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 ISO 3168-1974187 roved For Haase 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933Rb300200012-6 VATICAN CITY STATE (HOLY SEE) VENEZUELA Republic of Venezuela VIETNAM, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIET-NAM, REPUBLIC OF WAKE ISLAND WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS WESTERN SAMOA Independent State of Western Samoa YEMEN Yemen Arab Republic YEMEN, DEMOCRATIC People's Democratic Republic of Yemen YUGOSLAVIA Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ZAIRE Republic of Zaire ZAMBIA Republic of Zambia VD VN WK WF Include Iles de Horne, Ile IJvea, and Ile Alofi, WS YE YD Includes Islands of Kamaran, Perim, and Socotra. YU Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 Approved Felease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093.W000300200012-61SO 3166-1974 (E) ENTITY (English name) Official name in English Alpha-3 code AFGHANISTAN Republic of Afghanistan ALBANIA People's Republic of Albania ALGERIA Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria AMERICAN SAMOA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTARCTICA ANTIGUA ARGENTINA Argentine Republic AUSTRALIA Commonwealth of Australia AUSTRIA Republic of Austria BAHAMAS Commonwealth of the Bahamas BAHRAIN State of Bahrain BANGLADESH People's Republic of Bangladesh BELGIUM Kingdom of Belgium BELIZE BERMUDA BHUTAN Kingdom of Bhutan BOLIVIA Republic of Bolivia BOTSWANA Republic of Botswana ASM AND AGO ATA The territory south of 600 south latitude. ATG Includes Barbuda and Redonda. ARG AUS Includes Lord Howe Island, Macquarie Island, Ashmore and Cartier. AUT 'BHS Turks and Caicos Islands not included. BHR BLZ Formerly British Honduras. BMU BTN BOUVET ISLroved For Release 2002/01/11: C4#rRDP$"j30MNQ200012-6 Approved For Rase 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933RI'0300200012-6 ISO 3166-1974 (E) BRAZIL BRA Includes Atol das Rocas, Arquipelago de Fernando de Federative Republic of Brazil Noronha, Ilha da Trindade, Ilhas Martim Vaz, and Penedos de Sao Pedro e S"ao Paulo. IOT Includes Chagos Archipelago, Farquhar Atoll, Diego Garcia Island, Aldabra Islands, and Ile Desroches. SLB Comprise Southern Solomon Islands, primarily Guadalcanal, Malaita, San Cristobal, Santa Isabel, Choiseul. VGB Include Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, and Virgin Gorda. BAN BULGARIA BGR People's Republic of Bulgaria BURMA Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma BURUNDI Republic of Burundi BYELORUSSIAN SSR Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic CAMEROON United Republic of Cameroon CANADA CAN CANTON AND ENDERBURY ISLANDS CTE CAPE VERDE ISLANDS CPV Include Boa Vista, Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal, Santo Antao, Sgo Nicolau, Sa"o Tiago, and Sao Vincente. CHAD Republic of Chad CHILE Republic of Chile '%J-1 I NA People's Republic of China `:OLOMBIA Republic of Colombia ',.!MORO ISLANDS CYM Include Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman. CHL Includes Easter Island, Islas Juan Fernandez, Isla San Felix, and Isla Sala y Gomez, CXR CCK COL Includes San Andres y Providencia, Isla de Malpelo, Roncador Cay, and Serrana and Serranilla banks. COM Include Anjouan, Grande Comore, Mayotte, Moheli, and other smaller islands. CONGO Approved For Release 2002/01/11c j lA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 '~ ople's Republic of the Congo Approved FoiiWelease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093Q&000300200012-6 ISO 3166-1974 (E) COSTA RICA CRI Includes Cocos Islands. Republic of Costa Rica CUBA Republic of Cuba CYPRUS Republic of Cyprus CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czechoslovak Socialist Republic DAHOMEY Republic of Dahomey DENMARK Kingdom of Denmark DOMINICA DMA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC DOM DRONNING MAUD LAND ATN Part of Antarctica. ECUADOR ECU Includes Galapagos Islands (Archipelago de Colon). Republic of Ecuador EGYPT EGY Arab Republic of Egypt EL SALVADOR SLV Republic of El Salvador EQUATORIAL GUINEA GNQ Includes Rio Muni and Isla de Macias Nguema Biyogo Republic of Equatorial Guinea (formerly Fernando Po), Annobon, Corisco, and Elobeys. ETHIOPIA ETH Empire of Ethiopia FRO FLK Include West Falkland and East Falkland, South Georgia, and South Sandwich Islands. FINLAND FIN Republic of Finland FRANCE FRA French Republic FRENCH AFARS AND ISSAS AFI French Territory of the Afars and the Issas FRENCH GUIANA GUF FRENCH POLYNESIA PYF Includes Society Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago, Marquesas Islands, Tubuai and Gambier Islands, the Iles Australes, and Clipperton Island. FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC ATF Include New Amsterdam, St. Paul, Kerguelen, Crozet TERRITOR proved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84+OQ%l3R0A63Oi NQpJ-2e6 Antarctica). 180 3188.79Annr 7 rd For Flelease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-009330300200012-6 GABON Gabonese Republic GAMBIA The Republic of Gambia GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GHANA Republic of Ghana GIBRALTAR GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS GREECE Hellenic Republic GREENLAND GRENADA GUADELOUPE GUATEMALA Republic of Guatemala GUINEA Republic of Guinea GUINEA-BISSAU Republic of Guinea-Bissau GUYANA Republic of Guyana HAITI Republic of Haiti HONDURAS Republic of Honduras HUNGARY Hungarian People's Republic ICELAND Republic of Iceland GAB GMB DDR DEU GHA GIB GEL Include Gilbert Islands, Ellice Islands (Funafuti, Nukufetau, Nukulailai, Nurakita), Fanning Island, Washington Island and Christmas Island in the Line Islands, Ocean Island, Phoenix Islands (Birnie, Gardner, Hull, Mc Kean, Phoenix, Sydney, excluding Canton and Enderbury). GRC Includes Aegean Islands, Ionian Islands, Dodecanese, Crete, and Mt. Athos autonomous area. GRL GRD Includes Southern Grenadine Islands. GLP Includes Grande-Terre, Basse-Terre, Marie-Galante, lies des Saintes, Iles de la Petite-Terre, la Desirade, lie Saint-Barthelemy, and Northern St. Martin. GUM GTM HKG Also called Hisiangkang and Xianggang. HUN INDIA Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : ClA6ZDP84nQQ8a3AWQ4PQgAgiag-inicoy, Andaman, and Republic of India Nicobar Islands. Approved Fc elease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093ZR000300200012-6ISO 3166-1974 (E) INDONESIA IDN Republic of Indonesia IRAN Empire of Iran IRAQ Republic of Iraq ISRAEL State of Israel ITALY Italian Republic IVORY COAST Republic of the Ivory Coast JAMAICA JAPAN JOHNSTON ISLAND JORDAN Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan KENYA Republic of Kenya KHMER REPUBLIC IRL ISR JAM Includes Morant Cays and Pedro Cays. JPN JTN JOR KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF PRK KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KUWAIT State of Kuwait LAOS Kingdom of Laos LEBANON Lebanese Republic LESOTHO Kingdom of Lesotho LIBERIA Republic of Liberia LIBYA Libyan Arab Republic LIECHTENSTEIN Principality of Liechtenstein LUXEMBOURG Grand Duchy of Luxembourg MACAO Approved For Release 2002/01/11: CDP8AAlQ9A3p0200012-6 ISO 3166.11 /ed For eF: ase 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933Rf0300200012-6 MADAGASCAR Malagasy Republic MALAWI Republic of Malawi MALDIVES Republic of Maldives MALI Republic of Mali MALTA MARTINIQUE MAURITANIA Islamic Republic of Mauritania MAURITIUS MEXICO United Mexican States MONACO Principality of Monaco MONGOLIA Mongolian People's Republic MOROCCO Kingdom of Morocco MOZAMBIQUE NAMIBIA NAURU Republic of Nauru NEPAL Kingdom of Nepal NETHERLANDS Kingdom of the Netherlands NETHERLANDS ANTILLES MDG MYS Includes former Federation of Malaya (excluding Singapore), Sarawak, and Sabah (North Borneo). M LT MTQ MRT MUS Includes Rodrigues, Agalega Islands, and Cargados Carajos Shoals. MID MCO MOZ NAM NRU NPL ANT Include Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and Southern St. Martin. NTZ Territory between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. NEW CALEDONIA NCL Includes Iles des Pins, Loyalty Islands, lie Huon, Iles Belep, Iles Chesterfield, and Ile Walpole. NEW HEBRIDhpproved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 Approved Fc elease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-0093 it000300200012-6 ISO 3166-1974 (E) NICARAGUA Republic of Nicaragua NIGER Republic of the Niger NIGERIA Federal Republic of Nigeria NIUE ISLAND NORFOLK ISLAND NORWAY Kingdom of Norway OMAN Sultanate of Oman PACIFIC ISLANDS (TRUST TERRITORY) PAKISTAN Islamic Republic of Pakistan PANAMA Republic of Panama PARAGUAY Republic of Paraguay PERU Republic of Peru PHILIPPINES Republic of the Philippines PITCAIRN ISLANDS. POLAND Polish People's Republic PORTUGAL Portuguese .Republic PORTUGUESE TIMOR ?NZL Includes Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Campbell Island, Kermadec Islands, and . Chatham Islands, Ross Dependency in Antarctica, and the Snares. NIU NFK NOR OMN Includes Kuria Muria Islands. PCI Include the Caroline, Mariana (except Guam), and the Marshall Islands groups. PCZ PNG Includes the Bismarck, and Louisiade Archipelagos, the Admiralty, d'Entrecasteaux, northern Solomon (Bougainville, Buka, etc.), and Trobriand Islands, and the islands of New Britain, New Ireland, Woodlark, and associated islands. PCN Include Henderson Island and Ducie and Deno atolls. POL PRT TMP Includes the exclave of Oe-Cussi. PRI QATAR OAT State of Cplroved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 iso 3166.1 *r yed For R ease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933Ffb300200012-6 REUNION REU Includes lie Europa, Besse de India, Ile Juan de Nova, Iles Glorieuses and lie Tromelin. ROMANIA Socialist Republic of Romania RWANDA Rwandese Republic ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA ST. LUCIA ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON ST. VINCENT SAN MARINO Republic of San Marino SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia SENEGAL Republic of Senegal SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE Republic of Sierra Leone SINGAPORE Republic of Singapore SOMALIA Somali Democratic Republic SOUTH AFRICA Republic of South Africa SOUTHERN RHODESIA SPAIN Spanish State SPANISH SAHARA SRI LANKA Republic of Sri Lanka SUDAN Democratic Republic of the Sudan SURINAM SHN Includes Ascension, Gough, Inaccessible, Nightingale, and Tristan da Cunha islands. KNA LCA SPM VCT SM R STP SAU SKM SGP Also called St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla. Includes northern Grenadine Islands. Include Alphonse, Bijoutier, and St. Francois Islands, St. Pierre Islet, Cosmoledo Group, the Amirantes Islands, ZAF Includes Walvis Bay, and Marion and Prince Edward Islands. RHO ESP LKA Formerly. Ceylon. rr11FF RE SUR SVALBARD AIPPdRYr,QYERI-15LeA 2002/01/11: CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 SJM Include Bear Islands (BjornOya). Approved F elease 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-009348000300200012-6 ISO 31664974 (E) 1 Z 3. SWAZILAND SWZ Kingdom of Swaziland SWEDEN SWE Kingdom of Sweden SWITZERLAND CHE Swiss Confederation SYRIA SYR Syrian Arab Republic TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF TZA Includes Zanzibar and Pemba. THAILAND THA Kingdom of Thailand TOGO TGO Togolese Republic TOKELAU ISLANDS TKL TONGA TON Kingdom of Tonga TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TTO TUNISIA TUN Republic of Tunisia TURKEY TUR Republic of Turkey TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS TCA UGANDA UGA Republic of Uganda UKRAINIAN SSR UKR Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS SUN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ARE UNITED KINGDOM GBR Includes Orkney, Shetland, and Channel Islands and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Isle of Man. Ireland UNITED STATES USA United States of America UNITED STATES MISC. PACIFIC ISLANDS PUS Include Kingman Reef, Baker, Howland,.and Jarvis Islands, and Palmyra Atoll. UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS VIR UPPER VOLTA Republic of the Upper Volta URUGUAY Y q6t*4elease 2002/01/11 : CIAURDP84-00933R000300200012-6 ISO 3156.1#PQ Eyed For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933300200012-6 VATICAN CITY STATE (HOLY SEE) VAT VENEZUELA VEN Republic of Venezuela VIET-NAM, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VDR VIET-NAM, REPUBLIC OF VNM WAKE ISLAND WAK WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS WLF Include lies de Horne, lie Uvea, and Ile Alofi. WESTERN SAMOA WSM Independent State of Western Samoa YEMEN YEM Yemen Arab Republic YEMEN, DEMOCRATIC YMD Includes Islands of Kamaran, Perim, and Socotra, People's Democratic Republic of Yemen YUGOSLAVIA YUG Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ZAIRE ZAR Republic of Zaire ZAMBIA ZMB Republic of Zambia Approved For Release 2002/01/11 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000300200012-6 USCOMM NBS-UC