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Approved Fo,~telease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009000200070009-6 ,,,,,. i~-1+3 ; 360 /~~-~ A S-JBJECT ; I3efertse Intelligence Agency Qn-Line Sys 4~em (DIAOLS) G`hange TO s IDi.stribution List 1. Reference D:AIyI 65-7-1, DIA (?ri-Line .System (DIAOLS) , 30 Fdarch 1973. 2. Information for~ra-rded herewith constitutes interin change 1 to the reference and i.s effective until a forr~~,l change is subsequently recei~red. a. Re~erenee paragraph 7. a. , title page. Cha~~ge to read "three char. acter-position security control codes are row a;sed in lieu af. the -old Saar-pasit:on codes." b. Mahe the following page changes : ' Remflue ~a:~es Insert Pates 1 thru 'j thru 1 9 `'., ~~ f( 7 , ilJ , 1~ ..L ? 148 _ ~+~ ~ ZFS < ~.. 293 2?3 3. The effect3sre date of this charge is 1 ?Say i97~. Because of the lead time requi-red for acZministrative publication processing, production, and distribution ., the for~wl change caru~.ot be made available by 1 ria~,~ l~ (3. Therefore:, it w`?:Ll be necessary for each addressees ~o?_nsure that sufficient copies oi' this char~oe are locally :reproduced and ~~,de availsbble to those indizridu~3.I. DIAC~LS users having the need. DIA Declassification/Release Instructions on File Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 Approved Fo~telease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-0093000200070009-6 ~~, DISTRIBLJrCION LIST; NSA (ATTN: L223} CINCONAD (CICA-p} CINCPAC 'ACS /INI' NIC (NAV.LNTCOA~ 31~} AFIS (AF f ITTATC) Department. of State CIA "~;~ear, Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 1 May l~~groved Foelease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-00933~0~00200070009-6DIAM 65-7-1 (INTERIP~I CEADiGE} . ' CHAPTER 1 ~ ~ . " ' ~: INTRODUCTION TO.DIAOLS ' In addition to the--general computational capabilities provided by BASIC, . FORTRATI provides for manipulating and using logical e.~-pressions and variables, .increased string manipulation and more ext~asive formatting of input and output. - - 1. DESCRIPR'IO'?: IYie DIAOLS is serviced by two Ho:ie_-.cell G-635 computers, suprorted by the General Co-nurehensive Operating System (GCOS) an zrodified to meet specific requi re~~,ents for t;he processing of classified information. It provides .for user in three modes; interactive time sharing, rc~:ote b~:cteir processing, -and from the convention~:l (local) batch ens.=i ron:~ont. The systes;l is accessed from remotely located terminals (teletypewriter units ,. cathode ray tube displays, and mini-computers }:nowni as remote batc~i terminals. ) DIAOLS is made up of five major cor"y~onents (a..> describ-mod below); the Intelligence Support System (ISS) , Ccmmunity On-Line ?.~:telli~ence System (COIiYS), Beginners A11-Purpose Symbolic Instruewion Code (BASIC) , Formula Translator (FOR1^RAd) , and Card-ImaUe input { CARDTTd) . F1ith each the user grid the couputer co?a7.~ur~ic~te in a ~r?edefined language, which may vai~? from astraight-for.ard Eng?i=;h cor~and language conversation (ISS) to a more to chni ca.l langu3~_e such as used din CARDIP~. _ ~ r ~~ a. ISS. ISS is a specially designed c.aTMuenent ~~=h~i_ch supports user requirer.:`nts foi? data base/file retrieval and ma3:a3tena_nce in an interactive time shax?ing mode. Triers is also a lir?.ite~d batch capability, The user is presented with a ser?;ies of ac?t.ions which he may apply. a~a.inst files for which he has ~:.,~ authorize+d- need-to-know. b. COINS. i'he COILS provides DIA,use~,s with a r~:?~ote batch retrieval capability against ISS files and against "cormr.:unty" files . made available at other intelligence-coirmu~.ity organizations . COINS contains no file maintenance. capabilities and does not support video ~ ~ (cathode ray tube) display units . COIIJS allows a us er? t o input a query,' sign off his terminal, and receive his answer ~:t a~later time at any appropriately cleared teletypewriter. c.- BASIC. BASIL' provides an interactive computa.t ~ oval capability. _ It is a simple, easy to learn., programming language wh_~ich allows many complex arithmetic. operations and functions . It alsa provides data file input and output capabilities , including some for:.-aatting controls which ~` are suitable for handling large volumes of data. d. FORTRAN. FORTRAN is an interactive, computat:'.~~nal, programming language of. broader mathematical scope and complexity- Loan BASIC. Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDPS4-009338000200070009-6 DIAPd 65iec~prloved Foelease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009000200070009-6 1 May 1973.- -, - ~ ~ (INTERItd CH.At7GE ) _ ~_ _ ~ _ c _____.._._~e.~_.CARDI:N,--_-CarrImage-input-enab-les remote batch processing - _, - tc ~be ~-niti aged from either teletypewriter or ca.thade ray terminal's, ==--i:nfiludin~-both production fobs as~d testing/development fobs. The user may either gall a stored program or he may create a card-image . program and execute it, _ - . 2, ?USER RESUU~CES: All users have access to the BASIC, FORTRAN ~:.nd CARDIId capabi_lities-. Each user can manipulate his files/programs and -receive properly classified output, Most users-have access to one or more files (both internal and external to DIA) through the ISS or COINS systems. In these two systems, the user can retrieve and output specific data records. The use of each of these components and the capabilities associated with each are e~cplained in the following chapters . ~ - .3. _USER ACCF3S/I17i`sIiTIFICATIOId: Every user of DIAOLS must have a unique User Access Code conrpased of a User Accot.nt Number and an , Authenticator. This access code is needed irhen co:r~*~uni.cating ti.*ith the system to enable the user to gain access to particular files and to safeguard those files fro: unauthorized use by others. For security reasons {because of the new DIAOLS configuration -see :figure O, pa,e 3), each at~.thorized user will be issued two authenticators, cne for DIAOLS computer f.'1 ~~nd the other for DIACLS computer /,12. Access codes are controlled and issued by DS-5, Individuals are granted access to those files t:hey need for the performance of their duties as a result ' of reouests i'or r,ccess subr.!itted via DIA ForK 836, DIAOLS Access - Authorzaton (Test). Upon approval by the. file otrner, the individual's assi.fned user number is entered against the appropriate file(s) and the DIA Forr-~ 835 is returned to the originator indicating, access has been approved. . i+. TF'R1~III1^~LS: There are three kinds of terminals cup rently servicing ~ DIAOLS; teletypewriter devices, cathode ray tube (vino) displays with keyboard (so: to with printed output .capability) , and r~n:i-cor,~puters known as remote batch terminals. In this manual, these tercinals a_re referred to as TTY's, CRT's, and .RBI's respectively. The TTY's are identified by the trademark nomenclature model 37 teletype, the CRT"s as Raytheon DIDS X00 with Inktronic Printer (if applicable), and the QT'S as either G-li5 or COPE. Terminal characteristics,?~general operating procedures, and user maintenance actions are outlined in enclosures ~ and 5, Particulars concerning the use of these terminals as they relate t.o both ISS/COIi',S and standard time sharing (including FORTRAN, BASIC, .and.CARDIPT) are outlined in appropriate chapters. Each user-must read; and understand the . contents of enclosures ~+ and 5 in order to be able to efficiently and effectively operate those terminals pertinent to his ~:cti.vities. Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 1 A4ay 1973 ~ ~ DIAAZ 65-7_-1 ~~~~~p,~~elease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-0093'9f~000200070009-6 5. SYSTE:'d SECtPI'17: DIAOLS operates on a dual commuter configuration `' (twa Fieneyi~: eil G-~35 Computers) which allows users to access either of the two systems. The highest level o? data -that can now be accorumodated on the system is Top Secret/SA_O/SL One computer. sapports all SAO/SI level operations- and is known as the "co_,.part;~en~ted system." The other computer ha~.dles only non-SAO/SI le~rel operations (~.e., TOP SECP.ET and below) and is identified as the "non-cor.:partr.:ented system." The new configuration is shown in figure 0, belcw. After gaining access to DIAOLS using the new sign-an procedure outlined in Chapter 2, the user types helloone for access to the ccr.7partmented system. The system ~?ri11 then respond with the announceMent that the "co::part.:,ented system" has been accessed and. the user proceeds with the normal transmission procedures.. Far access to the non-compartrzented system supporting collateral level operations, the user types hellotwo. DIAOLS will then respond with a message indicating the "non-co:~pa-rt:;.ented system" has: been called. On matters involving DIAOLS security provisions, pro4c~d~Tes, and/or administration not covered in this manual, users shaul_d contact DS-5C. ' DIAOLS Co?aruter ~-rl DIAOLS CoTM~nuter n~`? Known As: Compartmented Systom Trion-Cartn~ented Syste.a Addressed As: helloone' hel lotvo Security Level: SAO/SI-and Collateral Collater~:l Only MODRS OF OFFRATIO?1 ,. Inter. active T.S. ; -l'SS~ and CUITS BASIC and FORTRATZ (See Note }#2) Remote Batch; --- None (See Tdote trl) RF3T's,/~13.r'DIT~1 Local Batch: All Security Levels Collateral Only NUTF ##l: 4~ile remote batch processing is done only an DIAOLS Computer ##2, ISS/COITdS output can be redirected from DL~LS Computer fl to at`iy Remote Batch Terminal (RB`.P) in addition to a central site printer - as well as receiving it at the terminal fr.~ wYrich the request originated. NOTE #f2: BASIC and FORTR/',Td programming capabilities axe now available onl~r at the collateral level. A concerted efface is being made to' correct the security software deficiencies gin. BASIC so that this feature can be restored to computer ,~l at ~ early date. It is not envisioned at this time that F'ORTRATd wall. ever be available on computer ~1. ~ ~` DIAOLS ENVIROTIMENT FOR SAO/Sl LEVEL OPERA`L~~TiS .Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 DIAM ~olved Fo~,Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-0093'1000200070009-6 1 May 1973 _ a. 27ie DIAOLS security label designates the ger~ral_security level of the output,? It contains three fields: ` ' {1) Classification (TOP SECRL'T, SECRET, C0~'IDEPITIAL or UNChASSIFIEI).) _ . ~_ - - {2) Compartment (noncorapaz?tmented; SI, SAO; or SI/SAO) {3) "WO$KIT+G COPY." An example of a security label as i.t would appear on output is "TOP SECRET' SI j?IORKII:G CUPY." -The user has the option of changing on)~ two fields, classification and compartraent. "WORKIPT~: S:OPY" is not an 'option. It will appear on all system output.. b. A security label will be associated ~witri each DIAOLS data base (i.e., each ISS/COII~;S file, user private file, and s~steli-~ peri,~anent file). All output reports will contain the security libel 01 the file queried. If an OPI for IdESdS file, providing new infor:a~ticn of both a current (ten~nor~_Yy) and a permanent nature. It provides :Cor ready display of significant items Yn^t:inent to DIAOLS, ISS, COITwS, 13I~SIC, FORTP,Ai?i, and C/~RDIT1 users. The fi1;e is categorized so that items of specific interest to a pa.rticu.lar user can be found quickly Trithout having to read through all of tY~e ne.-rs. The I~IEFIS includos current system improvements, modifications, end restrictions. PERT?il-~IdETI~I' 21E',dS (lines 120001-20000). l~lithin each oi' these categories are the following subcategories structured as follows: a.. Structure: NE'~dS is a file ordered by line nunbrr. It is broken into two main categories; CURRETI`1' NEiJS (lines 1?-120000) and SUBCATEGORY LINE NUI?'~3ER CURRENT . - PEE14:~NETdT GETIERAL 2 - 20000 120001 - 1+0000 BASIC 20001 - ~oooo l~oool - 160000 FORTRILN I-0001 - 60000 160001 - 180000 ISS ~ 60001 - $0000 180001 - 200000 COINS 80001. -100000 200001 - 220000 CARDIN 100001 -120000 220001 - 21+0000 Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 1 May 1973 DIAM 65-7-1 . (INTdoi~~dlelease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009000200070009-6 o ? (1) All news items will initially be ~3~._n the CURR~2dT NE4TS category. Items will remain in this category ~~~-1a-S._ ~s they are _ applicable. If the items are still of interes~i ~.~~~ three weeks, they will be transferred to the PEP?~SATr'EFIrI' PlE41S cate. (2) Each subcategory is structured so-:~-~~:.~ihe second line wi].~. have the date of the most current entry. ~'~~^os~t current news will be placed at the top of each subcategory. . (3) The subcategory titles are self-e:s~l':-.~:'uoiy. The GIIdERAL subcategory will include information which is a' ?rest to all users. Items in this area will include system status, ~.~apabilities, and restrictions. b. Use : An example of the rnethad used in as follo~?rs (user responses are underlined): SYSTEM bas i old or neir - lib system news (See NOTE) ald file(s) classified: ? system - UidT this file is unt ---- ready , (listx if no classification headings are a~: d) NOTE: If the response "lib system:news" is gi~*~~.;.'r~ entire file will` news -- U;1T classify your working fi~.e be read. However, if it is desired to read on~F ~_-a:~~~n~?of the file either "lib system:news(x)" or "lib system:new~'x1~ )fan be used, where . "x" represents a starting line number and "y" ~ ~~.~ending line number. The former entry allows one to start listing aL -}.-news from some paint other than at the beginning of the file. '~~^._~a~,ter entry enables a user to specify the range of line numbers thaa~ ~~raxits to list. 10. ~LSSOG`IATED DOC'UP~'?~1TATIOPd: Some chapters re~n.:~c?Honeywell/General Electric publications trhich are to be used in r.:~;~w~n:~on with this manual. Due to a shortage of these documents, ;i:r~z.i~ave been Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 Approved Fo~Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-0093'~'F2000200070009-6 DIAM 65-7-1 ~ 1 May X973 (INTERIPd CHAl`dGE ) reproduced tirith special permission of Honeywell for CIA use only. These three supple?~ents to this Manual are. B~`iSIC, I'Ck~,TRAZ1, and CARDIN; they are identified as DI.A14 65-7-1 (Supn.l) , (Supp.~~~, and (Supp.3) respectively, amid riay be obtained fre::, DS-4. Copies of other documen- tation .referenced are available for review i.n the -SA Technical Reference Collection (.TFC). ;, Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 ? .-.Approved .Fs~+r.Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009OOp200070009-6 1 Aiay .1973 (IN TERI:~i C~~I AId GE ) DTAPd. 65-7-1 . CHAPTER 2 , USING DIAOLS ~ _ 1. INI'ERPRET?TdG ~Ji~1ERS~'1TTOPT: In tiie ensuing sample` conversation throughout this :-TM.~ual, information supplied by the user to the system is represented i~ 3o~tiercase Iettei~s c.,nd t,nder:l.ired to s+~t it apart from the system responses which are given in uppercase letters. computer. 2. SIGN-OPI PROC~~"RE: _ ~. a. To gain understanding of how to use the DIAC7:GS, consider a typical "conversation" between a user and the cozr~outer. ' (1) After the user turns the terminal an, he must notify DIAOLS of the. compute-~r tare ~e accessed. This is initiated by eiepressing the CONTROL Yey and T~ltting the. letter A. If the user fails to hit COI:TItOL A .during the sign--?~*~ procedure, thero will be no respor_se from DIAOLS. This use of the C0:"TH?~~ ke}y and the letter k providos a procedural spoofing check required tea rlpleraent the necessary security safeguards to prevent a user of compute~~ ,#~ from. gaining; access to connuter ,T3 or to prevent information held ~a~ aramputer #1 from. being siLhoned by computer #z. (2) Pro~lc~ed this procedure has begin follawed, the system ~ri11 respond yrith YLT'FP: TTI'f'U'I' SYSTEPd DESIRED, at time the user types in helloone or hael_l:otti~ro (depending on which syste,:~, co-rt>s.rtraented or non-corapartme*~.~,ead, he wishes to access) ; then ne deprresses the RETUR:d key on the TTY ar the END key an the GRT to transmit the message to the `" (3) A message identifying the system, dcte, tire`, ,: and channel (term.inaT_ number is then sent back to the user. ' (I+) The computer then asks for an ACCOUNT # and its associated AUTHENTICATOR. ~.e user enters his complete User ~.ccess Code in the format displayed the TTY or CRT (x999g9,ABCL'~'FGI?)! and depresses the RETURN or' ELiIb key. The terminal will "shift cuts` when the user inputs. his User ~cess Code thus allowing only numeric characters to be displayed. -The computer will overprint. and the check this code- for validity--. :If the code is not valid, the computer will repeat the next page anal. ~n'teractian will continue. If a terminal or communications pr'o'blem prevents a successful "shift in," the user's terminal will. prime only numeric characters . Fnien this occurs , the user should simul~aneously depress the "control" and "shift in" (Alpha 0) keys try correct this condition. Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6~ Approved F~elease 2001/09/0.3 :CIA-RDP84-0093000.200070009-6 - DTATd 65-7-1 - - 1 May 19 73 - - - ~ (INTEP,IT~I CHATviGE) b. I"igures ~ and -''-~ i'_lustrate the sign-on sequences for both ---the -compartraente d- -and-non-~ ~~:~ artmGiit-e d- s ~ stems . control A . helloone ~~~ DIAOI:,S NOTIF".LE?J DIAOT~ COPrff'APiTN1E''TED SYSTEPi Oid 05/01./73 at 12:5u CiL;..Fs'i'EL 1010 ~ _ ACCOUTIT , AtJTIiEN`~ I CATOR (EG : Xg 99 99 , ~?BCDF,FG) Figure 1 Campartmented System control A - PLEASE II~TYLTA SYSTEP~1 DESIRED hel loti~ro DIAOLS I30TIFII;D t r_- DIAOLS TIOTdCCJI?li ~kIT,~E,`.?TED SYST%I?i ON 05/01/73- at 12 ; 57 CRAP?IdEL 1010 SELECT I3ASIC, FORTRAN OR CARDIN. DO NOT ETiTER COi~it'A~h~`i-~i1`rED MATERIAL - ,, ACCOUTyT ,AUCiiEI?TI CATOR (EG ; xg9999 ,ABCDEFG) ~ - ? I Figure 2 T?on-cor~part;mented Sys-t;e~m t 3. SYSTFTr OPTIOIJS: If the user provides a valid user access code,the computer wi:11 then ask for the SYSTEM to be used. T'nere are two options on the compartmented system; ISS and COIIv'S. "There are three options on 'the non-compartmented system; BASIC, FORTt..~.d, and CARDIN. - ~+. -ERROR CORRECTIOTd: There is ali~reys the possibility- of a typing error. To correct a message that has been typed on the- TTY or -.CRT, but not transmitted to the computer, .the backspace key is used to back over character(s) in error. It is then possible to retype, the .~ correct character(s) and continue the procedure. 5. TERi~IITdATIr?G ACTIOII: A user may terminate an on-doing process (i..e. , retux?n to ACTIOTd or READY) as follows: Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 t - - -only at t;ro specific instances. First, at any time tbr~ conputer is READY can be effected 1 1~ May 1973 - ~. DIAM 65-7-1 (INTERIPd EfiG~G~d Far.#2elease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-0093000200070009-6 ? - a. At any tine froze a TTY by simultaneously depressing the CONTROL key and the .NA.K_~charac~~r ~"U" Key). - - _- .____ " ~ ^F r ter?nination of an on-going process ,.c~en take place or awaiting input frc^~ a CRT, return to ACTIOi by simultaneously deprE:ssino both the CCi1TROL key and Lhe IdAI: character, releasing, and then depressir_g the" EIZD key._ The seca3~~1 instance occurs ~~hen paging sequence opzrations are in progress. Ag;ai=1 both the CONTROL . k:ey a_nd ZdAK character must be sir,:ulta_neously depressed., released, and the END key then depressed. Ei. SIGN-OFF PROCEDURE: The user r.~ay terr.,i.nate his dialog with the ~;omputer at an;y tizze the system is awaiting a response to action merely be typing ?BYE" ; i . e . , . ACTION bye ~~time sharing off at 15.33 on 01/28/72 DIAM ~,~p~nged F~?Reiease 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009~R00020007000g-6 1 May 1973 ~+ $ Approved For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6 ---mute --_ -OIrD OR NES; ^'JERY? EirTER COOP.DI:'IA'I`E Nl'~i?SES . ENTER QL~RY. 000, 4 , 5 (INTERIM CHANGE ) '-002 if along route-1 ENTER 1rIE idUi'?~tir.~R COiu?ESPOi1DIidG TO THE DESIRED i~ FROJECrIOid. 1 FOR I~~RCArOR 2 FOR EQUI-DIST RE'CTII,INEAR 3 FOR TRAV~'RSE AiERCATOR ii FOR LA~'~;BERT CO,tFORP~iAli -. -. ~00~+ 2 FOR ROUTE-1 ENTER NUr'BER OF idODES . ao6 3 ENTER OP:E HALF TOT11L WIDTH. 20 ~JTER LA'iITUDE AIVD LOPTGITUDE FOR NODE 1. 00$ 11]-llln,llll.ll_ lw - ~ ' FOR iiODr 002 _._. a10 11111 lri ,111111~,r - FOR PdODE 003 __~_. -_-- . ' 012 11111.1*.~ ,1_111 ]-13,a .. OPTIOTv' (LIST', RITE, MODIFY, SAVE, O.R RESEQIJF,NCE) i. OUTPUT. The OUTPUT function provides a user with the capability to control 'the content. and appearance of the retrieved-data which is to be displayed. Control over the content and a#pearance' of output data is afforded by user options pertaining to (1) element label fora, (2) line spacing, (.3) suppression of blank values, (~) specification of the elements to be displayed and (5) sortie;. `3ahe user also has -the option of redirecting his output to a remote printer or the central' site printer. Fox non-sorted output. fro:a a multi-file query, the first record of each. file will always start a r_ew page. NO'T'E; When the amount of work space required to process a Phase I MFQ exceeds 30 0 of the total workspace allocated-on a media, the user will. be returned to ACTIOid with the following message: - - - .. WORK SPACE :EtEQUIRED EXCEEDS LI2,2IT. PLEASE REFIi~E REQUEST. - -- - _ + ~- ?dayy 1973 _ .. ~ - ~ DIAM 65-7-1 INTERItf C,it~~GE) A ov F ~,~eel~e s 2001/09/03 :_CIA-RDP84-009J8~000200070009-6 ~ - ? - . ~~~ ~~an-~ara ~u~put. ; .. - ._ __~- (a~)~=-Tfie -st-ward outvu~-? op~iori a.~vailab3e allows the user ~'~~ -- -''~' to output:' _etrieved information ~~:ith a minimum of interaction with - _. the system.. If- standard output is indicated, the fo11o~*ing is ? aut omat i c a11.y as s tune d : ~ ? ~ ~ i X8.1 ~p`rove~c for Release X001/09103 : CTA=RDI~84=069338006200670009=6 - - 1 May ~'13r~ved F~Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009000200070009-6 DI-AM 65-7Y 1 (INTERIM CrlA~tGE) DATATdET 30 AiFSSAGES LINE DT~,ETED The last line has been ignore3, .~ Initiated by cancel {' CAN') function from terc~i nal. ERROR RETRAI;ST?LIT An error was encountered in the HI~I,LOOPIE OR HFLLOT~,rO trans_:,~_ssion. Re-input. FILE ABOR`.P REASOTd 001 LINE T00 LOT3G NO RESPOPdSE FR. DIAOLS You have been disconnected with the system due to a system problem. If this persists contact DS-5C. More than 80 characters were input on the last line. ~--input the line with less than 80 characters . , The DATAIQET 30 i$ unable to conLmunicate with the 600 Computer. The system you have asYed for is r,ot available. Try again later. PARITY ERROR A parity error h~.s been encountered in --=__ - the last line. Re-input-the line. THIS TFt;aII~TAL 47AS STILL ON 1 -Your terminai has been- idle too PLEA~SF SIGTd OId AGAIII. . ? long, You are signed off the system. . > 2 -Your terminal was connected to t`he - - . system aald a COT~dTROL A (SOH) start of sign can sequence, was typed. .- .? You are signed off the system. DIAOLS DISCONNECTED The DIAOLS 600 CcW~uter has terminated ., X11 output. You are signed off the `~ system. Yau have signed ~ properly. The DATANET 30 has nr~ified the 600 Computer you wis3a to log on. 293 . i4pp_rov_ed For Release 2001/09/03 :CIA-RDP84-009338000200070009-6