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~N Q11AL 15 81-65 /~ Approved Fo telease 2003/1?/04 : P84-0093w-W0001 00120001-9 2i0CF1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Policy and Planning FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Publications Review Board's Automated Reference Center i1-NoS/8 REFERENCE: Your memorandum to the DDCI dated 28 September 1981; Subject: Action Taken on DCI-.Approved Recommendation From Inspector General's Report on Public Affairs 1. Your referenced memorandum has been reviewed by DDA components with similar responsibilities. I view the development of an automated system for the storage and retrieval of pertinent information related to the pre-publication review of manuscripts as a positive step. Consequently, I have given my full endorsement to the project. 2. The Classification Review Division, Office of Information Services (CRD/OIS), which reviews all manuscripts submitted to the Publications Review Board (PRB) and has been reviewing manuscripts since the inception of the PRB, has a core of reviewers with a greater accumulation of experience than anywhere else in the Agency. This planned system would enable them, as well as all other reviewers, to make more consistent judgments in a shorter period of time. 3. OIS has problems similar to those of the PRB in that it has to record all review actions made thider the systematic review requirement of Executive Order 12065 and all material released under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts (FOI/PA). These were resolved by the development by the Records Management Division (RMD), OIS of the Declassification and Review (DARE) system for systematic review decisions and the Declassification (DECAL) system for FOI/PA cases. 4. I believe that the Office of Information Services can make a valuable contribution to the development of the planned PRB automated system; CRD because of its experience in recognizing what would be helpful to a reviewer and RMD because of its past experience in the development of the DARE and DECAL systems. If OIS can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Allen Elkins, Director of Information Services, Harry E. Fitzwater cc: C/PAB. UNCLASSIFIED when separated from reAprperoved For Releas EN -104-00933R000100120001-9 25X1 Approved Foeleas'R@,ELYILD4-0093000100120001-9 SUJI3JflCI': 1'LlhLict]aions Review Board's Automated Reference Center ISO/OI:S. es (15 Oct 1981) Rewritten: lkins:mes (19 Oct 1981) Distribution: Original - Addressee w/o reference 1 - C/ PAB w/o reference 1 - D/ODP w/reference 1 - C/CRD w/o reference 1 - C/RND w/reference 1 - DDA Subject w/reference 1 - DDA Chrono w/o reference 1 - DIS Subject w/re:ference (CIVIC PRB) _1 - DIS Chrono w/o reference Approved For Rel~ll ~2~03Y1 T 4- DP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved FcRelease 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-0094AR000100120 28 September 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Director, Policy and Planning SUBJECT: Action Taken.on DCI-Approved Recommendation From Inspector General's Report on Public Affairs 1. On 21 September 1981 the DCI directed me to ensure that sufficient personnel and financial resources are made available for the development and implementation of an automated data storage and retrieval system for the Publications Review Board. (Tab A) An extract from the IG Report leading to this directive is at Tab B.. T 2. A considerable amount of preliminary study has gone into this project over the last year. It culminated in the design concept shown at Tab C, which was. devised jointly by DDA/ODP and NFAC/OCR. Resource implications are as follows: Assignment of a full-time professional data base manager/indexer to the PRB Executive Secretariat. The assistance for about three months of a professional indexer and a computer systems specialist to work with the data base manager on the final file design and requirements study. Possible installation of an additional computer terminal to supplement that already available to the PRB Executive Secretariat. u 3. Copies of my implementing memoranda are at Tab D. You will be kept informed of the progress of the "PRB Reference Center" which these actions are intended to support. This project and the proposals included here have the full endorsement of the Publications Rcview Board, the current members of which are: 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releasl& 2003/11164: CIA-RDP84-00 33R000100120001-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved Fololkelease 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-0093000100120001-9 l MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, Office of Policy and Planning FROM: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Approval of Recommendation from Inspector General's Report on the Office of Public Affairs 1. The DCI has approved Recommendation V. B in the Inspector General's August 1981 report on the Office of Public Affairs. This report reads as follows: V. B. The Director, Office of. Policy and Planning, in coordination with the Deputy Director for Administration and the Director, NFAC, ensure that sufficient personnel and financial resources are made available for the development and implementation of an automated data storage and retrieval system for the Publications Review Board. 2. Please coordinate with the DDA and the Director, NFAC on this recom- mendation and advise me when action is completed. B. R. I MAN Admiral, U.S. Navy cc: DDA Director, NFAC CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved iiw' Relea 112MA11/0 1)MAr E[4WQ ?r3R000100120001-9 Every PRB member interviewed, as well as other officers involved in the PR11 process, expressed. concern over the increasingly difficult task of keeping track of intelligence-related information which has found its way into the public domain. Failure to develop a comprehensive institutional memory of material released to the public hastens the day when the Agency will be embarrassed (and possibly sued) because it denies an author the right to publish material which it has already made publicly available. % Public release of intelligence data occurs 'in various ways including: Agency responses to FOIA and Privacy Act requests, Executive Branch disclosures, Congressional testimony and publications, unclassified Agency publications, publications by current and former Agency officers, and unauthorized leaks. Only portions of this material, such as information released by the DO under FOIA, is stored in.automated data bases and is readily retrievable. Reviewers rely heavily on human memory and time-consuming, manual file searches to attempt to determine whether information has become public. The Agency's human memory is swiftly eroding due to retirements and other departures. The rising volume of new manuscripts and other materials published and in preparation by former employees further compounds the problem. Agency managers including the DPA have taken some initial steps to cope yvith this situation. At the PRB Conference held in November 1980, the ranking agenda issue was the need to develop an adequate data storage mechanism to enable the Board to record and rapidly retrieve intelligence-related material appearing in publications the PRB itself had reviewed and approved. Before the Conference there had been discussions about developing a storage and retrieval system. which would include all disclosures made by the Agency, but the concept Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 hid been rejcA0pf1o}od Fb bl dVsfetldbJ/I`1t/br4';c't`C.'(4'h[508 -W093 O'001UU120001-9 ttl rc t~c.< focused on the narrower issue of developing a stordl;c and retrieval system sol_ ly to record material reviewed by the PRB. Conference participants unanimously supported the development of such a system; however,.no one volunteered to undertake the task. Subsequently the DPA chose to use OPA's own resources to create a small staff and begin the groundwork to build the system. Accordingly, the DDCI on 10 December 1980 approved the DPA's proposal to establish "a small research/library staff to index manuscripts reviewed and, using existing Agency systems, to assist the Board in the future by identifying and locating specific materials officially declassified or released ..." (Later the current DDCI approved the reprogramming of $29,000 of OPA funds to proceed with putting the supplemental volumes of the Church Committee report and the Pike Committee report into an existing full-text automated storage system in OCR--the Rapid Search Machine. Other frequently used documents already stored and available are the basic Church Committee and the Rockefeller Commission reports. OCR has agreed to explore storage of the Pentagon Papers in the same system.) In March 1981 DPA assigned the task of studying the alternatives for a suitable mechanism to a professional in the PPPRS. She has held extensive discussions with 'officers in the- key components engaged in the PRB review process to develop a clear picture of component and reviewer needs.* The Office of Data Processing (ODP) has made a preliminary survey' of the PRB's requirements and concurs that "the PRB application is a good candidate for ADP control." ODP recommends as a next step the formation of a ?'file design team," composed of a PRB representative, a computer system Phis employee began several months of leave without pay in May 1981. Her position was abolished on I July ? 1981, and her duties have been assumed by other Public Affairs ..officers. c NFIDENTIAL v.- - 15 Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 anrilyst fl-Approved Fa~elease 2003111/04 : C Ac-i 5 8 609 12~'OU ~~9ss'o`r`rl'le for ar complete system design proposal. Tmpiementation of the 5 Sterrr will require a commitment of resources on ODP's frt in terms of computer and software support and on the part of the External Affairs Staff, in terms of the personnel necessary for abstracting and indexing the information to be retrieved, as well as data input and file maintenance. ODP has indicated its readiness to support this effort, but the PRB will need the backing of senior management to ensure that all necessary resources are made available. Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approveel.Gor Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-OW33R000100120001-9 ODP-8 1-1224 .l $ SEP 1;;31 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Public Affairs Branch STAT F R OM : SUBJ ECT: REFERENCES: nc ring ec Lor or a to Processing Response to Public Affairs' Request for DDA/ ODP Assistance A. Memo to DDA from D/ PA (DDA-81-1226), dtd. 9 June 1981, SUBJECT: PRB Reference Center B. Memo. to D/PA from DDA (ODP-81-7058) , Same Subject 1. As agreed to in our 9 June 1981 meeting and documented in the referenced memoranda, a preliminary study STAT of the Publication Review Board's information storage and retrieval needs has been completed. The attached paper contains the findings and recommendations 2. Their recommendation of a formatted file approach over a full text retrieval system would significantly reduce the resources required for converting textual manuscripts to machine readable form. Furthermore, effective indexing and abstracting will provide the retrieval flexibility needed by PRB. There is also a continuing resource implication to PAB for a formatted file. An operational system will require one full-time professional, as a data base manager/indexer. This professional would have to be provided from your staff. It will be difficult to recruit any individual with these skills below the GS-12/11 level. In addition, more indexing resources would be needed if you plan to convert the existing data base. D/OCR informs me that he does not have indexing personnel available for loan to PAB for this project. 3. The next step, the file design/requirements study, will require about three work months -- for an indexer, a computer systems specialist, and someone from your staff. Consequently, I hesitate to recommend such a step unless you feel confident that you have the necessary resources STAT. available for an operational system. I will await your response. Meanwhile, if you have any questions regarding rhp Pral iminnrv Tnvaafiioaf-inn Rannrt please call Mr. Approved For Release 2003/11104: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved FsrvRelease 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00900R000100120001-9 Preliminary Investigation Report for the Publication Review Board September 10, 1981 Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved Fgr,Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-009 R000100120001-9 1. Problem Definition - This pre].ini_uary lives Ligation was conducted to what appr? should he. taken in providing an autourat:ed system for the ;;toragr~ aiu.l of pertinent i.nformaL:i.on relaLed to Puhlinotion Review Board's (PRB) pro-publication review process. The problem as :,fated by Office of Public Affairs (now Public Affairs Branch) is one of being able to recall what information has been disclosed to the general public through the review mechanism and what information has been withheld. 2. Findings - To begin, we believe that the PRB application is a good candidate for ADP control. The variety and amount of information to be controlled and the need for a timely, systematic organized search and retrieval apparatus supports this belief. Our initial. reaction is that it is not a likely candidate for full text processing. Data conversion requirements, the size of the data. base to be initially converted (40,000 pages), the projected file growth and storage requirements are the primary reasons for our decision. Eliminating full text processing as an alternative narrows the selection to a formatted file approach, that is, the creation of indexes/records containing information about the manuscripts; the manuscripts themselves being retained in a separate collection. From a systems point-of-view, the consideration of a formatted file application brings up many points regarding support of the application that should be addressed before a decision to proceed is made. Such an approach will require considerable resources for data reduction, input and file maintenance. It will require a disciplined environment that includes an information abstraction and data entry capability as well as a quality control mechanism. Additionally it could introduce complexities and changes in PRB's office procedures and responsibilities that could affect system design. For example, procedures may have to be established for logging and tracking the manuscript in order to insure that the final disposition has been made and the file record is complete. In order to assist. PRB in analyzing their needs and commitments we have constructed a file resources strawman (attachments 1-5). These estimates are based on a review of a sample of manuscript files currently held in PRB and from initial discussions with PRB personnel. Using the attached estimates we recommend at least one person fulltime to support current file needs. This estimate presumes this person will have the various skills necessary to perform the functions of control, abstract, input, maintain and retrieve, and a first hand awareness of on-line data entry and ad hoc subject retrieval. Ideally a fully trained and experienced abstractor/indexer would be Approved For Release 2003/11/04 CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved F 'Release .2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-009g21 000100120001-9 de s i r; ' expo r i encc, i S ah::() lilt c l y iic'ccn.rSt] ry Lo initiri1l.y ulaiuL;i.In Llce lower r;nige of l 11110 ainl to support; a high ret.r.i.eva.1/indexiut; relevancy rate. C) f. lpntL CII t r concerns is tli.e time 01.1ok:,it-ed to data base management functions. At implementation this expenditure will be weighted to the high range figure. Gradually as experience grows and as reference tools are completed the expenditure should ease. About six months will be regir.ed for this cycle to settle down. 't In addition to keeping up with current receipts the conversion of present file holdings is recommended. The conversion of this data base is estimated to require approximately 1/2 manyear. Using the lower resource allocation figure we anticipate this task to complement and to support the current file building operations. It of course will slow down this process unless additional resources are allocated. The strawman record structure is based on three groups of information about a manuscript - bibliographic data, an abstract of the theme and/or subjects. treated and an abstract of the reviewers' comments. Each information group has been described as a subrecord. These subrecords are considered, for the purpose of this file estimate, to be independent for input and maintenance activities. That is, each subrecord may be input to the system as it is completed rather than delaying input until all subrecords are available. Intermittent input allows the system to serve as a control and tracking tool as well as a retrospective retrieval device. Special emphasis on maintenance functions is stressed as each subrecord may be accessed several times to input information as it becomes available; this is especially true in subrecords 1 and 3. At retrieval, however, the record is addressed as a coordinated whole. 3. Recommendations If based on these data a decision to proceed is made, we would then recommend the formation of a file design team. Composed of a PRB representative, a computer system analyst, and an indexing expert, this team would be responsible for a complete system requirements and file design document. After the requirements have been defined, the group will dissolve and the ODP analyst will write a project proposal for a system to be developed by ODP Applications. This proposal will :include all aspects of system design, development, and implementation. Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved RwRelease 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00: 8000100120001-9 PRB FILE "STRAWMAN" RECORD STRUCTURE Each manuscript is represented by one-three part index record. A record is not complete until all three subrecords are input. Each subrecord, however, may be input separately in a unique maintenance action. Subrecord 1 contains bibliographic data examples: author's name, title, PRB control number, date submitted, document type, date of comments estimated size 400 characters media abstract (keywords/ phrases) examples: comments! basically data data currently controlled in a PRB RAMIS,formatted file -- with certain standardizations. (dates, document type, name) comment: this strawman uses keywords/keyword phrases with- out additional encoding. The use of codes to represent STAT concepts and/or areas shoul8TAT be considered in future requirements studies. In addition the linkage of areas to keywords/concepts is viewed as a necessary retrieval requirement. Subrecord 2 contains subject keyword tion, estimated size 750 characters Subrecord 3 contains reviewing official's com- ?.ments and/or concerns (key- words/keyword phrases) examples: comment: this stravrtnan uses keywords/keyword phrases with- out additional encoding. The use of codes to represent AT concepts and/or areas shouSTAT be considered -in future requirE_ ments studies. As in subrecord 2 the linkage of area with the keywords/concepts is most im- portant. The addition of page number to the indexing phrase is an enhancement that may have merit. estimated size 750 characters Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved F,Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-0098000100120001-9 DOCUMENT FLOW incoming manuscript bibliographic - - - subrecord 1 data reviewing - - - subrecord 3 comments Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 I'RB f 1L1. ~IJW~N Approved F ~IleRsM?10/I 0 n CIA-RDP84-009OR000100120001-9 U. ND GWHI RTE PRB holdings as of 1 August 1981 109 books 270 articles 21 book reviews 11 outlines 12 speeches 27 other Distributed Record Size Greater Manuscripts (Books) Lesser Manuscripts (Articles, etc.) Subrecord 1 Subrecord 2 Subrecord 3 400 char. 750 char. 750 char. 400 char. 350 char. 350 char. 1,900 char. 1,100 char. Data Base Size - to be converted Books 109 x 1,900 char. = 207,100 char. (pre CY Aug 81) Articles, etc. 341 x 1,100 char. = 375,100 char. TOTAL = 582,200 char. Growth Rate (based on projected Books 24 x 1,900 char. = 45,600 char. CY 81 rate) Articles, etc. 176 x 1,100 char. = 193,600 char. TOTAL = 239,200 char. Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 . Approved F%AwRelease 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-009000100120001-9 PRB FILL "STRAWMAN" PRB RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR CURRENT DATA BASE MANAGEMENT based on pro3ected CY81 input rated TYPE OF TIME REQUIRED/ FUNCTION MANUSCRIPT MANUSCRIPT X RATE OF INPUT/YEAR TOTAL TIME/YEAR Bibliographic Books 15-30 min 24 6 -'12 Indexing Articles 15-30 min 176 44 - 88 Abstracting - Books 2-4 hrs 24 48 - 96 Subject Articles 30 min - 1 hr 176 88 - 176 Abstracting - Books 2-4 hrs 24 48 - 72 Index reviewers'Articles 15-30 min Comments 176 44 - 88 Data Entry Books 30 min - 1 hr 24 12 - 24 Articles 15-30 min 176 44 - 88 Data Base Mgt- --- 2-3 hrs/day --- 520 - 780 TOTAL 854 - 1,424 manhours Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approved P 'Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00 R000100120001-9 RESOURCES FOR DATA BASE CONVERSION (based on current holdings) FUNCTION TYPE OF MANUSCRIPT TIME REQUIRED/ MANUSCRIPT X NUMBER CURRENTLY HELD BY PRB TOTAL 'HOURS Bibliographic Books 15 min 109 27.25 Indexing Articles 15 min 341 85.25 Abstracting - Books 2 hrs 109 218 Subject Articles 30 min 341 170.50 Abstracting - Books 2 hrs 109 218 Index Reviewers' Comments Articles 15 min 341 85.25 Data Entry Books 30 min 109 54.50 Articles 15 min 341 85.25 TOTAL 944. manhours Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-00933R000100120001-9 Approve&ftr Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-Obd33R000100120001-9 28 September 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR : DCI Administration Officer FROM: Robert M. Gates Director, Policy and Planning SUBJECT: Addition to Table of Organization, Public Affairs Branch 1. The DCI has directed me to ensure that necessary personnel and other resources are made available for the development. and im- plementation of an automated data storage and retrieval'system to support the Publications Review Board, the etariat for which is assigned to Public Affairs (OPP/EAS/PAB). I 2. Please take the steps necessary to add one GS-12 professional slot to Public Affairs' this purpose. Contact Public Affairs for position details. Will appreciate a assistance you can provide them in recruiting for and filling this position as quickly as possible. Robert M. Gates 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Releasb" 2003/11/b4 : CIA-RDP8 -00933R000100120001-9 Approved ForRelease 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP84-0093 000100120001-9 28 September 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Administration Director, National Foreign Assessment FROM: Robert M. Gates Director, Policy and Planning SUBJECT: Assistance in Developing an Automated Reference Center for the Publications Review Board 1. The DCI has directed me to ensure that necessary personnel and other resources are available for development of an automated data storage and retrieval system to support the Publications Review Board. ^ 2. A recently-completed study performed jointly by DDA/ODP and NFAC/OCR recommended assignment of a full-time professional data base manager to the PRB Executive Secretariat. I have acted to fill this position. The study also concluded the next step to be taken is a file design/requirements study, which will require three months time from an. indexer and a ter systems specialist working alongside the data base manager. 3. I will notify you when the data base manager is in place. At that time, I will also ask you to provide the necessary experts to work with that persons i.e., an indexer from OCR and a computer systems specialist'.from?ODP. I I . 4. Many thanks for the cooperation we have received on this project to date. Special thanks should go for their collaboration on an excellent preliminary s u y. ^ Approved For Rele Wq 44814 : CIA-RDP84-0091 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1