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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Intelligence Directorate of MASTER FILE COPY F- tTCEkfT OR MARK ON >-FL~ ~mcP Terrorism Review 9 December 1982 Secret GI TR 82-005 9 December 1982 348 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret Terrorism Review 9 December 1982 iii Overview (OGI) Salah Khalaf Preparing Terrorist Apparat in Europe (OGI) 3 Franco-Spanish Cooperation Against Basque Terrorists 25X1 (OGI) 5 New Developments in the Agca Case (OGI) 7 Libyan Support for Terrorism (NESA) 9 Group Study: The International Revolutionary Cells (OGI) 13 Chronology Comments and queries regarding this publication may be directed to the Research Director, Instability and Insurgency Center, Office of Global Issues, telephone i Secret 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret Terrorism Review F_ Overview We believe conditions are ripe for an'increase of localized terrorism in Western Europe during the next few weeks. 25X1 This would interrupt a relatively placid period of several weeks during which the level of international terrorist incidents worldwide has been down by almost half from the three-month period immediately following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. We have indicated in earlier editions of Terrorism Review that we believe the reduction is largely due to law enforcement successes in West Germany and Italy, to accommodations between major Palestinian groups and certain West European governments, and to the accession to power of the Socialists in Spain. This latter event has resulted in probes by Spanish terrorist groups for a temporary truce and a disposition on the part of the French Government to assist the Spanish Socialists by cracking down on Spanish Basques harbored in southern France. 25X1 The 12th of December, the anniversary of NATO's decision to deploy modernized nuclear weapons in Western Europe, is likely to be marked by widespread protests. Leaders of the protests want to avoid violence because they recognize the disastrous effect that it could have on public perceptions of the "peace" movement. Nevertheless, terrorist groups-including the Revolutionary Cells and so-called RAF legals in West Germany-will probably seek to exploit anti-NATO and anti- US sentiments. The violence-prone Onkruit group in the Netherlands has increas- ingly directed its antimilitary activities against the placement of nuclear weapons in Holland and seems likely to seek opportunities to exploit protests. iii Secret GI TR 82-005 9 December 1982 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret 25X1 Salah Khalaf Preparing Terrorist Apparat in Europe Recent activity in Europe, particularly in West and East Germany, indicates that Salah Khalaf is in- volved in building up a terrorist network in Western Europe. Salah Khalaf, one of Arafat's chief deputies and the head of PLO security, has been in Eastern Europe trying to recruit former members of the Black Sep- tember Organization (BSO) to revive that group, In early August three Palestinians were arrested in Istanbul while, according to Turkish authorities, pre- paring an attack on Israeli interests. The terrorists claimed that they were recruited by Fatah's Western Sector office and were told that, if captured, they were to claim to be members of Black September. They also said that, while BSO was not yet back in operation, they had heard that Khalaf was going to revive it. 25X1 on 7 November four terror- ists claiming to be members of Fatah were arrested at East Berlin's Schoenefeld Airport carrying explosives and weapons. 25X1 Khalaf is the leader of the radical faction within 25X1 Fatah and has often disagreed with Arafat, particu- larly regarding Arafat's ban on international terrorist attacks and his attempts to achieve a diplomatic settlement of the Palestinian problem. Arafat's ban dating from the mid-1970s is being adhered to by PLO groups. In May 1981, however, probably in 25X1 response to pressure by radicals to resume interna- tional terrorism, Arafat, 25X1 had agreed to contingency planning and gave a a the go-ahead to recruit new members and 25X1 strengthen Fatah's terrorist apparat abroad. The re- cent activity in Europe may be a continuation of this planning. 25X1 new apparatus for international terrorism would be set up to be activated if negotiations failed. We believe that Khalaf, in his position as head of PLO security, would be the logical person to set up such an organization. While it is possible that Khalaf is trying to organize his own terrorist organization without Arafat's knowl- edge, it seems unlikely that this much activity in Europe could go undetected by Arafat. We believe that it is more likely that Arafat has agreed to demands by more radical members of Fatah and the PLO to make contingency plans to conduct terrorism in the event that negotiations fail. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret Franco-Spanish Cooperation Against Basque Terrorists 25X1 25X1 The election of a Spanish Socialist government has spurred Spanish and French Socialists to limited collaboration against the Basque terrorist organiza- the Socialist election victory has solidified Spanish democracy and removed any justification for French protection of the Basque separatist organiza- tions. The PS has already begun to. put pressure on the leadership of the violence-prone military wing of ETA (ETA/M) now in France. A recent PS offer to act as intermediary for negotiations between ETA/M and the Spanish Government may be connected with unconfirmed information circulating in ETA circles that the PS has told ETA/M to dismantle its infra- structure in France within two years Both ETA/M and ETA Political/ Military (ETA/PM) have approached the Spanish Government seeking negotiations both ETA/M and ETA/PM Eighth Assembly are attempting to reach an accord with the Spanish Government, employing different tactics. ETA/M has decided to increase its terrorist activities to force the Spanish Government to negotiate. ETA/PM Eighth Assembly has chosen to exploit the Revolutionary Party of Basque Workers to achieve its political objectives. The French Government also may be employing another tactic to weaken ETA/M. In early Novem- ber, PS First Secretary advised that the French Government would release its imprisoned leader Do- mingo Iturbe Abasolo, if negotiations with Spain were successful. According to Jospin, the French Socialists believe Iturbe's release would probably splinter ETA/M. Iturbe, a member of the Executive commit- tee, favors negotiations with the Spanish Government, while the Marxist faction within ETA/M, led by Eugenio Echeveste Arizguren, favors continuation of the armed struggle. 25X1 has already arisen within ETA/M over the negotia-25X1 tions issue. Any further split would seriously weaken the support structure and shrink the operational area. Despite recent French initiatives, the French effort will 25X1 remain limited to harassment. The recently approved French policy of easing extradition of alleged terror- ists to democratic. countries will probably not be implemented with regard to Spain. The French Con- sul in Bilbao has stated the French Government will not extradite ETA/M members, and at least one ETA/M leader arrested in France has already been released from custody, allegedly for lack of evidence. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret New Developments in the Agca Case Although the confidentiality of the Italian magistrate system inhibits the flow of information on the arrest in Rome of Bulgarian airlines official Antonov caution in connecting Antonov with would-be papal assassin Mehmet Ali Agca. At the same time, two other Bulgarian officials have been implicated in the case. undertook the investigation over a year ago with the preconceived notion that the Bulgarians and Soviets were involved with Aeca. Martella presented Agca with a list of Soviet and Bulgarian names and a stack of photographs. When Agca identified Antonov,C Martella ordered him arrested. The Italian press has speculated that Antonov may be released soon because of a lack of evidence. the evidence against Antonov is insufficient for conviction and that it may be limited to Agca's identification of the photograph. 25X1 the Italian magistrate system gives investigators and pros- ecutors independence and wide latitude and prohibi25X1 public release of information. This had led in at least one instance to an abuse by a magistrate in terrorism cases. Following the rescue of General Dozier in ear125X1 1982, the investigating magistrate fed to the Italian press the story that the Red Brigades were supported25X1 by Israeli intelligence services According to press reports, Judge Martella's research on the Bulgarian angle of the Agca case has led to a request by the Italian Foreign Ministry that Bulgaria lift the diplomatic immunity of Bulgarian Embass25X1 employee Teodorov Akvasov, currently out of the country. His position of cashier is, according to the Embassy, not covered by diplomatic immunity, but he Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 has "certain rights" (unspecified). In the meantime, judicial sources in Italy have informed the press of an international arrest warrant issued for another former Bulgarian Embassy employee, Vassiliev Juelio Kolev, who returned to Bulgaria some months ago. In view of Buglaria's strong denials of possible complicity of Sergei Ivanov Antonov in the Agca case, it is unrealis- tic to anticipate cooperation with the Italians with respect to Akvasov and Kolev. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret . Libyan Support for Terrorism cern for his international image. During the 13 years he has been-in power, Libyan leader Qadhafi has gained a deserved reputation as a principal patron of international terrorism. Active Libyan support for terrorism has ebbed and flowed over the years, however, and Qadhafi has demonstrat- ed considerable sensitivity to public opinion and con- Qadhafi's most recent activist phase dates back to 1979 when he was faced with mounting dissent at home, a major foreign policy setback in Uganda, and the example of a successful revolution in Iran that prompted him to reassert his own revolutionary cre- dentials. In 1980 Libyan hit teams began to murder Libyan dissidents in Europe, killing 11 people and wounding several others between March 1980 and February 1981. Qadhafi put a stop to the murders when the international outcry persuaded him that the policy was counterproductive Later in 1981 Qadhafi became convinced that the United States was planning to have him assassinated. Following the downing of two Libyan planes during a US exercise in the Gulf of Sidra in August, Qadhafi began to turn his terrorist capability against the United States erious consideration was given to attacks against the President and Secre- tary of State. Again, a flood of publicity, combined with the withdrawal of US citizens from Libya and a US boycott of Libyan oil exports, apparently persuad- ed Qadhafi to moderate such high-visibility' activities. Nevertheless, Qadhafi is continuing, and even acceler- ating, activities aimed at undermining other govern- ments. In contrast to the summer of 1981 when he devoted himself to mending fences with a number of his Arab colleagues, Qadhafi for the past several months has been lashing out at his fellow Arabs. Sudan's President Nimeiri has long been an important Qadhafi target-initially because he stood with Sadat after Camp David and was willing to cooperate with the United States and more recently because of personal antagonism. In August 1981, at the time of the formation of the Tripartite Agreement among Libya, Ethiopia, and South Yemen, Qadhafi persuad.25X1 ed Ethiopia's Mengistu to join forces with Libya in training Sudanese dissidents and in mounting anti- Sudanese operations.[ Libya infiltrated a 22-man Suda- 25X1 nese "revolutionary committee," trained in Libya, into Sudan to recruit and to plan terrorist and assassi-25X1 nation missions-one target being the US Embassy in Khartoum. npo i is also beaming ra io roa cast,25X1 at Saudi Arabia, giving details about the alleged corruption of officials in an effort to stir up dissidence. Qadhafi also has apparently turned his attention to' overthrowing the smaller Gulf states and assassinat- ing their leaders. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret Tunisia is another prime target of Libyan activity. The Libyan-sponsored raid on the Tunisian mining town of Gafsa in -January 1980 strained relations: between the two countries. In early 1982 the Tunisians. picked up a group of. 15 Libyan-trained commandos attempting to infiltrate Tunisia. Libyan tribes. Qadhafi has avoided more overt moves against his neighbors since his withdrawal from Chad, Where dissident movements do,not.already exist, Qadhafi 'works to. create them. He recruits foreigners working in Libya for his elaborate system of terrorist training camps; he attempts to influence and ulti- mately control Islamic movements and institutions in neighboring.-countries; and he broadcasts propaganda to potentially disaffected. groups-particularly the Tuareg tribes in Mali and Niger, who have ties with Although Qadafi seems to have singled out the United States as the source of all his troubles-ultimately responsible for the oil glut, the failure of the Tripoli summit, the defeat of the Palestinians, internal dis- sent, and the financing of Libyan exile organiza- tions-current information does not indicate that active Libyan planning for an anti-US campaign is under way. Another direct confrontation such as the Gulf of Sidra incident, however, would probably spark a new campaign against US interests. 25X1 25X1 Qadhafi: may. be on the verge of yet another upsurge of terrorist activity. He has publicly warned Libyan dissidents in exile that he will renew his assassination campaign unless they "repent" and' return home. In a speech .on17.October, he called on all Libyan people's conferences to endorse the policy of carrying out murder as a "war in. self-defense." He also declared that the murder. operations will no longer be carried out exclusively-by revolutionary committees or hit squads; every Libyan who travels abroad will be responsible for the elimination of enemies Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret 25X1 25X1 Group Study: The International Revolutionary Cells 25X1 25X1 The International Revolutionary Cells (IRZ), a shad- owy, loosely organized association of West German terrorists, has apparently lost much of its original ideology and connections with the domestic Revolu- tionary Cells while maintaining some ties with Pales- tinian terrorist organizations and with "Carlos." F_ German officials describe the IRZ as an offshoot of the West German Revolutionary Cells (RZ), a terror- ist organization that has conducted more attacks against US military installations in Germany than any other group during the last decade. According to the German Federal Criminal Office (BKA) and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), the IRZ was formed in the mid-1970s by some early RZ members who had trained in the Middle East under the auspices of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and thereby became oriented to international issues. The BKA and the BfV believe that the IRZ has had no significant contact with the indigenous RZ since the initial split. We believe that the IRZ as an entity became relative- ly inactive after Wadi Haddad's death in March 1978 but that individuals associated with it continued to engage in terrorist activity. This is supported by an incident in Paris in February 1982. Kopp and Breguet were arrested in a parking garage by a policeman suspicious of their behavior. weapons and explosive materials were subse- quen y confiscated from their car. During followup interrogations by French Government officials, Kopp 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 and Breguet declared themselves members of an "Organization of International Revolutionaries." Bre- guet stated that their targets were not French inter- ests Shortly thereafter, in a letter to the French Interior Minister, Carlos demanded the release of Kopp and Breguet and safe passage to a country of their choice, threatening reprisals against French property and high-level French Government officials. The ultima- tum suggests that the two were involved in a Carlos- . sponsored operation, and their continued imprison- ment could well trigger additional efforts to secure their release. Indeed, the spate of terrorist incidents in France-such as the March 1982 explosion aboard the Paris-Toulouse train-may be linked to the ulti- matum. Although lack of information precludes us from draw- ing firm conclusions about the current configuration of the IRZ, we believe that it has changed considera- bly since the death of Wadi Haddad. Perhaps the most striking difference between the Wadi Haddad- era and the present-day IRZ is the apparent absence of a strong ideological conviction. The IRZ now appears to be a loosely organized association of individuals rather than a closely knit terrorist organi- zation. The West German authorities believe that the IRZ, while influenced by Carlos, have become essen- tially apolitical terrorists for hire. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret Total, 645 Of which: US targets, 335 Category of International Terrorist Incidents, 1982, by Month ti Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret Chronology 18 November 1982 Spain An ETA/M communique claims responsibility for the killing.of one person and severe wounding of two others, whom ETA/M describes as police informants. Recent police successes in defusing bombs placed by ETA/M appear to lend 25X1 In Guernica, ETA/M claims credit for an attack on Civil Guard barracks and the bombing of a bank in Bilbao. 19 November 1982 Azores On Sao Miguel Island, the Popular Revolutionary Movement for the Liberation of the Azores (MPRLA) is suspected in the attempted bombing attack on a Portuguese commercial transmitter. Although MPRLA has been active in Lisbon, little is known about the group or its objectives. 25X1 Spain In Tudela-Navarra, ETA/M is believed responsible for the bombing of the National Labor Institute. In Bilbao, one bomb exploded at a local bank and a sec- ond bomb at another bank was defused by Spanish police. ETA/M continues its attempts to raise funds through extortion of "revolutionary taxes" from Basque National Police motorpool. Severe damage and injury are averted when the rocket explodes between two cars. ETA /M rocket grenade attacks indicate lack of training with the weapon 25X1 21 November 1982 Spain In San Sebastian, ETA/M is believed responsible for a rocket grenade attack on Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Italy Nine Red Brigades members arrested in Turin, including BR leader Marcello Ghiringhelli, whom Italian authorities believe is responsible for five murders: The Italians believe the BR column in Turin is nearly destroyed. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Italy Italian police arrest Sergei Ivanov Antonov, Balkan: airlines official in Rome, in connection with independent investigation of attempted assassination of the Pope by investigating magistrate Ilario Martella. 25X1 25X1 charges within week that two former employees of Bulgarian Embassy, in Rome also involved in case. 25X1 Ecuador Two policemen and a passerby are killed when a bomb explodes while being removed from the Israeli Embassy in Quito. Ecuador has no active indigenous terrorist group, and there has been no attempt from any group to claim credit, United Kingdom In London, a previously unknown group, Animal Rights Militia, claims responsi- bility for a letter bomb sent to Prime Minister Thatcher. Only minor injury to one person result. Police inte and defuse four additional letter bombs sent to members of Parliament. 1 December 1982 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret 1 December 1982 Lebanon In Beirut, an apparent attempt is made to assassinate Druze leader and prominent leftist Walid Jumblatt. A car bomb explodes while Jumblatt is nearby. He is only slightly injured. detonates during an attempt to disarm it. 2 December 1982 Thailand The Iraqi Consulate in Bangkok is destroyed by a bomb left in. a briefcase, which the early 1970s, Luna's demise may permanently cripple GRAPO. 5 December 1982 Spain In Barcelona, the suspected leader of the First of October Anti-Fascist Group (GRAPO) Juan Martin Luna is killed in a shootout with Spanish antiterrorist police. Considered the operational brains behind numerous terrorist attacks since Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5 Secret Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/30: CIA-RDP84-00893R000100050001-5