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4provedForRelease2000/04/18:CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 vs( GEOGRAPHY DIVISION Record of Classification Decision 1. Title of report, study, or map: Sino-Soviet Dispute 17 December 1975 (Date) Territorial Issues in the 2. Project No. and Report No. or Map No.: GCR RP 75-31 60.2746 and 3. Classification, control, and exempt category: SECRET, NO FORN? WNINTEL, Exemption Categories 58 (1), (2), (3) 4. Name of classifier/analyst: 5. Rationale for classification and exemption: Sources used warrant the assigned classification and exemption. 6. Sources used in report, study or map which have a bearing on classification and exemption: State Department cables, DDO reporting, aMii!litTLIM?t?epot?s(IRts) and DDI Finished intelligence reports. NOTE: Prepare in triplicate -- one copy for Branch Project File and two copies for Division Front Office. CONTROL or CLASSIFY, according to content of entries. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 STATI NTL STATI NTL Approved For Releoe 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-0084F000300400001-6 C.:Cr;RAPI OMSICN Rcord of Classificatcn Cacision Tit1.2 L.t1 r,-aport, stidy, or map: Partial,Revision-of RP.-7579 and-RP 75-11 2. p-ct rio, nd Report No. or Nap No.: 62.1700/10 . _ 3. ClassifIcation, control, and exampt category: STATINTL Secret/WNINTEL/NOFORNINOCON - TRACT/ORCON Exempt Cat. 2 &-3 _ - . - 4. Nare of f'iassifiar: November, 1975 lijatay 5. Fl.:1 tonai a for ria.ssificaticn and e;-4e:riotion: 2? disclosing intelligence sources and methods - 3... disclosing, specific forelign flatter SIWTINTL 6. sourcs us:.d in report, stlAy or map ;T,;lier, classif-ication an!1 E.;:empticn: decom artmentalized .-STATINTL. sensitive U.S. Dept. of State-documents- . Pr-3=Ic in tr ("t' copy. frir Erai-ch Projct Fil? and .tio ocplas Fron-;-,Offre. C.73NT-1 or CLASSUY, according to ccr.ter. Ffntris. , ? Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-kbP84-00825R000300400001-6 - ? . Approved For ROase 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-01,125R000300400001-6 Cf--.CGRAP'riY DiViSION R_?.cond 07 CLassification Decision Ti:712 CT study, cr m_ap: Golan Maps of Line M and. Option -Line ProictIc 3nd Report No.. or Nap 62,1700/8 -...3 Classifitation, cootrol, and exo-pt cacry: TATINTLE OcPet/UOFORN/WNINTEL/NOCONTRA(T/ORCON Exempt Category 2 4, oF eqessifier: t:If.Trial2 for classification and e;4e:ripT.-.53n: Disclosing intelligence sources and methods ? Disclosing specific foreign'relations matters Soircs usPfl in .r.00r7--, stIldv or iT20 classificatidn-zad *.xeotion: Decom artmenctalized ensitive U.S. Dept. f State documents coy Hfor Er7nOh Project and two copies 'for non CONTROL. dr CLASSIFY-3. according to - ? _- --co,nterlt Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 STATI NTL 4. Nem-e of clessifia Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 CZU;RAP:-iY OMSTON Racord o7 Cr:asificatIon Decision October 1975 : Vate).' 1. TitIz o;7 raport, study, cr Unclassified Page-size maps of Israeli settlements in each occupied territory 2. Project no.. nd Report 110..or :'iap No.: 62.1700/6 3. Classification, contra , and a.42-mpt. category: Unclassified 5. R7ticnal2 fr c1assificaticn and exa:Flotion: Used open Israeli Sources 0. Sourc25 usad in ?'..,eport, sttldy or mao 'Alen cn classif-icatian and a;:eption: Prre cooy- for Br2och Proi.r.t Fil .rind tio ccp;as for rrnnl- ONTROL or CLASSIFY, acccrding to ccr,tegt of ,?.n%-rias. ? .? . Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP.84-00825R000300400001-6 %re CZer;RAPHY -Rcord.- 0.7 Clzssifon..Dacition? STATINTL Tji: j r.zport, or Rao The Golan Heights Projet:t and Report No. oNap 62.277f Glassifican, cootrol, and eaTilpt ca.tegory: SECRET/NGFORN/WNINTEL Exempt Category L 2, & 3 . . 4. Nam elPssifiar: 5, STATI.NTIL STATI NTL urc2s us-ed .in ror, study cc ac) Alen hi abaai-jilg on classificatibn and flOi:Pr.-1,-ir in -;tripliclt2 for Pr--)j,.ct F112 atA cup is for nivtsl.on Front Off'ft,e. 'CONTROL cfr. CLNSSIFY, according to -cont-Dt oT * '4 4 Approved For Release 2000)0408 -: CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Nome Ti-1:172 of r2port, sty,cr Spanish Sahara Mainstays Are Phosphates, Fish 2. Patjo. .7.11d 7:,vcrt 62.2116/7 Classiflcatri, oorltr-D, STATINTLConfidential 4. Mam of classifizr: I ? , 4 December 1975 STATINTL - R,-tona12 for .r1as5ificatcc! ande:7, Some of the data however,-statements- used in the published article 0 not necessarily have the same-class-ification.- as the sources Ear .T.-2.2 cscticnF.nci 1. NIS 48, 50F&P, Section (C) ? ??? ? 2. Interagency Memo., Spanish Sahara: Pawn 'Of New Afr'ita 3. DIEM 4-75, Spanish Sahara:- In Search of a Solution {S)- .., Proj.ect - CLA-SsY, 2cco7;:i ? ? Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 . Approved ForRelease2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 *410 GO;- DJSC1 u= port, d ? Pra,vcse..c1 ar-7- /1/1 2. Prni'--ct :710, and Raport XaQ 147L2 f7qb/ci 3 Cla5sitication, conT,rot, dept. c2:c2,3ory:. S et/ Pca,Ni/ okcoi ' AIL) CcaTRAC__/ ki -TEL STATINTL 4, STATI NTL 4-(Ir cia?s31.*:aticc3 ? r-/ct:s ;lie, p'a-1 r olcc kori 1-e.riC( 3OurLe.s. Satirc2sud n tlassif-fcatianand. ,--22,:aon: Tek6?61 y% cle c.Thrrt rr+04 edn Pi if 7 61. '7e?1? tiata) a vi ci 6/1 1 17 ) Ex e,4 3 Kt---q ckselosificif /rib..?171:5eri C 47Ler 1-4 I 411.5e foSi`o , 51e /'c C EZrfJ Ofl' se nftV U 0F )Vre fcr rh Pr,..)j-act Fil arc fc,r 1_,',J;nn FrontCr CL=7Y, acccr:ri CG .n%r7T2s STATINTLS' Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Retopse 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00WR000300400001-6 ?.?cor-i oF Cs; ic:cn 30 October 1975 L. r ro-oort, study, cr mzo: Jordanian Boundary Complaint in the Arabah (Arava) Valley No. or Mao 62.1700/5 C-1233-clt-Inn, control, and Exa,ot Secret/Sensitive Not Releasable_to Foreign Nationals Exempt 2,3 n- STATINtIL 5 :71:1-3nala for c12_s3ification and exa.notan: 2. disclosing ... intelligence sources and methods 3. disclosing ... specific foreign relations matter.... 'Ln 1) Based on decompartmentalized 2) STATI NTL 10-17;.=7: tripl.c2ta c01 Pro-c Fl and o ccias r LonFron-c.Ci=fc. 0-n CL.71.SS::=7, acoorOing to A STATI NTL Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Wase 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-W25R000300400001-6 DIVISCJ R2ccrd o Cassificn 30 October 1975 1. Tit 12 study, cr T.ap: The Chile?Peru Border. Region e. Projcto. and P,..port No. or Ilao 66.2733 GOR,...RP 75,30 -?--3. Classifcation, control, and catz.s'cry: STATINTL .SCT NO07,N-0C0ITTRACT 7.3.0Pti exompt caegorr 1,2,3 , ?? 4, ae 1 5. RatiOnal2 fcr.c...las.311-1c2,..ion and , - TATI NTL 6. Sources t.ls.td in r,port, st,Idy cr F.-2J .t7:1 classific.ation and Interagency 1:emorendum Pru E-1.d 1.2,1-le: Reassessuert-of the Potent-Lal for Conflict -DTI/I0 2694-74, 16 Deembr 1974 Secret/iTo 7oreign Dissem/Cop.trolled Dissem . . -- DOD Intelligence Information Rep-art Secret/No Foreigl Dissem 23 Sep 7'4 _ Oter -::Thssificd DOD In':ormation Reports and IS sections Pra-r.-.- in triolJr,- ccoy far r3ranch Prcj2ct trio coo.ias for Divn Frop.t.C.ffic. . CONTROL or CLASS!..FY, .,,cccrr!inci to ccnt2r. of en%-rl?s.' ? Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 STATINTL Approved For RN&Ise 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-005R000300400001-6 22C0r...71 Dacon 17 October 1.975 1 ;--,2port, s'aJdy, or Monitoring of Non-Military Developments in the Israeli-Syrian DisengagementJ\rea Proj..ct. No. or Map 62.272.6/6 RP 75-29 3. Cla5..siflrati,on, control, SECRETNNINTEL/NOFORN NO CONTRACT/ORCON Ex. Cat, 28t3 STATINTIL t.or 4-12s:Jfiri2n and. ? 2. classified information or material ... disclosing intelligence sources or methods 3. classified ...-specific foreign relations matter ..st..cly or ..iT;ap 'Rai- a '0?..r1- on ? 2.x.fflDt-Inn: -1) Based on STATINTL 2) Based on sensitive Dept. of State documents ? Eri1,2 . . 0-r..CLASSFY, Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For %Vase 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-044125R000300400001-6 P.2COC OF c_26, (7-,c--L, P/775- 4,Uai:.) cr - T6 Ca- /2-t-le ?JL2 Proc. o,3,4f-td tjrt .o. or Nap K2, 70 0/7 Clas'sificaton, cf:lotrol, cc1 car7: STATINTL LEX CA-r: m 6r m el-AL:cis- - 3, I rf;Crilutfig.'" rrk.:--L-tertaL.( e r e 4 5- ;1/1-elf:(lence _55c CrceS - On Sourc2s r.L.).ort?, .Sty a Lict5eci de Canirdzyf a. 1 ; ? ? STATINTL e, ? ? c(15 ,+.-'e Jr: for fld 7, n;;7:5-74."Dil CC :1C or CLA-SS7.FY, acccrding t3 Of Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 mdtherl, STATINTL Approved For Relagse 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-0082000300400001-6 GEOGRAPHY DIVISION Record of Classification Decision 22 September 1975 (Date) 1. Title of report, study, or map: Access to Surveillance Sites J-1 and E-1 in Sinai Disengagoment Area Project No. and Report No. or Map No.: 62.2638/46 a. Classification, control, and exempt category: SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM - SENSITIVE - WARNING NOTICE - Exempt 2,3- STATINTL 4. Name ofclassifier: STATINTh. --ification and exemption: source - oreign relations matter 6 Sources used in report, study or map Aich have a bearing on STATINTL classificatibn Use of NOTE: Prepare in triplicate -- one copy. for Branch Project File and two copies for Division Front Office. CONTROL or CLASSIFY, according to content of entries. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDF'84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Reapse 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00U5R000300400001-6- GECGRAPHY DiVI5ION Record of u assificaicn Decision 24 September 1975 1. TitIe of r,-eport, study, or map: Petroleum Activities at Ras Sudar Project sio, and Report No. or Map 62.2638/48 3. Classification, control, and exaffipt cegory: ST/VI-NIL Secret/No Foreign Dissem WNINTEL exempt category 4, Name of classifier: VateY Potionale For classification and eAe:T?t:on: 2) classified material ... disclosing intelligence sources and methods 0. Sourcs us-ed in report, study or map k-:-"ri have a "Dearing classification znd exealption: 1. Based primarily on DIOLS print-out from DIA. 2. IAS reports based on readouts. 3. GD/M study PN 62,2735/2 dated 26 December 1974. STAT I NTL NOTE: Pronare in triplicate -- one copy. for Branch Project Fil'a and tvo copies for Divlsion Front. Office: CONTROL or CLASSIFY according to content of anries. on Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Rease 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-0a25R000300400001-6 GEGGRA?HY DiVISION .cord oT Clas.sifi,,tIon Decision 20 September 1975 tliate) 1. Title of report, study, or map: Revised Locations of US Monitoring Stations, Egyptian Monitoring Station, Israeli Monitoring Station, and US Operated Sensor Fields 2. Project io. and Report No. or Map No.: 62.2638/47 3. Classification, control, and eeffipc cacagary: Secret/Sensitive/No Foreign Dissem Exempt Category 2,3 STATINTL 4, lam,a 5. F=Otionala for classification and eAefription: 2) classified materials ... disclosing intelligence sources and methods 3) classified materials ... peAaining to specific foreign relations maters.... 6. Sourc2s used in report, st:Jdy or map 'Aich have A L.Pring on classificatibn and e;:eJRption: STATINTL 1. Based on sensitive Dest. of State papers. Pr?onare in triplic2te -- one copy for ErPnch Project File and to copies for Division Front. Office. C0NTP,O1 or CLASS?, according to content of entries. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Relpase 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-0425R000300400001-6 e-oar, stLcy, or 7,ap: The Golan Heights 1975. 2. o'ac o, and RP 75-32 PN 62.2777 . Classcation, and t2tory: STATIPiTL? Secret/WNINTEL/NO-CONTRACT/NOORN Ex Cat. 2843 -- R-2:7.ondqe for classiic4tion 2.. classified information or material or methods' 21 Jlay_epOen_1975 ... disclosing intellience soui-ces- 3. classified information or material . specific foreign.-relations matters cr hd1,1 a 1-);_ri 'Dr1 1. Based on 2. Based -on classified documents (Dept f State Airgrams) tr Hc.ota r -2: and ion ;:rcp.t. Off C' to Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Release 20/N04111.0,1 GEOGRAPHY DIVISION Record of Classification Decision . Title of report, study, or map: Food and Population Problems Threeaterilndonesia s Future , Project No. and Report No. or Map NO.; PN 61,2781 RP 75-33 ? Classification, control-, and exempt Category:: Confidential 2 &3 :Name of classifier: STATINTL 4. . Sources used in report, study or map which have a bearfng on -Classification and exemption: NOTE: Prepare in triplicate -- one copy for Branch Project File and tHo copies for Division Front Office. - CONTROL or CLASSIFY accordfng to content of entries. ? z Approved For Release 200(140,1118 RbF84.Ob825RO003O.O4OOOO1-6 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 GUGRAPNY DIVISION Rec,3rd (37 -iassifir.ation Caciaion 1. T11a of rport, study, or map: STATINTL 30 October 1975 Ifiat-a) Effectiveness of Mexican_ Erllcatjon Effort in Dbubt. Projct 13, end Raport No. or Map No.: PN 66.2601/4 - National Intelligence Doily 22 August 1975: National IntelligenceBulletin 21 August 1975 Classification, control, and e:-;empt catagory: - CONFIDENTIAL NO FOREIGN DISSEM. E 2 4. -Name of ssifiar: Ronala for classification and e;4e1r:ptIon: Classified. material disclosing intelligence sources and methods- coUrcas usad'in report, study or map Aic?" hi a a bearing Qn classifictiOn and- axe:lip:doh: Science and:Technology-Information Report STIR 75-0002 . STATINTL 1975 Northwtrn Myi on Prppy Eradication Campaign: 21 July 1975 - Advanced Technology Division, -Office of Science and.Technology-r'.-Drug Enforcement Administration SENSITIVE-IN-CONFIDENCE NUT: PrfaDar tripiirate---- one copy - for ar,,2-ricb Project File and tyo copies _ for Division_Front.Offic,a. CONTROL or- VASSIFY, according to content of entries. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Rs',erase /6.661 AY : , 4! 1,, 84-0Q325R000300400001-6 ...Cyr 4.0 GEOGRAPHY DIVISION Record of Classification Decision 1. Title of report, study, Peking and Environs 20 November 1975 (Date) or map: . 2. Project No. and Report No. or Map No.: GCR.GR 72-3 (Revised) PN 61.2775 STATI NTL 3. Classification, control, and exemet category: SIWINTL Confidential/NoForn- 4. Name of classifier: 5. Rationale for classification and exemption: Some maps and photographs were classified Confidential/No Forn. 6. Sources used in report, study or map which have a bearing on classification and exemption: The text is unclassified. STATI NTL STATINTL Map numbers 5, 18, 37, and 47 are classified Confidential No Forn All of these maps could be recompiled and downgraded to Unclassified. Figure numbers 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20; 29, 33, 36, and 40 are Confidential. Most of these are CIA negatives; some are from open sources and could be printed in an unclassified study. The rest of the photos are mainly from People's Republic of China magazines. Figure 6 was downgraded in 1971 from Secret No Forn by the DDI. NOTE: Prepare in triplicate -- one copy for Branch Project File and two copies for Division Front Office. CONTROL or CLASSIFY, according to . cbntent of entries. AVE Approved For Release 200901441A DREIT0825R000300400001-6 Era .? _ Approved For ReIgoe 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-0084,4R000300400001-6 (:LnRA?HY Puccrd oF 1ajr DE?csidil cr Petroleum Storage Facilities In Israel io. and Pcrt No. or Nap 62.2638/45 CIassifcation, atri ar,c za.c2gcry: Secret/No Foreign Dissem Exempt 2 STATINTL 22 September 1975 Ujai:1-) 4. Na7e, cY Rtionale for rlas5ific2tion .and epclon: 1). _isclossing intelligence sources or method8. ' Sa._;rcr2s us'ed in ne9or;-, csficzitibn and l) DIA DIOLS Print-out O( f-'::a? have a :tlearIng rT?C,W. fcr Er,7.7ch Pr,Dject F7ii:1 andtoc far Di7-;S-1fl. 0?1=ce CONTROL or CLA3S[FY, ccrent entri-as: aCCCrCifl ?-i13 . ? - ._ ? Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Rfaase 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-0025R000300400001-6 'oF - . 7 Cs?ass];1,..a,..;-n 17 September 1975 T-Th Cr ,ap: Sairce of Fresh Water for Abu Rudays . - 2. Pr0,-T--1ct and ort No or Xao No.: 62.2638/43 ClassifIcbton, Confidential-, Exempt 3 4, 5fiT2r: STATINTL 5, Tor clis3;f1020100 and 1)... Classified information ... .specific foreign relations matter 6. Z?-,Grc-:::'.5esd i roort,stily ;-)arin'j and ? classified documents in tri-o)ie. for Er,=.1i,c'n Fil2 and o cepis for ni7sHI-on Offlc,2, CONT?.CL o CLASSFY, 7.ccord1ng ccntot of ,:-ntr3:-:!s. Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 `?itee *ft?i, P.2'..:T;FJ 07 -17.i,7! of ;---.7.-2'oor'r., cr Proposed Unmanned Sensor Fields in Sihai 2. Poc 1o. nd R.^ort No. 62.2638/42 3. Clossiflcation, cootrol, Confidential,. Exempt 2, 3 .- 15 September 1975 1,u:a -_12) STATINTL R.:1Thnal,..? fQr ??.fid 1) classified information ... disclosing intelligence sources and methods ' 2) classified information . specific foreign relations rnatter ? ? 6. Sourciis1 Li rort, stJdy o; mz.7p h:ava classicatJdn andn: 1) decOmpartmentized -21 Confidential OMA topographic sheet 1:50,000 P677 - _ "In ? ' - flOT7: ? fcr er,7nich FflT and to for Divisn Front: Offic. CON-FRW CLA'SSFY-, acccrcling C(i.rit'2r Of Approved For Release 2000/04/18 CIA-RDP84-00825R000300400001-6 Approved For Reitipse 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-0O.85R000300400001-6 uoGR)py oF Lacision 18 September 1975 - .ropor.7., sdy, or Photo Locations of Proposed US Monitoring Stations in Sinai Proj-.F..ot u. nd 7,2crt No_ or X?g. 62.2638/41 _ . 3. Classification, cont-rol, ancl car:a-gory: . STATINTL Confidential-- Exempt 2,3 Name 1S3Tier: 5. 2.-21OnaIe for classification and _ 1)..Classified information .., disclosing .intelligence sources and methods. ? 2)...Classified information .--.--. Specific foreign relations matter_ - ;_'