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Document Release Date: 
January 3, 2003
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Publication Date: 
November 26, 1975
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EXTRACTS FRG1 C~~ E S4 ~ ~RENCE07wR~0esd_y___ b 75, 7 30 PM. 71- 1. Rp. QUESTION:,. Mr. President, I notice that you don't put any dollar'. figure' on the amount of the loans that you. would be offering.. I wonder if you could supply us with a figure and, also, why were loans necessary rather than loan guarantees?. THE PRESIDENT: The amount in the proposed. legis- lation, which is a maximum ceiling,., not necessarily would they have to go up to the ceiling, but the figure is $2 billion 300 million per. year, all of.it to be repaid at the end of each fiscal year. The reason we made it a loan rather than a loan guarantee is..very 1simple. It is-a much cleaner transaction between-the Federal Government and the State and/or the city. If you, have a loan guarantee, you involve- other parties, and. we think it is much better,. we have better control over it if we make it a direct loan from the... Federal Government. QUESTION: Mr. President, in view of.recent_, revelations, are you fully satisfied th everything that the CIA does since. you and do you accept full .responsibility?. THE,PRESIDENT: Miss.Thomas, I . certainly. hope that I am fully aware of everything the.CIA.is doing. I can assure you that if I am not fully informed, I will welcome ..any information that people may have that I don't know about, but I have specifically asked for all information that I think I.need concerning matters of the CIA. QUESTION:. Can you say what steps you are taking. to guarantee that the American people will_never,again learn that a Federal agency plotted on the life of a foreign leader or tried to defame a domestic leader like Martin Luther King? THE PRESIDENT: I have issued specific instructions to the U.S. intelligence agencies that under-no circumstances should any agency in this Government, while I am President, .participate in or plan for any. assassination of a foreign leader. Equally emphatic instructions have gone to any, domestic agency of''the Federal. Government and/or the CIA, or, intelligence .agencies, that they , should, no,t violate the.law involving the right of privacy of any.:' individual in the United States. Approved For Release .2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006700070007-7 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 CIA-RDP84-00780R006700070007-7 Page 15 QUESTION: Mr. President, is it still your intention a s .rr~, to veto any tax cut package that Congress might pass if iit..does not conform precisely with what you proposed a few weeks ago? THE PRESIDENT: I intend to veto any tax out measure that .does not couple .with it a comparable reduction in the growth of Federal spending. QUESTION: ,Well, sir, that implies on the precise numbers..,. is-that correct, so a balance? you might be flexible long as there is THE PRESIDENT: I, of course, proper ed a... $28 billion tax cut, coupled with a $28 billion reduction in Federal spending, I think that is the right level in both cases. The Congress, I hope, will accept it. QUESTION: A;follow-up question, if I co.uld9 Mr.. President, to the earlier_sta'ement on'the Central Intelligence Agency, As you know, there is a grey area in which.the.CIA might take an action which could ` eventually' lead to, danger or assassinat.i:on of a po.liti.cal leader. Now, in your.:first news conference you indicated that you supported such covert activities, particularly in the case of Chile. Do you still support those activities and, if..so, what kind of philosophy should the Constitutional Democracy of.America taken into the situation: THE. PRESIDENT: I repeat, under this Administration, no agency of the Federal Government will plan or participate in any assassination plot of a foreign leader. The United States, however, in many cases for its own protection, its own national security, must undertake foreign covert operations but I am not going to discuss the details of them. QUESTION: Will you allow the country to involve itself in situations which could potentially be dangerous to other leaders? THE PRESIDENT: The people in the intelligence agencies know what my instructions are. If they violate / them, proper action will be taken. . QUESTION: Mr. President, in Angola the Soviets are reported to be heavily involved. Do you find this to be consistent with your understanding of detente? . Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R006700070007-7 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006700070007-7 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006700070007-7