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Approved For Release 2006/05/15: CIA-RDP84-0078OR004600150012-5
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence
Deputy Director for Plans
Deputy Director for Science & Technology
Deputy Director for Support
General Counsel
Inspector General
SUBJECT : Agenda for the Deputies Meeting on 10 May 1972
At our meeting on Wednesday, 10 May, at 2:30 p.m., the fol-
lowing subjects will be discussed:
a. Compartmentation Systems. The Director of Security
will brief on this subject.
b. Archives, History, and Records. See my revised draft,
c. Classification and Declassification. Please refer to the
following memoranda:
OGC Memorandum of 21 April 1972, "CIA Implementa-
tion of New Executive Order Which Protects National
Security Information"
OGC Memorandum of 25 April 1972, "Draft NSC Direc-
tive Implementing E. O. 1165211
DD/S Memorandum of 5 May 1972, "Implementation of
Executive Order 11652"
d, DCI Annual Conference - General discussion
Executive Director-Comptroller
cc: Director of Security i
Approved For Release 2006/05/15: CIA-RDP84-00780R004600150012-5
9 May 1972
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence
Deputy Director for Plans
Deputy Director for Science & Technology
Deputy Director for Support
SUBJECT : Archives, History, and Records
1. Considerable study and discussion have taken place of the
Agency Historical Program and the Records Management and
Archives Programs. This memorandum will outline a basic approach
to the interrelationship of these three subjects in an effort to improve
the Agency's performance in all these fields.
2. In essence, the three subjects all record our experience to
make it available for future use as required. This use includes file
searches for current operational support, briefing and training new
personnel, answering press or Congressional questions as to the
Agency's role in earlier events, etc. The problem is to design a
system which will satisfactorily answer the needs of the future in
these fields with a minimum. expenditure of man hours and funds at
present. In these days of declining personnel ceilings,. we obviously
cannot dedicate large amounts of current manpower to making immedi-
ately available detailed answers to all contingent questions. On the
other hand, some records have direct value to future operations, and
certainly our need to handle press or Congressional questions warns us
of the need to devote an appropriate effort in this direction.
3. In our approach to this problem in this internally compart-
mented Agency, it is essential to decentralize much of the responsi-
bility and most of the actual effort. At the same time, this decentrali-
zation needs to be matched by a reporting system which will indicate
the degree to which minimum standards are met by all units, and a
mechanism by which units can profit by interchange of experience and
by sharing solutions.
4. In our analysis we must clearly recognize different kinds of
records material and the different purposes we expect them to serve.
Some of our records are important basic reference tools, e. g. , CI files.
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Some are analyst working files of moderate life requirements. Some
are formal publications of the Agency distributed elsewhere in the
Government with source sanitization. Some are operational records
and documents, and some of these are highly sensitive and must re-
main compartmented as well as classified. Some of our reviews of
oast events are essentially chronicles of these events, which have
value to new arrivals. Some should be analytical reviews drawing
lessons and conclusions. Our system should reflect these differences
if it is to do the job needed.
5. The following overall approach to this situation has been
developed for implementation through the mechanisms indicated:
a. Records Management
(1) Effective records management is the foundation stone
of any satisfactory action in these fields, as well as current
operations depending upon effective records. It must be the
subject of continuing and serious attention at all levels of the
Agency. The Executive Director will report on it periodically
to the Director and Deputy Director, and it will be reviewed
semiannually with the Deputies.
(2) The Records Management Board (with representation
from each Directorate at the senior officer level, and such
secretariat as may be required) will report its conclusions,
recommendations, etc. , (with any dissents) directly to the
Executive Director. The Deputy Director for Support will
provide general support for the Agency Records Management
Program, while each Directorate will remain responsible
for the Records Management Program within its.own Direc-
torate. The Chairman of the Records Management Board
will be the Agency Records Administration Officer and will
report directly to the Executive Director, together with his
secretariat. The Records Management Board will make
semiannual reports to the Executive Director, outlining the
status of the Agency's Records Management Program, any
problems it is experiencing, and its recommendations for
improvement of the Program (including reports on records
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management to be submitted by the Directorates). The
Executive Director will consult with the Deputy Directors
before implementing any such recommendations.
(3) The Agency Records Administration Officer will be
a nonvoting member of the Agency Information Processing
Board, with authority to submit agenda items and recommen-
dations to the Information Processing Board. He will par-
ticularly bring to the attention of the Information Processing
Board those aspects of the Agency's Records Management
Program which should be considered by the Information
Processing Board, with any recommendations for support of
the Agency Records Management Program requiring Informa-
tion Processing Board action. He will similarly make avail-
able to the Records Management Board all information coming
before the Information Processing Board which might be of
value or be appropriately considered by the Agency Records
Management Board and its members.
(4) The Records Management Board will develop recom-
mendations as to categories of Agency records (such as the
categories in paragraph 4 above, plus any others deemed
appropriate) and as to specific guidelines for the selection
and retention of records in these categories. These guide-
lines should also, where appropriate, include time periods
for retention by category and indicate disposition thereafter,
and include appropriate measures to comply with legal and
executive requirements for retention and declassification.
In particular, recommendations should be made as to the
identification of categories which might appropriately be
retired as classified Government documents under GSA
auspices or passed to the National Archives, rather than
held solely under CIA control to protect intelligence sources
and methods.
(5) The Records Manage'.-nent Board will serve as the
forum for recommendations for declassification, Agency
contributions to other Agency historical programs and other
interagency problems involving the Agency's records. In
Approved For Release 2006/05f15 :- CIA-RDP84-00780R004600150012-5
this process, coordination will be made as appropriate with
the General Counsel, the Director of Security, the Agency
Historian, the Agency Archivist, etc.
(1) Each unit submitting an annual report report (see
below) will identify its key documents and files for permanent
inclusion in Agency Archives. The Records Management
Board will develop the system. or systems by which such
documents will be identified on a systematic basis during the
year and indexed for later access, as an element of the
Records Management Program. Annually, each unit will
make an overall review to ensure that the documents marked
for archival retention are neither excessive in detail nor in-
complete through omissions. A certificate to this effect will
accompany the unit's Annual Report, and the Agency Archivist
will report any problems in this process to. the Executive
Director through the Records Management Board.
(2) An Agency Archivist will be appointed to supervise the
Agency's Archives Program and will report directly to the
Executive Director. He will be a member of the Agency
Records Management Board and will coordinate the execution
of the Archives Program through this Board. He will also
work in close coordination with the Agency Records Manage-
ment Officer and the Agency Historian. Archivists will be
appointed by the Deputy Directors in their Directorates to
supervise this program in the Directorate. These officers
will be of senior grade, although they may be appointed as
Directorate Archivist as a part-time duty in addition to other
duties. They will be assisted by the Directorate Records
Management Officers. The Agency and Directorate Archivists
will supervise compliance with overall Agency Archives regu-
lations to be drawn up and issued after consultation with the
Deputy Directors. .A semiannual report to the Executive
Director on the Archives Program_ will be prepared and co-
ordinated with the Records Management Board.
(3) Arrangements will be made for the segregation of
archival documents from those held for records purposes,
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in order to permit the automatic retirement and disposition
of records without loss of key archival documents. Archives
will be physically held by the Records Management Officer
in the Records Center, under guidelines established by the
Agency Archivist.
c. History
The major thrust of the Agency Historical Program will
be placed on the development of analytical histories of im-
portant Agency activities and operations. The "Office History"
approach to date, which has been largely successful in bring-
ing our history up to 1965, will no longer be the major focus
of the Program, as the chronicling of future Agency activity
will take place under the Annual Report system outlined below.
Thus, future Agency Histories will take major subjects of
Agency activity and analyze the ways in which the various ele-
ments of the Agency worked together to produce the overall
Agency contribution to the operation in question. There will
be some situations in which a single element of the Agency
provided all or most of the Agency participation in any one
activity. There will be occasions also when sensitivity will
require that any analytical review of an operation be con-
ducted in a most restricted fashion. This will apply to many
Clandestine Service Histories. Priority will be given to
establishing the basic Agency History of the more prominent
operations and activities in which the Agency has been engaged,
e. g., Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs, War in Vietnam,
War in Laos, Congo Operations, U-2 Operations, etc., with
particular attention to lessons derived from these experiences.
These histories should also be indexed in a fashion to permit
their use to provide immediate response to public or con-
gressional inquiries on these prominent events to the extent
feasible. Histories will in the future depend upon Annual
Reports for general chronicle and upon the Archives Program
for identification of key documents. The Agency Historian
will be an ex officio member of the Records Management
Board, will report directly to the Executive Director, and will
work in close coordination with the Agency Archivist and the
Agency Records Management Officer.
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d. Annual Reports
(1) To provide the necessary chronicle of the Agency's
activities at minimum expenditure of effort,. a system of
annual reports of the units and offices of the Agency will be
developed. These will be submitted to the next senior com-
mand level for review and then held by the originating unit,
with a copy incorporated in the Agency's Archives. The
annual report will be compiled during January, covering the
previous calendar year. The identification of the elements
to submit these annual reports and an outline of their format
will be developed by the Agency Historian for the Executive
Director, in coordination with the Deputy Directors. These
may include significant contractor units, when these played
a significant role in Agency programs or operations. These
annual reports should highlight major accomplishments,
major problems and overall conclusions and recommendations
for future action in the unit itself or by elements supporting
or associated with it. As required, compartmented annexes
can be compiled and held separately covering particularly
sensitive events.
(2) In many areas it will be essential to produce one-time
reports to cover the years from 1965 (or the most recent
History) to the current Annual Report. This will be under-
taken by units identified to submit future Annual Reports. In
those situations in which an overall Agency History to be pro-
duced will cover the period in question, a separate Annual
Report need not be developed (e. g. , the War in Laos, the
War in Vietnam), as the necessary chronicle and Archives
can be developed at the same time as the analytical history.
In other cases, however, a one-time effort to catch up to the
current annual report system will be necessary, and this will
be undertaken by the unit in question. Staff supervision of
this activity will be provided by the Agency Historian and
e. Classification and Declassification
The Records Management Board will be the focal point for
the Agency's implementation of the classification and
Approved For Release 2006/05/15: CIA-RDP84-00780R004600150012-5
declassification procedures required by Executive Order
11652. The Board will coordinate as required with the
General Counsel, the Director of Security, the Agency
Archivist, the Agency Historian and others in carrying out
this responsibility. The Agency Records Management
Officer will be designated under Section 7 of this Order as
the Agency representative to the Interagency Classification
Review Committee, acting under the supervision of the
Executive Director.
W. E. Colby -
Executive Director-Comptroller
cc: Inspector General
General Counsel
Director of Security