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CIA-RDP84-00780R0~2g0 1 0 - Y Approved For Release 2Q\06109125.. FILE DD/S 69-2372 2 2 MAY 1969 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Pkreonnel SUBJECT : Proposed- Delegation to Grant Monetary Awards for Accepted S tstions and Inventions Please am Colonel White's now attached. I can thi* of no reason other than that given in your memorandum to Justify the deleption; therefore, we should consider this matter closed. /s/RZr R. L. Banger m Deputy Director for Support Attachment Distribution: O & 1 - Adse w/Orig of att plus Orig & 4 cc's of DD/S 69-2126 X- DD/S Subj w/cy of att plus cy of DD/S 69-2126 1 - DD/S Chrono DD/S 69-2126 --Memo for DCI dtd 6 May 69 frm C/Suggestion Awards Committee same subj EO/DDS:VRT:Ism(21 May 69 OPI! : 'F Pages 25 C A-RDP8410780R002900120002-8 Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 pproved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR0029001&0gQ2 /2k Miy1 M.1 LORA UM 3rd Dirsetow of caut,ral s y Dtrettctor for (b) APPW I Awards far *c, ~TAb A) nee*tira A Act (TAX S) c+ .os tle w is c+l tsfn.d 'sg rap TOUGH . This t s or > submi s a racoi 'Pt" your ap-prWrall 2. A.(? roxcs (a) *attbborlsss moo t"y swarda for accopte$ s1M2g+1a1 aas aaei inveenttious by tho fOUa aga Mi>e-:, $eruettes Awards tt*l. through $541 $UU.stt..a Awe*" Committ**, tb rsut h $300; t: it-mcwr for Ste, tbrroash $1*t sad at"etor of C;.atral teeth g*ncs, :hiraa b #fb, G. 3. Unto the sassabaae of * Co mtttera see aatb.?erit+r of the Dtrectot t aaM.resxs ea t an as 4*d tha pec panels or mebamical r. ssnta aas* records bays b*ft ssressf y 4. As fog bow, tk. $a t ar +tsac? 11eee plfssbiRpisiga, ), the Agsacy 5a s~ Aw*rds each appoi atesd by f ..scat Year 1449 ss s is $?s* tA7 d upon 24, 3 9 0 fz*m Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 nrx ibigh t g bis halt ^u-tt ? 46"s170" roe si .t .* ,fit 00"ioo, an incx *U tbo i:tratojr as d epay D roctor for 6 A UU"in (It tbno prv s.d O "Is to 1o y . $di# woE sppreva. ) Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-00780R0029001200 and Inventions SUBJECT : kuthorky to Grant Monetary Awards for Accepted Suggestions S46Ng R. t snow R. L. Bannerman Deputy Director for Support The r.commendation contained in paragraph 5 is approved. Richard Helms Director of Central Intelligence Distribution: 0 - Return to D/mars I. -DDCI 1 I - SAC (w/held) I - BSI I - DD/Pers/S? I - D1?ers Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 Approved For. Release 2006109125: CIA-RDP84-007808002900120002-8 D 38. SUGGESTION AND INVENTION AWARDS a. POLICY. The Central Intelligence Agency encourages employee participation in the Improvement of all phases of Agency operations and grants awards In accordance with this paragraph in recognition of improvements in effi- ciency, security, work conditions, safety, morale, and procedures resulting from employee suggestions or inventions. The awards shall be granted in a manner consistent with Agency security practices and cover considerations. b. AWARDS (1) . By law, monetary awards may not exceed $5,000 except when authorized under subparagraph c (2) (c) (5) below for a highly exceptional contribution. (2) The Agency may grant monetary awards for suggestions and inventions as follows: (a) For Tangible Savings to the Agency. When an improvement results In a monetary saving in Agency operations, the amount of the award shall normally be based on the estimated net monetary saving for the first full year of operation following adoption of the improvement. (b) For. Intangible Benefits to the Agency. When an improvement does not lend itself to appraisal on the basis of monetary savings, the scope of its application shall be fully considered and the amount of the award shall be based on the benefits to Agency operations. (c) For Inventions of Value to the Agency or Government. When an In- vention, made within or outside the inventor's job responsibilities, re- sults'in the execution of a patent application with a license to the Government or has been used in the public interest, an invention award of $50 for disclosure will be paid the inventor. Finally upon Issuance of a patent, or Notice of Allowability by the U.S. Patent Office ' if the application is placed under secrecy, an additional inven- tion award of $75 will be paid the Inventor. The employee will con- tinue to be eligible for awards for the invention according to the pro- visions of subparagraphs (a) and (b) above. (3) A certificate signed by the Chairman, Suggestion Awards Committee is granted with all awards. A copy of this certificate is placed in the sug- gester's Official Personnel Folder. (4) A Certificate of Appreciation signed by the Director of Central Intelligence Is granted with awards of $300 or more. .(5) The Suggestion Awards Committee may grant a Letter of Appreciation when it considers this more appropriate than a monetary award. e. ADMINISTRATION (1) The Suggestion Awards Committee administers the Suggestion and Inven- tion Awards Program. The committee consists of six voting members or their alternates including the Director of Personnel, who acts as perma- nent chairman. The Executive Director-Comptroller and the four Deputy Directors each appoint one member and one alternate to serve on the com- mittee. Appointments are made for one fiscal year and individuals may be reappointed. The Office of Personnel provides the committee with an executive secretary and necessary administrative support. The Office of Se- curity furnishes a nonvoting adviser to the committee on a continuing basis and the Office of Communications and the Office of Finance each furnish a nonvoting adviser to the committee when the agenda indicates a need therefor. A quorum of the committee shall consist of four voting members or their alternates. Revised: 15 August 1966 (304) CONFIDENTIAL GROUP 1 hcbd.d from auromo,lc dornprodinp and deckuificeiion CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release .2006/09f25 : ,-R-DP84-0078DRU02 '1 0002= ` CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 (2) The committee is responsible for: _ (a) Developing standards for suggestion and invention awards and for procedures relating to these awards. (b) Reviewing suggestions and granting or recommending suggestion or Invention awards. A committee determination or recommendation to grant an award must be unanimous. If an objection is recorded, the committee will refer the issue to the Deputy Director for Support for determination. (c) Granting or recommending, in accordance with subparagraph b above, monetary awards for accepted suggestions or inventions. M. The Chairman, Suggestion Awards Committee may. authorize awards up to and including $50. (2) The Suggestion Awards Committee may authorize awards in ex- cess of $50 up to and including $300. - (3) The Deputy Director for Support may authorize awards in excess of $300 up to and including $1,000. (4) The Director of Central Intelligence may authorize awards in ex- cess of $1,000 up to and including $5,000. (5) The Civil Service Commission may authorize awards in excess of $5,000. (3) A special panel of three rotating members is appointed by the Director of Central Intelligence upon the joint recommendation of the Deputy Director for Plans and the Director of Personnel. The chairman of this panel is designated by the chairman, Suggestion Awards Committee. This panel considers suggestions and inventions involving operational activities of the 'Clandestine Services and makes recommendations to the chairman, Sug- . gestion Awards Committee regarding awards for such suggestions and In- ventions. The chairman then takes action without reference to the Sug- gestion Awards Committee. All restrictions imposed in subparagraphs (b) and (c) above on committee actions also apply to panel recommendations. (4) The Director of Personnel, or his designee, shall budget for and authorize payments by the Director of Finance for expenses of suggestion and In- vention awards. (5) Employees shall submit improvement suggestions on Form 244, Employee Suggestion (available from the executive secretary, Suggestion Awards Committee), through their supervisors or directly to the executive secre- tary, Suggestion Awards Committee. When an invention is involved, the employee shall also submit Form 915, -Record of Invention (available from the chairman, CIA Patents Board), to the executive secretary, Suggestion Awards Committee for processing and award consideration. (Clandestine Services personnel shall submit Form 915 and any other pertinent informa- tion relating to the invention through the Chief, CI Staff.) Form 915 will then be referred to the CIA Patents Board for concurrent determina- tion of the inventor's rights and Invention Award recommendations. (6) Adopted suggestions must be submitted in writing within two years after adoption to be considered for an award. Exceptions to this time limit require prior approval of the chairman, Suggestion Awards Committee. (7) Suggesters will be notified of the action taken by the committee. When an award has been granted, the committee will inform the Operating Offi- cial concerned. When a suggestion has been rejected, the committee will notify the suggester of the reason. _ Approved For ReleasB_2006/09125,: CIA-RDP84-00780R002900120002-8? -25x1 CONFIDENTIAL .PERSONNEL d.' SPECIAL PROVISIONS (1) A monetary award is considered additional compensation, but is not part of an employee's basic pay. It is subject to withholding tax but not to .'.retirement deductions. (2)' Acceptance of a monetary award under the Suggestion Awards Program constitutes an agreem t th en at the use by the Government of any idea, method, or device for which the monetary award is made shall not form the basis of a further claim of any nature upon the Government by the recipient, his heirs, or assigns. (3) An award may be made notwithstanding the death pr separation from the Agency of the suggester or inventor, provided that the improvement for which the award is granted was made while the person was employed by the Agency. (4) No member of the Suggestion Awards Committee or its administrative staff shall be eligible for a monetary suggestion or invention award. (5) Should a CIA employee learn that he has been or may be recommended for a suggestion or invention award given by an official cover facility, he shall promptly notify the Suggestion Awards Committee by a memorandum explaining the circumstances of the proposed award. Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 Rub. Law 763 - All 68 Stat. 1113 Sec. 301. This title may be cited as the "Government Employees' Incentive Awards Act." Sec. 302. The departmental awards program set forth in this title shall be carried out under such regulations and instructions as may be issued by the United States Civil Service Commission which shall annually report the results of the program, with related recommenda- tions, to the President, for transmittal to the Congress. Sec. 303. As used in this title, the term "department" means an executive department or independent agency in the executive branch of the Government, including a Government-owned or controlled cor- poration (but not including the Tennessee Valley Authority), and also includes (a) The Administrative Office of the United States Courts, (b) the Library of Congress, (c) the Botanic Garden, (d) the Govern- ment Printing Office, (e) the Office of the Architect of the Capital, and (f) the municipal government of the District of Columbia. Sec. 304+. (a) The head of each department is authorized to pay cash awards to, and to incur necessary expenses for the honorary recognition of, civilian officers and employees of the Government stions,inventions, superior accomplishments, or who_by their su gg~ other personal efforts contribute to the efficiency, economy, or other improvement of Government operations or who perform special i_ _ac s__QY__services in the public interest in connection with or re- lated to their official employment. (b) In instances determined by the President to warrant such ac- tion, he is authorized to pay cash awards to, and to incur necessary expenses for the honorary recognition of, civilian officers and em- ployees of the Government who by their suggestions, inventions, supe- rior accomplishments, or other personal efforts contribute to the efficiency, economy, or other improvementof Government operations, or who perform exceptionally meritorious special acts or services in the public interest in connection with or related to their official employment, and any such Presidential awards may be in addition to the departmental awards authorized in subsection (a) of this section. (c) Awards under this section may be paid notwithstanding the death or separation from the service of the officer or employee con- cerned: Provided, That the suggestions, inventions, superior accom- plishments, other personal efforts, or special acts or services in the Public Interest forming the basis for the awards are made or ren- dered while the officer or employee is in the employ of the Government. (d) A cash award under this section shall be in addition to the regular compensation of the recipient and the acceptance of such cash award shall constitute an agreement that the use by the Government of the United States or the municipal government of the District of Columbia of any idea, method or device for which the award is made shall not form the basis of a further claim of any nature upon the Government of the United States or the municipal government of the District of Columbia by the employee,-his heirs, or assigns. Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 Pub. Law 763 - All 68 Stat. 1113 (e) Awards to employees and expenses for the honorary recognition of employees may be paid from the funds or appropriations available to the activity primarily benefiting or may be paid from the several funds or appropriations of the various activities benefiting as may be determined by the President for awards under subsection (b) of this section, and by the head of the department concerned for award under subsection (a) of this section. (f) An award under this title shall be given due weight in qualify- ing and selecting employees for promotion. (g) A monetary award granted under this title shall not exceed $5,000 except that an award in excess of such amount but not in excess of $25,000 may be granted, with the approval of the Commission, in special cases in which the head of a department certifies tothe Commission that the suggestion, invention, superior accomplishment, or other meritorious effort for which such award is proposed to be made is highly exceptional and unusually outstanding. Sec. 305. The following laws and parts of laws are hereby repealed: (a) Section 702, 1002, and 1003 of the Classification Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 954; 5 U.S.C. 1122, 1152, 1153.) (b) Section 14 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize certain administrative expenses in the Government service, and for other pur- poses," approved August 2, 1946 (60 Stat. 809; 5 U.S.C. 116a.) (c) The Act entitled "An Act authorizing payments of rewards to postal employees for inventions," approved December 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 591; 39 U.S.C. 813). (d) The Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of War to pay a cash award for suggestions submitted by employees of certain establishments of the Ordnance Department for improvements or economy in manufacturing process or ple? - " nproved July 17, 1912 (37 Stat. 193; 50 U.S.C. 58). (e) The Act entitled "An Act to provide equitable compensation for useful suggestions for '.r ?zitions by personnel of the Department of the Interior," approved 1944 (58 Stat. 360; 5 U.S.C. 500). (f) Subsections (a) and (b) of section 35 of the Act entitled "An Act to enact certain provisions now included in the Naval appropriation Act, 1946, and for other purposes," approved August 2, 1946 (60 Stat. 857; 5 U.S.C. 416). (g) The Joint resolution entitled "Joint Resolution to provide cash awards to personnel of the Maritime Commission and the War Shipping .Administration for useful suggestion to improve administration of their activities," approved March 13, 1944 (58 Stat. 115; 46 USC illib). (h) All other laws or parts of laws inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. Sec. 306. The enactment of this title shall not affect the right of any employee to an award granted him under any provisions of law repealed by this title. Sec. 307. This title shall take effect on the ninetieth day after the date of its enactment. Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8 Approved For Release 2006/09/25: CIA-RDP84-0078OR002900120002-8