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pproved'For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP84-00709ROO0400080082-1 To prayib a pfOta-am eie CCU CIA photo4nterprot" tion and ma nis requirements end to dsvelop irgrotred techniques and keys for this effort. kM +v WithinCIA t fulfill Approved For Release. 2001/08/21, : CIA-RDP84-00709RO Gurrent. fqwg Cu req , bW fwasd out to the,Photo-IntalligInae 9*ction Pis)) Aecannaid'ua#-oeBrsnohj AFOIN. operational :priorit ss?xiUdin P limit this ad boo cooperation and its staff is~not trv ned to fulfill aped l aspects of CIA req iiivments. The other large photo-interpretation facility, Navy'sPIG, also is q'h psoonndesance e i.. montiY for nho -anaTyais have Il. Faate Bea>ri:> the Problem burdened 'with operational. prioritise. Branch, AFOINintends to let a contract, totaling; 0000)0 per annum,, for research an region .l and subject p to-interpretation ire for the M SR a its peripheralareas: (see T A for de- the aontxact).jerggesteds d i d u o scription of projoote itwlu 'would be a most suitable contractoe beca a thc,A,euoy th&t CIA a who ire inf, a~asd r e in staffed with man speo:'ialists on the a con currw-t conditions (see Tab Paragraph 5). exert photo`iaterpreters and sunstantiTe,analys to AA/I ft o AD/Ra, dated 1b Agpri1 1952, S'uW cti t Report bn the p.-Au-ore IA i-egnirements for both:aper8 of this SeUrse requires very close working relations v%bM, n (TS raemoranthna te doze ao .. 4AMbI , reeearah needn. Proper a't~ion -? _ ~.'_ ..__~.41vr ~.vw h,t nw couniasdlnt of Diecuosion Status; cf Photo-lntehigaae)t; A uite difterdnt fm routine a d q frequently are high]y sensitive nilit 17 *to interpretation objectives.. Acoept noa of the mould permit Air Force contract if offered, rap 4 recruitment r pproved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-IDP84-00709R000400080082-1 and specialised training of a Qompetent staff s and deveiopazent of iz,proved treys for current and i' ~`tawould all(,, an,~rsip for frttolligenct~ re p~oto_ e~ To undert ~ k~I VIA$ contract It is 4atin~ated ~ St staff 0e sti of 2 a 5 to 30 rsois would be f F`ros~. thObep mrequired. m,:; select staff of 6 to re a could be developed to fors the permanent 2/ ~ 0 for a CIA fu jllity xithin:,the orliaatio D1't nul structure o the Geographic s ieion i paraga,a graphio 9;00 nsul~ 'DML ~@ Tab B phs 3 and 4). Colonel Fred Brmm tent to ORein l g ca led ink td , o exane an expert in this field Rill. report for du this09 future, I ie belied -that C-A ha l i o u d negotitt f a?or ob Ai 'Forme aontt+aot and initi*te Wyling the reoruitnmtn o for' aattpetent, persmmel t Priority basis oa n ad ertak tht towrrd eatabliabrat of ae t ir- wok a vier a~Po at vithb the Oe i percrment phot, e hi o Diviaiod.of ORR..: apeaialised The ia onnel on this staff ~robld` rc ole oo aut:the with ate M _ ~geI in this w.iA , ` ol'der. to fu fi-u effectively 1 r rk - ...,.... To au hoidle the 1n/fR 4 n ?w1.. ' l ti aeis . pointing tmarard the osteblielu~ent mntm at photo?nnu> ,eie facility'ritain hi' office. negotiate for the 'r Foro? oc ntra t and to r r op nVOOS'IM7 pereonttt~l on a priorvib, b 23X1A