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Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400080003-8 I+?ui:Ulji .uD lt,. FO, i1i SUBE:3T: illter-'dopartGiellta7. Coord:llaticn for Lu ~'!(!+"'h~? J. t.. ates luh3 Situation 'IuporLa. 1. The basic material for the Situation Reports 13 the intolligenco inforslltion reCeivod from Departments of State, 7lar, and Navy, certain finished departmental estimates on occasion and reports from the GIG Office of Srecial. Operations and Office of Operations. WO and W reports a:^e made equally available to State, liar, 'a y and other authorized reel,:ients immediately upon preparation. 2. The regular procudul'e followed by GIG for ntcr- agency coordination of its Special ;stiinutes and _ tihation lie, ort between GIG and the . rate, 'ar all.i providos for frequent contaci, Departments through the preparation of these reports. (Other ^rcies are consulted, as appropriate, depending; on the sh':bjoct ,ratter of the reports.) a. Initial contact is made c;ben the GIG officer assigned to prepare a draft report calls on his opposite nu;lber In State (cognizant desk), liar (G-2 and h-2) and :~avr' (tJ.,i~ , ;, to e meetir:gs, the interested departmental representatives ai'r': :,JifGI r ed the C1G project and are consulted regarding its scope and b, During the preparation of the dr::::t report, day to day contact is maintained to the extent necessary to ascertain depart rental views on controversial issues. c. Upon completion of a prel.imdnary draft resort, it is informally referred to the cognizant dopartrenta repro_entativc for comment, note of which is taken i.n oreparir. jj, a revised draft-, d. The draft report is then submitted to 0-tote, ,G 11-2, and ONI, for formal concurrence or dissent, through the tives designated by the !lenbers of the LtD pursuant to CI; nistra- tive Order No. 32. o. Departments,! concepts are reviewed and those con- cured in by GIG are made the basis for rev sin;,, the .draft htc'h Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400080003-8 Approved For Release 2001/W/21 : CIA-RbP84-00709RO0040180003-8 and every dis sent is discussed at c:-ioetiri between r.-pre.- of of the;bpnrtmont t.nd CIG. If th, e ra;lr senta,ivo are um blo to resolve the differences; th:o statc; ont of the di. sertin d',partmsnt is, published as part of the final report. 3. In the process of coordination, GIG ipocial mates and Situation Reports iuia,e at times been ^ude available to policy formulating departsiontal officers prior to publication and distribution. The Greek .ituation" and the "heview of the Joviet, British and French rrograLls rith Respect 'o Germany" are oxt.n llos of Special. Estimates, and "Turkey" a oi.tuatic;n f.e,-ort so riado : vaila lip. In every such case the report has been .:ado available at the 3'ecIfIc request of State, iar or wavy De :art?ment representatives. L_cpui.y jis:.atunt %ixe,. cr yy (ill ice of nci-k)rt:: and