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;71VMPAO ,'F.O.:10;11311.1;nil,? 25X1A 25X1A ? 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070256-9 Finance Divialon Legra. ::taff. Tr,zuvort.:Ltionef1.nependente. Ref.c.rence is made to to i-;,hich ettaohnd vouchCOV er Vie 8 41 -a113o attaclifd ';.`ravol. 'Mar !.;(::ctf. Tritrispar neat i7r. '4'471 t.12 thc tr4-.4vca. of factr of,r r t r SECRET OGC Has Reviewed c-,,pctt travel n..ztho ' C s-'73 12 December 1949 ycur memorancluit of 17 rt,Tiff.41bP for per dim submitted by l? 4- 2 Auauat 15119. re le rad memenulthirt from the to ;rc!Ir division con- e no follOns the . .s d epe.ndertts. .,? The 23111.1011111 tz, :. ..-:.:4 . lecos 7,70.1.2orraz for h07.10 pia the c ,. eti :,/, procooded from under of 11-olo I.e'7VC 3!c then ;i.rtz , c!riod to ;:achincton, PC.for t f.nporary duty r,--:. 4,..c ,.,xocc, ....,, .. On of 'tegpornry duty he kr,c. , 1.o .111, lam= Via New111r1: on a ohszies, of rt..!tici.n. r,-/t.11:-rizt?T! !..zn.'? r tile ,-.07oresaid orders.' The dopendents, in thc mc's-z?-it.iraci, had remained ir. San Diego* the place of realciences and ', ? ec,nrcle ti en c-.:,':' the ir;ployee ?:".; - Nat leattit and terverary dut y employee/8 do,p4ilents were autbori 1 transportation at t'..lovcrrrknt. cxi.,onse from Stan Diego to 25X1A 25X1A, 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1 ..... of trraral. trerc authorized zzecr thf...... oresaid tl'avel order, namely, ra tlre-1 by. aiz- or vessel. ffortr., ,-orc made to obtain first claSS 4 Alba/mate Alocies ? atoeorzo,-x-s!ationt by ray of It:cm Orlrxr1s, there bet n? . ..:.....,-. _ . ... ocrdln:- t7, rle C o ins.nenzor .rs..--, riei; hief f thr o?, Californil. an . Ac- . .. 4..... I .. . . 1. eenE,,,er mee.r1714-..:. -.Mt were retT2estQd on the Dc..1.t4t Liiie eaatng from flew Orleans 25X1A ell r '''.-;.2.1:).-1 15'49, r...nd on 12 April 190 the Delta bine advitTed that the on Branch, bookirk-s -,. err* complete r./..1,! nt) rrservatic.os would bo poasible until after :...e;:ti?-. -a" w.r. The chic flo kasaencer Sections atated that air reser- va.tions .:r -.I Zan rIcTo to lioLt night have boon i:rootired for the , G,41-tioy-ect- -.rife reli siall ...on out, as a rearult of a reqz?est fro:4.111e ''r; c: ' r.- caa trIvc. , no at.immpt etas made by the T.ranapt- tatiou Branch 25X1A to ,i.irc)c..! r( cervzztions via air. 0,12 the batde of the fcregoine yilLi have .111i:dried tiilit.1:,:r coyee and his depentionts should be held ._..-. . ....--.., 1.0 the st?471; tx travel by airplane, :IT it is lacer tC the Goverment .. __ _. -,,,,---1- than th., cc.: t Of traVia. by vessels cr ml,y the employee be retakurc_e4 :- ..?. .--,-'''-'- ..-.. ? , .,,........, - at the tim,....... Ica. tht, o:r-t ':',.,- travel by vessel ?vox- the :140,4412...--A-.10,014.2.012%*-7,10vaigae , .:. ' . - ..., ? ,..: . 3. rho Etandardizcd Goverment Travel Ifiligulattima regarding rout-- - ? a .. et . . ? ? - ing dr trava a .d trtyva by ilictlrecto-ronte provide ail followej "SZ. Routing and travel. - All travel marl be by the moat Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070256-9 itHE1 ? " Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : Cl 9R000400070256-9 oecnomical ucually traveled routs. Travel tl' )ther routes iscr be allowed when the official necessity therefor is eatisfactorily established. "10. Indirect-route travel. - In case a person travels by an indfl.rect-route for hie own pervonal convenieece, the extra exrenee rill be borne by himself and reimbureereent for expenees will be bored only on such charges as uere actually tncurred, not to ox- cid 411at wcuId have been incurred by the moist economieal urually troveied route." h. Travel unewr the above paraeraphs ie reqUired to be by the morl, ceonom.leal usually traveled euthcrized ticketed route or one eival- e..i'e the cart thereof. It is etparen that any eaceptione must be jUstte ?Jed on the basis e official necessity, or the cost is attributable to the em.0.07et. Ther.forP0 if on enployee or his dependents travel by an inc4imot-routo for their convenience, the employee will be reimbursed only to the extent of the charccs that would have 'pern incurred by the mort ,,cononical usrPlly tiaveled route. Employees and their dependents are aethfriecd to travel by either air or vessel, and in the event travel by air in la eeccer of travel by vescel the excess is allowable eithout rerand to the colq.arative cotta of traesportation by aircraft with other moes of tranrportation. (Act of June 230 1938, 52 Stat. 983) 5. Illustrative of the atom principle is 18 Comp. Oen. 971, wherein it has held that upin a change of ttation the employees deeendents may procadei accompany, or follow him to hie new post,' and reiebursoment oi 25X1A the eee,onee rf the travel is limit. :d to the cost of travel over the direot In that case the family accamianied the euployre from upon change of etation with orders to pretioed vie Wathint ofl V., or iva purpoSe of contultation in the Department ? State. It appeared that the dependents could havm traveled from the Old to the ne* poet via New Orleans at a lesser cost to the Government. It was, thercLorel held t.eut travel by the vessels of the Delta Lime was more direct and economical than that via any other available rotte and, therefore, the travel throl!,ii that line was cceePered as establishing the ehorteet newel- c vessels 11 ly treveled route between the points involved. C. The Conptroller has also had occasion to co-ament on the employeets right to nake alteenate arrengements where travel is not reasonably atilt vs the -lert economical usually traveled rotto. In 18 Comp. Gen. 973, quetinf: from the syllabus, it was helds 25X1A "Where the rervices of a Foreign Service clerk aro urgently needed at hit new port o duty in and of the Delta Line via New c,r1cnns - the -lost economical usually traveled route between the points involved - are not available for firet-clase minimum accomm4 - antions exec:It at a time which would delay arrival for zeveral da71D over that of travel via the port or New Yerk? travel via the latter port is authorized notwithstanding the additional eniense involved, but -ere earlier arrival vtluI3 not of /teal' excuse a failure to malt first-class minimum accommodations via Kew Orleans. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA,./4984-00 0256-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R0 70256-9 ilthether the route via the port of Wew Orleans' cr the route via /461 lark, v uld be ured in connection, with afioial travel of 25X1A rorci7n tcrviee 1,ersonnel betiletal southern points in Lha United Etnev, 1,ects in countries to povts on tho cart coart of or vice versa, may not be doeided 7c/rie,raly, thci ro;to t.o he Jeo be for determination from the creuTtanece and (17,-,Iparati70 cczts of each Individual caetli," 25X1A 7. It ir 1,o bc notcd that The at,.ove decision was roetrleted to a ecnzith,mticn Df the olLticial fnetory which would verve to jurF-tify the qlmployt!e selt!ctinc a re; rd." trvel other than the ,:ne initially indicated. it it eaffloLlt to ;:c:--cciv-o Ln mariner an tti:ficinljuxitification can AnTed to ;:r-1::_e an alternate noae of travel for the benefit or an pini_lc7c,c t!cpcncatc. It cannot be urged that Choir prorenco at tho urential cr ne,ccr,s4lr7 jn the intorst of the Governnvnte ir dcrirablo thzt an cmFloyee and his depend!=t5 travel to- thct r.rdt.r to achieve this: rf,eult that the 41Xect7 eclits bc tcrne by the Government. 3. It ir co: tha ?Moe, therefore, that the employee and ir .71ciTnIcIts hiftcbeid, to the cost of travel by airplane from F,an T.Ic701 Caliornta to inasmuch as it was the e met rote availal) 25X1A cc: Subject Chrono Ler,a1 !)ocirionz File r Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-0070 or 3 SEAP 0256-9 25X1A