R.S. 291, 31 U.S.C.A. 107

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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 OGC Has Reviewed 1-1-' IC Ari.L:S Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 45 - Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 TO: FRC,M: g0T537CT: R.S. 291, 31 U.S.C.A. 107 26 September 1945 25X1A 25X1A 14 (a) The subject act as first passed on the 9th of February 1793 (1 Stet* L. 300) at which time it -a-ovined: "That tn all oases, where any sum or sumo of money, have been issued, or shall hereafter issue, from the Treasury for the purpome of intercourre, or Treaty, with foreign notions, in pursuance of any law, the President Shall be, and he iv tereby authorized to cause the SUM Bottled wlth the accounting offioers of the Treasury, in 'eanner following, that lc to gay, by +miming the same to be duly amounted for; specifically in all-instances wherein the expenditure thereof may in his judgment be made public, or by making a Certificate or Certiflostes, or causing the Secretary of State to make a Certificate, or Certificates of the amount of such expenditures as he may think it advisable not to apecif7 and every such Certificate shall be deemed a suffieient voucher for the sun or SUms therein expressed to have been ex7ended." This section in substantially the same glom* was incorporetedl as Section 291 of the Revised Statutes and la to be found today in 31 U4S.C.A. Section 107 as follows: wSettlement of expenses of intercourse with fa-qi. reottever any sun of. money s been em 1S11 be issued, from the Treasury, for the purponos of intercourse or treaty with foreign rations, In pureuaaoe of any law, the President In outhorieed to cause the same-to be duly settled annually with the General Accounting Office, by cateang the same to be accounted for, Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 embr?????1 ? Approved er Release 2001/09/03,11A-RDP84-007091,0400070035-4 2 specifloally, if the expenditre may, hte judgment, b,3 made public; and by tking causing the Secretary of State to make a certificate pf the amount of such monAltures as he :my think it advisable not to sPeeifYj and every such certificate shall be deemed a ini'tioient YOU0E-rTOThele ITUR ex reseed tc:'have EUEirxpine &coring Supplied) (b) Compere our own appropriation Ieneuege with reepeot to confidential expenditures, as follows: P. L. 372 - 76th Congress; '35,0000000 of such 37,000,000 may be expended for objects of a confidential nature, such expenditure to be aoocunbed for aoletY on the certificate of the Director of the Offioe of Strategle Services and aviary zuh certificate shall be deemed a sufficient Touohnr fo:, the amount therein certifieitik" 2. (a) Thiki atatute hen not been sableet to court oonstruction, End the only opiniot of the AttOMney General 4hich night mfer to it is in I OD. Atty. Oen. 545 where tize rrellident iE advised that he !ay freely use fulds aNprepriated, to the extent of one yearle fsa1er94 for the purmhaso of an outfit Tor hs foreign niniatnr, John Adana. The 03inioa doe's not refer to any'specific 1.tw or any specific appropriation; but is indexed La the Zustios Department's card index ae referring ts 14S. 2914 CO In 1802 a oonmittee was appointord in the House of floprementntivcc "to inquire and report whether moneys fc-nwn from the Treesury have been faithfully applied for the nbieuts_for which they were enuropriated* ad rhether the same have regularly acoounted for; and to report'Uk wise, whether any further arkanaements are,noonsuary to promote eeonom71 enforce adherence to legialative restitictione? and secure the accountatility of persona entrusted with public money." A report written by 11r. Zoseph B. Nieholson of L74.ry1and vas vubmitted on April 29th, 1802. This report is contained in Juor.can State linanoe Vol. 10 pp. 752-57. 764) 816,17; ithilifif-cif-C-0-.09 0 0 11159-750 The reptyrt in roprodu70-ln Gontr61-arleA ral aeLtt,trea# a Iv>ok publishty!i by the,' Br755Mgrrait-Itu on au.i 00E11=4 by r..ed r. Powell. We have a copy of this book in our office, In this report (P. 2056,- Control, supra) loertain exppnditures werevbade undoDr the, abnye al-for secret sorviee activities of - u- 41,14-d"(4 b-4-4LAA ? Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 ? Approved Forelease 2001/09/03 : CIRDP84-00709R00 0070035-4 . 3 . the War, Nan- t*,14 Stttte Departments', which were certified by vouchers signed by the President, The committee he1d:this an illegal exercine of the said act an the expenditures were not shcwm to be for "oontingent expellees only of to:reign interoourse." 'Oliver Wolcott in an Address 12t the Peo le of the United all!e it reply to the Nicholsdrapor ? wrizim-m?mrr-t-If Federal Ex ndituresn, lalayko) Justifia his notton n encm.1., and spec ? ca y? in I1 9th point, (Control, P. 325 et evq.1), with regard to "tie applicatiox of money 11yr purposes a confidential natupei" Hit full reply in this respeot, whieh quotes the applI,Leabls portion of the Nicholson report, is attached hereto ne Attaehment A. In thin reply he states: "If ore of our ffavel Commanders, now in the Uediterrenean, should expend a few, hundred dollen; for intelligence respecting the force of his enemy, or the measure meditated by him, ought the present administration to disallow the charge, or publIsh tho source from whieb the intelligence was derived?* (0) The Comptroller aeneral has congtrued the subject set in two published decisions, and in a few unpublislled 'attars. (i) Tho first publishsa Comptroller doolhion construing the subjeot not in to bs found In 2 C.C. 121. Here there w .. voucher for $596.40 whicb was submitted by the FJecretary of State to be paid out of funds appropriated for *emergencies arising in the diplomatic and consular service 1921? ant which showed that the money was to be 1:ad because ot a deficiency in another appropriation, 712: Act of June 4, 19200 41 Stet. 741 making an appropriation "Far rsnt of quarters for student inteTpreters attached ta the Embassy to apap." The Sscretary of State, by direction of the P:esident, oertified the voucher under the vz.ovisions of tho subject act, stGting that was an expenditure "the nature and objet of w4ich* * * it is deemed inexpedient to make kuowno" The vouoher was diseXlowed by the Comptroller General on the ground that: *The character of tho emponse having boon fully dineloeed by the vouchers * * * * neither tno letter nor the purpose of the statute end appropristitm extends them to after ellowanne of payments in excess of reffulaff%y slAde smite/fie Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP54-00709R000400070U:35-4 ?Approved For Re ease 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R0004411t70035-4 44.. appropriations which heve been-regularly accountild for on vouchere specifying the exact nature an& amount of the expense. * * * * The lotto), of tho law is to the offset that the Seeretery may make le certificate of the amount of euch expenditure as he may think it advisable ea to specify. Tho oertiflcate4w4mtlatiAort speeifiee lith particularity the exactAstplen4,,_ tures rhich ti,le certificate i designed to, cover, thus conolusively negativing any aseumptior that the ixptnnos were or the oonfidential charaoter contemplated by the intent and purpose of the law, which is to eroteet expenditures which ths policy of the State Department require* shall eeL be made public." In another part of the opinion (11,,, 12') the Comptroller General makes the ntatemellti *speaking generally and without rercrence to the Mots and certification in the instant caee, I may say that this Office reecignizes to its full extent the discretionary power conferred upon the Seereterrot State by section 29%.- Revived Stetutee, and In no case wiIU a certa.tionte made ?: the riziWgREEMI - -67E747=?"V1TIrrhe fro ? --e;r1ErESKI?UT.FITIon 1171 n=-.aort of a pyiogtttrom tigpilKE4 aura-WM.1a a aes (lincUiM7MIng aupp ? (ii) A more narrovvtoastruotion or the, nubject act TRS made by Coraptroller General,: J. R. (o Carl in en unpublished letter?to thli Secretary of Stnte, dated September 15, 1932,t and filed with the General Itecounting Office in M.S. Vol. 133, par,- 106$. The Seoretary of State certified three vouchers under the:: ; provisions of the subject act which showed on their feee that they were in payment of passage on a rorelpi vessel fol! the Seeretary Of State and theee ether individuals in his departmhnt. The OomptrelLer refused to allow the vouehers on the eroend that traVel on a foreign lessel while on oftLoial Government businese was in violation of roc:tier. 601 of tho Morohant Marine Act of May 2, 1928, 43 Stet. 697, The Secretary of State resubmitted the vonehers with a letter mtnting: Approved For Release 2001/09/03: CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 nou.etre ea speatal efrawatana trip the no count vaa pisit*.tz*:"th ? lemetzentries ailasingi.n thoDlpii - andotha ? Ottab tara ber aostounted.'tor aiarti -17f !Rtate under 136-otion291 of - Otututen **y "To this the ocapteroutir untenitted for pre.atalt disoloitestht the. IR In 'view the Zarb- t passage of George A. Moxloolcir :,Ettit?extia7 Itegniess A11enT KotZ and pe ?-upon the SS Te2/11 regivt771- 'tfie oartficate ,as..und.er Itevised Statutes, that 'the of which expenditure it :is atmme4 tot to jspecify/* IS not lan4terstoo the Congress had= intent.ttOn',--tbiat Sect -29 Revised. Stetutes and thii:tlipittlxii4itt* exargenolesilk theA:di,p1.001** consular survioevl &volt. ox *Ira:potent a stattito"i7 , 1113 in Section, 601 of the -Nerount' aaflAt or to etroid the use ,lof Tor expenven-if proper. ohtitr&a AAA' - ? While Seetion313 of t iaoeunting Act of Zuni). I *-3. ? exempts expentitteres nade--Auulo. of Seetion. 291 of the-Bevil:4a ?gt the requirements of...saia f3ou-tioi 3i. re_ to furnielaing inroritatiort-to-433;e:A0410 Generals it does mdt exelPt oh cw)1tiuis ,Trom the ttireoticon'in Aeotion 3 Act that: . . The Comtroller, Oeterel ?report to Congrees_eve-17------expe oontraot made by any 4jteit mant in any year in vitilatiow itAcoorditay, you .Atre .-reves_ this ?tilos or :_;!..vy rews*ri. you :.-submit why tho expend.#0476/3 isz( Xoeign not be reported to the Congreliw 3121c) or Vult Budgety.an4')10,00 grpenditure.invl-i-llation-.pf - Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 (iii) In answer to a roeuest from the Secretary of State an to whether, by virtue of R. S 291, an appropriation for "Emergencies arisino in the Diplomatic) end Consular Servioa, 1922o" could be used to pay the deficiency In another appropriation entitled "Traneporta ticu of Diplomatic and ConruIer Officers, _1921, _tbs4 Sooreterv of Stfite 'was advisedsby letter frces the-0t.Uptraleo"--11crisrol.-4att-6a - ? September 141 19121 that thiP'reiiiilittiiitt'Vettad be, approved it this instanes* action is not to be taken ts sanntioning a practice of using the emergency appropriation it this my to meet deficiencies in other appropriations." (iv) In answer to a letter from the Secretnry of the Navy an to whether certain naval officers Iliac to render specific accounto in certain instances -the iiumptroller General ateted (U.S. vol) 74, Page 68): ? "There are at present two olesees of expenditares not required to be supported by details, receipts', etc" and in both *lasses. tht omission of tuch details, receipts, etc. is specifically provided for by Statute. Thc. first class covers expenditures by the -Dapsrtasen of State_ which Anaaer_the erovisione of Section 291, Revised Statutes, ere settled by this office upon the oortificete of the Secretary of State. The other class covers expenditures from contingencies, Military Intelligence Service, in which the act making tho appropriation specifically provides for certain payments to be made upon certification of the Secretary of War. See 1.4, Stat. 1107." (v) In a letter to the Seoretary of State dnted 3an. 3, 1930, the Gomptraler Gen3ral specified the form of voucher to be used under R.3.. 291. After stating certain require? ments as to numbering, stating the name of disbursing officer', etc. he said that it would then be in propsr form to complete the accounting records in connection with this form of expenditnre " at the aemm time. would not disclose the na ure tr.olLsW-m7ThWrscor nEr-7-77?$uppirrign nip Vol. page 74. Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 minammilmonsmoggimem Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R0 400070035-4 411) ID 4. 70 (vi) Attention iv directed to the doetaiOn of the camptroller ceneral dated Ptivar$120* 1945 (D0-46566) Published in 24 CloG0 544 Ithica &leo vanstrues the subject act. Int hat *ace it !olds that the disbursing offloor mai mitioi per-Ant of vouohers unner the sub4let act vithout auch payment having been aertlfted in ecoordanee with the provisions of 31 11%4NC. :ITupp III* g2b and o The decision is based: en the ftat thnt the sablcot Wt var; enacted prior to 31 U,340, Supp %IX* 2be1si ot and. that the esneral provislon of the latter ahouI4 not bo construed as affecting -the special, provisions of r4s0 291whiph reguirni ibb4t glover- such certifieate shall be deemed 4 tafilcient voiaaher for the um therein ex:preened ,Or.:0670e41, - to have been enWn4edos Th,CjitrPU states 'amrhis later iict voiitains no Velkititta skrior specilAl statutes itioit. are not zo inmonaistent -With:00- ot section 291) ReTisa4.5tetut4t0 me to, aauul itn repeal by inp4oation4 On the contrary* it well may be essuaed that Colle . caTonditums nay be autLorized by the Secretary of ntato under conditions no confidential ' thmt even the certiprinc; officer may-not,t0-': infornod thereof an, of course* that ortiour could nt.)t be roquired to neeopt fimal responnibilit:t by certifying a volOhor. no- roprasenting m lawful papment when ho Is not informed of the object orliarpose of the expoaditure, 40c:ordinary I have to 'advise that 14.ha speoial statute as restated in '31 7.S.Ca 107 is not ntfeCtet by Mut miebtArgraan general -stsltute__of__Dseelaber 294 194 ? Thus, there it a gumption. an .to whyther lisbursaments of 0003 Alias aro mblfct to Os provisions of either 31 U.S.C. Supplerwat e2b or flP.e. '1:Sections I and 2 of the Aet Of soo, 29* 19412 55 suit. 875) since the Xattor act mo in force prior to the oss approprittlon0 31 reS.C. Suptlement TIT g2b prollitest Ditabikrmine ?tapers (giant a. disburse mano7.in n000ramme with ApproTeVFOMaaeeeiOgAle: N-Rita8d4-900760f9R400801N1r4000r0351:414 ? ? Approved For Release 2001/011108: 61A-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4 or their delegats. b. determine that Tr)uchers are fOrreOt, and certified as above recorded, o. be held accountable accOrdin 31 1,S?C4, Supplement XIX Ito provides* Offioer certifying voucher shell: a. bo held responsible :or existent:4*. tcua aorrootnens o: facts Vaildtwi iu the oertlficste-or-on-the vouaherv (with regard to 0811 funds ....mient be hold for eristente of truc, lonfidential purpolee)40 must give bond. co be held accountable for illegal, improper or Incorrect payments reeulting from xialeading oartificate made by him, as well RS for a payment notliegal obligation tinder the approprfiation involv,d? Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070035-4