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Publication Date: 
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A*1110.1AAA41.44,0,A4 ,0 ?7 -- tf?.- Approved For I3elease 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000gou070019-2 --- OGG Has Reviewed _ Assistant Z:h:efe and Finance r' n tnr ,A7neral Comsel D1,ve78 Licerse roes 3/ DoceRber 1948 1. Your ncr.kor andum of 21.._ December 1943 prest,:nted:the qur:stion rtim_.rricricnt to a ,irv ernz.ent employee ,ftw the expense, of obtain,. ing 4 drivers liconlm in connection with 4overnment o*ped resmonger vec1efor official Oust-m.3P. 2. an opnion datzd1==larch 190 1,24 (3 (ow. Gene 663) the Cozntrt-11r ueni=ral statcd trlat; 'The far:ilittes of the 7cdtral Uovtrnment art noth Subject to loc4 state ordinances or razu1at4ons roxi where such an* pr relation of a munic1pk1 fire dopertMelnt requires tnat a prAtrit e obtairel for trio operation of a gatoZine pump, ? to be issued upon examinction and p4yment_of,a fees a 1.ftra1 c7plo:7- es wtowe official Iutiwt, requIreJhe Operation 0, Yederal ,;asoline pumps is not rewired to stand theexaxin? ? or to pay the ',Le.* - Thc Immunity of tlre Fcdr.ral .Zioveroment frau Interference by a state or =1-ri,;Ifikt1Ity is l'estd 'm the docition in Jonson v. larylande 254 5,1. That was a case wiligh an rtplOyee of the Test Office Departnenty t1c drivin& a mail truck, vas arrested, triode:convicted and fincH for not kostssLat; a Uar7lan4 driver's license?:Tha cquiFt denied power or the nate of Maryland to require am:emplOyee of the ied,rral ...lovernment to submit to an examination or to pay a 1Iense fee bort performin his official dutier In obedience to or-dem. In derryin Lit the tate ha 4 arch powers the court said: : nSuon a requirenent does not minrely touch the Government servants remotely uy a 6eneral rule of conduct; it lAys hold of thm in their specflic attemptto obey orders and reqnires quaLrications in addition to those that the :.cover-nrsent has prcrle.inced sufficient. It is the duty of the Depart*ent_to trpley persona set4ete1t for their work and that duty it-mnat ue ;_ra,sumed has Oeen IM1formed." The rile, uf courses applien equally to a municipality itioh is ales- &Er unit cf the state. The Comptroller deviated from a firm nowver, and stated that even it the employeeb.were required,to obtain the permits and pay the necessary fens the req reit would be A perseml cnI:ense incidental to their qcallfitation for work and reile?-? Uursenent from appropriated funds would not beLauthori%ed. This compromi:T 2421= to indicate at the least a lack of certatstrin the reasoninc uenind this opinion. In 15 Cealp. a!an. !j1.9, tho fi-cptrion was confLrme and the qualification of the'expftwe ts aOers*a2,:ornu * to the ez7.1.1otee vms restated. (Actuagtit in this case,_the orseiles was . . Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDFr84-00709R00u4u0sioOlu-z 7- 4; ? Approved For Reese 2001/09/03 : ClgiRDP84-00709R000400070019-2 allasec az a matter of reimbursement, but only. because -the emplo,lite vas a member of the Civilian Connwrration Corps and the. Ccreptroalur reasoned that the c7ployment VAS largoly in the ,nature of relief and to deny paynv:nt oi the chare vould oontrovart? the nature of the erployment itself.) The saL13 1Loe of resacininc wags followed in V, i. 769 - t with better Justine...lion where reimburoatazht or the Lost or a charftear's lizenne Dor an maiployee of a CPPF contractor vas dez,ied. The Comptroller tk.:*,n VelttlOt_the expense vets persorsal to the ctplo;ae as in incident to his employMatnt.' The Cdoptroller's manner or think-Inc is somewilat clarified by .ii *Anion in 25 Comp. tien.,10, where pevisalt or a license:exeml.tiog the purchaser ortael froi1*r- mere. cf state tux was allowed, :7.11 a previoue doolaion (21 Comps Jen. a43) hoat e-,f.ded that the federal tiovvirnmont eras liable for estate fuel tax C.nce the State had ,the right to doctide on vheri the it4dente ? of .the tax leariall rall, an the!nate heitileCided thati.t tell un the wndor rather than the CorlernmPnto .:Et Vass therefore strUgitimats chaT,c ;.ot dLrectlr interferin with the fbnction of the CioVerrmant, mince it was not a tax Lxat a cot.dition under which a privilege:wee-extruded._ 3. Your association of this probiem:to that of the paymant of mctert,d parkinc space appears to ae perfectly correct in vie*? of the itot that, the answers to both problems sterA Prom the interpretation of sovereign immunity 4:.eiven by the Suprepp Court .tri thAnson Varyland. If Joh]iunn V. Maryland is to oe followed to its tatisate:doducticn, - there wo.112 seta to be no doubt about the employeest iamunity frail ptAym. of the liesnst fest while driving a tiovornment vehicle in thc course of his official dAios. The C om*roller has evadod.,0 Ofinite stoma 1.4nne; thit line, however, nod has refused pawner* .on-the basis that puyrzent of the tee is an element of the enploymefsigualificatiOn? for ..1,1t;c. iathouL:h this does rot appear to be particularily sound, it Is awvertheless the fat art ::*.stxtoursement of the cherg, cannot be sathorivvd. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070019-2