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Dio Lab. T-TOD-1 E-7955-D 3 Feb 67 Human. and Nutritional Aspects By: Van. der Merwe From: South A-PrIcan Hedical Journal V- 52, 1965:762-65 ( 4 pp) German - eat for vda; Please translate and type 1 camera ready copy. Document can be cut. TypIng Instructions attaclied. Make cover as sample attached. T-5:)3-1- I- -, 9f .11 111 101" The Supply and Demand for Asorbic Acid at the South Africna Antarctic Base, 1960, by A. 1e R, van der Merwe. DUTGi, per, South Afric. Joui:. Vol 36,, 1962, pp 751-754. ,Pept of Navy/SNS2/XMS 1162 3 0 '5~ Sci-B&14 Wc 66 315-S&O B --r--,7 35 -D 4 mar 66 ProbIms, txaatment and preveuVLon of Xmithomonas dismse in flooded rice field In XVantung Pro- vince By t Fm Frow S. MMIA SCI. AGH. J1- 3:1-3 1957 CbSnese- eat for vdx2 Type I crawwa ready copy. Prepare cover an swVle attached. T-410-1 C*33Ad ftmdvv) -mm cx U.S. 110 1970* im, jr3l-Di vlot pca Aug I ~ . - 1 - , -.. -": I -.- ;n i ct~i,~ -,, v'. -. -L - ~... - -L - , Ilik. 3("u rages -"SCrJTtU '~I~ch--Jca Lic. L-) 1. .- Sci - Eartr Sci & lotroll 0c L 6,- Di 300 Pages. ScriPtc L-c- ~3Cj &, 115-r01! u Oct Lj- ! - V~ I I I i 11 117 1: ~'; f jif 1, u I If I ; - C- .. - , ~ - 11 1, c c E, ~ -.-I - L i L, i o ~. , ~, ". c 1 -1 -L , J-10 - JU - ', , 300 I'aL,,(-, G - t,, ~)-) E, t).: * Scriit-a L,-.,C. !')'ci - '-,O:.rth Sci & tA--Otro,,-, 0 c t I-', *-.,) aovieL Biological Waria-, o~i A=.mal Mmbrycr-and s8 ip - Ro . -Z ~ - mismk7q, sLA 6o-i3"1,42 sci Vol IV, Wo 7 AVw 62 / f -2, 6 4 -~ Soviet Biomedical Journals: Selected Abstracts, Ser. II, by Robert Pollitzer. 106 pp. RUSSlAN, per, No 4, Mar 1964. CFSTI IT-64-11920 Sci/B&M Jul 66 305,902 germeyamov, A. BIA-grronravuv, V. Vck, A. V. P~meakovo D. etcbeltf!yn, V. Artbantsmayanq H. KOSIAOyantap P. Pl"Wwvp V. Shklovskj,, V. lymnebenko.. Y. P~cbedonostsav, W. RUSSIAN,p Sovlet Booklet., So 48; 1959. Soviet Booklets 3 Rosary Gardens, London$ S. W. 7. /7 11 may 59 f6 , / f- .I,,. I, I 'I I . I, V 11, , 1!4 1 ;1. 1 It I - III II: 1 111 1 1 . ::; I Iv-R I. Krasavin Soviet; Cybernetics Review (Selected articles) 17 pp. RVSSIAII, Soviet Cybernetics Revie!o, Vol 4, No 7, 1970., pp 142-247, 256-263, 171-174 A1R1,FTLL-HC-23-942-?2 nov 72 ,--I'll ; I I: z ~. ~ : I ~ I I ~ I . I' ' " I I V ~ 19 - I , I H V~ 11 1 1 , Hungaria-n Heart Monitor Developed, RUSSIAN, per. Soviet Cybernetics Review, Vol 11 No 2, Har 1971. *ACSI-K-2798 Jul 72 I..1 1 -__j I ,-'"? " H, -111' r I' Economic Models of Extensive Use of Chemical Products in National Economy Being Developed, 5 pp. RUSSLAN per Sovi conomic Sysem: Current Developments, No. 19, ,,,191,14 ,b 1964,:p--4-.~ -- JIFIRS 23354 USSR Eron Feb 64 250,527 63-17714-7 SOVIEr GEOGRAPM. - REVIEW AND TRANSLA710N, 1 1. American Geographiral V=74. NO. 7. Sep 63, 64p. Societi, Now York OrdLr from, AGS $1. 00. $6. 00/year Trans. of Voprosy Geografil QJSSR) 1963. no. 6t. p. 5-45, 153-176. DESCIdMR& OGeography. "ransportation. Cergo. Ranros&. TraMc. Population. Distribution. Commerce Contents: Methods of forecaadng freight flows in planning 4 trans port net. by K N. KazanskU and Yu. V. LAWIE; - I Forecast of average length of haul an Soviet railroads. by V. S. Varlamov and X R K."nddi The distribution of population and related Inclicsinra in long-tezrm planning at p-erger traffic. by 0. A. Kibal'ddch Dtf~ of T (Earth Sciences --Geography. Tr. v. 10, no. 11) (over)l Por, L)'Oviot Coolo ~uv 1964. Sci/j!=-tII sci L;a), 65 -;l, L J .11 ".a!.--delu .0c tc~iJ cLructuru tl.c , - --i, as latc;rpretc.: col VIC Uasils C~. Ir J! C110 ~de by it. I. 1%.rJISI'lov. per, .5ovict Geoloily, Z.'o 11 ,li)64, pp 61-71. *ACIC Sci/Elarth Sci may 65 t-i(-- -iijior czaicasus, 't Wk I IL :,0 per, ~ovjct c.,colo, Sci/EarLh Sci !,kly 65 Crust, v. i:. voll., per, ~;Gviet Gcolo,:yg -o lij, 1904, 117-120. *ACIC Sci/Latth Sci il~ly 65 63-17611-4 SQ=,=AAI.=- SELECTED PAPSM I%Z 1. Anwricen Geo0yWcal NO. 4. P. 30-07. tr. by Lloyd Q Robbins and other& Union. W"hhV^ D. Q In 63, ly 109rds Oxder from ACXI $7.50. $2D. 00/yattr Town. of G[osudarstvennyll G[IdroIqglcbwddlj IfnadMI. Trudy OMR)196Z v- M p. 87-100. v. $5, P. 101 -172 IC3*vmya GeaftidbeeUya Observatori3e). Truly (LISSR) 196Z no, 131[193] p. 29-ft lAkedmiya ISM-Ir SSSRI- ft-ady- Goopianchookayal Safty8l 1962, - 3. p. 82-W. DAeveorokoya I CidrolqOyal OMR) 196Z no. 9. P. 19-27. 40-45. 49-5L DESCWPMRS: I*Hydrolo". tAbas. Draiw%% Rivem Annospheric pro Z=M.. IlydrauUc research, Permafrost, Ploods. Avalanches, Abstracta. (Earth Sdewen. TT. Y. 10. no. 11) (-fax) Or" .1 Tod." &WOO" 63-17611-5 SOVIET OLOGY' SELECTED PAPEIkS, 1962. t$57~r M-479-, tr. by Lloyd G. Robbins and otht Order from AGU $7. 50. $2M 00/year Trans. of G(osudarurfenyll G[ldrologicheakill gnstinal. Trudy (USSR) 1967. v. 87, p. 3-45; v. 96, p. 99-IIZ 123-130; v. 97. p. 204-24Z [Uzbek" Geologicheskii 22turnall (USSR) 1962 Iv. 61 no. 4, P. a:3-87; [Sovetskays Geologyal CMIA) 1962. m 8. p. 79-91; [MeteoroWya I Gidrologlyal (USSR) 1962, no. 11. p. 45-50. DESCRII'TORS, "Hydrology. MeteoroWgical radar, Radiation measures. ent systems. Hydroelaculc power systemo, Electric bri%m Thermometers, Drainiqv, Computers. Permafrost, Hydraulic researck Blvers. I - s. Tides, Abstracts 1. Title M-51 microclectro- thermorneter 2. Title- Pyrgeamoeter I. American Geological UKLIM WASIZInV0136 EL Q (Earth Sciences, TT. v. I (X an. 11) Offl. el UcM" Sankcs 63-17611-6 PST D 196z, !W 1. Auhazi= Cbapbydcod V.V SS Umb=6 WadAmWWW D, C- Order fxt= ACM $7. M $2(X 001year n - SCAM Todudm b=- . WSd&ob=. D6 Q Tmm& ct cg - amnm A 01 i kiii- 1 87 , Z 7 96 F Z v. . , p. K 4 P. 56-9% 24 7-26Z v. 99. P. 261-273; Hook SSSR. Labormw4s CA I , .. ink Tr%xW 1962. - 45~ p. VZ436 i9~ Dgaeftvkgba I CAdrakWyal (LMR) 1962, - IL% p. 30-32. DESCRWMA& %Kroka, Uq"-Igw Rl"w =d . u "It Vd ft D b c rs M to UN Doo rm . May y. " Amps. ftmoshon. G-awmigiry, sww. Ddk Abot=ct~6 Aftmom0beric prec%*atlm Eq-ri-- in operuil- cC water-saW ocozdsx uvv-l. by IL V. zodsom OMm at TN*AicW (Bw& Sclenom Tr, v. 1% no. 11) Im.) I `-aarterly journal Consisting of 'Iranslations of 3,,~lected Arzicles From -four Soviet periodicals (Sta. zavocistaka k Lab, Kc-I:s i KhLi,,, Tsvetnye Metally). R .-USSIAN, per, Soviet Metals TechnDiogy. Primary So,irces 11 Bleecke:r S-, New Yotk L2, N.Y. Mar -,)0 (Called Carrie, but title was not avai_,az~le in Russian) 71* Urbeaz'd S=d-Sa by 1. G. liaiorberzko., 02 pp. ';mW&";',IAIjp per, Soviet I-Ml Pxws, 1967s pp 2p 3-.122,p 124. DIA. Ul 42-69 sci/Aws Ilav 68 368s629 CSO., IR30/70 Soviet Military Review, No 6, 68, p 10 T) 37 Axtlmlss ItbUshad In #Soviet Witary Pmiews In lro!O, 6 pp, ENGLT,4,lpj, poor, Soviout So 32j, Doo 3-97U.- JFW MR m Jon 73. Strataglo- Loadership During 44-1he "ar, by S. -slitramank-a., 5 PP,. -ner, Soviet J-jjj_jtax~l- Honcow, ran 71; pp 1~6-46. JPRS 52621 USSTLI111.1-i 1. Mar 'ri Index to ArUcles 1-~~shed in Soldet ~XUtary Faview in igwll, 6 pps 3. Flev UZUUM., pow, Savi k~~ kni, ' ~Oseoww lios I-a2, J:an-Dec 1971s, im. '5502P. Jan '72 SO a cy 194 -2055 _gjeulu 'COMDS 12, 7he-amdat.-gs WSSMS rip.. Pmftj, 23 Dee 1969. is Na rof -. 52oo-8 1963 (A) clow) ftl - Aaxvspwe jul 63 ,~ 6-,, -;V~ y 4 ) ~ t; 38 PP R=XANs YorlodicalOr jM 3.3ft-5 , Vass Biosp Lo= The Smdet 9-mee Yeblele "Mars 10. MWXO,, npj, Pravftj 2ad/Tth Mw 1962- IM Ref: 5200.8 1962 (ZIr) (low) &I - Amvqsee Jul 63 -:~ 2 6 4p 30 Examix-atian of the Opcratl= of t~w F-cs-I rrhoto- ellactric EcVlcaater., by 1. S. Abrms=, L. P. Halyavun, pp. RUBSTM., perj Soviet Wtal TecbndLogy, Vol 1,, yo~ 1956j- IV Sci I? chemistry Feb 59 11 43 1 K &w 5 7 Under the Northern and Southern Lights. 8 pp- RUSSIAN, per, Soviet Warrior, No 2, 1969, p 22. DIA LN 1061-69 Sci-Misc JuDe 69 384,061 IiTaval 'Sappexs. RUSSTPOI, per,Soviet Vlaxrior, No 21, 1970, p 26. D:rA ui 494-71 46~ of iucoiierciit L)iffusion ior the Detection of Collisiolis 1;ctlicen Ionized and I eutral Particles, by N. Petit, P. ialdteu.; 9 Le 1. 5 ilp. qpr. Space Researcti VII, North flolland Pub. Co. 1967, pp 241-244 AWA/IISIC/Tr-876-68 GOVEIW-ENT USH- ONLY Sci/Space Tech Feb 69 s347199 Gamma Ray Astronomy, by E. Schatzinan, 11 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FRENCH, per, Space Science Reviews, Vol 1, No 4, 1963, pp 774-779. Navy Tr 3728/NRL 960 Sci - Earth Sci & Astron mar 64 250,954 per, ~Dpacc ";Ciejlcf-. 3, 1964, -S-'- Gci,t of !iavy Tr iio 4345/APL i4o T-14jS Sci - I:S .,.ov 65 292,775 -~orrcjstrial aaid Satellite Geodesy. 1, IV j. Kovalevsky a 1'. Earlier. 114~111CH, porp SFAce scienco Reviews, Vol 7. 1967, pp 69-134. Dapt of i;av3r/APL/JliU T-2096 Scl/Astron Apr 6,," :351p239 The Structure of the Neutral Upp3r Atmsphere,, by 111. 1'. itakov. GOMIR)EXT U'.CJIE OMY U= Sclenoo Rov3jws RUSSLUI,, per., f Vol 7,9 NO 5/69 1967j, PP 597-643-- , 4sA T-, r, .3-19786 n sci Doe 60 371s,082 /~Z---, tC'1( --.6'2) TI I LERMAL PLASMA A STANDAM) ENTENSITY S()URCE IN THE WAVELENGTH HANGE FROM 1100 To :3100 A. Boldt, G. Translated by J. -3. Svkes (Culliam Lab., Abingdon, Eng.), from aLce le 72S-72(1970). 65p. physics (plasma)- translations YD-34 NP RC Unlimited Spahiu Reports coop members, ENGL15H, rpts JPRS 56534 on Pensions for Agricultural 6 pp. ATA, Tirana, 0908 GMT, 30 Jun 742. Aug 72 Colombian Guerrilla 11111dishes Diary, 9 pp. GOVMU-nMiT USE CULY 'FRENCH, per, ST>--cial, i1russels, 28 Feb 68, pp. 28-32. JPRS GUO 2744 LA(Colombia) volitical Haren 68 352,793 Specifications for Installation and Maintance of Electrical Equipment in Rooms Used for Medical Purposes, GKRMAN, Standard Electrical VIIE-0107/12.62- sLA-TT-66-i 1 6og Aug 66 309,340 Instructions for Electro Yledical Instruments. GERMAN, Standard Electrical VD133-0750,/Fts.1/8.64, 2/7-57, 3/7-57, 4/1-59, 5/7-57, 6/7-57, 8/7-57, 9/7-57, 10/7-57, 11/7-57, 12/12.62, 14/7-57- sLA-TT-66-ii6lo Aug 66 309,244 Radio Interference Limit Valuez. for High Frequency InstrumentB and Installations,- GERMAN, Standards Electrical V10-0871/5.63 sm.-TT-66-ii6ii Aug 66 309,325 R. Spieth Availability of the process computer in the obrigheim atomic power station. ENTOILISH, Specialists' Meeting on Experience in the Use-of Process Computers in Atomic Power Installations, Brussels (28-29 Oct. 1971). Commission of the European Communitie-s-TI-AEA, Paper PL 481/8, 9 pp. (Digest, Vol. 24, abstract 1081) C.E. Trans. 5831 Dr-(~ 72 G. Graf Process computer in an atomic power station. DaDger alarm design concept with data display units ENGLISH, Specialists' Meeting on Experience in the Use of Process Computers in Atomic Power Installations, Brussels (28-29 Oct. 1971). Commission of the European Cornmunit-les /IAEA. Paper PL 481/9, 8 DD. (Digest, Vol. 24, abstrac-f-1080) C.E. Trans. 5744D dec 7 2 1-.-- iii 'Uli - T',ord ajid s - i ,-I, L y P - Du i, rur, 0;;ccial P--Allt --~Ijhj, CRL - T. L' L 'Ll sci Dru.in Pignien~ 'n Tobac:--o, -o-,- Y, Ll ~ ' - -.I-,- - - jAPAIIIESE, per, Specialist Res. :'!C.D. . --Dal-'. lic- 106, 196-4, PP CSIRO/ No- T-33 Sc--* A'ag 37 10 Inci,ease in the Luminosity x Resolution Product of Interferometers by Usinlg a Path Difference Independent of the Incidence, by Pierre Connes. per, Spectrowet Interferent. Vol XXXV, Ne 1, 1956, pp 37-43. NASA TT F-10.592 G01MRNMENT USE (WLY Sci-Phys Jun 67 326,065 Electron! FRUCH, rpt, Unif ied CMV Specification, IrvoJect CCTU 01-OTA, Jul ig6l. Navy Tr 3iko/Ruships 730 Sci - electron jun 62 USSR State Standards* RussiAli, per, standards Information Index 126L Vol 11, pp 3-11, Nu Hof3 5828.4F (12874) USSR Econ Jan 69 M05M Reconstruction of the Ifa Eeactor in the i. Kurchatov Atonde Fhergy Institute. b3~ Goncharov, Yu. F. Chernilin, 22 pp. MWSIAN. per. State -Camisittee for the use of ktgmdg--Qf thp-W-1-4g amd- the 1,1~ ~BrRb!lm Atcmic kbe= Instilute, 1967. pt of Navy U111 tr 2444 Sci-FhYsics Cet 67 Y4,0.873 Dc-croa, of tba Ojo7sramat to Subatituto I= I'lo 231 1959.9 Cow4walfla the Stmta Of llm~Paez'CY (1W0-2,01,91('), 21 pp. UNUMUMM MCIM1310p pallUte 0"ettmo, Ilb 239a 2.9590 35--l to SW No 5-f*s, W BAS, Dj&kU-tas, 15 jas ig6o RaTr/am 50wm n - ladcalvala Pol wr 6o 1e ~ 779 7bemql Imest4ption of the RemcUow Betw"n the ecoponent Parts or the Lfte-"a-B9u3dte'Vlxt=-e, by Do Ku Avdallauji 19 py. RMUN,*,er., MOW Mut AppUed CMm UM , So 16, 1932, r-p i06~i�g. ' WA'lt-30.110 Bei Jul 59 9~Z, 75-3 THE.ic-63 STATE PLAN, 5 PP. V I ETRAMESE, NP , NHAIN DAN, I I DEC i Q62. P 3. JPR5 17674 FE - VIETNMAM ECON '-3 EB t) F 223,427 Statistics of tho lzezilijui Fie)Ang Industry for 1966, 80 pp. P019MUESE, par# S ce of the Bmxill^n Fishim Ind!j= for i&, SWeie - GCDP* OCFSTI TT 67-5M LA-Bmzil Econ Jan 68 Additional Data on Occupied Area Census Tabulated, 18 pp. HEBREW, per, S'"'ttistical Abstract of Israel, Jerasalemp Sept. 1968P PP 593-604. JPRS 47t501 NEI-Israel StRUBtics Mar 69 3760023 statistische untarsuchulleea W-ar Die 071urtalitats- Verhaltnisse Im Arztliclien Staride, by L. Gussmann. GiIINN4, per, Statistical Studies on the Mor- t;~ity Rates in the Meare-alPrDfission, I Upp. NDA IIEW 7-15-67 Sci - B&M Aug. 67 338,310 1 11 If_-I IF i :" ill'il-:11iff Ill !~ 11 STATUS OF VAR I OUS USSRE ELECTR I C. PJ',N!ER �TAf I 01,_,'5_, ~u ~.~ RUSSIAN, VARIOUS NEWSPAPERS. JPRS i766c, USSR ECON, FEB 63 -2 MOLDAVSKII, 0. D. and others. Effect of certain clemei on the properties of steel in process of crystallizing. Proc. Conf. on the Physio-Chemical Fundamentals of Steelmaking, Moscow, 1961. pp. 106-18 (CRL/T. 4040x German Instruction *n Street Construction in Rwanda for the Imravement of the Traffic Infrastructure of the Country. 10 Oct 1960 GERMAN, rpt., Strasse Brucke Tunnel pp 265-267. =2 DiA Lit 619-70 Sci/Mech Feb 71 Un a Case of Dynamic Stressos in an Wbounded Elastic Space With a Cylindrical Cavity, by M. M. Sidliar, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Stress Concenix.-tions No 1, 1965, pp 233-2M-. CIA/FI)D X-5922 Sci - Mech, Industrial, Civil & Marine Engr Aug 66 FOR 01-FICIAL USE ONLY 305.661 Influence of Creep, of the iati-.rilal on Stress Concentration Around a Circular Hole in a Plate, by L. P. Khoroshm. S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Stress Conce*tration, No 1, 1965, pp 299-364. CIAIFDD X-5926 Sci - Haterials Aug 66 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 305.6S8 Some Characteristics of the Behavior of Hea:',Resistant Alloys 'Under Cyclically Changing Temperatures, by V. I. Prosvirin, V. D. Mortikov, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, bk, Structure and Properties of Heat Resistant Metallic Material, Academy of Sciences, 1967. APd,I/FSTC/HT-23-43 -70 Aug 71 J-1752/166 P. B. Struve in Warsaw, by S. Voytsekhovskiy. RUSSIAN, per., pp 139-149, *J?RSJDC-12286/Special ' USSR Pol - Espionage Apr 66 ol, tjle Czecii Iritelji6vncc~ 6ervice, ' ~;C!"~LT 34 pp. IT"IX-1, rit, Att to OIKA-2638,. I:DD/J-940/64 141ur - Italy I ,fil Aug 64 Commmiev Chinato Newly Establinhed Pmd Artillery Unit, by Ifa Yum-K-samy., 6 pp. GOVEMOGW USE CH73M, perp Studies of Chinese Cammu-nism, Vol I . No 9., 1967. M"TCPIT-23-016-70 Fz/~fti Sert 70 --io. Ulib -1167-1 32 0~1~ 1~6 .Pf ect. of nualele-hydra lele in cal~m-n ric-lis on t he- f gro-vth, sporulAtIon, -!~- sMre Remination of various phytopethogenic fungi By: Aoki Frovi - Stueli;-~s on Plant Disesse 600:1-349-11:4). 1959 (2 t3n) Jaranese - ent for wds: ~rsnslnte sna typo 1 camwq ready c0DV- 1)"ament cnn no'. can be cut. R--vproduce for paste-up.. Tyni-n7 instructionn attacho-3. I,Lsko cover an -,qmple. -1~67-1. Powerful aes rasero, by V. P. TychinGkiY- 55 PP. RuSSM, per, Successes of Mrsical Sciencesi V01,91, Ib I 196T., PP 389-4M. IiUkV/IIM/rxaa-28T6(a)--(q Sol-PbWB Oct 69 393j,303 C02 Optical Quentt= Gwarators., by H. H. Sobolev, V. V. Sokovikov. 49 pp. RMSIM, per, Successes of Pjvsj,.Cal Sciences, Vol 91, No 39 .= 425-454. NAV/=/Tmn-2876(b3-6q Bel-Ftwo Oct 69 393,302 Ap,)Iication of irmiii-a--d ai~ tY11unu to llackaLjng, by J. !k)rioka. et id, la j) i,-, FUR OFFICIAL LZE UI*LY JNIANIESE, per, tite SuiaLunc; Electric i~qviea, Vol LKWHO 1963a PP 108-116. 969JE6 FSTC 381-T65-291 1-7261 Ii) 2204018065 FE-R41wi Ecall Oct 65 26U."('55 jjj)pjjcjLtju,-,j a irradiatod Pulyethyluic Filn to Vacka~;ing, by J. Aixioka. JAPAIIEGL, 1;cr,, The StuAtow- Llectric i.eview Vol LXILUIT, 196S.-Pp 108-11 . *ACM -7261 ID 2204018965 Sci - Phys J Lu i G5 R-5390-D Application of Irradiated Polyethylene Film to Packaging by J. Morioka, et al, The Sumitmo Electric Review, Vol 83, pp 108-116, 9~pp Japanese 1970 c~jovsmmit -AaWdUim APPndmis b7 F&CI3403, sl4hp 7 PP* Ac, Gl"Ice'tom, 3 Ja 'y IGEPI --n o.jc,w,ju4 rip,, asyla 19 r,,,, , PP 7 * u 0 Oss =7 !A-Gvoqm Pol Feb 73, PPII at 21 .. Still a Force in Guyana, by Rickoy Singh, 7 PP. E-11GLIS11, npl. Sunday Graphic,, Goorgetom, 10 January 1971, pp 5y 9. . ITPEIS 52262 IA/CA-Lyarm POI Feb 71 4L~aolftarpous* Goals atplained bir Its Leaders, by Ack-ey ;Hlmgh, 5 pp. .DIGLISH, :np, t%_zMLaX gnphi q Geoirgetam. 31 Jan 1971v pp 5p 7. JFXs .52432 IA-Gt%Vam POI Feb 71 Sunday Tizies ManTall-Chou Interview, I)y T,"Dvilla maxwell, 16 pp. GOVERMMIFINT TJSE OITLY ROUSH:, rri),, The Sund" Times, rondon, 5 Deo 71, pi) ~-5- TPPS-M 11-013 Jan '72 : - 'j - I I II !~~ I I m - ~ - '~ per, OupersLTI'l-ic J:!()Wa 1 -1 Lrall= r. U ulle 7. TULLLI~vm PergaLion iliess-L-1%)G4, pp Eci A~) r 65 ;!78,1126