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-L,tsu, T. Sakw -oto, IWi Iron ~taol Co. AiGl is, NO 2. 1964, 101) -2-69-2-7177 lalll 4589 Go".) 66 296,284 D~Ilz ZI, at ale, !-,Ilji Ira-I Steel 'Lbdin. V-01 15, .'Io 1, 1966, 39-48. ,Xil 7012 jCL/ t~-atarails se. .,t 69 390,956 HIgh-top Pressume Blast Operation. Analysis of Mur1ran No 3 Blast Furnace Overmiting Data, by T. Temads. AUIUM, per, PUJI fteel Toohn Am. Vol 15, NO 2v 35"* pp 0:1M. *BMBI T859 Sei-Materials Jan 70 Study an Lima Sinter. I-Effect ar Basicity. silica Content and Coke Addition Rate on Properties of M Sinter, by Y. Jomoto. JAFA--',ZSE, pers. Fuji Iran Steel Teahn. Report, r I Vol 16, N o 1, 1967. pp 1-6. *BBI 6443 Sci/l..-at june 68 Study of Liue Sinter, Part 2 (Cm the Identification of MAineralogical Composition of Lime Sinter by X-ray Difftaction) by Y. Jomoto. JAPANESE. pre, Fuji Iron Steel Teehn. Report, Vol 16, No 1, 1907, pp 7-14. BISI 6444 sci-Mat 379,720 Apr 69 Study of Line Sinter, Part 3 (Relation Between Properties of Lime Sinter and its Mencralogical Composition), by Y. Joraoto. JAPMESE per, FWi Iron Steel Techn. Report, Vol ;6. ~o 1, 1967, pp 15-23. BISI 6445 sci-Mat 379,733 Apr 69 I - -Odal C) if LL':-,L 1,-) u i t za. par,, L.u 1 1 V-01 16f -icE! 3-4, 1967, 224-2-~-. ~. 7614 1!!-:H1;11`!y.',l WIT 11111L. P, Vaermal Radiation, b-,r RWISIM, per, Ftmdamentals of Acat Trwisfer, 1956, pp 144-168. NASA TT F-10,809 Sci - Nucl Sci Jun 67 326,071 Entire book RUSSIAN, bk. Fundamentals of Scientific Socialism,by V. Afanasyev and 14. Makarova Progress Publishers English language Research Into Armillaria Mella (Vahl) ;juel., by it. Van Vloten. Unknown, Fungus, Vol VIII, No 2, pp 20-23. NZDIA Sci '-kly 63 jrur~qlt ;-- -.: ~ -~i - ~- 1 --14278-1) 1 -.4 - - - it :!V*-&7-72 r2l-,J, 213 Dec. 71 tt^ln IV71 raU Lc;cfcrwAm o." Jalisr, Tim1wrics Vk.eAlav. Auttrr-s TNm*dyu Wmhaard Phr ~Smw r1ahmol-Am -Imaurah La bas 1:1, ;P:39. of temby p1to &mr-ta aw! fAgmma 4,V, Japmcm -A-unsLatco pmaw 3m Lmd 91JAk'tOP VOI WPO in r-M (70. Cheek the English version for camect"Gage ANA %P 6A5 WORLD. LONDON 1928 Vbb P704 70-;!3769 < 0). Dangerous E)qmriences, (Did the Rw;sian T 54 Fail in the Middle East), by Ruedi Steiger., 5 PP. GOVEMIENT USE WILY GEP103, per, The General Swiss MilAtary Periodical) Vol 137, No 3, March 1971. AMVFSTC/HT-23-524-72 Aug 72 Bwa* lavm of Tuftmleft Mi3dnG In the Ground Layer of the Atmospherep by A. S. Mo&Ln,, A. M. Obukhov,, BMIAN,, '.. 2! ALea Acad. of -UN I:Xft UN Lea RUM Ml- UU!l - Sci.jg M,7bb 24# ( 3.51) v 1954., IM 163-18T- *D*t Of NM AWJRU J-1564 sci-Atme Sol Jan Tl Tiie lHerchant Shipping Code of the USSR. RUSSIAN, per, Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, No 39 (1457), 25 Spet 1968, F3-6 -pp. NAV/NIC/TRAN-2800-69 sci-Ijav May 69 382,730 Fractionation of Rat Pituitaries and Study of the Thyrotropic, Gonadotropic and Haterothyrotropic Activities of the Purified Products, by Y. A. Fontaine. 13 pp. FRENCH, per, Gen Camp Endocrinol, Vol 11, 1968, pp 160-168. NASA Tr F-12,877 An In Vitro Or,-wi Ciilture St--ldy of t1he .'etabolism f " 0l -adloactive Dehydro-epiandrost-erone and -estosterone by Both ;.ormn and Intersex -'onads of" the Chic;, Embryo, by K, Fa;C_-Pen Z-'i',LISj'i, per, General and Con-Darative Didrocrinoloi-,Yj 1101 11, 1968, pp 220-2?)-' 7- 71 O'A -16517-0 max, 72 seasonal IkOwIng and Thaving of Fackep by B. M. Damtovalon't V. A. MAftavtsev. FOR GOVERNOW WE OW RUBSTANj, bkv General . Chapter T,, 1967. AEM/F=/ST-ZTVV0!2m~, - 46,.- Sci/mar SrA jan 69 .354p83.1 Book Review of the Book by S-2812 1. G. Rufanov. RUSSTAN, bk, General Surgery, Moscow, 1954. MA janose2w of Imwe oxxbemiww v"s of tiodr mommou and aOQ6tIC far DqpojtW3# Va. 1; Loa vh~mu, Va. 311 jofttgs, bly Ze A* Vlamcwt ISO Of Iwo A bcko 04 RUSS=# UP go q%mra 2 658 YP-P 94 UP* 94 No 3v 15 4w -Aug 67 336A 194 Sol OMM OS-T-173D Bwda problem of ganwsl the next fww yews Dort KIMPIAVMWj, V. A. It-gl&-D 14 reb 68 and regLixMl smocryolosy in Frows o9oaryolo4cal studlos, 1967 Val VZZt3-8 (6 pp) Russian - est for vdat plewye translate and tM 1 amers, ready aWy- One copy am be out. Please return the otber Intact. Relative Gravity Determination of the Points Dxxjm YrriangleE in the TrIangulatiort in Southern Finland Conducted During Years of 192.1-25, by U. Pesonen. FH~NISH, per, Geodetic Institute, No 9, 1927. ACIC TC-359 Sci - Earth Sci & A-stron Sept 64 266,446 by rZ,:~'Yn P, =Q--nq-r,-Gcoclctical Pz-vlcv. 11c) 1:, T_-nuaz-- 'Jac- t7o Y-Rwl!~6-53, AA PO.Lctnd;, 18 jum 1953. AF 5529,26 ,:Onor-ic - Gcodosy, cr-rtofl;mpbi, planniz[,; CIA 232707 Federal Legislation, Lxecutive Directives - Decree-Law No 161. PORTUGUESE, per, Geographiz Bulletin, No 201. Army Topographic Command TG1, B63 Ifeur Econ June 69 384,476 It-Incv Scw,3on J,v! Usoaraphic Knowledge, No 5, rimy fi; China Geog-Spilic - W~atl?Dr M-'r ; a V 11 P"I W : 2he Dej~t'is of the oceans, by Mmwin Kossiana. GEM-Ull, per, G~qgraphic-FhysicEl Series, No 9, Jun 1921 . *14avy/ONI Sci - Eai-th Sci & Astron Oct, 053 17a; ural GouditioaG an-~' Ecc-n=ic ~io'wg the Central Section of the M6-chiarv,-, 13 PP - UNCLASS=- IM P- CIIINESE.0 pery Geog ical Jow,nal,, Vol XX., .Rh No 2., p 191 9:5 1/ CIA D 229939 FE - China Economic; Geographic Ow , 1-a CTS 70/-Tul 55 Thro MItare of Palamns, by Ken4bi Sugiura., 21 pp. JAPAUIM per.. Geogmphlesq,_Pl~searcb., Vol 1, No 8, Z42, pp 3=7-lM. Duzt of Laterior 1 2c9(9W) c.LUn-AhPr No 718 SOL - BLOI :Z ;? -2 j // 9,3 Feb 63 . .......... o GI G42 Vol XVI I i'o i I S.Ci-Ear Oci .;wk 66 On the Haplithic ftmetures in ibe NwrW= carbilum (Ponape ana Nuftie) PrVaiminary Report., by IchUv Yavats, 15 pp. JUMEM.. per va"04 u Pav"w Of japenp Vol vm, NO 4j* 32j, PP 56a*- Dept of Interior 209(900) QM33,pr No 342 Eleftl - Geopb" Feb 63 VeGetation of Brazil's Great 'Southern Flegiou, 18 pp. OFMDGUM,, per., gg2gagU of Brazil Vol IV., 1563,, pp- 170-191. -4==m=P j 35276 IA-Bramil Ge-o my 6G 3oc),o6o cal Aerial Geophysical Measurements in Czechos- lovakia, by Karel Salmusky, CZECHOSLOVAKIAN, per, Gemlogical Survey, Vol VIII, No 5, 1966, pp *ACIC TC-1105 Sci-Ear Sci Nov 66 if,imor Elements in Minerals From the Epithermal Deposits,, by K. Kinoshitai, K. Huta# 33 PP. JAPAMU,, per, Geological Boo Japsup Vol LVIj Ho 66oo sap 1q5o-v-w-4L,3;A3z*- STA 57-1843 May 58 ~ ~ A2 ) Aerts). Investigation for Industrial Water SWay in the Yoshino and Palm River Basins,, Tokushima Prefecture. JAPANM,p no per# cal Ehm Utu Vol V11j, so 9,p Sep pp 1-16. 500th Mi SV 176A G No 34- 'i1 (EDO - llar 57 Geogmpbdc Econmic SubGurface Conditl4m of Shlwtsu Iltat-Bog, lebIlm I Gims RokkWoji by MARh NoWhiko. JAPAMSISO no perm voi vn,, No 9, sop ig%,, yp ii-so, 500th M Sv rap No 93U76B (mc - Jkr 57) scl - o"Pt7afts .64-,S,- otoiagica! and ~Iatrologicel studle; on the Aono Volcano Group, bW S. To Am and M. Yamguch, 35, PP. JAP, per, Geology, Vol :U, go 2# I!i5O, P 54-76. -.-- SIA 57-2578 Z~i Jul 5b ~ lYt*-' YI/'z ~Uztius ol, I. A... - or i!s T). .1 per, ,300103Y uld GOO-111%.'sics .~o 12, 79-&67.' AGIC Sci/Earti &ci 65 Electrical Manipulator for Controlling the Amplification Stability of Aerial Gamma Spectrometers, by G. A. Pleshivtsev. RUSSIAN, per, Geophysical Apparatus, Vol 31, 1967, pp 188-191. Dept of Navy NIC Trans No 2813 Sci-Elec May 69 382,742 A CorrelatiOll of Geophysical Fields With the Seismic Oiaracteristics. of Northeast Bulgaria and Part of Dobrudzha Region in the Light of Seismic Registration. by 1, Petkovi, BULGARIAN, per, GeWhLsical News, Vol V111, 1962, pp 221-229. *ACIC TC-1099 Sci-Ear Sti Noy 66 U:2iv -:'L IngcQ-~cq-n On on AnalAlml Notbod for the e- af the Redo=" Anowdys by Ve busnovq 22 pp, v pr* Val 2v 50,3# 1954,p W 2034?26. MA TN"03007 Sc4 Avg 67 336#m GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING. HAGUE 1954 V2 N4 P262-273 70-23216 MDER FRM If M DetwulAUUM Of the SPOCS PtIOLUOD at a Rqnectcw BIUwA;ed UO a Ref"~ S*Pmtl= T" Media vith Different SPOSANS startift ULU or au Iso2sted are" Tm ftootjxkgp by Be Fwrx*p 22 pps Burcapp4w a . ftslcs~ mmadm& 'ft,l 3v No tPAL955. PP 33%-349- WA * &-.w5-2Dn9 336v261 Sol Avg 6T matipu In NOM*JIV"W= Geromwo by R. BWW024 95 PP- DUM per Q~qMbZdMj W& Vol ho lb 4,0 2956t Im 3ok-me- SIA 33SAW ftl Avg 6T On the LAerpratim of oraftwula and )bgWLU AnoMsll"p by J- C:b"tm" do Garys IL BMWp 30 pp. rtrm pw g2smislea LLD& Vol 5,p ft-*# 2mv w 4n-w- Mik Tr-6%6-v6A Sei AUg 6T 336s264 Agarc, SfATISTICAL S-RIDY OF TRIPLE THEORETICAL REFLECTIONS. 6 Dec 60, Sp. (figs. ornitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-2028" Trans. of Geophysical Prospecting -(Nut-h-cr-lands) 11)60, V. K Ino. T P. DESCRIIII'ORS: Geophysics, *Seismograph.,;, Seismic Aaves, 'Reflection, Statistical analysis, ProWbilay. ne purpose of this study is to construct a synthetic scismogram, considering only simple reflections and triple reflections, where the second reflection maytake place at the surface or in depth, and furthermore, limiting oneself to those which bring a substantial con- tribution. The problem consists in determining tliv limit value I i of the coefficients of reflection belo%% which th~-ir contribution, in the form of triple ruflcc- (Earth SciQ-ncvs--Scismology, TT, v. 9, no. 9) (over) v2- 21)21~7 1. Agaid, The Dependence:f of Apparent Resistivity on the Probe Spacing by the Four-Point Method, by K. Deppermann. GERMAN, per, Geophysical Prospecting, Vol 11, No 4, pp 262-273. EM Dept of Interior AC5 E57 No 88 Sci-Earth Sci Jul 64 262,616 Rapid. Prepamtion of Gravimetzle Cbarts Deduced from the Bouguer Anomaly with the A:Ld of An Electroole Computer, by He Is Forte* D=, per, 299WOM legma Val X, NO 31P Sept- 29Ws pp 235-M, ACE TC-1305 set-Haul Seprt 6T 339v2T9 Contribution to the 81=1'fl 41 Calculation of Long-Distance Terrain Correctlans in Gravimtry,, by Be lkmmam. WCH, var. 2222WASQ Prcms-t= Val xis No '+,p Dec 1963, pp 5-.3-534. f, ACM M-1306 SC141QU Sept 6T 339*280 The Rome-Barcelona Connection in the EuEppean Gravimetric Networlc~ by C. Morelli, L. Ldhmno. SPANISH, per, Ge.9physical Review, No 77,1920. ACIC -.?. - Sci-Earth Sci & Astron April 64 254,875 A. S. Berg. 18 5-pf 06 Lml Pleview, Vol va, w L L it vp & M Air %other Swvice AR TqahUcm& Sesoarch YLUm 0 Geopbysics a 7.::r The magnetic Analogies of the Talwani-Ewing Relationshipp by T. Kolbenheyer. GERMAN, per, Geoexploratipa, 49 1966, pp 37-42. ACIC TC-1198 Sci- Aug 67 335,544 0. Macsotuay Trace Fossils in Venezuela ani their Pale oe cologi cal Value. MIGLISH, per, Geos, No 16, 19S7, Pp 1-88. NTC 72-13623-0M- Nov 72 ID Title: Results of Experimental InvestigAtIons of Turbulence in the TroDosphere and Stratosphere (Film) AuthorN. A. Pinus, G. N. Shur Source: Gerlands Contributions in Geophysics 1970, Vol. 79, No. 5, PP. 363-378 Language: German Ideteoralogiwa Cw1ditions for tkke Use of silver Iodide in the of Claudst bly H. G. Muller & A, Jaffe, 52 pp. 1~4 pare 2MM Aviation **L Dan-1 RO Rpt 63-39p Sept 1963. P500049468-V Dept of Navy HIC tr 2337 Sci/AtmoB Sci YAy 68 356g679 Ra,51io-1.1ailles (radio i-~esh) Radic, Syste", (radio Grid sys-ter) Iit~-. _S~ec;Aj e~ f ts Ap~licati-n Lc,nC,-!IanL;e erence to i E Navi3ationr =,!A 1.1ethod, by P. C. MI]CIASSIFIED GERI,AIT, i:jer, Gernian Co;m,!_,i_ttee._J'or Radic tion Reports, Vol II, Oc-'~ 2-1. Navir,a. *Nawy Tr XITI Scientific - Electronics Jul 55 CTS/bEX teristies (if !.-iilroad Cars, by oer, Ge-rillaji .".1tional ~;Zlilroad Ilrol XII, June 11'., 194 .1~ - - -xiny "at C;.,,d '.I-6-71.'~-604 z, ,Ici-, cch ~-'tc l."al-r 320,170 ; ii IIT Il I~l t' ThuTmal f.01-d ol ---n Aerodt?1laric i~centry L~Odlv -.,-I tile. ",esultin,-, i-ptimization and besijm Criteria, by F. Zivni, J. P. i1offmann, 14. pp. GEPUNNI, rpt, German Society for -Aero 4 Astron(DUR) Lecture No 45~ 5ept 22-24, 1969, pp 1-29. Ar;C/SC-Tr--1015-70 ScilAero Aug 70 GERMANYP INUUSTRIAL STANDARDS 1962 OIN 53057 582a.4F(79071