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Administrative Structa" On Road and Land* JAPAN=@ pwp Examma & Automobalose Val Ixt So 12a 1966o pp 49-W. DIL LK 183-68 FE E Feb 68 %.99725 Transportation L2 Mlnamg by Scuin KiWa, 31 pp. JAPAIMS, parg fia"Nsm & Aulmew2m, Val ix, NO 12~ 1966p pp 45i"oWe DU Ls :L85-68 BE Eoon Fab 68 3499M Transportation JAPAMSEj perr, No 8v 1966,, PP tu Lx 06-68 R soon Feb 68 in Thailande 35 PP. EMMkMW & -- so Vol 11, 77-89. 3499M Present State of Reorganized Truck Tinaspvvt business, JAPANESE, per IExpressway 4 Automobiles Vol VIII, No 1, 1967, pp 26-32. DIA LN 47-67 Far East Econ Jul 67 350,726 New Road Biuld-up - Five Year Plan, JAPANESE, per, ExpresswU & Automobile!., Vol VIII, INO 1, 196T. pp 40-50. DIA LN 47-67 Far East Econ Jul 67 330,727 11 - 10 11 : V I I I - 1 1 ! II I ; ;; I .' i! I 1~ - ~ N* 1 114 " 1::11 : !t -L Viewing Truck Transport Business. JAPANBSE, per, Expressway & Automobiles Vol VIII# So 1, 1961, -pp79-82. DIA LN 47-67 Far Fast Econ Aa 67 3300728 ExUAct G" VauiShlma AnimmU s A Blolear or Erttmetim and Survivaij, by vinvoms zisviler, =map tk, *ctlmt md Twaualft AnivaLl A 2 A BlalaSE of -fiffmace and SurVlvalo 133 pp - Val 92j, No 9* 46 Aug 1967 sci Ang 67 338j,V6 '.;"sble of Conteats of 'Meatrical Et,-,JneerinS 5 PP- UIZITASSIMD perp ElektivtosctnL~L,~ Vol X MI, 12j, Doe 1953; Vol XLIII,, 14o 1, Jan 1954, Uncl to NO ZE90 JR-594-54, A-ir ttta--'4c,, London. AF 612875 CIA D -'X29 The Electric Energy Forum, 19 pp. SPANISH, per, 24 Nov 1963, pp 33-41, J-PRS24503 LSA-Cuba May 64 Econ 258,799 Rhuteuts Umlfled M. A. 26630- -i. . - ftaU by k x1amtain I, in a .. ocza% awws7j' ra 91,0 'b 24,r .17 Jime 3.967 spa 336, ja2 Aug 67 Effects of Incomes - in the Federal lRepublic - of a 35~'C-mieni- iaVid-ral- of the Comm o4c of the European J~_ Economic Cormwnity, 6o pp. j=-NC-H, rpt, Enel 1 to I~--sp ECBUS A-33.5, LTST~'.C' Brussels, 23 Dee 1962. Dept of State ITE'ur - Belgium Econ- Jan 63 220,635 The Determination of Acetylene in Liquid 03Wgeup by L. S. Aftenshtein. RU6SIAN,. perp Factory laboratory.. Vol VII, 1938, ABC Tr ,/ :;? , va / scientific - Chemistry CTS 11/49 - (2/49) REQ TR CHECK VISCOSITY OF GLASSES IN THE ARSENIC SELENIUM ARSENIC SELENIUM SUFFUR, ARSENIC SELENIUM TELLURIUM AND ARSENIC SELENIUM T14-ALLIUM SYSTEMS KUNUGI M JA: FACULTY OF ENGINEERING KYOTO UNIVERSITY) KYOTO, JAPAN, ZAIRYO, 19'70, vol 10, nr 197, pp 145-150 C- Toratnal Fishing HwPbors and ~Arketa of the CountIlAs In the Contral Amsrics~l iffthms, bF Jo L, Gonzales Lopez. SPANISH' pwv FAO Teghglml Banstin. Vol 2, NO 1, JL 19M. 62 pp.. *CFSTI TT 68-.50095 ::IAff ri 1~ - b1i Ilik: Ilk k-Ll. ~.t .11 L; I '-T C01,qn,arati,ve '3atI'0IOk',Y Of BrolIC1,01,U1,jollary Cancer in a,~an 0"d idcc, by Jean-Louis .Iar' 4 le liappert, 25 pp. F-ill:74M. Thesis, Faculty of Paris, 1961. Sci/lIc"! U. . NOV 69 395,979 (ORNL-U-2543) SAMINC-ACYLATION BEHAVIOR OF CHEMICALLY MODIFIED PHENTYLALANINE--SPECIFIC TRANS- FER IUBONUCLEIC ACID FROM YEAST. 1. GLYCOL SPLIT- TING AND REMUCTION TO DIOL AT THE V-TERMINA-1, RIBOSE. GCra-mer, F.; van der Haar, F.; Schlimme, E. 10Translated by It. Gregg Malisfield (Oak IUdge National Lab., Tenn.), from 15FEBS (Fed. Eur. Biochem. Soc.) Lett.; 2.- No. 2,13(-9(1968). _,0(3p. _,4 D-ep-. --~\-Trs. 26chemistry (organic); translationS 2107C UMN-4 21P NSA fib*$ R-141 55-D 2 Dec. 1971 ''VA J%=Ma ~nlltwra. tional iyk~10.,~,C;LOUS ifJUlLU, by NWal: por, Federal Instituto Zur ~-cactor i'j~suarc~i at owitzerla-ad-,- bee 19G3. 922tiShl-'L 77 1-ci/:luciea-r Sciellce ZW,304 Abridged Proceeding of the 6th Meeting of Working Group III/I - Physics and Technology of Components, 12 pp. GEPI-LAN, per,, Federal HiniStry for Scientific Research jWIwF)-M CBM ra, Dept Ot NRVy Tit 4778/ONI TR 2173 Sci - Phys Axtg 66 305,656 The Amino-Acylation Behavior of Chemically Modified Phenylalanine-Specific Transfer Ribonucleic Acid From Yeast: (1) Glycol Splitting and Reduction to Diol at the 3' Terminal Ribose, by F. Cramer, F. V.d. Haar, 6 pp. GERWuN, rpt, FEBS Letters (Federation of European Biochemical Socities) 2,(2), 1968, pp 136-139. AEC/ORNL-Tr-2543-72 Feb 72 NTC FERS LETTERS IFEQERATION OF EUROPEAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETIES) AMSTERDAM 1%9 V3 N2 P125-128 70-10658-06A 1 Joet 'XW:~~MZ6 f`20L bko ;'w-'Ope and -3,1 rp ni~ Ittrix 31~ m0 try~ Jlr--t VC, ~,;r;,-bco ~,Irrvo N S~JM-Ig awl VM- 22. NO. 1, Pr. EL P. n-TI91. Order ft'M FASES $2. OD. $10. 00/year A I -V HWxu*k TR~iLtorni,, Yeatni . 196T T, 17~.:rW ~~ k 2, v. P. v IMMIC-gl I Emb7461o& (LISSR) 1967. v. 4Z - Z P. W14651 66-[631, ArtWv Patologil (LISSR) 196Z v. 24. " 4. p. 13-118138-1491- #Fizialogicheskil 7NtrnIU SSSR. 196Z v. 48, m 1, p. 55-[65); no,Z p. 145-[1491 207-[212D Do. 3. p. ##279-1299] 290-[3021 314ff.; na. 4. p. 0#455-[463] 464-[479); Klinicheakayn Meditednt (LISSR) 196Z v. 40, no, Z p. 112-fl251; no. 3, p. #0126-1129). Medirsined-ya Rediologlya MR) 1962, v. 7, = 1, p. 9#10-[15] 62-72; no. 4. p. 30-135] 79-80, 83-[S4]'. Texnpevdcb&Wdi Ari"y (USSR) 1962, Y. 34. no. 1. rL 2S-[44196-11001; no. I 696-ClOlD no. 4. p. 53-[571: om S, p. 10-[17] ologtcat Sciences, TT, v. 10~ m 9) (over) 63-17973-1 Title: ElectroreEtnagrams TitIM OIJVNXY M~]~. Title: Tonometry TItl= Sunflower oil Title- Superior vena cave Federation of American Societies for EXTeri - mental Etiology. Washington, D. C. Scripia Technica, Inc., WaahlVon, D. C. Off" of Uc*~* S~~ p Telt - 1159- 63168 R~irj, ?6 A 23-fMlogu 1 ?8 196Z 1 4 Rad~OMI 1831 88-rgo]. ~eslz rdk xxx 2, vopn oj~�10 196 63-179,73-1 pitaw A ((,SSW) 37, no. 14~1154] 169 qA~M) 1962 VY*abd Z 11721 ZZ 21. lxx~ are A 37-[391 DESC 'MiabIL- elsewIfte. IM. ep&Eh Bogy 0 sjolcsy~ Acclinu ' Pfedlcl,30 loo 1"Iau-on. ralft, *,Ca~trj, e.O-crzw-. coA Was, CR- R&dUt-[,n Pilla. A ArVogm YPOthe effo Maz=jc ph ecta, 'IOU t'8- *Gly--pm tlon L glycellu, 0 ls~ -Jfyv,~~, -" - este ~Atmonwc a. zw rlgo'4, agents. catfuls. *A ~h-n- 'oDrtdc acid, Be, eCj, Zyp-,-r- I-vioj,j YrOldglad. Ca Dudems, *B lati" *Mtm locer, C2xdegtezxg, Am sonic UCT ev, Of Q)srjract crosom abstzact es, Rib,, croOr- 0 P. I Ucleic acid.) 63-17973-2 FEDERAMN PROCEEMM TRANSLA13ON SLIFTLHUENr. VOL. 27, NO. Z Vr. IL P. T195- T384. Wr/APr 63. IV. Order hvm PASEB $2.00, $10. OO/Ywr vearat. IVDZ. V. 17. no. Ck, P. wml-tlzj, no. th Akademl Haut SSSR- hmesdY*- SarlYs BiolvchaWIM IV2'tl. 271. 3. p. ""2-14431; Akwimww,ro I ChwAMUStya MR) 1962 [Y. 381 m 1, 51 JUL- ArkMv AnatomiL ~i ~E m= 1962. v. 42. no. 6. p. r3S~ 787-ISUT 55 M3 1962. Y. 24. nix 4. p. 5G- 55 m 6, p. -12. W3-(601 6G-66. OBydlet-' Eksperimmullild i moatawy (USSR) 1962. Y. 53. vA36 2. p. 0"3- 96; Moskavalooe Obahcbearm lwymteld Prirody. ByuUem', 00del Blologicheabi (USSR) 196Z v. 137J(67) no. 1. p. 158-11591; MCI I 2burnid SSSR. 196Z v. 48, no. 6. p. 677-E;0] 722-17411; no. 7. (MolVcal Seences, Yr, v. 10. no. 10) (over) I. Twa Bmactyxim 2. 71dix Dlrr--l & Tmm- &4WAW Co" 4. TUIC Sboin 1V 1. Podftvdm of Austim sodwdes ftr ng-fti- W"bkgtan. D6 CL Cffkt p. 796ff; - 8. P- &M 907M 922f& 967ff, 989fr. 63-17973-2 994ft. KlWcheslmya Meditains (USSR) 196Z V. 40. no. 5, P- 85491196-11011; - 6. p. 39-1421 T cheald I Aredy (L=R) 1962. v. 34. no. 2. IF, P. 101 051 3. P- 23435D no. 7. P. 30-134149-[53158-165 T.;!051 TElEclOgly* (USSR' 19(2. v. 4. no. 1. P. 27-[311-, no. 2. p. 128-[136] 193-64 214-12191 U7-[2301; w. 3. P. 297f1 W-JO& I RA&QlogU MR) 1962, v. 37, nc, 1, p. 0#63-[651; vopzooy hieditatnakod Khlnlft MR) 1962, v. 8. = 3. p. 0#256-[2601 279-12831299-12931; Voproey Pitmntya MR) lgk62. v. 21. no. Z P. 2D-1261; fZhurnal KUkralAolod, W- demiob& I IMMUWUOlogil (USSR) 1962 1,. 33] W, 2. p. 56-1621; 2hurrAl Nevrop"Ologil I pdj-hj." MR) 1962. v. 62, no. 1, p. 59-165~ ObOdler tmasbtlan are gmanable elsewhem DESCRIFMRS- OBLOIca, whimUcine. spatizaaff. ophy'L,I,gy. d--ladm ORrain. Obauucttm (PhYsioloSY). OcRrdiovaeadar syst= *Adenomine PhosPb&t-I *POIOnium- OAO=Ooderomb. -Flbriu. (fOr rest o( abstract am W. v. 1% p. ) 63-17"" ANC t2-00, tlo-00/14" O,det fSOM 2. 7~ '6. at *JbintilAddid GLNtD- U. C- TIT135D A!~'~Ytj4b'q 2. P- 1-201ft- p- 2. P- 062. v- " *1~* ,. 142.v;;~-- Ov. 440 16"o. AGA--4-1! 27. 1,962. USSR WOO 6i4fi6l; r,116 2. - .74131 IS *BP. 63-169t. , "%21..... 5. ?_ 4641-OW-0 53. 13-12DI 27 4331 ' ' j962. V. 60-16210 AM 579-15661 9jS40-,W",4,M' il~roll I 062L 2. IP6 U0. S. P. (0V-1 1962. V- 40 , fv-511r,9105 1 1017ff. 1 59M 00, 91P. TT Vo 10, 1.0. 11) MulcheskEt3a WdUsirs (USSR) 196Z Y. 40, rn. 7. po- 63-17973-3 p. 15 -[21 L m 8. p. 107; LAboxatorom Delo (LISSR) 196Z v. S. m 7. p. 3-18119-1211 47M m S. P. 31-[34~ tainskeys (USSR) 196Z V. 7. no. 7, p. 45-[50]; Mwkwaiwe Obsbcbewpo Upytatead PdrWy. BAUeten'. Otdd Ko&W aWl (LWII) 196Z Y. I.VP7. um 4. p. IOPM Tez*Mvd- C&OSW ArWdv (USSR) 196Z v. 36. no. 7. p. 4OJ441; Tdtdo0ya OMR) 196Z T. 4. - 3. P. 251M 29M 3DW. 318-13221339-1346); Voprcwy MmUtsbufti KbiraU (LWR) 1962. Y. S. nm 1. p. 47ft no. 3. ip. 306-13141. #*Odor trandadmo are avaikblc ftom OTS or SLA DESCRWMRS: "KOIW. 0 T. OlWholo". Analpers (Pa TIM016 *Nerve ceU *Oxkbore&sxcumwx. Diaphragm OCM- ditlazed rcfL=. Modectrordes. RlectroencLIft - lography. ORefferes. Muwlea, *Automemic nervms SYSCM4 Oc3ampromazbm. *Neuroumscular tmw- MIBEdcmc6 MOtOr rV&"tOnB, *Mood dr=&dm Haart, *AnmnaUes, Fluorewence, Mcroscopy. *Adwro- (for t ct abstr*a am Tr, Y. 10. p. ) 63-17973-4 FEDP RATION PROCEEM" TRANSLATlQp- ,W- PLEMWr, VOL. 22. NO. 4. 1 IdM4-M IV. Order ftom FAMB $2. OD, $10. 00/yeRr or $1 Z 001year with Federation Proceedings Trans. ct Arkbiv Anatomli, CUtologil I Embriologil OMR) 196Z v. 4Z no. 3. p. 30-143 103-11071; no. 5. P. 14M Y. 43, m 8, p. Ilff. 29-134143M no. 12. p, 5M Arkhtv Putologii (USSR) 196Z v. 24. no. 6. P. V-1351; Akadendya 14auk SSSR- l2vaudylt. Serlya 13folagicheskays. 1962 Jr. 271 no. 1. p. 70-1831,. Aks - demly& Me&tsjnnH;rh Nu* SSSR. Vestnik. I%Z v. 17, no. 11, P. 51ft, #F Zhiumal SSSR, 1962, v. 48, no. 5, p. 701; no. 9, p. 111.3ft no. 11, P. 13OLM 13SOU. 1359ft nc6 IZ p. 1444f4 1454ff. 1479M. 1498M. Kardiologiya (USSR) 196Z if. 2. no. 2. p. 44-1521; IC&Acheskaya Meditstw (LISSR) 196Z (Biological Sciences, TT, v. M no. 11) (arer) 1. Title: Atelectards Z Title: Atophan 3. 71tim Cyclosertne 4. Title Diaboral S. Title: Siallc acid 1. Federation of American Sociedea for Experimental Biology, Washingtor, a C. OM-4 Y.6.4.! S-i-% V. 40. - 8. p. 65ff. no. 11. p. 7W, Labor&torme DdO QJSSR) 196Z v. 8, um 7, p. 26-[291 39M Medit- ydnnM 1010 (Ull M2. V. 7. no. 3. 39J5 Ya 9 53 P. 35 - 4. P. 66-1701; = 7. P. 50-[571 "U-(711-, 91 S. p. 74M. Problemy Encla~jj I GormWMVOI QMR) I%% v. 9. no. 1. p. 441f; TewspevtIcheskil Arkh1v MR) 196Z v. 34. no. 11. P. 41-1451 68-t72) 96-11001; Teltologiya (USSR) 196Z v. 4. nD. S. p. 359-[3601; Voprosy MeMpInakcd XhLmU (LWR) 196Z v. 8. no. 1, P. 351M m 4. p. 389ft Tom 6. p. 638t4 Voprosy Pitaniya (LISSR) 1962. Y. 21. - 3. p. 56-[611; no. 6. p. OM Snurnal MMmbio- IOSU t HPICkIM10109ti, I Immunobtdo&U (USSR) 1962 Iv. 33] no. 1. p. 35-1401, no. 2, p. 2o-1251 52-ISrsl 116-1119). OtAnother trans. Is available from OTS or sLA $i. 60 in 62-33314, JPRS-15514, I Oct 62 145p]. DESCRWMR& ONology, Cytochemlstry~ *Cholbes- terase, Ribofl&Vfm MMmIn B plm nummulosto Manganese. Oxtbreductases. Drugs. InsulLn. *Cl!ilor- props-ide, OPUncreas, OThyroid and andthyraid agents, (for rest of abotmet see Tr. v. 10, p. ) TT-63-17973-6 JtA ~ON SUM I - Federation of American LE&rWT-,-VOL- 22. NO. 6. Frr. n, ?-.-rtOll-TI264 AND INDEX VOL. 22. Nov/Dec 63, Societies for Experimental IV. RiolW. Washington. D.C. Ordew from FASEB $2-0D, $10.00/year or $12.00/year n. Script& Technics, Inc.. with Fedmtica Proceedings Washington, D. C. Sepame e= Cs have been prepared for the Individual translations IwJWdled In dds Imue. DESCRUTORS: OlUoRW. *Medicine. "FtqsioloU, *PatholoU, (Biological Sciences. TT. v. It. Do. 10) Offic- f T-h.i-l 9-1- ,FF-D-ERATION PROCRIMMS -TRANSLATION SLrrl- FM-O~F PL 1 -~2~3, NO. I, rT.--u7p.-rs--=n- Federation ot America. -J&--n7Peb 64, iv. Order from FASEB $2.00. $10. 00/year or $IZ OU/)x---.- with Federation Proceedings Sc-parutL entrier have been prepared for the irdividual tra rl.-. d oils ir,'~].Ijed In tll~ iss'.w. DESCRIPrORS: "Biology, OM"clue, OPhysiology. *Pathology. Societies for H"ri- morn, B10100, Washington. D. C. Scripta Todadca. tar-, Wambingun. D. Q (mological Sciences, IT, V. 11, no. IM off).. .1 lr..h.i-l 9-1- z Vr. U. P. Order frm FASEB $2. 0% $10. 00/year or $12. 00/year wicb Federation P:roccedings Sepuate Miles have been prq*red fOr Ehe individual tranaladms included in the Isgue. DFUSCRIPTORS: *Mology. *Njedicilic, *Physjoioj~y, MdQlw '1717-04-12541-2 1. FcJvration of Anicri-in Sociedes for Experimental 81010gy. Washington. D. C. U. Scripm Techalca. Inc., Washbigton. D. C. (MOLVcIdscienceaf Tr. V. 11. =6 10) Offic* of Techni-I tw-ice, for lwthortziitlon of t'at.- .~,,,OiAtion V-natizurization of t'oa Fish in thu- Federml Ruipublic o,-- Germ-mv. AITTI DR: -- ~OUPCII : Peed Cycle FoA Irradiation, Inc.& Brervm qttc..q -x~eembcr 28, 1971, 701pr. !VPCIAL INSTRUCTIOUg.- Traniqlatr. and type I c-.or-y If. , - - . -- - -. ._ . Recent Progress in the Study of Ce.Uulase, by Nobuo Toyama., 18 pp. GOVEMMT USE ONLY JAPAIMSE, per,, Fermentation Tecbnology ~%gazine,, Vol 47, No Ilt 1969. PP WN77-22. ARM/FSTC/HT-23-037-71 SCOW's Jan 71 Effcct of Light on the Germination of Several Strains of Arabidopsis,Thyliana L. Heynh, by Ida Kugler, 33 pp. GEPUMM, per. Field Information Agency, Tecimical (US) FLAT RepoRt No 1094, pp 9-2 . Dept of Navy Tr No 5140/ONI 2286 sci - Phys Mar 67 320.088 Fie2d Two-4)ven Tent, SPAMMO pero MOM Two-owm Tep-to 21 ium 1967. *A= J-4= ID 288901346? sol/meeN Mrdust Civil & map Krigr Feb 68 -I 1 1, ! ! - IF I I ~ I "I 'i , j3, 1 11 ; : 1~ I - 11 1 ~ Equipment for the Observation of the H-line at a Wavelength of 21 cm., by B. Chilth.achev, R. Sorochenko. RUSSIAN, per.(report), 5th Conference on Questions of Cosmogony. Proceedings. Moscow, March 1955. pp 546-549 and 550-555. (ZIRO/No. 7393 Sci - Aug 67 334-879 'trill- Oars, by Ern~~t c :U.I%l per, I -if-th Intornation.-d F Or-) 7-;)T: L e7 01 LIO 1938v pli 51-53. 76! -499 DDC rSIC 378 Sci-Engr N" iGs 292,866 Nuclear Prospects in the Belgian Electricity Industry FAM j rpt, Financial Bulletin Bank of Brussels (40.. PP 1-7, 10-13--Ml ML Pef:' 9091-9F (Risley lh~04) Sci-Ifuclear Sci July 68 360,949 t!-I~ 1-Allod o-.- Lijit Int y 1-TT~T:-,TST' Finnish Gcod---tuic In~,+. 2n, 5-12 (;L;L',O/':Io 7218 Sci L) 3 15, FIN ISH PAPER AND ITHOER JOW14AL A SEE P PERI A PUU 111.1- ~- I ~ "-VU, 11 M-N F, 11 IN I :;W 11121 1011; 1 ~ I ~V III !IV 7 7 :!; i ~ ~ . : , I ! I I . I' !iurfa-e-e-Chem 1-131 Stdi.4 iet -t' .ZF Di 1% '~u -iv, Aluffainum Ions and Rosin Acid,.. by Per Mcwaal., B=wik Brurm., 20 pp. YEMMII,, Finnish Paper and r1mber Jommal, Vol VII, 1950.. w 194-202. S.L.A. Tr 150 Ncgvr - Flaleind Scientific - M=istry Fire Protection Behind the Iron Curtain, by Harold V. Hodi-iick. SERBO-GROATIA14,, per, Fire journal, Vol 61, No 2, Mar 196T., pp 26-31- Idbrax-j of Congress 324,333 Article Deals with the Zagreb, Yugoslavia Fire Department. ll--*.-.I~~ ; Lrot Flic~lt to I~Il;:! --,- ~Ct :Burs.- 41"W'ClIX], up, Pruvda, " - 11 t:0 lo;:~~ ;7cl - tero 63 ~ 11:1:~ ill It. 1i1!'" "I FI'll J-!! III Ft I StUdies on a Traumatic Rot in the Abalone 11 Isolation of Bacteria and Inoculation Experiment, by Nubuo Hatsunaga. JAPANESE, per, Fish Pathology, Vol 2, 1967, pp 11-21. Dept of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Office of Foreign Fisheries No A-28/May 69/56 On Loan Only sci-B&M July 69 388,612 On the 111amntous Bacterlura Attached to the Gills of Cultured Kurum-Pra=, Pnaeus-Japordouz Bata. b3r Yusulm Ishilmun. JAPALEZ5, J= Vol 2 1. pear. PIA'Sh EalbeLo jul 1967. pp 68-72. *CFSTI TT 68-50604 Sol/ml Jul 68 'anda-.i, Rurt fardlrnella aurita, intemedlate t,''pe, occurrence and growth-. pattern F!--ierie3 and Fianfeeding in 'srael, ~,14~: 1-~-21. Tn ~.'ebrew. Tranal. by fluth Landau, 19,'0, ~p. and 3 c:-,nrts, t-.-p*script. Avail. a-, '-oan - M'.?3, WaSh., D.C. Original Article Chocked .... E Lev- A ;.f purse selne (F-pishet haia,'a i-l-;~;a: !'.'sherlea F151-ibreeding ir. 6 '341: 56-57. n TrurzI. forDept. of Tish. , Sr2eli of A:griculture, 1971, 2p., types,;rlpt. Avail. an T.oari Wash. , D.C. Original Article Checked -1 3762-D 16 Sept. 7t "miln taW arx! vzowma rolartw in Um V arlm s3ldr-ul lxxbw Ttxlwv*.A TLQMM= vt CC UNWIM 'NaAsocce w rmm-mmm - M TIA aE.M& AIWIN kxivcr F 's 69WMI X.411f jj>'m fl!)Lm 2 C700 hu7to Sri clxwtg mxi ftwuum" lpur,u, by ".'. S. Glorimov, SO -pp., bk, Fishing Industries of lndonesi~, and i;urmat197(jS, pp 48-77. 71' 69-59007 M/Ec on Nar 69 An lavestigstion of the Waters Adjacent to RxmWep per, Flabories r Station -- immut PIP-3: Proxmis R P v v J10 ~,v 1,737 p091-- ~*' 5 Dept lAterlor SK3ft AM No 12 Sol - Gw" jois,y 61 /,7jf-- 5 -3 i - k ALmixyz ll.~:M Pot'). H4*.v SA-4676-72 #232 Atlm 8 JapAwma arUcles on, alrImp R-15176-D 12 June 1972 AuUicrt Zkko Somms The fishljy,, md Fr-od Industa-i lvdcVp NoSo h (653) am 5 (654)2 Apr. 15 am' 25p IM. Lnngua[ps Japmeno 9pp Spw&a int3trwtimot Translate *uv-l We In 2 c3mo Third Japan-Soviet Fishery Conference - Protect the Salmon Resources From Predation - The Catch Phrase, of the Japanese Representatives. JAPAIMSE, pery The Fiobing Industry Weekly., No 232. Jam 1959. Dept of Interior Seattle Biological Laboratory Bu of Commercial Fisheries Seattle, Wash SH211, E82, No 241 USSR /. -:,,, 6, C4; I V4~ a,oarcc; nub voi 44, w, 1., 1968 90 or I=reselma etrIcImV la river i-lahlua P. PP M-Q4 Ou the effect or exploebms cc fish by: B. T. -- mr2AIN, et &1 (3 3 p9 h2.44 Rowltz of qrserMUS twLI txauxa Gperations at Y=10= depUs. A7: A. It. LAMM (3 PP) 4 50-51 A&MICOMIL eqp4psmut placed on board timm's rav eatcldl%g ghs'"V BW.- L. 9. LM= tit C-1- (21 rP) 5 56-58 !N!fItImft in tw operaU= *-f vleatrlc Urwls By: YU -T. 89C= et al ( -> PP) 6 u-63 use or isopro-wi aiawaw. ~,cm- the =%xaction me- thoa oC obtmining f~ f2aw. By:A.P. C=WXCRVXV P.T.O. .Tal'02D-30710% riehery Conferebc* Olmamd. Soviet Attacks C=Ce*~rated on the Area iW the Bouthlo 5 pp. .TAPA=Zp pWp -LAu*U-j Vaekly No 269v Tok7o,p 3.5-11?5 Feb 0 Vp J0030) - U(1515. CI-4/10 X-4173 MSR ru - 2C015 Apr Op 4 Z~AXPMSBIS, pow, The Firhing lrduaUmy Waal;~, Tokyo, Wsur 1960 ~6(M)-21",225) WSR rz - 9--ou AM 6o may% Tjmna9 of the Jmpascoe-Soviat Fi.e!h-.y !.-*cmft-r-~z---z., 5 pp. JUPAIME, per ThOTOMag ladimtry Weekly., 11b 2"14; 15 Apr. IXVI, ; 7007). CIAjfFM X-4273 vm ft - jap= sacm AI&K, way (50 z I I '!11 11, IIP.,V ~1111; :11, AgrejasQnt 4achad On Crab Catch Quota (Ji9=03v- soviot riahary Conference Xew)p It pp. JAPAX952a pw- The YishUig Weekly# No ST59 25 Apr T9&, V 7039). - CXAAMD X-hrM mm n - may 60 7 w L T1. 19W, 7 N L M 7 12 olyt T'he French Potez 75 Ground Attack Airplane. UNCIASSIPM, WWI# per., PlIgbt Arms and Tocilnigue, Vol ZVO No 10., 1953p p 2350' ATIC F-es-8246 IrEur - France Atlitary - Airplane Jan 54 m of sLnthouyanhi Fon:-'Auioll 011 L-';L~at, by R. Handcler. RUSSIA-';, pt~r, FI.Dru, Vol 14), 19611, ~-7 Sci ,.IIII I'I ;I1;1 I I j, ~UIIII11:1; Behaviour of Liohena and Mosses During Exposure to Sulfur Dioxide Gass by, H. G. Daessler. ENGLISH, per, Florap Vol 158, 1969, pp 454-461 NTO 72-60154-06F June 72 Air Fore& (TD lo oc-t 1966) R-7551-D Certain precise solutions of the pcroblems of flow around tear drop ving vith a sWer and hypersonic gas glov barr By: A. I. Golublaskly and A. N. Ivanov From: Fluid and Gas XnFdneering No 1, 1966 pp 145-149 ( 5 PP ) Russian - est for vds: Translate and type 1 camra ready and 1 carbon copy. Docummt can be out. Typing instructions attached. ;II I !" I 461y"Po' rllmvv%mpw Air Force Ad B-7552-D (TLv 10 Oct) 23 sept 66 Break-%ff of a tbree dimen ional, t,oundary layer By: V. S. avduyevskiy and K. I. Medvedev From: Fluid and Gas Rnjdneerlng # 2.. 1966 pp 19-26 pp Russian - est for wds: Translate amd type 1 c a ready and 1 carbon copy. Document can be cut. Typing Instructions attacbed. Vertiwa Lnpact of a Sphere Rol Lmersed in a Liquid of FInIte Depth, by L. S. Vorovich IUSSV3,, per, Fluid and Gas Mechanics No 41V 1966m, PP 101-113- Dept of Navy NM Trans No 2733 Sai-Pbqaics Jan 69 366j,350 :lF - . I I r If I 11; ll "I I P, IP-1114 Fill Amphibd-o= Autombile s 4 vP 9 (ID 9754-,--9) BULaARIW,, porp For the Father'smily Sep 1955p Erma to R-562-55.----------. AJM#Ilp ",M3 39,1341 mmtary AMW 56 LM/dm L: 7 2 "111 tnr 1 c )l mc 0 C=- --!3 Study on the Action of High Concen- trations of Alkylpolygl:rcol ~-;thers oa Fish, by Ch. Gloxhuber. .~JGLISH, per, Food and G(-smetics Toxicolplay, Vol 6, 1968, PP 469-477. NTO 72-10837-06F Apr 72 lul, Agricultural BaLtic Law. Opp. JAPIUME,-romelza AL-ricultural Service Rep2~r- Special Report: Agricult 6. D-7 AMHbassy, Tlokyo,. 16 Jun 1961. OWN F.Ar East - Japan Econ jui 61 Classification and Evaluation of Terrain for Vehicular Traffic, by Stig Areskoug, Sven Grape, 10 pp. GOVEPWIFNT USE ONLY Slit-DISH, rpt, Forest Terrain as in Sweden. AM.VFSTC/HT-23-1103-71 7? ile r44 fAcm. .,-ti m MItIcs-las and aqwAmlti Ale,hc'-~ --tatt ..,mroa: RW.6~. ~.uwo Lu:-Jc" Lund tica 1-1 'fa)Gwcj-j 7TAn;t*0 2'".'Cowv,:C-Awckv I"qi poo .',Xkt- , ."'! ... ..... '- w, . r - . " I ; i - . I - I P T 11 4 , , 1. Lx,,~erimental Studies on the Response of Rice Plants to Day Len4#th (III), by Iwao Namo, 32 pp. CHINESE, per, Formosan Agr. Rev. 35: 1939, pp. 671-VZ-7-. CIA X-7203 Mar 70 403,279 foxmo!,AN A6HICULIUMAL REVILN 1939 VJS Pb25-b4b 70-210S5 1949 V45 Pblb-b29 70-210bb 1939 V4b Pbll-bb? 70-21W -i.artli Pressure 7licories for Cohesive ~;f)ils, by C. f'. Kollbrunner. per, 2191) S . ci-Earth Sci Jull 63 1 errioelectric 'Acchniqucs for Tempera- 'low Th ture. 'Measurement, by J. 6?oyvr, M. Cassien, 1-~ 19 pp. FRENCII, Paper IIAT 1.4. 4th Intern Aeat Transfer Conference 29 Aug-5 Sept, 1970, Versailles, France. AECIANL-TT-828 sci/Phy Sept 70 pd.rdsters Discuss Fieform in Rural Areas, by 'Ali liasir liasani, Muhammad ,41-Lh Weli. 5 pp. APABIC. np, 14 Octobe Aden, 29 SePt 1969v P 3; 30 sept 19699 p 3. ame J PM 49270 NE~-!-,eoples Pep of South lemen Soc Nov 69 393,995 caucaul an Illem-mve Sai-Bavig, Cammg Dot & CH Sept 70 A I I, B i I'll ~ 1:; 111: 1:--"11! 1 it! I V: part Emn-Eh !;imn-4 fe~ascra!,Jy tAcmico City, Jul 1964. OU51 3978 Scl/M&M tw 65 277,14:1 Im-flamptry, by F. G. Varps. ourth General bP.tkl,U.,Ai, per, F of Ij Mexico City, Jul 1964. *RISI 3979. aci/lmm Apr 65 277.145 i~rcparation O-L, dcro- ic ,-oplicas ane, L) I 'k~alls O~'~ Lxtractioll, by G. lionry, 'lat -au. . e Filli'Xils Fourth Inteinaticmza !'I unforeace cmk Electron Kicrosc-ony 1958, I)p 10-17. .11SJ 2i686 Jistary and Activitiam of the Premah CSA (ComWAmwint a 3m lfn~ Atmoom), 21 pp. IMMMED INLU tra=latum. 'Rams. Ocit Im. , pwo ftm Dommmts ID OSUSA 887034 scieutlflc - awl ph"i". AtofidA anergy CIIL T75184 CUEILLE, J. and BUR-RAVAULT, L. New progress in treatment of bananas before packing. Fruits 23(7):351-6 (1968) (GB 221) BEAUDOIN, C. and others. bananas with thiabendazole. Experimental treatments of Fruits 24(2):89-99 (1969) (NLL/5828.4F(9 GUILLE, J. and BUR-RAVAULT, L. Treatment of orar for control of Penicillium app. using thiabendazole -based formulae. Fruits 24(9-10):421-4 (1969) (NLL/5828AF(9 New PeTsDectives Presented Offereel by -T*,tm-icider, Derived From Benzimidazole, in the Treatment of Citras Fruits, by E. Laville. FRETCH., per, Y~L-uits, Vol 25, No 5, 1970, PP 337-339. 1,TC-71-10013-02A Nov 71 Cooling of Banana Hands Packed in Corrugated Cardboard Boxion in Compact Stowage# by R. Doullin. ZXGLISH, pers Frultev Vol 25.q No 9j, 1970, pp 583-591 NTO 72-111*12-02D June 72 Raoidual Mycoflora Isolated From Bananas Treated With Derivatives of tho "Banzimidazole" Radical, by E. Laville. FRENCH, per, FnApp Val 26, No 1 , 1971., rip 3-4 NTO 72-11977-02D Juns 72 Sobok;, v, Ruam-AX, !~~Nlmthp Val nvl:,-i" 2.9cl-l pp err-3zl,;I, Awr )Sath Sal - Matla & Tiata Proc oct, 63 L 1/ ; !,]: if ~ stabI3.1ty of (Nixed Diesel Fuml Cdls by r2. Opma JAPAIMI# perv rupu a Vol EMVI.. IRIO .3W. -pWr6l"I~.-1957 C.BOIJI,009 Mlef Librarian V Sci //Is'!r PAw 6Q '.bY IUCrOzCopic Method With GZPX~ Pluid, Tekllibalfili . ')-AFMMSE', ]Mr, h.01 Society 0-;~ J~M= ,Yournal Vol I.IRRvrf- JIG -b-f -.351-36o. ,a 62 Straor. jmaiysis of Rmator Pmasure Vausel, by 41 14Dtomigu Fujita., 15 pp. FOR MICIAL UEM ONLY JAPAIUMP per, 0' 1 nectric Jcmxngl,,-Dec 1961, G2 USWACj EncY to R-638-62,o VoLl XMV.. No 12. ID 2210722 FE - Japan Sci - Pbra I Mzcl~j, AW 19 oat 62 ,,ocr, Faii Iron 4,- steel Co. 1963, 12, (4), 445-455. t 6 -:at