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gluctron. ~Auuy o--,- o."limitu"D 1,-,.st un,~ ' ii, A Li ca jcntixial -ii:w1c, " ), i'. - .. Frw)-. per, Axdiivas of Oral hiolcoij, Vol 11, 1966, Aid W9-19EI. fli:il :%IA 2-5-67 iiar 67 320.624 Einige Eigenschaften Von Loesungen Der Pranddschen Grenzschicht-differential- gleichungen, by Karl Nickel. GERMAN, per, Archive f:)r Rational IvIechanics and TTZ-Ysisk N-58-1vo-l-ff I NO-T- *RAND Sci-Engr July 65 General Continuun Meory of DiSlDCations an~', Internal Stresses, by Ekkehart Kroener, GERMAN, per, Archive for Rational Mechanics - ikl' IV, No 4, 1060 27/-3.34- and Analysis, I Y -2363 (Specir-1) Sci - Oct 063 iio,ainear Inasticity Zheor~, of Lislocations and Inte7--n,ql Stresses, by r-kkehart Kroener, Al-fred Seezer. GEMMA-1.1, per, Archive for Filational Mechanics and .4-nallysis, Vol III, No 2, 1959, pp 97-119. *JPRS/S-.F-236l3 (Speci;Ll) Sci - Yl/1" Oct 63 Die PrandtIschen Grenzschichtdifferential- gleichungen Als Asymptotischer Grenzfall Der Navier-Stokesschen Under Der Eulerschen Differentiallaeichiungen, by Karl Nickel. GERMAN, pil,r, Archive Ibr Rational IvIechainics ind Analysis, 1963, Vol XM, No 1. *RAND Sci-Engr . - cicl iti ~-ic of Soviet 1,31tarc-ac ac, ~~:.:tic &id "jitard~ic scientil:ic- li:~~Ba=i Institute. Tp-niliyrad, 11'ramsacLicm of M5 6503-t Tota =-Ec EZe i, Vol 38, 1968 2G4 *Cl-bT:E IT 0'9-5-cA)85 sci/barth sci ilay 69 .taLLic)),iYsical : iikliWs of '.,-sea:cch in ti-#-- ixct:.-,Lc 8.*oii~- aid iii AAL'rtarctica. 2 16 i),L.). ,c aid Altarctic L,~(Altizia-.-Lias Fosearai Inatit-aibe. cp:ad, Transacticris-I Vol 284, 76-8. *CPSIT 72 69-55083 sci/earth sai T-.ay 69 in i,olar .255 ;j,j. L>k, ixcUc arici -iiitarcLic 'Scim-ktific- jU.Ske,xCil Listitutn. laniligraus-'A.Taisactims Tol 211", U-6-8- *CUUM TT 69-55D84 sci/earth sci - *zy 6 9 Folax aydrometeccologic.1 serv-1ce, by jA ,,Iotiw X. Nondraochav . uwlAsalp= RU68TA3v rpt, AX-ctle Sclemblflc-3njomtjvo Ingti- 't'Llu o the HaU Northe-r-u-se-a- 50'u-te of tbo jjja;jst~-.y of Sea ridet. Havy 2325/M 610 sei - Geopby--ita Oct 59 ,,Coy to tho Ganus :Drnithadoros (o:f Russia) (A"er FavlovskY., 1955),. Fcmles emd FAlosp by I. G. CIBIttzop 3 ppo RUSSWI., woapgreph,, ArSmaid Ticts =d Thair !!DIzcotro- logical SignMeanee A3j-ci&-Ata 1957- pp 83-85. MA 59 -15903 Sci Doe 59 Vol 2 v go 5 F r- inch : Irrwd i.orces Bulletin-':,meroon. Yaounde Ca me r o o ii . ;; 72 . p 1) . 1 " - 17, 2 7, 2 8 , 42 - 1 .1 . i I I ALN 7122-72 (91,p) 17 A? R 1919 D-!,v,~ :;pment. (,!' th.: Indu.;tr~-. by Toshilik%, -1 pp. J. 11': ~N Ulli 'lk2CIIIIIjUl!, 14- FE - Japan Econ I'su y 00 Develaqwnt & Pmxnut Status a9 tl* Chm Powd*r Udustry, In Post War Japans by Hutotsugm Homiftno,, 24 "PAOU, por., Arai and Toebuiquel. No 10, 1492 pp 2-22. ACIII B-5350 FR - Jay= Been mar 60 Anti.-Tauk Missile Development, 3 PP. FOP, OKFICIAL UM MY TP I LPAN17M. Der, J=a and Techaiqges, Jul 1962, Rpt No 500t1i Intel Corps Op FE - japain Mil. Sci - Space/Rea 18 oct 62 Discussion M**Ung an Davelopumt at am Wespomp by Twitva Salto,, Ybobiketa 94gwmnm., SMIChi Tlakahlald. %TAPAM=p pwt__.bW M!t ftcW~pm_, No 1# 1962# PP 5-1T. 319th KE In 1-3*77-A n - Japan LA Scon't wa 18 ftpt 6P. Ecommic Coqp=tlom of Japan with Middle and South Amerlem CbLu4trisaj, by Zensbirc Hoob, JAPAN=.. jarj. Ji"m wd ToobnUps.. ND ls 1962s PP 28-32. 319th ml BU 1-1477-B ID 21W,455 z LA Boon 18 Sept 62 Firing Guidtid Missiles at NiijLma Experimental Station, 12 pp. FOR OFFICL4,L USE ONLY JAPANESE, per, Arms and Tedinique, Vol 1, Jan 1964, pp --- JCS 601D013;364 (DIA) Sci Aero Oct 64 268,381 Target Systems, 11 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JAPANESE,, por, Arms and Technique, No 2,1964. B 22006466-1 500th INTC Gp, SIRA Rpt No 0646/64 FE - Japan Mil May 64 254,850 Target Syste ,%,,part 2, 10 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY JAPAN preln, Arms and Technique, Vff:EW, No 3, 1964. B220[08064----- - ' - 5ODth INTC Gp, SIRA Rpt No 1080/64 FE - JApan NM Jul 64 259,466 I ~ jua.iWlition A- ~ -L jl'a"Ai4l~SU, pors alld Tacitld~,Uu Vo 14", 19bri, jil. 42-48. 1-7265 10 22U401JI65 FE - Japari. ,dl Jull 15-1; R-5392-D Efficiency Am=ition Research, Anns and Technique, vol 1p, Dec 1964, pp 42-48, 7 PP Japanese Tla-72,le of C-nuents of Artillery Journal, (D) - UNCIASSIFIED RUSSIAIE-, b'-,:, Ai:,r.ed Forces, Mar 1c)53- OIN b-5 J5 i-latdc Trakzffii-, for i-rotouicia Vayfare for the I..UUmry and C-AviAanG "Uhcuilc3l Type", 24 pp. FOP, OFFICLAL USE OINLY -ig -36. li.I.ABIC, bk, Army-PrintL Dee, Dee 19&1, pp 1 9698833 FSTC 381 765-441 1-7797 ID 220036165 sc:f - a/M Jail 66 294.439 SpwUl Weapomi - IAm Am" Speciales, 10 pp. FRVOCH, pow, &14aer z 2Q a jhajW9 for the French Armr. 1SI66. pp. S11-3-1, S11-4k. 3-1-47. 3.1-48, 11-49, 1.1-50. ACSI J-3036 ID 2832030566 Idl Sep 67 338.085 ,2a7r)le of Contents of "Asia JAPAd=j, pe Ir.,,.Wo~ 1393-1421,, pub! by Asia IICVG Service., Ma/Jim 1955. Ir 500tb MI Svc Gp Tr 86661.-86667; 86734-86737; 86815-868PP; 868W-86893; 8697-3-86977 FE - Chinap JhPan Econ Pol tin CTS 70/Jul 5!i Table of Contents of the Periodi(-'ai "As-io News'-' JAPANESE, per, Nos 1464-1475, 6-210 AuE; !0~5. 500th MI Sv GI) Tr No 87216 e - China Eccno-mic, Folitical Oct 5-5 CTS/DEX W. F. Huebner Some lucrowave Transitions for Molecules Can- jected to be Present in Comets and in Interstellar Space. GEMN., pert Astronomy and AstrDphysics, Berlin,, Vol 7, 1970v pp ?59-366 NTC 72-13338-03B Oct 72 MMM 3TANDARIYSON~ CODEN 1-9R PPRIODICA~I-.. titlY,S; STP-329. 1963, 432p Lyrder from American Society for Testing and Materia 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, 3. Pa. $20.00 DESCRIPTORS- *Documentation, *information retrieval OPerfodicals, *Coding, Standards, T-r-64-12115 I. Title: ASTM standards 2. Title: CODEN 1 ~ STP-329 11 . American Society for Testing and Materials. Philadelphia, Pa. (Social Scicnces-Documentai1on, 'rr, v. 11, jw. 5) 1 etft~ at lectakaf scrykil On the Spectrwi of Relativistic Electrons Accelerated in Cosmic Ray Sources, by V. L. Ginzburg,, S. 1. Syrovatskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol 1, 1968, pf) 451-459. CIA X-6827 Dec 68 370,999 . . - - 11 -r1- . - f L - - .LLD ~ ' . ~.; Lt- It'.: - I _- --.- - - - 15C), 1,111, ju'l i-i ; iI.UnxmxxjUx Jul 26. CIA/FDD/:X-l6-,I,' Tatle -.)f Contents of ' - tror t~irculr- 110 lcl*2,2xp 15 ser 1-5~ . c L~ /FI)D /x -1 U --- ~ - T/C 4: )LO. /,5-V C t 0 ~ q S,~- (~ ~ N ~ ~-- (,)o ~ X-tq~cj --- Obve --v-- ton s of I, rt if i c i ~ 1 i.0. TYLSS I! I I", rpt- Published by t! ic of the USSR ll~c,-Clelay up Science. 1~- 2. 17,LL/';,9-2P,.4 1(,6~ I ) - 1097 5 S c --'. - 1AIG Cy E, r'~h Se I I e s I I C,~iiu a c IMCSCOI-11. -3) 3 5 '( 6-1 Optimum Stabilization of a Satellite in an Inertial Coordinate System, by 1. V. loslovich, 24 pp. RUSSIAN, per, As-tronautica Acta, Vol 13, No 1, Jan-Feb, 1967, pp 37-47. ACIC-TC-1751 GUO Oct 71 -'011.,ditioris, of Stibility of a 6at~-llitc -Yravi- tational itabili,,,,ation Sillstem :."'ith 3*:.'-ro S Cool C Laampin,-, 'by V. A. Sarychev, 23 pp. f-"L~J6SLL~- per, Astronautica Acta, Uxford, -'reat -~-ritain: Vol =99,--IW-299-31-0. JPRS 53447 JulY 71 Photo- Flue" 'ations ~-of -TAIOPemture -and 33emitY in the tul sphere,. by B~ - ScbmLieder. GEMI'kN., per,, Astrcm2m d Astropbysics, Vol 16, 1972, pp 44-,52. *AFCRIt ~12 sep~j GOVEMI-I-ENT UTSE C)iiU Contriblati. on to the Meazurenenz. Of Visual :31naries Using the Lalleriand Ei.ec-t I ronic Canere., bY P. La-ques, 24 pp FREINCH, Ier, Aso;~,rojT) s. S ace Sci , -.,,c)1 11, Igr7l, p:p - PUfz;o ~p KA3A IT F 13052 mar -,2 Growtl:~.of.Marxii;lt-Laninist-Tiovement in Capitalist Couni?O:rles, 5 pp. - ENGLISH, rpt, AIM. Tirana, 0902 GMT, 19 Nov 72. -57689 JPRS. Doc 72 lZerl! I VOulli* I scores U.S, and USSR on 3rd Interiiational Miniversary., 5 Pp* ENGLISH, rpt, AIPA, Tirana, 0904 GDIT, 26 Nov 72. .1 .5776,t Jan 73 ECONC911C. PLANNING IN ALGERIA, 7 PP. FRENCH, PER,, ATLAS ALGERIE, NO 18, 2-''l AUG 1-163, ;; 0 PP 17-21 . JPRS 21~i6i AFRICA-ALGERIA ECON ~ OCT 63 344,392 POLT.SH, putil by Gentwalny Urzad Geodezii i Varsaw, 1953--514- Teleberg Book Company 511h Sixth Avenue, Neu Yorl. ll,, It-f $161.20 ESur - POIALUd Geographic Apr 56 Cul;aients. on the Theory of Jet liu.pactors, by Gottfried Hanel, 19 pi). GEWK&N. per, Atinos Environ, No 3, 1969, pp 09-83. AEC-Tr-7085-68 Sci/Pliy Dec 69 396,047 398,047 Studies on the Dlate=inatiOn of Acidity in Aerosol Particles, by, C. JUU&. 28 PP- GMUM, per, AtwDs Euviron, Vol 3, 1969, pp 423-441. AEC-LF-tr-2 ScL-B&H Oct 70 Natural and Forced Oscillations in the Magneto- sphere, by E. Selzer, FPENGi, prt, ftnospheric Terrest. Physics. Vol I XXIX, Na 4, M67, pp 339-350. *NLSA TT F-10.991 GOVEPMMU USE CNLY Sci-Atmos W Jul 67 A Report on sti%nes Conducted I)y the I-Ibim AcadwV of Sciarices Concerning Lamea to the Rods of E"eavy W&ter Reactors, by :.A ~u-Fanr Tsao 16 pp. CIEMESE-, Per, Atomic Nl=, 1,966, Dept of lAvy 0111 tr 2452 Sci-Pbysics cet 67 340.880 Prospecting for Urunium Wes 11 pp. CHMMM, per, A vy,3ol Ij No 1,P Jan 1956, Encl to IR 431,5-57!~ih Ana. IAF n26536 Sol - Nuclear I%yeics; Geopbywics, geology FS - CUM ECOU - 2 / ? SeP 57 Jzpan Ato=c Rvargy Amauml Rep4ytt ;[1956-195'1), 5 vmr - jApAms, bk,, Atomic Energy Annual, l.956. ... - ABC 3;430 sci - DUC pbys *an 59 J 17Y T,atrnblishmnt of the Fundamntml- Pljo-kn for DnvnIop- mant and Utilization of Atomic Powerp 5 PP- uwLAssnpm JWANWE I bk 1956., ChaLp 1-1, A"'t Atomic Energy Amu4,- pp 67-71., zncl -E-o-T-R--7r-Wj AA., Tokyo. M 2256379 Bei - Nuclear Pbysics Fab 58 FZ - Japun x0on Contributiai to the Study of Starting a Wtcnatiai Caused by an impact on an Explosive., by Henri Bernier. FRENQI, rpt,, Atomic Energy Commission of Franc*,v No. EfX--Yf--2497, May 1964. 89 p, Excerpts cover pages 29-SC. *AEC EDC April 23, 1966 Sci-N Sci Apr 66 Isotope Sel4ration by Gaseous Gmtrif'agation. ~c . Jl* 1;1 ,i, Por, Atonic Ri~py ~awslatter, io 7F2, 14 v~ar 1967. Dept of' 11-avy lilC tr 2593 SC111-1, s IV June 68 356,21'-? American-Sides Cooperations MUNCH, per, Atcmic EneriZ Ilaumletterg lio 956,, e/ wc :Lgo?. Dept of llavy NIC tr 2598 Sol/1-Lue Jlane 68 358,213 G, 3. Is the NuaLear Trend Just-.Lfied? per, Atamic ~~ Ti'q!!gLetter.,, lio 957, a Dac 196,?. Dept of Navy NIC tr 2398 Sci/liual Scd & Tecb iwio 68 358,214 N I uclear Power Plants in France* IMINCH, perp Atoode EnqxTv Ilowslotter lio 958p 11 Doe 1967. Dept of Navy NIC tr 2598 soi/,mol Sci &- Tech June 68 358,215 The Future of Emi-atoms kNBliCH, per, At-Olldc ERSM llewsl.21-kem, i'lo 950., 12 Dee 1967. Dept of Havy EIC tr 2598 sci/Nucl Sci & lech June 63 358. 2 16 Indication Assessment and Dosii-3el:ry in Endolyriphatic Therapy Using 131 I-Lipio-Dol, by K. I:inl,el, J. Eecker. CEM.WN, per, Atomic Energy _Research Establishnent Vol 133, 1967 pp M8-1-488. AERE-Trans-1101 July 69 384-6E9 Ix 17 30v 69 se"ratlm or U3WAW lootopea by G"00= SF nufuMm AU=Ua Nmbvmes, per, AtwAc ftmw SwleV lu Jftanj, Val.UsAo-7 JULY 3,969,p ftecUa Type"B"iftemae fteft VI= am AmW ftwa*m- do liot Imutuates KARAMYAN, S.A. and SHUKAROV, Yu. Chemical analysis method of large angle scattering of heavy ions. Atomic Energy USSR 20:56-7 (1966) (AAEC LIB/TRANS ~ (AF - 64 5 17 11 spillaSIT, per -Atomic I.-Iorld Vol V) ED pp *11-TIC-F-TS-8599/1 Scientific Nuclear Physics Jul 55 Unul (M-Trans-278) THE STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLEAR DATA TAPE KARLSRUHE (KEDAII-). Motller, U.; Schmidt, J. J. Translated for -Atomics International. 121). physics (nuclear); translations IN-34 P RC A T Unlimited Relationship i)f the Integral Brightness of Polar Aurorae With Geomagnetic Field Varimations and Short Periodic Pulsations of Earth Currents, by A. B. Korcitin. RUSSIAN, per, Aurorae and Airglow, No 6, 1961, pp 33-36. NASA TT F-9219 Sci-ES & Asmon Feb 65 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 274,899 . .- . . ~ - , - 1 11 .. I I . -,, . 1-116 - "i - -L U3 U~ F(Y.nJ Le-gri-Slation From ziusala. GERMIA",", bk,, Austrian Food Code pp 2-58-2W. OTS 64-%1106t Scl/Agrl may 65 279,475 o "Danube SlUiping, 49 ): i 11 (1:P'll-AN r)t Austrimi J. A a Research, Decm:bor 1962, DIN 11.1 2 9-65 pp. Institute of 1-colm-ic Via na, Austria, Efiur/Ger/Econ J-hr 66 297,275 Wankel Technology, by H. Eicker. I HAGLISH, per, Auto, motor und Sport, No 16, 1971, pp 75-75. NTC 72-10786-21G May 72 Autol~iobilc Roads wid the DevelopLtent of Touxisi.. in thc Peoplos Republic of Bulcoaria.. BULGAIUAN, per, Auto [toads, lio 9, 1969. DlA/W 651-70 - EE/Econ Mar 70 404,304 A Steul Archeta Brid,-.c in Czcclioslowilda. CZFCII, per, Auto Roads, lNio 9, 196i1. DIA/LN 651-70 Scilf,fech Mar 70 404,307 The Calculati(M of the ftVlgist Optimm Relay Systems of t1mi Second Order, by A. A. Pavlov, V. P. PoputsiRlog 29 pp. RUSSIANg bk, Automatic Control and Computer 1960, 967"30 Fri)-TY-62-877 Scl-Engr Doe 62 r Automatic Cory~rol und Computer Tcc:i;:,:)Io,-y, 4).8 pp. 4 . MAN, collection of papere,~ t3Lt_q,-,~ RM .9r?j;-4rq!..PAA Issue W-swi-T., 196i,'Itp 1-383. -TIW = 13436 Scl. - clecturon kpr 62 Table of Content,-; only: Automatic Control. of Dimensional Accuracy During Grinding. UNCL RUSSIAN, bk, 1958, Mashgiz. DSIR LLU (loan) m.603 Sci - Engr Sep 59 hqimtion of Lation for an IntemeLl CombusUan lip.-:Lvls as a CantmUed Udt. by V. E.. Krutov. tWSIAN, rpt, Antimtic Cmtrol of the Interral F cor-Imstion Ehp~inll M eau. 1958. ijp 2.29-M.- I I& -T- LL AWN 77W.-T (:L53()) " &d-En Corrv Aug 66 361.874 The Use of Bimetal in Welding Ships Super- structures, by Ye. G. Faynshteyn, D. R. Ryabov. RUSSIAN, per, Automatic Welding, No 9, 1968, pp 51-55. NAV/NIC/T1tAN-28OS-69 Sci-Mat June 69 384,614 l-.6 -j .115-0 ; I-- ,/1/;, C /G ~)~ I I 1, 1~ 14P. /I i ", , / .1 , / tip 4 4-f -~~ ~-q 4 / 6/ ~ / / j j An infrared Ray and Relay Utili~:'i'la six!cial Counitc-7 Rat; Appeared. UNCUM-1-PPIED , " JAPANUS.. per, &LILggg&jgu, Aug 155"t - USASTA Tr 972-4 Sci - Electron '.r~ "2 'q r~ Pab 58 Express, Vol V, fic latex-nationit-I PhSiAc-al Index Inc. 1909 Park Aire New York 351., ff- y- 9 30 .5 ;z .%Tt clurp--iling, Tapanezie cracuuatipg .1 'io Sien by cn WASIA Tr 972L FEE - Japan Econ Feb 58 *0 luom+~* v *Ntrla and 'Otalm .0custrwItIon by BMW BrOWO 7 Vl;'* ?) 0 41,to 26urix1g, 3.960. (COU 30 aomovvw------ --- -I--- AvW NO earvice VJW . AwdwlA IWO S?05~ sm 63 Tr Bulleti-il Vol RO 5, E'a---CbMtz 010ahl, I P. "SIASSUMD Pull troamlation SMISR, per, Autombilet Boat and- Plaw, No 1 1951. AbC :P-M-7819 M= - M-litary - Akitomatic Parmebate clock Avalmacbm ibI6 by E. Bu.Uw. 0 M"j, bk. A- I P~ft. LDD . %a. ~1 solence "is"-Vol 94 p r# 1967 3368 108 Sol Avg 67 Jacques Tiziou SALYUT 1 And Soyuz 11 foreshadow the astronautics of 1980. 9 -,:)p FRENCH, Aviation Magazine International, 14'July 1971,, No. 565, pp. 22-25. AIR/FTD-HC-2I'I-OB95-72 U.S. Govt' use only dec 7 2 qUrIl,"G ST T' HA L T'i 'R U-J i" r VIATIO`~ ii~'EEK Al,D PP-, C, N' F~I~ C~ nr pv, Vo,- colator for Cousultancy and Management Cited as Ymporbant.. by Natik Selcouti, 5 pp. EIRII,1~113p, Ym, The Bagh!!Sd Observer, Baghdad, 1 Nov 71, p 6' ~. JPRS 54564 Do* 71 Analysis of IracLi Export Trade, by Natik Sekouti, 7 ppa ENGLISH, np, Thet Baghdad Observer, Baghdad, 15 May 72, Dp-'Gj 7. JPRS 56278 Jun 72